OrientaliaPontificium Institutum Biblicum, 2000 |
À l'intérieur du livre
Résultats 1-3 sur 6
Page 343
... Nippur ( BASOR 23 ; New Haven 1944 ) no . 3 . ' T. Jacobsen , “ Primitive democracy in ancient Mesopotamia " , JNES 2 ( 1943 ) 159-172 , 165 f . , reprinted in his Toward the image of Tammuz ( Harvard 1970 ) 157-172 . agreed to resist ...
... Nippur ( BASOR 23 ; New Haven 1944 ) no . 3 . ' T. Jacobsen , “ Primitive democracy in ancient Mesopotamia " , JNES 2 ( 1943 ) 159-172 , 165 f . , reprinted in his Toward the image of Tammuz ( Harvard 1970 ) 157-172 . agreed to resist ...
Page 434
... Nippur , Sippar , and Larsa in the Hellenistic Period " , in : M. deJong - Ellis ed . , Nippur at the Centennial [ Philadelphia 1992 ] 243-250 ) . Thanks to the publication by Matthew Stolper of a tablet from Uruk dated to " Month XI ...
... Nippur , Sippar , and Larsa in the Hellenistic Period " , in : M. deJong - Ellis ed . , Nippur at the Centennial [ Philadelphia 1992 ] 243-250 ) . Thanks to the publication by Matthew Stolper of a tablet from Uruk dated to " Month XI ...
... Nippur in Late Assyrian Times ( R. ZADOK ) Del Monte , G. F. , Testi della Babilonia ellenistica , vol . I ( R. 115-121 J. van der Spek ) 433-438 EDEL , E. , Die ägyptisch - hethitische Korrespondenz aus Boghaz- köi ( C. ZACCAGNINI ) ...
... Nippur in Late Assyrian Times ( R. ZADOK ) Del Monte , G. F. , Testi della Babilonia ellenistica , vol . I ( R. 115-121 J. van der Spek ) 433-438 EDEL , E. , Die ägyptisch - hethitische Korrespondenz aus Boghaz- köi ( C. ZACCAGNINI ) ...
Autres éditions - Tout afficher
Orientalia commentarii de rebus assyro-babylonicis, arabicis, aegyptiacis Affichage du livre entier - 1928 |
Orientalia commentarii de rebus assyro-babylonicis, arabicis, aegyptiacis Affichage du livre entier - 1928 |
Orientalia: commentarii de rebus assyro-babylonicis, arabicis, aegyptiacis Affichage du livre entier - 1920 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
A. H. Gardiner Ahiqarsprüche ÄHK Akkade alten Ägypten Amun Ancient Near East Antigonus aramäischen Aratta assembly assyrischen Babylonier bikw brht capitolo Caquot catalogue council cuneiform DNWSI s. v. earlier Edel's Egypt elders Enmerkar epic epics evidence fact Fales first Fluch Garelli Getreide Gilgamesh and Agga Götter guruš Hammat Gader Hethitisch historical history Hittite Hvidberg-Hansen Inanna Inschrift inscriptions Institution Interpretation Jacobsen Jacobsen's JHWH king Kish König könnte Kottsieper Kramer Land läßt later Lesung lines Lipiński Lugal magischen Mesopotamia muß Narrative neuassyrischen Nippur Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Ökonomie oracolari Orientalia period pHarris political Primitive Democracy published quali question reading reference šá Sack satrap scavo Scheschonq schließlich Schreibung Seleucus šmw sources Staat state stato story Studies Sumerian tabella tablet temple term testi Text Theorie time transliteration Übersetzung unseres Ur III Uruk vengono volume Warburton Wesselius Wirtschaft work year