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Priests in the country, both Churchmen and Dissenters. The exceptions are but few, not one in ten. Although I can make no profession about any of their forms of worship, (so called) still I can clearly perceive the infamy of the object in excluding your name from the Liturgy. In a more superstitious age it would have proved a tremendous injury to your Majesty, but now it is only fit to be laughed at as to its effects, in fact, the disgrace which it intended to leave upon you has recoiled upon its instigators, and all those who have supported the measure, But the great anomaly in the business is, that now your enemies find themselves baffled and defeated, they should still continue to bring that well merited odium upon the whole Church Establishment, by endeavouring to enlist its members in the ranks of your opponents. Your visit to St. Paul's Cathedral drew forth a specimen of what was the clerical feeling towards you, and the studied insult attempted to be practised upon you in that instance, was, in my opinion, more infamous than the former omission of your name from the Liturgy. It has afforded the public a singular proof, that the whole Church Establishment is but a mockery of the worship of God, and that it is supported but as a piece of state craft. The practice of deserting churches in consequence of their infamous prostitution is praiseworthy, and all who attend them from conscientious motives cannot hesitate a moment in expressing their disappprobation in this manner. Let the political hypocrites pray and preach to the vacant seats, and let them not be encou raged to practice such an outrage on morals, under the disguise of religious scruples, or under the orders of the heads of the Establishment. I am of opinion that your husband will soon have to alter his stile and title to George the Fourth, Destroyer, instead of Defender of the Faith. He has taken a most strange method to defend the Faith. I may just as well, and quite as consistently, call myself a Defender of the Faith, as that George the Fourth should continue to assume that title. He has severed- more members from the Church than all my publications have caused to dissent. His antichristian tenets have been all practical and effectual, mine have been more of the theoretical order. In a similar manner, whilst I have been advocating republicanism and the abolition of monarchy, he has been practically at work to the same effect, so far, that it is probable, ere long, I may receive more merit than I can fairly claim. However, I will be grateful, and always acknowledge the assistance I have received from that quarter.

In your person, Madam, all the laws and all the customs of the country have been violated. It has ever been a maxim of the English Law, that if an accused person cannot be proved guilty, he or she shall be deemed innocent, and having been once put upon trial, no one shall question that innocence with impunity but you have not only not been proved guilty, but from the characters and quality of those who have been hired to swear against you, and from the more infamous characters and quality of those who have hired them, you are acquitted fully in the minds of the whole people, if we except those who thrive under the corruptions of the present system, and exist solely by its patronage. You are not only acquitted of those late charges, but of all former ones, and it is the general belief that your virtues are your only crimes in the sight of your enemies. You stand the more bright and clear by having passed through such tremendous ordeals. Then how can the continuation of your persecution be justified? Not in the law and usage of the country. It must be considered an avowed despotism. I have no hesitation in saying, that the present King is a greater despot than ever sat on the throne of Britain before him, or I trust than shall ever follow him. It is a perversion of common sense to attribute in this case his acts to his Ministers. verily do not believe that they would hesitate a moment to restore you to your proper place, whilst the King lives and reigns, could they but obtain his sauction and keep their places. The whole of your persecution has been the sole act of the King. Let the Bishop of London prate his idle maxim as long as he likes, or where he likes, the Ministers, the Milan Commission, the Italian witnesses, have been but subordinate agents--agents whom interest hath seduced into infamy. In a Court there will be always caterers to the appetite of the King, but those caterers studiously avoid offering what is disagreeable, as their own existence is at stake on this head.

(To be continued.)


Just published, The LIFE of THOMAS PAINE; written purposely to bind with his Writings. By RICHARD CARLILE. Price Sixpence.

PREPOSTEROUS SHIFTS OF THE TOOLS OF MINISTERS TO DEFEND THEIR MASTERS, With a few Hints, by way of salutary caution, to the Observers of passing Events.

BUT few of the old ministerial hacks find the hardihood to open their mouths in behalf of their employers at present. The greater párt are laying wait for the next comers. Those who are more faithful than others, say, that it is one thing in favour of the present Ministers, that their private characters stand good, and that their opponents and enemies cannot impeach them on this point; and further, that their firmness has saved the country! These two points are all now that is attempted in defence of the conduct of Ministers; one and all condemn their conduct towards the Queen, or those who do not condemn, do not venture publicly to approve. Not one dares to impeach the name and character of Her Majesty: her enemies are all stricken with fear, and plainly see that she must triumph over all opposition and persecution.

But with regard to the first point, on which an attempt to defend the present Ministers is made, we would observe: that a man who is naturally vicious seldom displays his vice in all the relations of life. There are certain degrees in which his propensities become exhausted, and then he endeavours to set up a different appearance, and to deceive as many persons as possible, as to his real character. This is the case with the present Ministers. It would be strange indeed if the men who have the opportunity of dipping their hands into the public purse, as often, and for what purposes they like, should be thieves, or defraud their credi tors in private life. If such men cannot put on an amiable countenance in private life, they must be something worse than monsters. We have nothing to do with the private character of those men: is their public character virtuous or vicious, is the question for the people to consider, and the only question? Their vices in public life enable them to keep up a show of virtue in private life. Every effort was used by the whole gang of Lords to cover the malignity of Lord Liverpool's conduct respecting the Bill of Pains and Vol. IV. No. 15.

Penalties, and both Whig and Tory Lords seemed more intent upon trumpeting up the candour and honour of the Noble Lord, than in watching the progress of the charges against Her Majesty. There is so much of this disgusting eulogy in all our public assemblies, that the business for which they assemble seems to be lost sight of, and the only thing that is attended to, is the eulogizing of each other, and, as Shakspeare has well said of such cant on tomb-stones.

" Are lying trophies, and as oft are dumb,
"As dust and damned oblivion is the tomb
"Of honoured bones indeed."

The men who can bear such disgusting flattery display but little proof of virtue and honesty, and they who offer it much less.

But to talk about the moral characters of the present Ministers, after their last Green Bag proceedings against the Queen, is an anomaly indeed! They have done more to stimulate the bad passions of the people of this country and all other countries where those proceedings have been printed and read, than all similar influences united. It would be strange indeed if Lord Castlereagh went home and set his domestics to cut each other's throats, after be had been indulging his appetite fully to that effect with the People, assisted by Fletcher, Dennis O'Bryen, Edwards, Oliver, Castles, and others. It is now pretty clear how the connexion stood between Castlereagh and the two former of those names. Two bills of indictment have been found against Fletcher, the one for high treason, the other for seditious conspiracy, in which Dennis O'Brien is connected with him, and in which the Ministers and Bow Street Magistrates ought to have been connected. Mr. Justice Bailey is not a jot better, he appears to have taken a retaining fee for Fletcher, for when he mentioned the case to the Grand Jury, he says, Gentlemen, it requires your serious consideration, whether it be High Treason, or whether it be any other offence, for it will put the country to great expence, and the life of the accused will be brought into danger. The life of the accused will be brought into danger, heigh! Mr. Justice Bailey! Where was your sympathy for the many honest men you have caused to be hung, transported, and imprisoned? What did you feel for John Knight, at Lancaster, Mr. Justice Bailey, a man more moral and more upright in his dealings than yourself, when you sentenced him to two years imprisonment? What did you feel for Messrs.

Hunt, Russell, Lewis, or Davison? But Franklin or Fletcher is a christian, a protegee of the Ministers, and I am their tool, cry you, Mr. Justice Bailey! A rank and disgusting hypocrite a wicked hypocrite-the pious promoter of bloodshed, and applauder of murder, and the protector of spies and informers. Let us hear no more about your religion, your christianity, or your morality? Take off the mask, wretched fanatic!

Let us turn to the Ministers. Here is Sidmouth; he is an amiable character, with whom there could be no hesitation to trust the lives, liberties, and properties of every man in the country. This was an argument advanced to render the suspension of the Habeas Corpus savourable. But what was the result? that he was nothing better than a cold blooded fanatic, a man who because he could not fill his churches was brute enough to fill his gaols. This psalmsinging gentleman too, can sport with the lives of his countrymen whether they be innocent or guilty: he can openly applaud murderers: and then join a party in a religious conversation! This is an excellent private character too, or a man whose moral character cannot be impeached; We shall see in a few months whether he be impeachable or not.

Next there is Lord Eldon, this second Lord Bacon in meanness, and something else, we know what, but not in wisdom or talent. He too is an excellent private character, who cannot bear the thought of relinquishing an iota of our sanguinary code of laws, but has all his life-time studiously endeavoured to increase the number of capital offences:he who takes home all his Chancery papers to look over whilst his wife is darning his stockings, and who is the most odious sceptic that ever existed, to those who have any thing to do with him in all matters save the Queen's adultery. He who for nine hours prayed for the blood of Horne, Tooke and Thomas Hardy, whose only crime was honesty, and lamented that honesty was not a capital offence. He who wished the King's death if he shook off a single corruption that surrounded him: this man, too, is an unimpeachable private character-well, well, we shall look into all this amiability by and bye.

Nicholas Vansittart, the patron of those joint delusions, the Bible and Lottery, he is an amiable character too! As he is but the tool of the other Ministers, we will say nothing more about him. The others are not worth taking into the account, unless any one will become the voucher of the

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