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" Every vessel may, if necessary in order to attract attention in addition to the lights which she is by these rules required to carry, show a flare-up light or use any detonating signal that cannot be mistaken for a distress signal. "
Programme of subjects to be considered by the International marine ... - Page 1370
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British and Foreign State Papers

Great Britain. Foreign Office, Great Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth Office - 1914 - 1186 pages
...a fairway shall carry the above light or lights and the two red lights prescribed by Article 4 (a). 12. Every vessel may, if necessary in order to attract...which she is by these Rules required to carry, show a llarc-up light or use any detonating signal that cannot be mistaken for a distress signal. 13. Nothing...
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Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States

United States. Department of State - 1895 - 920 pages
...way shall carry the above light or lights and the two rod lights prescribed by article four (a). ART. 12. Every vessel may, if necessary in order to attract...which she is by these rules required to carry, show a fiare-np lighter use any detonating signal that can not be mistaken for a distress signal. ART. 13....
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A Treatise on the Law of Collisions at Sea: With an Appendix Containing the ...

Reginald Godfrey Marsden, John William Mansfield - 1891 - 744 pages
...fairway shall carry the above light or lights, and the two red lights prescribed by Art. 4 (a). Art. 12. Every vessel may, if necessary in order to attract...Rules required to carry, show a flare-up light, or use a detonating signal that cannot be mistaken for a distress signal. Art. 13. Nothing in these rules...
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A Treatise on the Law of Collisions at Sea: With an Appendix Containing the ...

Reginald Godfrey Marsden, John William Mansfield - 1891 - 716 pages
...fairway shall carry the above light or lights, and the two red lights prescribed by Art. 4 (a). Art. 12. Every vessel may, if necessary in order to attract...attention, in addition to the lights which she is by these Uules required to carry, show a flare-up light, or use a detonating signal that cannot be mistaken...
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Report of the Commissioner of Navigation to the Secretary of the ..., Partie 2

United States. Department of the Treasury. Bureau of Navigation - 1894 - 776 pages
...fairway shall carry the above light or lights and the two red lights prescribed by article four (a). ART. 12. Every vessel may, if necessary in order to attract...which she is by these rules required to carry, show aflai'c-ttp lighter use any detonating signal that can not be mistaken for a distress signal. ART....
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Navigation Laws of the United States

United States - 1895 - 504 pages
...sltall carry the above light or lights and the two red lights prescribed by article four (a). ART. 12. Every vessel may, if necessary in order to attract...light or use any detonating signal that can not be misttilcen for a distress signal. ART. 13. Nothing in these rules shall interfere with the operation...
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Synopsis of the Decisions of the Treasury Department on the Construction of ...

United States. Department of the Treasury - 1895 - 1064 pages
...shall carry the above light or light's and the two red lights prescribed by article four (a). ART. 12. Every vessel may, if necessary in order to attract...which she is by these rules required to carry, show <t fiareup light or use any detonating signal that can not be mistaken for a distress signal. ART....
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A Treatise on the Law of Marine Collisions

Herbert Ransom Spencer - 1895 - 540 pages
...Sec. 36. Flare-up lights by vessels at anchor. — Article 12 of the regulations of 1890 provides that "every vessel may, if necessary in order to attract attention, in addition to 1The Indiana, Abb. Adm. 330; The Henry Warner, 29 Fed. R 601. 2 21) Fed. R 601. 2 •« WalL 1. Where...
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A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents, 1789-1897, Volume 9

United States. President, James Daniel Richardson - 1897 - 824 pages
...fairway shall carry the above light or lights and the two red lights prescribed by article 4 (a). ART. 12. Every vessel may, if necessary in order to attract...signal that can not be mistaken for a distress signal. signal lights for two or more ships of war or for vessels sailing under convoy, or with the exhibition...
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The New Rules of the Road at Sea, Being the Regulations for Preventing ...

Hubert Stuart Moore - 1897 - 106 pages
...respect to additional station and signal lights for two or more ships of war sailing under convoy. ART. 12. — Every vessel may, if necessary in order to...a flareup light or use any detonating signal that cannot be mistaken for a distress signal. ART. 13. Nothing in these Rules shall interfere with the...
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