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and Litchfield counties, the rules and usages of the consociations, require a council of all the consociated churches to be called at the settlement or dismission of a pastor. In Hartford North, each church, when settling or dismissing a pastor, calls a council at its own discretion. In Hartford South, Windham, and Tolland, the majority of the council, on such occasions, must be of the consociations. In Middlesex all the members of such councils, must be of the consociation.

In New London county, a particular rule exists, viz. "When any particular church and society shall present to the moderator, documents preparatory to the ordination or dismission of a minister, the moderator shall, by letters missive, convoke such ministers and delegates from their respective churches, (not less than six of each) as said church and society shall request, which ministers and delegates, together with himself and a delegate from his church, shall constitute a council for the above purpose. In the case of ordination, the church and pastor elect shall have the privilege of inviting one or two pastors and delegates of churches without the consociation, but in fellowship with it, to act in concert with the consociation."

2 At the annual meeting, the council inquires into the state of religion in the churches of the district, enters into deliberations and

gives advice concerning matters of common interest, and when orderly applied to, gives advice to a particular church, or to individual members of the churches.

3. In case any difficulties arise in any of the churches, which cannot be issued without considerable disquiet, that church in which they arise, may before proceeding to sentence therein, or at any stage of the proceedings, apply to the council of the consociated churches of the circuit to which the said church belongs, who, if they see cause, shall thereupon convene, hear, and determine such cases of difficulty. (Sayb. Art. VII, VIII.)

4. When a consociated church has proceeded to the sentence of excommunication against a brother charged with any offence, such offending brother has liberty to call a council of the churches of the consociation to hear and determine in his case. (Sayb.. Art. VII, VIII.)

VI. The form of proceeding in cases of difficulty.

1. The case of an offending Pastor. In some districts, as New Haven West, and Fairfield East, no complaint is entertained against a pastor, except on the presentation of the associated pastors of the district. (Sayb. Art. XIII.) In others, as Litchfield South,

if an elder has been complained of to the associated pastors, and they have refused to bring the matter before the council, the aggrieved brother may complain directly to the consociation. In New London, a complaint against a pastor may be brought by any other pastor, or by a church, directly to the council without any interposition of the associated pastors. In New London, none but a pastor, or a church, of that consociation, and in Litchfield North, none but a pastor, can commence a process of discipline with a pastor.

2. The case of an offending Church. In the consociation of New London county, any minister or church of the consociation, being aggrieved with unscriptural profession or deportment of any of the churches in that connection, and having used all those private means which the Gospel proposes for reforming the erring member, may present a complaint to the consociation. In Litchfield South, if the body of the church shall be guilty of heresy or scandal, an aggrieved brother shall use his endeavors to have a church meeting regularly convened; at which meeting he shall lay before the church their apprehended errors; and if they give not christian satisfaction, he shall regularly bring his complaint to the consociation: Or if the church refuse to meet and hear such complaint of an offended brother, he may directly, thereupon, bring his complaint to the consociation. In Litchfield North, a process

of discipline with a church may be commenced by a pastor, or any member of that church; the first steps to be taken in private, but at the second step, one pastor and one member, from another church are to assist, before the offending church shall be cited to answer to any complaint before the consociation; Should the proper officer for calling the church refuse to do it, on written application stating the grievance, or should the church refuse to assemble, he or they are to be adjudged contumacious. In other consociations, no method is expressly provided by which a church can be brought before a council of the consociation without its own consent, except in the case of an appeal from its sentence of excommunication.

3. The Organ of communication with the Council. A person having a complaint against a minister is to bring his complaint, not directly to the consociation, (except in New London county) but to the associated pastors of the district through the moderator of the association. A reference, complaint, or appeal to the consociation, is to be put into the hands of the moderator of the last council, or of the pastor or pastors upon whom, in the case of his death or disability, it devolves to act in his stead.

4. Citation. It is the duty of the moderator, or of the person or persons acting in his stead, to examine the reference, complaint, appeal, or request, put into his hands, and if he finds that it is in order, and that the case is one in which, ac

cording to the rules of the consociation, a council is required, he is to issue not only letters missive convening the council, but also citations to the parties concerned, and if requested to the witnesses named by either party. The citation to a party complained of or appealed from, must be accompanied with a certified copy of the complaint or appeal, and ought to be presented, unless the consociation has some other special rule, at least eight days before the time appointed for the trial of the case. In Fairfield East, and Windham, a minister accused before the consociation must receive notice at least one month previous to the meeting of the consociation. In some consociations, usage permits either the moderator or the scribe to issue citations to parties or witnesses. And in some, as in Litchfield South, notice given to the church, or to the pastor, or moderator of the church by a party appealing, is sufficient notice to the church to appear before the consociation, at the next annual meeting, in answer to the appeal.

5. Limitation of the Right of Appeal. In Fairfield East, and Windham, every appellant is required to give the church notice in writing, of his intention to appeal, within one month after his conviction, and to prosecute the appeal before the council, within six months from the original trial. In Litchfield South, the appeal must be duly notified to the church

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