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they have lately buried the most efficient member of the Unitarian band.

As to the intolerance of Orthodoxy, I suppose it is now, as it has been several years past. The leaders of that party doubtless wish to keep what we call truth entirely out of sight and hearing, and we have as little reason to doubt, that, with a considerable part of the community, their wishes have the authority of law. Still I am inclined to think that the number of those, who are willing to read and hear on both sides of the question, is increasing.


Last winter quite an effort was made to get up revivals in this quarter. A "Circular Conference" was organized-that is, every Orthodox parish in the county was to send its minister and a lay delegate, or two lay delegates, to a par ticular parish, for the purpose of holding a conference, or of producing an excitement. Thus all the parishes were in turn to be visited. Conferences have been held in a number of parishes, but their labors have thus far been wholly without success. No symptoms of a revival have yet been visible, except a few additional meetings at the time of visitation-and these have, in one instance, at least, produced a reaction.

'Some other gentlemen will be able to give you a more correct general view of the state of things than I can. I have been here so little time, that I am not qualified to judge comparatively. I however met with the association last Tuesday at


—, and among other things, it was asked, whether the members would assist those societies which were springing up, and who wanted to hear the truth-and the answer was, " If there were only one or two of them, it would be pleasant to give them assistance, but there were so many, it is a thing impracticable." There is a new society lately collected in G

The new

societies are of course small, but most of them raise some money to pay for preaching. I know of no place where a missionary could be employed to greater advantage than in this region. There is a spirit of inquiry among the people, and my judgment would be, from what I have seen and heard, that the prospects of Liberal Christianity were never so good in the valley of the Connecticut as at the present time.'


I have noticed with astonishment and grief indeed, but not with dismay, the confident and exaggerated assertions, statements, and insinuations, to which you allude. They indicate, I must think, in those who make them, a consciousness, not of the increasing strength, but of the increasing weakness, of their party. But with what expectation are such things said, published, and spread abroad before the community? Do the authors of these things believe, that the people will receive as truth whatever is told themthat they can be managed and moulded to any purpose, and that their cause will flourish, while the character of the means used to promote it, is disregarded? If such be their belief, and it would seem as though it must be, they will at length find themselves most bitterly disappointed. The people will maintain their religious freedom, and their Protestant rights; they will improve them in searching the Scriptures for themselves, and in living together as neighbours, friends, and christian brethren.


The history of this business for many years past, clearly shows, that the spirit of Protestantism, in this Commonwealth, is too powerful, too enlightened, too much awake, and too jealous of its rights, to be outwitted, crushed, or manacled by the wiles, threats, or combinations of its enemies. This spirit was never so active, as at the present moment, in this Commonwealth. Why have the more intelligent and influential of the laity, so very generally aroused themselves to enter the lists as combattants in this great warfare? Why are these things seen, and heard, and read, and known of all men? The answer is obvious. The people have taken their stand and are determined that taxation and representation shall go together in Church as well as in State, and that they will not submit to wear the yoke of "Saintly Domination." Such is, I am confident, the spirit of this Commonwealth, and, I am sure, of this section of it.

'Now I view this spirit, as essentially the spirit of Unitarianism, and as securing most certainly its progress and its ultimate triumph. Another cheering sign of the times in this region is, the increase of the spirit of love and peace among many in all the

denominations. The great mass even of the Orthodox in this region, are, I believe, secretly and increasingly hostile to the Exclusive System. Their dissatisfaction with it, indeed, is becoming more and more manifest, in all directions. Not unfrequently do their sighs for better times, become audible. "Oh, that our ministers would exchange as heretofore, and let us live in good neighbourhood with our fellow Christians, as we used to do; we like not this unnatural state of things, and we will not bear it forever." I can confidently appeal to the feelings of multitudes of Orthodox Christians in this region, in support of my opinion, that Liberal Christianity is gaining in the respect and favor of the community.

And even Unitarian views are spreading themselves in this region, silently and slowly, but steadily and surely. Unitarianism, using the word in an enlarged and proper sense, is, I am satisfied, from much observation and inquiry, gaining ground in this quarter. True-some ministers are becoming more Exclusive-in some towns there is an increase of the spirit of intolerance, and a proselyting, sectarian zeal is breaking up, here and there, a religious society. But these facts, when viewed in a proper light, are not against, but in favor of the opinion I have advanced above. It is a matter of course, that, as the stream increases in its swell, velocity, and power, its eddies should become proportionably violent, turbid, and noisy.


The new [orthodox] societies in A-, &c. do not increase upon the old, but rather the contrary. Attempts to render other towns Exclusive, fail, through the oppugnation of the people. Look to T, and W, and C, who are endeavouring to settle Anti-Exclusionists. In B



W- W—, S. A——, and T the Exclusive System has many invincible and weighty opposers. deed, I doubt not, the prediction of Dr Cumings, which he often repeated, will be verified, This plan of clerical domination said he, "will never succeed. The people will set the minis

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ters right at last." My own people have been Unitarian for a half century.'

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divinity," which is Hopkinsianism, and would have quietly continued Arminians, believing that Christianity required nothing but piety and beneficence, had not new questions been agitated Since the controversies of the day, they have been affected as was to be expected. Those of warm and nervous temperaments have selected Methodism, and some few Calvinism, &c. The questions in debate, now are, whether Trinitarian or Unitarian sentiments are expressed in the bible? The majority of this region are decidedly Unitarian; and where there was a traditionary faith, there is now an intelligent examination and a well assured conviction.'


In answer to your inquiry, I am happy to say, that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the cause of rational Christianity has never been more prosperous in my own immediate circle, than at the present moment. My own church has increased more than usual within the year. The congregation is full; and the Sunday School instruction is very numerously attended, and pursued with the best spirit and ardor, by as many as forty or fifty of both sexes, from among the most suitable and competent persons in the parish. An application has lately been made to me from S, to obtain an assistant for Mr M-, who is settled in the First Congregational Society in that town. I have been able to attend to the request, and Mr W— is now supplying the pulpit. I may labor under an erroneous impression, but I can entertain no other opinion, from the progress of knowledge and the character of the age, than that the cause of enlightened and liberal religion is destined to advance, if nothing be wanting in the prudence, good judgment, and devotedness of its friends.'

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little reason to boast of their wisdom or strength.

We have

Our fears, in Maine, do not arise from the machinations of the Exclusive System. They arise from our want of that unanimity or cooperation, which is so indispensable to success. materials here, for example, sufficient to compose three good parishes; a Trinitarian, a Unitarian, and a Methodist. These three would be numerous, strong, and prosperous; but when three or four more, an Episcopal, a Universalist, a Baptist, and a Catholic, are added to these, our strength becomes weakness, and our wisdom folly and infatua tion. Most of these denominations, if not all, have more or less of Liberal Christians among them.


I reside in one of the frontier towns of the State of Maine, where we have very little, if any, of what appears to me to be regular preaching. It is true that we have very many meetings for religious worship, but our preachers are illiterate, and unqualified to instruct in the momentous concerns of religion; and their tenets are anything rather than rational Christianity.

There is no union of sentiment with us upon religious subjects, at present. The people are willing to hear any one who offers to teach them, and hence, it is my opinion, that a good field is here open for sowing the good seed. But we have not been in the habit of paying for preaching, and I apprehend that some time must elapse before we shall generally rid ourselves of our prejudices in that particular-I hope that we may eventually.

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The object of this communication, is, to inform you that the labors of Unitarian preachers of the right description, would be well received in this region, and would, I think, do much towards disseminating the true principles of Christianity. We have had an opportunity to witness, in a small degree, the effects of such labors. The Rev. Mr W, of W, spent three days in this vicinity, and preached once in this place, once in S- and once in F both neighbouring towns, and, taking into consideration the very busy season of the year-we being in the midst of our haying-and that he spent no Sabbath with us, I may say that the meetings were well attended, and, so far as I am able to judge, his preaching very acceptable. VOL. V.NO. V.

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If I understand the object of your society, it is to disseminate the doctrines of Unitarian Christianity, and I have no hesitation in recommending this vicinity, as being a field, in which the seed might be advantageously scattered. But, Sir, suffer me to intimate, that I think a wrong estimate has been made by many, of the intelligence of the inhabitants of new countries. In fact, a great part of them are quite an enterprising portion of society, otherwise they would not have been situated as they are. I therefore would recommend that men of talents, men well acquainted with the nature of man, should be sent-if you send any. I know of no man better qualified than Mr W for a mission into this

county. He made a strong impres sion. The people were very desirous to hear more from him, and I think that, could he have remained a few weeks with us, his meetings would have been very fully attended, and much prejudice against our belief would have been done away.'



'I can see nothing here to make me believe that Orthodoxy is gaining any increased ascendency. Our meetings are as fully attended as ever, although at least one third of our society, in consequence of the failure of business here, have left the place, and I know of no defection. The progress of truth never equals the hopes of the sanguine. the progress of Liberal Christianity is in my opinion just such as should be expected, and just such as it ought to be for its own security. I should regret to see it spread by a perversion of feeling, as Orthodoxy sometimes does; for I should be sure there would be a reaction by which it would lose ground. It is on the calm good sense of the community, sustained by the observance of results, that the truths peculiar to Unitarianism must depend for their support. It may sometimes be stationary, sometimes even appear to retrograde, as the traveller finds levels and even vallies in ascending the highest mountains. But just so sure as the progress of the human mind is now advanced, is it certain that there is, on the whole, a continual advance towards the object of our wishes.

I look upon all the pretended triumphs of Orthodoxy as hollow. Their pretensions to success, so far as their peculiar tenets are concerned, are in


the main, false. How very few in their congregations adopt the views which constitute Orthodoxy, you cannot but be sensible, and the increasing looseness with which their views are held and advocated cannot have escaped your notice.

It is somewhat difficult to decide, when it is proper to separate and form a new society; and there are instances where the attempt has been premature. A large portion of those who think with you will be governed by considerations of expediency, and these are usually on the side of the old society. Unitarians are not fond of schism, and reason is always more lukewarm than superstition.

When I consider that but a few years since Orthodoxy had possession of all the churches, and the control of the religious part of the community, and with what strength old religious associations entwine themselves about the heart, it seems to me but little short of a miracle, that Unitarianism, open and bold, has made such progress. As to the fear that free inquiry will be stifled, nothing can be more groundless. There may be some successful attempts at it, but it is only closing the shutters to darken a room instead of extinguish ing the sun.

Nothing is so fatal to Orthodoxy as the exhibition of its spirit, and it now owes its popularity more to the circumstance of its being kept at bay by the Liberal, than to any other cause.

You perceive, therefore, that my views of the subject are such, that if the boasted triumphs of the Orthodox were true, and even much greater than they are pretended to be, they would fill me with no alarm. For I hold that an acquaintance with Orthdoxy, either from experience or observation, is one of the best securities for Liberal Christianity. You will also perceive, that with these views, I may not be qualified to give minute details depending on occurrences that excite in me but little interest. Our cause rests on the principles of our nature and the general progress of the human mind-and these again are causes not under the control of Orthodoxy.'


With regard to Unitarianism in
Vermont, I will begin first with my
own society. We were never so firm.
Unitarianism in this place stands


firmer than it has ever stood.
society has always been Liberal, from
the very first, more than twenty years
ago; nor has it been without its influ-
From inquiries
ence on this State.
which I have made the past year, I
am fully satisfied, that there are many
Unitarians in the State, and more now
than there were two years since. One
gentleman went so far as to say, that
he did not believe there was a town, in
which some could not be found-and
these are (as it always has been) re-
The Rev. Mr
spectable and some of the first in their
respective places.
-, formerly of W
has resided some years in Vermont,
and has occasionally preached, and he
says, that everywhere, where he has
made known his sentiments-which
are decidedly Unitarian—he has found
those, to whom they were acceptable.
Many who would gladly hear Liberal
preaching, do not know where to get it,
or where to apply for it. Could a mis-
sionary pass through the State, he
would find numerous hearers. Many
tracts have been distributed, and wher-
ever they have gone, they have been
well received. I have had it said to
me, and there are very many who say,
am-but I dɔ
"I do not know what
know that I am not a Calvinist."-
Why, I have been a Unitarian years
ago, but did not know it."



[The following narrative was written at the request of the Executive Committee of the American Unitarian Association, and will be read with interest.]

I travelled to see the face of the country-and to learn the state of society. Wherever I stopped for a few days or weeks, and became acquainted with those of Liberal sentiments, we of course had conversations on their prevalence and prospects. But of such conversations I took no note. I can furnish you nothing more, therefore, in the way of complying with your request, than to name the places where I preached, and to give you the general impression which I received. April 15th, 1827.

Preached at H Penn. This society is admirably situated for the wide diffusion As the legislaof Liberal sentiments. ture has its sessions here, the more intelligent from the various parts of the State are brought together, and some

of them were already disposed to attend regularly, whenever they had a meeting, at the Unitarian church; while many others were willing to go and hear occasionally, that they might be able to judge for themselves. The society numbers among its members several active, intelligent, and zealous individuals, who give ample assurance, that no reasonable exertions will be wanting on their part, either to build up the society, or to diffuse what they believe to be the simple truths of the gospel.

The evening of the eighteenth, preached in the courthouse at S-, two miles below N. It was term time, and the court room was very well filled. Many, doubtless, came because they had no other way of passing the evening-but some, as I afterwards learned, that they might know what this new doctrine' was. After visiting that retired spot on the bank of the Susquehannah, where rest in quietness the remains of the venerated Priestley, I returned to Hpreached again, the 22d.



April 29th. Preached at PPenn. for Mr SThe society, though few in numbers, are not without a laudable zeal for the sentiments which they hold. And if they could obtain a regular pastor, one who should devote himself wholly to the work, I believe a numerous and intelligent society might soon be collected in this rapidly increasing and beautifully situated city. 'May 4th. Landed at M, Ohio, and left there on the 30th, having preached four Sabbaths. The services were in the courthouse, and the number of hearers from a hundred and fifty to two hundred. So desirous were the people in that vicinity to worship God in the way which some call heresy '-to hear the truth as it is in Jesus,' that some came twelve and even sixteen miles. During my sojourn in that delightful village, there was a meeting of an association of the Baptist denomination. As several of the preachers and many of the hearers came a great distance, it was continued from Friday until Monday; and some, who believed themselves Orthodox, and who had come many miles, for the purpose of hearing Orthodoxy, when they learned that a Unitarian was to preach on the Sabbath, had the independence and the christian candor to go and hear for

themselves; and a few, at least, who did so, returned home with somewhat different views and feelings, from those with which they left.

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The 24th, rode to B- —, distant sixteen miles, where I had previously been requested to preach. And here, as at other places, I had reason to believe that the words of truth and soberness' fell upon good ground. After leaving M- , my next place of preaching was, the 5th of June, at L, Kentucky. The services were in the Methodist church. Notwithstanding notice was given out but a short time previous, they were well attended.

June 6th. Left this beautiful forest city, (for so numerous are the trees in and about it, that, as you approach, it has more the appearance of a forest than of a town,) and arrived by the way of L

at C, on the 9th. As my labors were longer in this place than any other, I will give you a more detailed account of them. Being Saturday afternoon when I landed, and stormy withal, it was deemed inexpedient to preach the day following. Consequently, I had leisure to hear what others had to say,-and I improved it, by hearing Mr Rand Mr J

It was Trinity Sunday. So I had the beginning of Trinity in the forenoon and the ending of Trinity in the afternoon. In the morning, the preacher had so much the appearance of candor, as to acknowledge to his hearers, that the genuineness of the text 1 John, v, 7, was doubted by some Christians. But he was unwilling to give up, what he was conscious would be a good support to the doctrine of the Trinity, at least to the more ignorant portion of the community, so long as it retained its place in the New Testament. He therefore told his hearers, that after a careful examination of the subject, he saw no reason to doubt its being genuine, and in accordance with this conclusion, he urged it as one of the strongest props of his belief. In the afternoon, the preacher, either from ignorance or some other cause, did not even lisp to his people, that the said text had ever been doubted, but repeated it again and again in support of the all important doctrine.

Mr R, formerly a Methodist preacher, but some time since excluded from their fellowship, in consequence

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