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e) With most monosyllabic nouns, and with all feminine nouns terminating in ь, the article receives the accent; as градъ-тъ, градѣтъ (the city), смърть-та, (deatlı), радость-та, (joy).

f) The plural article receives the tone only after numerals; as шесть-тÉ, (the six).


The use of the article is nearly the same as in English. It is however sometimes employed in Bulgarian where we should omit it, or omitted in cases where we should employ it.

1) Proper names, as with us, generally omit it. Thus Ивань (John). Also the names бoгь, (God), and Focпo,, (Lord). But diminutives of proper names are neuter and take the article; as Iléтрe-тo дойдé, (Little Peter has come).

2) Nouns designating relationship, as father, mother, brother, sister, generally omit the article, but sometimes take it when qualified by an adjective; as брать ви, (your brother), but добрый-тъ ви брать, (your good brother).

3) Nouns used in their most unlimited sense, as man, nature, justice, death, etc. take the article; as любовь-та не струва зло, Love worketh no ill.

4) With the names of countries, cities, villages, rivers, the days of the week and holidays, the article may be either inserted or omitted.

5) In cases where in English one article would define two or more nouns connected by a conjunction, in Bulgarian it must be repeated. Thus парь-ть и овчарь-ть, the emperor and the shepherd. So also with definite adjectives similarly connected; as голѣма-та и малка-та къща, the great and the small house.


6) When a noun which requires the article takes an adjective, the article is attached to the adjective, and not to the noun; as женá-та, the woman, but добра-та жена, the good woman.



Медът е сладъкъ.

Honey is sweet.

Хлѣбъ-тъ е една добра | Bread is a good nourish

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Почетъ-тъ ми є менѣ по Honor is dearer to me than

скжпъ отъ животъ-тъ.

Градъ-тъ е малъкъ.


The city is small.

Сънь-тъ уючва духъ-тъ| Sleep strengthens the spi

и тѣло-то.

Месець-ть затемнѣва

rit and the body.

The moon eclipses the sun.


Дъждъ-тъ захлади вѣтъръ- The rain has cooled the

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Градинаринъ-тъ работи у| The gardener works in the градина-т.


Животъ-тъ на человѣк-а | The life of man is short.

е късъ.

Богъ е исийтникъ-тъ на | God is the searcher of hearts.

сърца-та. Прахъ-ть ся налепва на The dust cleaves to the дрехи-тѣ. clothes.

Снѣгъ-тъ ся топи на слън-| The snow melts before the

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Пекъ-тъ трѣбува за рас-| Heat is needful for the тене-то на тревы-тѣ. growth of plants.


израбтюва | The peasant cultivates the

(изработювамъ) земих тя. earth.

Сокъ-тъ на лимони-тѣ | The juice of the lemon is



Дунавъ-тъ ся излива у The Danube empties into

чёрно-то море.

Вратъ-тъ мя боли.

the Black sea.
My throat pains me.

Заекът е едно тврѣдѣ | The hare is a very timid

плашливо добиче.


Бой-тъ е едно голѣмо зло. | War is a great evil. Неравный-тъ пять твърдѣ | The uneven road has tired ми умори (уморѣвамъ) my horses much.


Неговый-тъ баща има тол- | His father has

кось заплата колкото

и мой-тъ.

salary as mine.

as much

Турцкый-тъ языкѣ є м- The Turkish language is

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Славѣй-тъ пѣю у градинж- The nightingale sings in the

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Малкый-тъ сынъ на Ивана | John's little son is sick.

е болнавъ.

На ти пай-тъ.

Глухый-тъ не чува.

Here is your share.

The deaf do not hear..

Огънь-тъ и димъ-тъ раз- | Fire and smoke are injurious to the eyes..

валжтъ очитѣ. Градинарь-тъ бирé чиреши. The gardener picks cher=


Воденичерь-тъ мели жито- | The miller grinds the



Ножь-тъ дѣто гу купихъ | The knife which I bought

вчера, не е добърѣ.

yesterday is not goot.

Берачь-тъ отиде (отхож- The picker has gone into the vineyard.

дамъ) на лозе.

Кърпачь-тъ закърпи боту- The cobbler has mended


the boots.

Грошь-тъ има четири- | The piaster is forty paras..

Десеть пари.


The queen is sick.
My head pains me.

Кралица-та е болнава.
Глава-та мя боли.
Птица-та фръкна отъ тамъ. | The bird has flown away,
Роса-та мокри земл-тж. | The dew moistens the


Къща-та на брата- ми | The house of my brother

is small.

малка. Стопаница -та на сждникъ- | The wife of the judge is тъ е милостива merciful.

ДъщерÁ-та на бащинъ-тъ | The daughter of your faви пріятель є твърдѣ


ther's friend is very sick.

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Смърть-та ми грабна най | Death has robbed me of

добрый-тъ пріятель.

my best friend.

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