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been educated in the belief of three persons in one God, and that seven tenths of mankind are to suffer eternal torments in a lake of fire and brimstone; and to change this opinion by reading the scriptures correctly, putting a rational construction upon those passages which are not so clear in their meaning, would be extreme agony to them.

We are told from the desk of the Congregational Society, by the Rev. that "all those who do not believe that Jesus Christ, by the revelation made of himself, is the almighty and everlasting God, are either madmen or brutes." This I heard myself.

The Rev. Mr P of Massachusettts, was with us four sabbaths. He gave great satisfaction. We were sorry to part with him. Some sixteen or eighteen years ago, more than one third of the inhabitants of this town were so far distinct in their views of scripture doctrine from those who call themselves infallible, that a society was formed called Universalist; but I am told at this day by some of the leading members of the society, that in reality not ten members are of different opinions from those of the Unitarian Association of New England. It was this society that paid Mr P., and they would have paid $500 per annum had he remained.

I received a letter in June from Elder B. H. M——, a Baptist of Liberal principles, who resides in Athens County, Ohio, about forty miles from this, who writes as follows; viz.


My constant employment is serving my generation as their servant for Christ's sake. I am engaged on a circuitous route. I have about thirty congregations to which I statedly minister. Notwithstanding the former prevalence of sectarian prejudice and superstition, yet Liberal Christianity is fast gaining ground. I fondly anticipate the time as not far distant, when the advocates for the unreasonable and unscriptural doc trines of tripersonality, eternal worship, infinite law, infinite sin, proxy sufferings, and eternal justification, &c. &c. will be few." This worthy young man is doing much good. Truth is mighty and will prevail.'.

Progress of Liberal Opinions in Worcester County.-Were we to believe the Orthodox publications of the day, Unitarianism is fast approaching utter dissolution; certainly in Boston, if

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not throughout the State. Of Boston we will at present say nothing. The time we are told is fast coming in which there will not be a single Unitarian church in the metropolis, and for ourselves we had rather wait the event than prove false prophets. But we have before us a variety of evidence like the following, that, in the western parts of Massachusetts, a great change of a very different character is silently taking place, which perhaps a little exertion on the part of Unitarians would do much to accelerate and render complete. The letter we quote is from the town of in Worcester County. Mr H— of N-, preached at ——, and some of the inhabitants of this town went over to hear him. It produced some excitement, and I found that there were from twenty to forty people among us, who were well disposed to receive Unitarian doctrines, and some of them already Unitarians; but most of them had never heard a Unitarian minister, nor read a Unitarian book, and only knew of the doctrine by hearsay. [Efforts were forthwith successfully made to form a society for the purchase of Unitarian tracts, and large numbers were distributed]. There are multitudes of people in this neighbourhood,' continues the writer, who would embrace Unitarianism, if they had the means of understanding it. Mr H. preaches with great effect, and if he were enabled to devote himself to a missionary tour for a few months more, would produce a surprising change. In the town of G--, formerly Calvinistic, the Unitarians have a considerable majority, I understand, but the means of hearing Unitarian preaching are almost entirely denied them. You may depend upon it that if proper exertions are made, an entire change in religious sentiments, may be produced in this neighbourhood. The people are very much alienated from Calvinism, but are generally silent and indifferent, as they know of no other doctrine.'

British and Foreign Unitarian Association. The following is from a letter to the Secretary of the American, from the Secretary of the British and Foreign Association. In expressing a desire that our communications with our transatlantic brethren may in future be far more frequent than they have hitherto been, I not only convey the wishes of our Committee, but of the pub

lic at large. It will be to us a subject of much congratulation if we are able to combine our plans with yours for the furtherance of christian truth; to coopcrate in establishing links of a mightier chain of exertion, and by that union which is strength and success, be enabled to direct sincere and virtuous inquiry to those principles of faith and practice, which we consider as eminently representing the doctrines of the gospel.

'You will share our satisfaction at the now prosperous prospects in British India.

"We have been lately directing our attention to the state of Unitarianism among our Hungarian brethren. Some of their late inquiries have respected your churches, and in the situation of religious matters in the United States, they have expressed considerable inter


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In France religious inquiry seems slowly but undoubtedly awakening; and to an indifference to every thing that bore the coloring of polemics, great curiosity as to the distinction between christian sects has now succeeded.'

Unitarianism in Pennsylvania.-The course pointed out in the following extract from a letter from a clergyman of Pennsylvania, seems an excellent one in the emergency described, and might be adopted with advantage in other places. Indeed we know of several instances in which a similar plan has been pursued where the means of having regular Unitarian worship were denied, and in every case with manifestly good effect.

I seize this opportunity to state more fully the arrangements which are made for promoting the Unitarian cause in N. Some time before I left that neighbourhood, I succeeded in convincing my friends of the vast importance of maintaining regular worship on the Lord's day, both as it respected their respective families, and the general interest of the cause. They cheerfully entered into my plans of engaging a young man of unaffected piety, of good natural parts, and with an education which fits him for conducting an English school with considerable reputation, to take the lead in this good work. When I went to N, he was a member of the Society of Methodists, but has since become a Unitarian, and is remarkably well acquainted with all the great points

of controversy between us and other classes of Christians. They meet on the Lord's day morning. He reads a prayer from the Lutheran Liturgy, then a sec tion from Kenrick's Commentary on the Four Gospels and the Acts, with the Reflections ;-after singing, a printed sermon is read. I have heard that the congregation has generally attended, and approve of this method of supplying the want of a regular minister. I hope to be able to give them about twelve sabbaths in the year.

I have pleasure in stating that this good practice is about to be followed by my friends in M, where, I informed you in my last, they are about to build a church for Unitarian worship.

It is my wish, if I can find suitable persons, to introduce this good practice in every place where I have been accustomed to preach regularly. This will keep our friends together, will preserve among them a spirit of devotion and inquiry, and will render my occasional visits more pleasant to myself, and more useful to them. In this way it is my wish that we should supply, as well as we are able, the want of regular ministers, which we now so sensibly feel, and which we shall much more sensibly feel ere long.'

Singular Revival.-The following extraordinary scene exhibits all the characteristics of a genuine revival, except, perhaps, that it was an evident outpouring of the Spirit in direct condemnation of the very measures which are commonly considered as the seals of a true work. We know not what to make of it. Upon all acknowledged principles of revivalism it is utterly inexplicable. Indeed, it to our minds completely annihilates all claims, in behalf of similar excitements, to be regarded as the work of God, instead of the results of human passion and delusion. It presents a case not decided or even contemplated by the notorious Convention which enlightened the world with such credit to itself at New Lebanon, and will certainly require another sitting of that dignified body. The account is taken from the

Telescope,' a paper published, as we believe, in New York, and is as follows. 'I was a spectator at the Kehukee Association in Halifax county, North Carolina, on the 6th, 7th, and 8th of October, 1827, and beheld the proceedings of that Association in regard to the " De

claration of the Reformed Baptist Churches." Last year, (1826), the Declaration was submitted to the inspection of the churches composing the Kehukee Association; and they were to signify in their letters to the Association, their reception or rejection of the whole or any part of the articles contained in that Declaration. When the Association met and proceeded to business, there was a motion made to refer it again to the churches another year, but it was objected to, and on being put to vote, it was decided by a large majority to receive the answer of the churches, in their letters, and they were read. If I mistake not, there were twenty churches unanimous in favor of adopting the Articles, and several other churches were in favor of all except the word reform. The Association is composed of thirtyeight churches, situated between the Roanoke and Tar rivers, and extends fromthe seashore for 150 miles up the country. The effect of the adoption of the articles was wonderful; for those that had been engaged on the side of missions, &c. after some debate, did, in many things, make their humble acknowledgments to their brethren, with tears, and begged their forgiveness, whose hearts were susceptible of feeling and forgiveThese things were like an electric shock, spreading to all in the Council, about seventy persons. Nor did it stop here for even their brethren standing round to hear, were so overcome with joy that they broke into the Association in their rapture—and all was love and tears, with kissing, shaking hands, embracing each other, confessing, forgiving, peace and fellowship, the like of which, though I am an old man, I have never seen before among Christians of any denomination. I was forced to turn aside and weep, and say to myself, God is here among this people of a truth, from the great love and joy which I saw among them.


I do not think that if the greatest sticklers for modern missions and other schemes of the day, had witnessed this scene of love and affection, but that they must have confessed that God was in favor of the reformation from these practices, and acknowledged that such money collecting and pretended soul saving projects were anti-christian and injurious to the peace and prosperity of the kingdom of Christ, who out of the mouth of babes and sucklings perfects

praise, instead of the flowery speeches and doings of the rich and great-and makes use of the weak things of the world to promote his cause on the earth, instead of learned Rabbies and pompous and hired missionaries, that no flesh may glory in his presence.

At this time of divine visitation, for so it must be called, I heard the oldest minister in the Association say,-This is of God-for all the men in the world could not have produced such a change in the feelings and views of the Association as is now felt and enjoyed-nor have brought them so to see, eye to eye. The article on Missions was taken up for debate. After some explanation, the vote was taken and carried in favor of its adoption with scarce a dissenting voice. The joy that was felt on the occasion, tongue cannot express. Then Tract Societies, Bible Societies, and Theological Seminaries, were taken into consideration, and shared the same fate of disapprobation by the Association, with scarce a dissenting voice.

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Thus has terminated a most critical and important period in the affairs of the Association, by the rejection of those modern schemes and inventions of worldly wise men, who, like Simon Magus, think that the gift and favor of God may be purchased and extended by means of money. The Association hope never again to be annoyed and disturbed by these new invented and money getting schemes of men, nor by their runners and agents in their support, since they will be under a necessity to discountenance them as disturbers of the peace and union of the churches. The joy, union, and peace now spread over this tract of country, between ministers, churches, and people in general-in place of missionary schemes, strife, and contention, is the Lord's doings, through his instruments, to your and others' encouragement be it spoken. Go on-for the Lord has here signally shown that he is on your side, and will in the end prosper your labours, though in many places for a long time you will only be paid with the answer of a good conscience, reproaches and ill will. This is the reward you must expect from most for sending fire through the world to burn up the trash and stubble of men's inventions, which has been done to some extent in this part of the country; for it was said by the oldest minister in the Association, that at this time he did not know that there existed a

missionary society in North Carolina.The resolutions are not given, as their import may be gathered from the narrative.

Orthodox Policy.—Will it be believed that the following paragraph is taken from the ablest and most respectable Orthodox print published in this country? a print, of course, which is issued under the surveillance of the leaders of the Orthodox party, and which is therefore to be supposed to countenance no measure for getting money, getting influence, or for getting anything else, in which that party is not committed, at least in so far as to approve of it? Yet such is the fact. The paragraph is from the Christian Observer published in New York. It is to shameless appeals like this that we must, in a great measure, attribute misguided conduct like that exhibited in oue preceding article of intelligence.


"THERE is within two miles of this city a Presbyterian church and congregation in an infant and feeble state, but who have within a year and a half erected, and almost finished a sanctuary large enough to hold an audience of from 800 to 1000 persons. They have progressed so far that five hundred dollars will enable them to complete it, meet every engagement, and in three months to hold property unincumbered in the least, worth five thousand dollars. If any benevolent individual, or any three benevolent individuals, will bestow this charity, they shall have their names engraven on marble inlaid above the pulpit, as benefactors to the church, which shall remain so long as the society shall exist. A line left at this office, addressed to A. B. will lead to a satisfactory explanation on the part of said church and congregation.

New York, Nov. 28, 1828.' Who is not reminded by this of Pope's lines?

Who builds a church to God, and not to Fame, Will never mark the marble with his name.'

New Church in Philadelphia.-We are happy to learn that the Unitarian Society of Philadelphia, under the care of the Rev. Mr Furness, has so increased that a larger house has become neces sary for their accommodation. The old one has been taken down, and another is forthwith to be built on the same site.

Works of Rammohun Roy.-An edition of the writings of this extraordinary man, is to be published in a few days. It is matter of astonishment, and a proof of very uncommon powers, that a stranger and once a believer in another faith, should be able to write on a christian controversy with a power and a command of the subject which would be honorable to any the most thoroughly educated christian divine. We hope the volume forthcoming will receive the attention in this country which on every account it so well deserves.

Rammohun Roy. The character of this distinguished reformer having been, for obvious reasons, attacked by the "Orthodox" in the United States of America, the Unitarians there have rigorously examined every charge, and the result has only served to place the Hindoo Christian still higher in public estimation. In reply to the allegation that this eminent man is no Christian, the following extract of a letter of his has been published, to which we are desirous of giving further publicity.

"Calcutta, Dec. 28, 1824. ""After I had been tired of the gross absurdities of the Hindoo doctrines, I directed my inquiries to the Christian faith (I mean the Trinitarian system of Christian faith, the name of Unitarian Christianity not then being known to me). But in proportion as I made myself acquainted with this system and its published defences and illustrations, my resolution increased to abandon it entirely, finding the Christian doctrines resemble those of Hindoos in substance, though they differ from each other in minute interpretations. I, however, was so fortunate as to become intimately acquainted with a Scotch gentleman of great acquirements, who kindly proposed to me to read the bible with him, and to examine whether it was more conformable to another system of Christianity called Unitarianism, and believed to have been the religion of primitive Christians. In following the advice of that best of all friends, I have felt thoroughly convinced that the Christianity which the majority of Christians profess is a mixed system of the Romish and Christian religions, and that pure Christianity has its support both from revelation and from the human understanding; a circumstance which not only has happily deterred me from manifesting hostile feelings towards

this religion, but has rendered it incumbent upon me to exert myself in extending its influence by every possible means. I hope I shall at a future period lay before the public a statement showing the close resemblance existing between the doctrines maintained by Hindoos and the majority of Christians."'-Christian Reformer.

Unitarian Advocate.-Two numbers of a monthly periodical with this title, have been published under the editorial care of the Rev. Edmund Q. Sewall. That gentleman is already favorably known to the public as a writer, and the work he is now conducting is well received and liberally patronised. It promises to be a very useful and an able support to the Unitarian cause.

American Journal of Education. This very valuable work, still under the editorial care of Mr Russell, has lately changed proprietors, and efforts have been made to extend its circulation and to increase its value. It has been greatly improved in many respects, and especially by connecting with it the Teacher's Guide and Parent's Assistant, formerly published in Gilmanton, N. H. It is certainly one of the most important and interesting periodicals published in this country, and the talent with which it is conducted deserves to be well supported.

Kenrick's Exposition.-Messrs Mon roe & Francis, of Boston, have issued proposals for publishing this work by subscription. A Unitarian commentary on the scriptures is certainly a great desideratum, and perhaps Kenrick's, which, however, extends to the historical books of the New Testament only, is the best that can at present be had. Still it is in different parts very defective and very redundunt. We hope the publishers will engage some suitable person to revise and abridge it, before it is put to press. They will then be entitled to the thanks of the friends of free inquiry and rational religion throughout the country.

Little's Sermons.-Mr James Kay of Philadelphia, has issued proposals for publishing by subscription, a volume of sermons by the late Rev. William Little, of Washington, D. C. The profits of the work are intended for the benefit of his family. The volume will be a

very valuable one, if we may judge from the character of several discourses of Mr Little's already published, and we sincerely hope the enterprise will be generally patronised by the Unitarian community.

Ordination at Littleton.—Mr William W. White, from the Theological School at Cambridge, was, on Wednesday, Jan. 2d, ordained as pastor of the Congregational Society in Littleton. Introductory Prayer by Rev. Mr Lincoln of Fitchburg; Selections from the Bible by Rev. Mr Robinson of Groton; Sermon by Rev. Dr Thayer of Lancaster; Consecrating Prayer by Rev. Dr Kendall of Plymouth; Charge by Rev. Dr Lowell of Boston; Fellowship of the Churches by Rev. Mr Stetson of Medford; Address to the people by Rev. Mr Allen of Bolton; Concluding Prayer by Rev. Mr Osgood of Sterling.

Ordination at Northfield.-On Wednesday, Feb. 27th, Mr Samuel Presbury was ordained pastor of the Second Congregational Society in Northfield. Introductory Prayer and Reading of the Scriptures by Rev. Mr Lincoln of Fitchburg; Sermon by Rev. Mr Pierpont of Boston; Ordaining Prayer by Rev. Mr Rodgers of Bernardston; Charge by Rev. Mr Bailey of Greenfield; Right Hand of Fellowship by Rev. Mr Gage of Nashua Village, N. H.; Concluding Prayer by Rev. Mr Hall of Northampton.

Dedication in Boston.-The South Congregational Church in Boston was dedicated to the worship of the only God, on Wednesday, Jan. 30th. Introductory Prayer by Rev. Mr Young; Selections from Scripture by Rev. Mr Frothingham; Dedicatory Prayer by Rev. Mr Pierpont; Sermon by Rev. Henry Ware, Jr.; Concluding Prayer by Rev. Mr Gannett.

Dedication at Newton Upper Falls. A meetinghouse recently erected at this place, was on Wednesday, Feb. 27th, dedicated to the One God, with appropriate religious services. Introductory Prayer by Rev. Mr Francis of Watertown; Selection from the Scriptures by Rev. Mr Kimball; Dedicatory Prayer by Rev. Mr White of Dedham; Sermon by Rev. Mr Ritchie of Needham ; Concluding Prayer by Rev. Mr Ripley of Waltham.

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