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Compass is more valued, now that it is better known.


Our collectors read it and

pass on to the subscribers, and they read it, and I hear from many persons both on land and sea that it is an excellent monthly, and full of Christ's teaching. I pray God that its mission may be blessed, not only to our seamen but to many on shore. One of the collectors who reads it constantly (an old lady of eighty), asked me to warmly thank the Editor; she has been blessed by reading it, and she thinks it is good for all. I have heard others, some of them not behind in the literature of the day, speak well of Chart and Compass, and wish it God's speed over land and sea.

2nd. As to my mission, when I am in a seaport I am collecting during the day, and at night visiting the ships; and when I can get the sailors together, holding meetings, giving away books and tracts, and in every other way that I know of making known to the sailors and fishermen the way of salvation.

W. LYONS, Missionary Evangelist and Travelling Representative. P.S.-I forgot to mention that your old friend, the canoeist, Rob Roy McGregor, attended our meeting at Silloth, with his wife, the daughter of an admiral, and spoke a few kind words about our society, and about his friend, Mr. Matthews, the secretary. We had also the vicar of Silloth, the Rev. Septimus Hedbert, in the chair; and his honoured father, Dr. Hedbert, who used to be a minister in Lowestoff, gave us a few fatherly words; and after I had reminded him of Mr. Johnston, our good missionary at Lowestoff, he spoke highly of him and of his work. At the close he gave me £2 as a donation to our society. Our meeting was the best, both as to numbers and influence, we ever had at Silloth, and if the people generally had known that Rob Roy was to speak, the room would have not held the people who would have come, although Sllloth is but a small village of 1,200 people. I hope to send you an account of the meeting. It was to be put in the Carlisle Journal. I think it would do good to insert part of this in your Chart and Compass, as shewing the increasing interest being taken in our work. By this post a newspaper from Wigton, with account of our meeting, the vicar in the chair.


1. Keep a small Bible of reference for your constant use.

2. Always carry with you a Bible or Testament.

W. L.

3. Do not be ashamed to have it all marked, and with many notes on the margin, marking the promises made to Christians and the invitations to the unconverted.

4. Do not be content merely with reading a chapter, but study every day carefully, at least, the meaning of one verse.

5. Study with the object of learning all the truths and the teaching contained in each occurrence or miracle, when and why it was written, and how it is applicable to yourself and to others.

6. Study the reason why, and to whom, the Books of the Bible were written; study also together the Book of the Acts of the Apostles and the Epistles, the Book of Leviticus, along with the Epistle to the Hebrews, and so on in this


7. Believe that the Bible is the revelation of God for you, and act in accordance with this belief.

8. Learn by heart, at least, one verse of the Bible every day. These verses will be of great service to you during your life and daily duties. (See Joshua 1st chap., 8th verse, and Psalm 1st; also Psalm 10th and 11th verse.)

9. Study how you can use the Bible to enable you to walk with God, and lead others to Christ.

10. Devote fifteen minutes of every day to the study of the Bible. Although this is a short time, the effects will be great, and you will never repent of having adopted this custom.

11. Read the Bible as if it was written especially and solely for yourself.

12. Pray God to help you to understand it, and then you may expect that He will do it.

P.S.-Keep the Bible Dictionary at hand, and in every case consult the references, and take sufficient time to think and meditate deeply.

My dear Mr. Matthews,-The foregoing notes for reading the Word of God I had translated for my own use five years ago, and I have been greatly benefited. I have copied it for your gallant little ship, Chart and Compass, to carry forth to my fellow voyagers, "The men of the sea." It is taken from an admirable little book, published (by the Young Men's Christian Union, of Madrid) in Spanish. The first page is devoted to the "mode of using the Bible," which I now send to you in hope "some poor seaman may be rescued and saved." The schoolmaster is abroad; so is Satan and his emissaries. Visible and invisible, the powers of darkness know that their time is short. The Holy Ghost says in 1 John iv. Ist, "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God, because many false prophets are gone out in the world." Infidel publications are sown in our midst "to be read at sea." 66 'National Reformer," "Light the Malthusian," and such like poison to ruin men souls, the greater the need and duty of all Christians to let the cry go forth, "The Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible" can give rest to men's souls.-I am, Dear Sir, yours affectionately, S. S. ENGINEER.

Lisbon, Spanish Steamer "Roelas," 29th July, 1881.


OUR friend and the sailor's friend, the Rev. William Marshall, who has on several occasions preached for our society, has handed us the following appropriate verses for Chart and Compass. We might say he has done a great work in this mighty London, and it is not too much to say that few pastors are more respected and beloved. On his recent return from his holiday he received a warm and generous welcome. The Christian World says, "The senior deacon (Mr. Allbrook), in a very warm and affectionate manner, spoke of the work and character of their pastor, and then presented him, on behalf of the church, with a very handsome polished walnut-wood writing-table for the study, and chair to match; and also for Mrs. Marshall an elegant easy-chair, in crimson velvet and figured silk. When Mr. Marshall rose to accept the gift and reply, the whole of the large audience stood up and received him with much enthusiasm. Having thanked the friends for their hearty welcome home again, and the useful gift just presented, he said it was evident even after eighteen years of labour amongst them they were not tired of him yet on the contrary, they had made it abundantly manifest he possessed, and that it no ordinary degree, their confidence and esteem. It was a great satisfaction to him to know that his ministry had been blessed by God to the conversion and upbuilding of many.

"The Lord is on the billow;

His glory lights the wave;
His breast shall be our pillow;
He comes in might to save.


There is no pain in dying,

Why should we grieve and weep?
Through all the storms are flying,
The angels of the deep.
Hark! cheerily their voices

Break through the driving foam;
Christ in our midst rejoices

To bid you welcome home.
Give to the winds your sorrow;

Soon will your toils be o'er;
We'll stand with Christ to-morrow
In safety on the shore.
It may a moment grieve us,
To bid the world farewell;
But Jesus shall receive us,

Then, shipmates, all is well."


COMMON SENSE WORTH MORE THAN GRACE. THE venerable Dr. Rees, of Swansea, greatly amused the members of the Congregational Union by an anecdote which he told in seconding the resolution referring to the jubilee. He said the churches suffered more from indiscretion than immorality, and in illustrating his point he quoted the saying of a quaint old Welsh minister to the effect that "common sense was more essential to a minister than grace; for if graceless he might get grace for the seeking, but he could not have common sense except he was born with it."


OUR missionary at Hamburg, Mr. James Hitchens, has just received a very interesting letter from Captain B. E. Holman, of the British barque “Flora.” The vessel was bound to Rangoon, and the letter is dated "en route Bassein," December 8th, 1880. Captain Holman is a Bethel captain, and is an earnest worker, and during the first part of the voyage he had succeeded in inducing ten of his crew to sign the total abstinence pledge. Calling at the Cape on his way, he received a real hearty welcome and fraternal greeting from the members of the Good Templars there, who tried to make their stay at the place a joyous and profitable one. Meetings were organised and invitations given, and before leaving Captain Holman received from the G. W. C. T. (Mr. Currie) a handsome illuminated address, presented in the name of the lodges there, to the Captain as L. D. of the "Flora" Lodge, which is located on board his ship, and under his charge. Bethel meetings are regularly held, weather permitting, and the Captain feels that there is much cause for rejoicing. The good Lord is blessing his humble efforts for him. He says we are here to work, and he intends to do so, looking to God for the desired blessing. Our brother further writes-up to this time (Dec. 8th) we have had a very pleasant voyage, with one exception. One poor young fellow fell from the royal yard, and was either killed or drowned. The weather was so bad it was impossible for us to save him, poor fellow-cut off so suddenly and so young; but such is the life of a sailor, always in danger, and therefore ought always to be prepared. God help and bless our brother, and may the Lord raise up many earnest workers among our shipmasters, who, like Captain Holman, will show practical sympathy for perishing seamen; and like our Apostles, "be made all things to all men, that they might by all means save some." (1 Cor. ix. 22.)

JAMES HITCHENS, Port Missionary, Hamburg.


WE hear that the local committee are putting the building into first rate shape and trim; and by the admirable report which we hope to quote from, that they are determined to do their best for the seamen visiting that magnificent port. Chaplain Potts, of whom we hear the most gratifying accounts, says :—“I have given notice from the desk in the Bethel, of the bazaar, and invited contributions of money and articles. This I have done for a number of Sabbaths, and Mr. Ham says he has received some contributions. I hope it will be a success. I told our people that the London and New York Seamens' Friendly Societies were the father and mother of the Antwerp Bethel, and we ought to try and help all we are able.

Our plasterers and painters are about done their work, and the Bethel looks

sweet as a rose.

It would have done your heart good to have looked in last Sabbath and seen the congregations assembled both morning and evening-scarcely a vacant chair in the evening; and such a prayer meeting after the evening service-sailors making all the prayers; and such prayers. Never was pastor prayed for as our chaplain; and if a man did not know how to preach, I think he would almost learn, from the eager way in which the people listen.

I have an engagement this evening to visit some ships with Mr. Ham, our efficient colporteur, and who I may call my assistant in every respect.

The Monday evening prayer meetings I do not attend, thinking it better to leave the captains to their own freedom.

The meetings are well sustained, and I believe are doing good.

Last year's report, as you know, gives the number of British and American vessels visiting Antwerp at between twenty-three and twenty-four hundred, and the monthly reports for this year more than sustain this number. A large enough parish for anyone, surely.

Praying that you may be blessed with health and happiness.-I remain, yours fraternally, ARTHUR POTTS."

SWANSEA SAILORS' BRANCH. ALDERMAN DAVIS is a religious man, and we are glad to say the secretary of our Swansea Branch of the British and Foreign Sailors' Society. It is a happy thing that this Swansea Branch Society should have such remarkably able men associated with it. Its president, Mr. H. Vivian, M.P., who presides over all its annual meetings, and has done so for nearly thirty years, is not only a man honoured locally for his high-toned character and great parts, but is an ornament to the British House of Commons. Then there is Mr. Lloyd, who superintends the library department, is not only a good man, but full of good works; while the gallant Alderman is a giant in energy. You oppose some men, and their powers are aroused and developed to the utmost. In the face of local antagonism, the following quotations from the report, recently read at its forty-sixth annual meeting, will illustrate the above idea :—

"It was said of the Hebrews, when in Egypt, that the more they afflicted them the more they multiplied and grew. So it may be said of this society: the more opposition it has, and the more 'bitter things are written against it,' the deeper its roots penetrate, the broader does its branches spread, and the more fruitful it becomes from year to year. Never was there more sympathy shown towards it than this year, never did it realise so much assistance, and although years are crowding over many of its best friends, the society itself is ever young, healthy, and prosperous.


347 "The receipts from the library boxes are larger than on any former occasion, and more by nearly £20 than they were last year, and this although a second library from another source is put on board some of the ships. The sailors recognise the superior claims of the Sailors' Society; acknowledge not only that the books put on board by us are more suitable, but that they are determined to cling to the old life boat" launched nearly half a century ago, and that has landed hundreds of sailors safely through the surging surf, rather than trust to a newlylaunched cutter, 'trimmed ever so prim,' that may capsize any moment. nett receipts from the libraries this year is £138 17s. 7d.”



Sent for "Chart and Compass" by the Author, FRANCES C. HASLEWOOD.

Most holy Bible! God's own book!
The faithful ones whoin thee look
Will surely find the precious light
By which to guide their steps aright.
Upon thy sacred page we trace
The workings of especial grace,-
The great Creator's mighty plan
For the redemption of lost man,—
When Adam by transgression fell,
And peace on earth no more could

Then when the world was drown'd in

And all was dark and drear within,
Then the blest Saviour, Son of God,
Upon this earth in mercy trod,
And paid upon the shameful cross
The penalty of our dread loss;
For man's deep guilt his life laid down,
And earn'd for all a heav'nly crown,
Who in Him trust with faithful love,
Knowing He pleads for them above.

In vain the scorner's ribald jests
Would laugh to scorn all God's

In vain the sceptic's subtle mind
Doubts and objections new would find;
In vain the infidel's rude hand
Would shake the rock on which we

For eighteen hundred years and more
Thou, precious word, has kept in store
For faithful hearts the promise bright,
"At eventide it shall be light."

Witness the comfort thou hast shed
Round the meek Christian's dying bed;
Witness the bold unflinching stand
Martyrs have made midst fire and

Live, then, of God, thou precious

Live of the Spirit, thou bright sword;
Live to proclaim our Saviour's love,
And guide to endless joy above.
F. C. H.


DEAR SIR,—I am intending to send you this week a contribution of books for your Sailors' Bazaar; the miscellaneous ones were given me for our Bazaar, but I am sure I may use them for a kindred purpose, as ours is over. Unlike Brother Telfer, I shall be satisfied with a postcard acknowledging receipt of parcel, and I enclose 2s. to pay carriage.-Sincerely yours S. ROBINSON.

My Sailor's Welcome " Report goes by book post; the house is open to merchant sailors as well as Royal Navy.

TO BE SENT.-A quantity of little books which you must price as you please. 24 "Active Service" Is. each. 36 packets of my "troopship" books Is. each packet. 300 "True Words" as enclosed sells at three a penny. 100 Motto cards as enclosed 2d each.

Rev. E. W. MATTHEWS. Dear Sir, will you accept for your Sailor's Bazaar two small parcels from myself and a friend. I trust the Bazaar will be a great success, and may God bless you in all your work is my earnest wish and prayer.— Plas Tower. I remain, yours respectfully, E. BOLTON.

The Directors present their thanks, in which the sailors heartily join, to these good friends for gifts to the coming Sailors' Bazaar. Our most loyal and

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