Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Virginia, Passed at Called Session, 1862, in the Eighty-Seventh Year of the CommonwealthGeneral Books, 2013 - 100 pages This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1862 edition. Excerpt: notice to the qualified vtiters of the state in the military service of the state or of the Confederate States, or who may be absent from the county or.. corporation of their, residence, because of the presence of the public enemy, oto their right to vote for members of the general a'ssefhbly, by virtue of the provisions of the first, setond and fourth sections of. the ordinance passed by the convention f Virginia (No. 99) on the sixth day of December eighteen hundred and sixty-one, and-also in all whom it may eoncern, of the passage of this act, and of the rights and duties set forth in its provisions; shall further be his duty to request the president of the Confederate States to issue an order to all commandants of camps, posts and detachments in command of Virginia troops, requiring thein to give their aid in the due execution of the ordinance aforesaid and of this act. Reimitof vote, 8. The result of the votes in camps and the.resHlt of the votes of. persons absent from their counties, cities or t'owns, by reason of the presence of the enemy, shall be forwarded by mail, when practicable, directed to the secretary of the commonwealth, when required to be returned to said secretary, and directed to the clerk of the county, city or town, when required to be returned to the county, city or ttrwii: The officer conducting such elections shall so forward the result, and preserve a-duplicate of the result so to be forwarded, . verified by certificates of the officer, and by not less than two other disinterested persons.... .." 'c t 9. This act shall be in force from its passage. commenccmem Chap.-i7.--An ACT to prescribe the mode of ascertaining and certifying Elections of Delegates and Senators during the.existing... |
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