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J'ai une chambre toute pa- I have a room just like yours.

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OBS.-The adverb tout agrees with feminine nouns beginning with consonants.

Adverbes formés par la suppression des mots FAÇON et

A l'étourdie,


A la longue,


A l'amiable, Votre disparition ne sera pas sentie d'abord, mais à la longue on s'en apercevra,

A la dérobée,

A la chinoise,
A l'anglaise,

Il monte à l'anglaise,
A la parisienne,
A la Titus.

A la Napoléon,
Cheveux à l'impératrice,

Punch à la romaine, Pendant la Terreur, les dames se mettaient à la grecque,

} heedlessly, headlong, giddily.

in the long run, in course of time.

by amicable arrangement. your disappearance will not be felt at first, but in course of time people will find it out. slyly. Chinese fashion. English fashion.

he rides like an Englishman. Parisian fashion. [the hair). à la Titus (a way of dressing à la Napoléon, like Napoleon. hair done after the manner of the Empress Eugénie. iced punch.

during the reign of Terror, the ladies adopted the Grecian style of dressing.

Des bottes à l'écuyère,

A la lettre,

long riding-boots.



Prendre au mot et à la lettre, to take at one's word and

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Instances of cases in which the French, contrary to their general rule,

dispense with the use of definite and indefinite articles.

Amour! tu perdis Troie,

Fortune! viens à mon aide, Homme! pense à toi, Soleil! éclaire-moi, Après ma fatale rencontre je perdis la santé, mon argent, mon crédit; bonne humeur, considération, esprit, tout jusqu'à la faculté de m'exprimer, s'évanouit avec la fortune,

Love! thou wert the ruin of


Troy. Fortune! come to my assistO man! look to thyself. O sun! light me. after my fatal adventure, I lost health, money, and influence; good temper, consideration, wit, everything even to ease of expression, fled with fortune.

Femmes, moine, vieillard, tout the women, the monk, the old

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A cœur vaillant rien d'impos- a true heart is equal to any


N'est pas poète (peintre, orateur, cuisinier, médecin) qui veut,

Tout n'est pas or qui brille, Patience et longueur de temps font plus que force et que rage,


it wants more than wishing to

be a poet, or a painter, or an orator, or a cook, or a doctor.

all is not gold that glitters. patience and time will do more than violence and rage.

Entre amis on peut tout se friends together need have no


Un chien sans aveu,

Sans aveu,

Sans amis on est quelquefois malheureux,

Un bandit sans feu ni lieu,
Dire quelque chose en ami,
A tout seigneur tout honneur,
Je viens en ambassadeur,
J'étais en pélerinage,
Il est mort en Terre Sainte,
Je vous dis cela en ami,
En Angleterre, en France, en

Suisse, en Afrique, en
Chine, au Japon, à la
Guadeloupe, en Asie, en
Gascogne, en Normandie,
en Bretagne. En Prusse,
à la Barbade, au Pérou,
au Mexique, dans les États
Unis, au Canada, en Tur-
quie, &c.

En écossais, en albanais, en mexicain, en grec, en lapon, en turc,

Il était en chevalier, moi en



a dog without a master. that no one owns.

without friends one may be unhappy.

a homeless wandering ruffian. to tell something as a friend. honour to whom honour is due. I come as an ambassador. I was on a pilgrimage. he died in the Holy Land. I tell you that as a friend. in England, France, Switzer

land, in Africa, in China, in Japan, in Guadeloupe, in Asia, in Gascony, in Normandy, in Brittany, in Prussia, in Barbadoes, in Peru, in Mexico, in the United States, in Canada, in Turkey, &c.

(to dress) as a Scotchman, as an Albanian, as a Greek, as a Laplander, as a Turk. he was dressed as a knight,

I as a page.

Agir en traître,

La nature l'a traité en ma


Traiter en ami,

Répondre en normand,
Nous allons en Norvège, ex-
cellent pays de chasse et
de pêche,

A titre d'héritier,
En qualité de parent,
S'introduire dans une maison
à titre de compatriote,

Gravures sur bois, sur acier, Te voilà devenu esclave de tes esclaves mêmes, L'Arabe qui vous a fait ce rapport est complice de mon crime, N'étions-nous pas hommes aussi bien que toi ? J'étais ami de feu monsieur votre père, Je suis militaire, Il est Persan, N'êtes-vous pas médecin ? Je vous croyais Français, Je ne suis que caporal, mais j'espère bien devenir capitaine,

Qui sait si je ne serai pas un jour maréchal? Cet œuf deviendra poulet si la nature suit son cours,

Devenir soldat, marin, menuisier, ouvrier, tailleur, pianiste, fripon, honnête

to act as a traitor. nature has behaved to him like a cruel stepmother. to treat as a friend. to answer neither yes nor no. we are off to Norway, a capital shooting and fishing country. by right of heirship. as parent or relation. to insinuate oneself into a house on the strength, ground, of compatriotship. wood-, steel-engravings. you are become the slave of your slaves themselves. the Arab who gave you that

information is an accomplice of my crime.

were we not men like yourself?

Iwas a friend of your father's.

I am a soldier. he is a Persian.

are you not a doctor? [man. I thought you were a FrenchI am only a corporal, but I

have every hope of becoming a captain. who can tell whether some day

I shall not be a marshal? that egg will become a chicken

if the course of nature is not interfered with. to turn soldier, sailor, carpenter, workman, tailor, pianist, rascal, honest, to

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become a minister, a priest, a clergyman.

to make oneself, to become, to

turn into an anabaptist, a Mussulman, a Brahmin, an artillery-man, a gunner, a light-infantry man, a dragoon, a gentleman-farmer, an actor, an artist, a barber's apprentice. from being a barrister he turned soldier, then became a clergyman. to pay attention.

to make a fortune.

to let a person have something on credit.

to prove.

to keep house together. to take oath.

to lay in a stock.

to create a sensation, an impression.

to give the due reward (generally, to inflict punishment). to do justice.

to satisfy a request.

to give satisfaction for an offence, to pledge.

to do injury.

to set value on.

to disappoint, be at fault. to become bankrupt.

to be shipwrecked.

to give a reception, to welcome. to excuse, to pardon, to let a person off something. to make a pretence.

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