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And that you may have some idea of the manner in which their time is spent, I will sketch briefly the duties of a week. Monday morning is devoted to Natural Philosophy as a principal recitation This is followed by Arithmetic and Writing, and the commit ting to memory a certain number of the prefixes, roots, affixes, &c. of the language. The afternoon is taken up by the whole school in drawing. Tuesday morning, a recitation in English Grammar, which is very particularly studied, and embraces the construction and analysis of sentences. The arithmetic, writing, and prefixes follow. The afternoon is given to Geography. Wednesday morning, History, Arithmetic, Writing, e. In the afternoon the school collects in Mrs. Fall's room, and all read to her in some useful and entertaining work. Thursday morning, French is studied, and drawing in the afternoon Friday morning, Astronomy, Arithmetic, &c., and another reading lesson to Mrs. Fall in the afternoon. On Saturday the lesson for Monday is prepared.

"You may judge from the account thus given, that not much idle time is spent; and yet nobody seems to be in a hurry. Study is the business and the pleasure of all; and even the youngest of our children pick up, almost spontaneously, an amount of knowledge, at which I am sometimes surprized, and by means of which, one after the other, they join some class in the school and go regularly ou.”




It was proposed by the President of the Institution, with the concurrence of the other members of the Faculty, to all the Students assembled, as follows:

"All our Institutions should be American. Our system of education, government, and police, should be homogeneous with our form of na tional and state government. Colleges, Academies, and Schools, as well as domestic training, ought to be adapted to the genius of that constitu tion and government which we have chosen for ourselves. We therefore propose to the Students of this Institution, that they take a new degree in the department of self-government, and that they form themselves into a republic, in which they shall conform to the presiding spirit all truly American Institutions. It is then suggested to them to meet, as the people do, in their primary capacity, and adopt a constitution, and divide the boarding house and precincts belonging to the Students into wards. So soon as they have resolved themselves into a sort of federal and state or direct government, they shall hold their elections, appoint their officers, enact their laws, hold their courts, and proceed to the execution of them. The jurisdiction and object of this police government shall be the maintenance of good order, courtesy, and polite demeanor in rooms, at table, and general intercourse in all matters connected with the details of social life-in the accomplishment of which Students can, themselves, do more than their teachers, who are not always present with them. The good opinion now entertained by all the Faculty of this Institution of the general good character of the Students in attendance, based upon the very great reformation already in progress, warrants them in confidently committing this matter into their hands, not only in making, but in carrying out such police regulations as will not conflict either with the laws of this commonwealth, nor with the charter and by-laws of this College, and such as the Students themselves who enact them will take pleasure in honoring by a proper and respectful subordination."

On these suggestions the Students met and adopted the following Constitution, &c.


Of the Btudente of Bethany College, for the preservation of good order among


As good order is necessary in all Literary Institutions, and especially in those const tated as this is, we, the Students, do bind ourselves to observe the following Constitution. Article I. This College and its precincts shall be divided into wards

Article II, The Steward's Inn shall be divided into four wards, and other buildings Into such wards as the Students shall think necessary. Each ward shall include one hall; and they shall be numbered into 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. Ward No 1, shall extend from No. 1. to No. 10, including the porches. Ward No. 2. shall extend from No 11. to No. 15. Including the porches. Ward No 3. shall extend from 16 to 23. Ward No. 4 shall extend from 24 to 33.

Artiele III. The Officers shall be a President and Secretary, and one Councilman for each Ward

Article IV. The President shall have a general supervision, shall preside at all meet ings of the Council, and all meetings of the Students, called in reference to this govern


Article V. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep the books, collect fines, and appropriate the money by order of the President.

drticle VI. It shall be the duty of cach Councilman to impose fines for ali disorders committed within his jurisdiction; to notify the offenders at the time, and give notice of the same to the Secretary.

Artiole VII. The Council shall meet once a-month, or as often as they consider neces sary.

Artiels VIII. The President and Conneil shall have the power to report to the Presi dent and Faculty any violations of College law, not committed by the Students.

Article IX. The Officers shall be elected by ballot, (except the Secretary, who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the consent and advice of the Council,) each Student over fourteen years of age having one vote, and the majority of the votes polled Constituting the choice.

Article X. Any Student above fourteen years of age shall have the power to prefer any charges against any Councilman before the Council; and if they consider such charges valid they will suspend him from office and appoint a substitute in his place until the next general meeting of the Students.

Article XI The President cannot be impeached by any, except by one of the Council. Article XII. Punishments shall consist of fines, which shall vary from twelve and a balf cents to five dollars, according to the nature of the offence.

Offences shall be divided into three degrees The first degree shall consist of offences (600 filthy to mention,) and shall be punished by a fine from two to five dollars

The second degree shall consist of fighting in the halls, offences committed at table, anch as throwing bread, talking before or during grace, &c., and shall be punished by a fine of fifty cents to two dollars.

The third degree shall consist of unnecessary noise in rooms or halls, throwing to or from the house, or any noise liable to disturb any one desirous of studying, and shall be punished by a fine of twelve and a half cents to fifty cents.

Article XIII. Any person fined by a Councilman shall have the right of appeal to the President and Council assembled, and their decision shall be final; but if he does not attend at the next meeting of that body, his case shall stand adjudged

Article XIV. If any offender will not pay his fine within two weeks after the Secretary has called upon him for the same, he shall be reported to the President of the College, Article XV. All monies collected shall be paid to that society of which the offender is a uember; and if he is a member of no literary society, (in Bethany College,) the fine shall be equally divided among such societies

Article XVI. The Officers of this government shall be responsible to the Students, and the Students only.

Article XVII At all meetings of the Officers the Secretary shall have a vote.

Article XVIII. This Constitution shall require a majority of the Students for its adop tlun, alteration, or nullification.

HENRY F. M'KINNEY, Secretary.

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At the last meeting of the Board the Trustees passed, the following code of laws as respects examination and graduation:

1. Any Student who shall exhibit proficiency in any of the following schools, or portions of schools, may be declared a graduate and entitled to a diploma in such schools or por tions of schools, viz Ancient or Modern Languages and its Literature; English Language and its Literature; Pure Mathematice; Mixed Mathematics; Moral Philosophy; Natural Philosophy; Chemistry.

2. In those schools in which, according to the regulations of the Faculty, there are different branches of study which may be attended separately, a certificate of proficiency may be given to any Student who shall, on examination, give satisfactory evidence of a competent acquaintance with any of these branches.

3 The candidates for graduation in any school in Bethany College, shall make known to the Professor of that school, within one month from the commencement, or the time of their matriculation, their intention to offer for graduation therein; and on failure so to do, shall not be permitted to become candidates but by special consent of the Faculty. 4. There shall be two special examinations of the candidates for graduation in each school in which they may offer, at such times, near the middle and end of the session as the Faculty may decide.

5. The Presi lent shall appoint, to officiate with himself as a committee, at the examina. tions of each school, the Professor of that school and one other Professor; and they shall decide upon the proficiency of the candidates.

6. Each candidate shall be examined singly and alone, by the Professor of the school in which he is a candidate, or by questions propounded through him.

7. No Student shall be permitted to graduate or receive a certificate of proficiency ta any school or part of school in Bethany College, who shall not have been in attendance at least one session previous thereto.

8. Absence from lecture or recitation more than once-a-month during the session, strall prevent any Student from graduating, unless it be excused for good reason by the Faculty. 9 A graduation fee of three dollars shall be paid by each graduate to the Professor in whose school he may graduate; also, a fee not exceeding two dollars for each certificate of proficiency to the Professor in whose school it may be conferred. No fee shall be charged for the title of "A B." A. M.

10. It shall be the duty of the Professor, at the daily examinations of his class, to ex amine candidates for graduation with especial directness, and to keep an account of their state of preparation at these examinations, and lay it before the Faculty at their monthly meetings. The daily state of preparation of each candidate for graduation shall be taken into the account in deciding upon his qualifications for degrees

11. When any Student shall have graduated in all the schools of Bethany College, he shall then have conferred upon him the title of "Bachelor of Arts of Bethany College." 12. Upon such graduates as shall give satisfactory evidence, after leaving Bethany College, of a constant and unwavering perseverance in the prosecution of literature and science, and the practice of virtue and morality, the Faculty may, in addition to the title of Bachelor of Arts, confer the still higher honor of Master of Arts of Bethany College; provided, that it shall be conferred upon none who have not previously obtained the title of "AB"

13. In conferring degrees and granting certificates of proficiency, the Faculty will hear constantly in mind the necessity of making these honorary distinctions the rewards of real merit; and in no case confer them, except as testimonials not only of high literary and intellectual attainments, but also of high moral excellence and virtue.

14. Besides the examination of candidates for graduation, there shall be two other general examinations-an intermediate one, to take place about the middle, and a final one about the end of each session, at such times as the Faculty may decide.

15. All the Students, except the candidates for graduation, shall be required to attend the intermediate and final examinations; each one in those schools to which he may belong.

16. From these examinations no Student shall absent himself without leave of the Faculty, under pain of any punishment, not exceeding dismission from the College. 17. The President shall appoint to officiate with himself, as a committee, in the exami nation of the classes of each school,-the Professor of each school and one other Profes sor, and they shall decide upon the relative merits of the Students examined.

18 The Professor of each school shall propound the questions addressed to his class, and the result of the examination shall be arranged by him, with the concurrence of the committee, in the form of a Report, for the President, as follows:-He shall establish four degrees of distinction, which shail form the basis of four classes, in one of which he skall place cach Student examined, according to his proficiency-those that exhibit the first degree of proficiency, in the first class- and so on

19 At these examinations the committee may at discretion exclude from the room all Stadents not belonging to the class to be examined.

20. The result of these examinations, as well as those for graduation, shall be entered in the circular of each Student, so far as it may concern him, and forwarded to his parent or guardian.

21. On the last day of each session the public shall be invited to attend The Faculty, Students, Trustees, and Public shall assemble in the College Hall; and after the delivery of graduation and such other addresses as the Faculty may prescribe, the honors of the College shall be conferred in accordance with the results of the previous examination. In conferring upon candidates their respective degrees the President shall deliver to each his diploma; and in doing so, he shall pronounce aloud, in the language in which the diptoma shall be written, the character of the honor so conferred.

22. As soon as convenient a concise report of this day's proceedings shall be prepared by the President, and inserted in one or two public newspapers.

The Faculty shall meet once every week, and every Student who shall have been absent during the week previous, whether from good cause or not, shall appear without special summons to give account for such absence to the Faculty.

PROSPECTUS OF THE EVANGELIST, CONDUCTED BY WALTER SCOTT. THE EVANGELIST was begun in 1832, since which time it has labored to develope the whole Christian religion in its faith and order, its spirit and character, without regard either to sect or namie, save as men, who choose Christ for their master, may be called "a sect;" or as those who honor his name, inay be designated by his name.

In the present volume, without respect to the precise time of our Lord's second appear. ance, it will endeavor to establish the following propositions, viz That as the first advent of Christ, with all things thereunto appertaining was to be preached to mankind for their conversion; so his second advent, with the great events of which it is pregnant, was intended, and of right ought to be preached to the disciples for their perfection. The conversion of the world, therefore, and the perfection of the whole church of God in morals and piety, with the obligations of all preachers, teachers, and speakers for Christ to render the true faith and true hope of the gospel triumphaut in every neighborhood and fa all nations, are the ends aimed at in the Evangelist.

The progress of these principles throughout the earth, with every thing in original Christianity of doctrine, discipline, worship, order, government, co-operation and finance CD-relative to them, will also form a department of the paper; while philosophy, literature, history, biography, and policy will occupy the place of subjects subordinate to our main designs.

We publish this Prospectus not ignorant of the proper sphere of a religious periodical. We are aware that in almost all instances, religious men chiefly read religious periodicals, even as political men read political periodicals. While, therefore, the spirit of our Master prompts us to do good to men both in the church and in the world, and while for this purpose we preach to the one and write for the other, and so join action to contemplation, we feel assured nevertheless that we must depend mainly upon our brethren for the augmentation of the number of our subscribers. We therefore send them our Prospectus to be employed for its proper purposes Will they render us substantial aid in this matter? Will they hand this to their brethren, relatives, friends, and fellow citizeus, for subscrip tion, and so make us their debtor in deed? So be it.


I. The Evangelist is printed on a royal sheet of 24 pages per number, and forms at the end of the year a duodecimo volume of 288 pages

II. The day of issuing is the first Monday in every month, beginning with January and ending with December. All numbers not received by the subscribers to be furuished by the Editor.

III. Every person obtaining five subscribers and paying for them shall have a sixth copy gratis; and no discontinuance will be admitted but at the option of the Editor. Such as subscribe within the year will be furnished with the back numbers.

IV. The Evangelist will be published at One Dollar in advance, per volume; and all monies paid within three months from the time of subscription will be considered in dvance; but, having felt extensively the loss of long credit, $1,50 will invariably be required if payment is deferred till after three months

Letters addressed to Walter Scott, P M., Carthage, Hamilton county, Ohio.


Brother Campbell-A slight typographical misjake occurs in my Review of President Beecher, which you will please correct.

Page 161, 5th line from bottom, for consistent' read inconsistent

Some omission als occurs here. Whether it is my mistake or your compositor's, 1 cannot say. 1 rather suspect it is my fault. I would be glad, then, if your readers would tarn to this paragraph and the following one in connexion, and notice the following emendation:

Philology, as well as psychology, is human authority. Psychology (instead of ‘philelogy') is ever wavering, &c.

At the close of the paragraph on page 162, insert as follows:

All these, with many others, have laid down certain principles and laws touching the mind-its moral and intellectual powers-principles; which were deemed fixed and unalterable; but the times change, and mental philosophy changes with them. So with phi lology, which, by common consent, is made a specific term to designate grammatical criticism-an investigation of the laws of language, &c) Its laws change. Philologists have, for instance, by unanimous consent, decided upon a specific meaning of the term baptizo. That meaning is to immerse, dip, &c But, really, it seems that it has had tha meaning long enough; and now, near the middle of the 19th century, philology must be racked and tortured, completely metamorphosed in order that a new meaning may he attached to the word-a meaning corresponding with the fashions and prejudices of sectarianism. A. J B.

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Thomas. I HAVE been thinking much upon the age of the world since our last meeting. Having to choose amongst three I am at a loss to decide. According to the Septuagint it is now 7714 years old. According to the Samaritan it is 6542. According to the Hebre, 5846.

Reuben And I am as much perplexed with the common era as you are with the three; for, according to the common Bible, I can only make the world 3946 years old at the Christian era.

Olympas. Let us have your data.


Reuben. Abraham was born in 2008, called in 2083; thence to the law, 430; thence to the building of the temple, 480; thence to the captivity, 426; captivity, 70; thence to the Messiah, 457—in all, 3946. I find from 1 Kings vi, 1., the temple was builded in the 480th yea from the exodus from Egypt. And we are certain that the exodus was, according to our common Bible, in the year 2513. which add 480, and we have 2993, to the 4th year of king Solomon. Now all the reigns from the 4th of Solomon to the Captivity are as follows:-Solomon, 36; Rehoboam, 17; Abiram, 3; Asa, 41; Jehoshaphat, 25; Jehoram, 5; Ahaziah, 1; his mother, 6; Joash, 40. Amaziah, 29; interregnum, 11; Azariah, 52; Jotham, 16; Ahaz, 16; Hezekiah, 29; Manasseh, 55; Ammon, 2; Josiah, 31; Jehoahaz, 3 months; Jehoiakim, 11 years-in all, 426 years and 3 months, when the Captivity commenced. This continued 70 years. Thus we are brought down to 3189. From the going forth of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem to the Messiah, 457; in all, 3946.

Olympas. But this falls short of the time usually adopted as the Christian era, 54 years. We Protestants arrange the times as fol

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