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be for the accommodation of Students some 75 or 80 Rooms furnished this Fall, affording ample accommodation for 150 or 160 Students in the College precincts. Two Literary Societies have been formed with the nucleus of two Libraries. An incipient College Library and considerable Chemical and Philosophical Apparatus will be in requisition next session. The whole subscriptions to this Institution amount to $17,738 25, of which $7,923 66 have been collected. The buildings erected and furnished, together with that in progress, and certain purchases of apparatus amount to about 23,000 dollars. Every donation, large and small, is record ed, and from time to time printed exhibits are to be made. It is the paramount object of this Institution to educate the youth of the community placed under its care in harmony with the genius of human nature and in accordance with the whole constitution of man, as a physical, intellectual, and moral being. Its demands on the benevolent for aid in the prosecution of its schemes of improvement, as we conceive, possess more than ordinary authority upon their liberality; and nothing but the unexampled pressure of the times could have accounted to its friends for the lack of those timely aids and facilities which an object of such magnitude and importance would seem to require. Some forty or fifty Students more than the present applicants can be accommodated next session.


Treasurer of Bethany College.

News from the Churches.

Louisville, Kentusky, May 23, 1842

WE have just closed the most interesting meeting we have had in Louisville since I have been here. Brother A. Kendrick was the principal speaker. Crowds attended and listened with profound silence, about twelve evenings and two Lord's days, to that exrellent brother. During the meeting forly four apparently deeply penitent believers (with changed hearts of course) were baptized into the name of the Divine and Holy Three.Some others were added to the church.

I not unfrequently baptize persons belonging to the Methodist church-such as wish to be baptized and still remain among the Methodists. I endeavor to show them the evils

of sectarianism, and urge them to come out on the side of union; still, if I fail to influ ence them to leave sectarianism, I baptize them and let them remain where they are.They serve as leaven to the lump.

After brother Kendrick left, our brother Dr. J.C Smith came to our aid. He deliver. ed several able discourses to large and admiring audience s; but none were added. He was quite unwell. May the Lord bless the dear bretliren! (B. F HALL. Montgomery county, June 9, 1842.

A protracted meeting commenced on the 3d Lord's day in May last, at Corinth meeting house, in this county, under the labors of brethren M'Cormick and Robert Rice, who were joined on the next day by William Pool, which continued ten days; and we have the pleasure of informing our friends abroad that 86 confessed the Lord and were immersed. Also, three additions from the Baptists, one from the Methodists, and one reclaimed. Before the meeting closed brother Rice had to leave to fill other appointments, and the meeting was continued and closed mainly by brother Pool. May the Lord help and prosper the cause of truth! CHARLES GLOVER.

Brownsville, Pennsylvania, May 20, 1842. We have had a four days' meeting, which closed on last Tuesday; the result of which was, the immersion of nine persons, all in the morning of life, probably between the ages of 18 and 25 years. This may appear a small matter to those of our brethren who are accustomed to seeing people obey the gospel by scores and by fifties, but to all who are acquainted with the difficulties and opposition taat the church at Red Stone has always had to contend with, it will be matter of great satisfaction. But not unto us, but H. B. GOE. unto thy name, O Lord, be all the glory!

Jacksonville, Illinois, June 1, 1842. Since I wrote you last, I have returned to this place with my father's family; and on arriving we commenced lecturing on Christianity. We had the assistance of brother Ross, of loway, and my father; and we rejoice at seeing about 40 persons submit to the authoriy of our Great King We next went to Princeton, at which place twenty more did likewise. The sects raged and misrepresented. We prayed and called upon them: to W.M BROWN. unite with us on the Bible alone. Greensburg, Illinois, May 12, 1842.

Since April I have been again to Shelbyville, Indiana, where I immersed 19, and four The church there at my two last visits from the Baptists and four from the Methodists had increased from 8 to 50 members. Brethren L H Jamieson and George Campbell have each been here preaching-the former, the four Lord's day in last month; and the latter, the two in this month; at which times 27 were added to the church here-17 by immersion and 3 from the Methodists. I have immersed about 50 since the first of JB NEW. February. Ravenna, Ohio, May 27, 1842.

I am on my way from Hanover, Columbiana county, to Aurora, Portage county. At the former place (Hanover) we had 35 additions-28 by immersion, and the rest from the Methodists, Baptists, and Bible Christians,' &c. You see the good cause is going onward gloriously. N. B. Two were immersed on my road, making in all 37 in 8 days.

J. H JONES. Palmyra, Missouri, May 25, 1842. After I left St. Louis I ascended the Missouri river to Rocheport, where I landed, and proceeded to Fayette, in Howard county, to a three days' meeting in that place, where I saw and co operated with the following public teachers-to wit: Thomas M. Allen, Joel No accessions; but it was said that Hayden, Wells, Gaines, White, Russell, and others much good was done in disabusing the public mind of prejudice, and in edifying the brethren and in animating of them to greater diligence. From that place I proceeded Homeward to Shelby. ille, where we received five persons-one of them was the repre sentative of the county. The Lord's day following, at Clinton. between this place and Paris, brethren Thomas M. Allen, Henry Thon as, John Alexander, and Martin Sidenor received 24 persons, and organized a church to worship God in sincerity and truth.— Seven were added to the congregaBrother Alien has just closed a meeting in this place tions-in all the places, thirty-six persons. May the gospel run and be glorified in the salvation of the world! is the prayer of yours in the hope of that event.

J. CREATH, Jr. Euclid, Ohio, May 13, 1812. Brother I suppose you have heard the victories of the gospel in this county of late Hartzei was ten days at the village of Newburg, during which time fifteen became joyful Men who converts to Christ. Some were cases that showed the power of the gospel had been much troubled with scepticism, with their companions, Lowed themselves He organized a church of more than thirty members. under the yoke of the Redeemer. The church in Ohio City prospers. The leaven of truth works mightily in that city and. AMOS SUTTON HAYDEN. in Cleaveland. Caledonia, Illinois, May 12, 1842 The dear name of Jesus is still, by some, acknowledged in this land; and glad hearts rejoice in his great salvation.

I have recently twice visited the village of Rome in Illinois-once in company with brother Palmer-ouce with brother Davenport This village is beautifully si'uated on the west bank of the Illinois river, Peoria county, and one year ago was given to intemperance and gambling. A majority of the villagers have now touched the Lord's sceptr; -8 during our first visit, and 15 the second were buried with Christ by baptism others were added from the Baptists. A congregation was organized, numbering about 40 members.


Brother William Davenport and myself are endeavoring to do the work of Evange. Hists; and though the progress of the gospel in this part of the state is slow, yet we are not at all discouraged. It is still, (as it ever was, since it began at Jerusalem,) the power of God unto salvation to every one that believes; and through the blessing of God, our hope, that the white banner of Heaven's peace, will wave triumphantly over this fair land, may yet be realized. The work is thine, O Lord! and thine is all the glory Amen! P. G. YOUNG.

Eramosa, Wellington District, Canada, May 7, 1842. The churches that I am acquainted with here are in a flourishing way. Since 1842 set in 20 valuable additions were made to the church in Eramosa, and the prospects more favorable than at any former period. The Esquising friends were refreshed and strengthened lately by an addition of 4. The brethren in the city of Toronto have built a house in which they met for the first time last Lord's pay Brother Elliot and a few others meet as a church in Hamilton, a flourishing town at the head of Lake Ontario, and there are three other churches walking in truth. To God be the praise.

JOHN BLACK. Stanford, Kentucky, June 12, 1842. I sit down this Lord's day morning to inform you of the success of the gospel within the last six weeks, all within ten miles of this place. This has been principally under the labors of our young and excellent brother Carroll Kendrick. He had the aid of brother John Steele and others at Houstonville, (the farthest point from this,) where 124 were gained, many of them of the highest rank and intelligence. At M-Cormick's, 5 miles, 96 in seven days. Brothers Kendrick and Steele were the only preachers. At Gilbert's Creek, 8 miles, in six days, brother Kendrick alone got 50; and at Rush Branch, 2 miles from this, and here, at night, 156 in seven days Old brother Creath was with brothers K. and S. a few days at Rush Branch. At Logan's Creek and Maple Swamp, 10; in all, 436 in six weeks, all within ten miles of this place Besides this, brother Kendrick went to Mount Vernon, 22 miles off, within these six weeks, and gained 10 or 12, I think, in two or three days at most. This is the most glorious conquest I ever witnessed The cause of truth and union has received such an impetus that nothing on earth can ever check but our own neglect, and I pray God that we may never become less warm than we now are. The brethren are generally alive to all their duties, fami'y prayer, c The weekly meetings have heretofore not as generally been attended to as they should — These converts were generally from the world, though there were some from all the sects here. Two Episcopalians here, both men of higu rank and intelligence, one of them a young Lawyer, who was educated for the ministry; some Methodists; Baptists, United and Separate; Presbyterians, Old and Cumberland. The people are awaking to the great cause of truth, the union of Christians, and the conversion of the world. Many of the most intelligent are among those who have lately vowed allegiance to the King Eternal. Our preaching brethren are operating to day at various points. May the Lord be with them! I have determined to spend this day at home, worshipping with the disciples. Our weekly meetings are continually kept up here and at all the churches in this region, though not as generally attended by all the brethren as they should be.

M. A. STEMMONS. Stanford, Kentucky. June 13, 1842. Brother Steele spoke here last night. Five more confes-ed-the Post Master was one. M A. STEMMONS.

Centreville, Bourbon county, Kentucky, June 2, 1842. I reached home last evering, much exhausted and worn down from the almost incessant labors of the last eight weeks, devoted to the cause of our blessed Master. As the public have been informed through other periodicals of the success of most of our meetings in April, I would only, to cheer and encourage the friends of the Bible, state the result of our last month's toil. I attended a meeting commencing on Friday the 29th of April, at Leesburg, in Harrison county, and lasting several days Some twelve were the fruits of that meeting. Several laborers were present. The next Friday we commenced a protracted meeting at Cane Ridge, in this county. Only two confessed the Lord. With brother J. Rogers and myself two intelligent and excellent young brethren attended there-brothers Hovey and Rogers. They are determined to devote their all to the Lord, and are in the field as proclaimers. On Friday before the 3d Lord's day I went to Antioch, in Bourbon county Brother Hovey joined me, and brother J. T. Johnson came on Monday. We induced sixteen to become obedient to the faith, our meeting closing on Wednesday. On the ensuing Friday I went over to Cooper s Run, near Paris, expecting to meet brother J Creath, Sr.; but was disappointed. Brother G. W. Wil. liams aiding me, we continued until Monday evening. Some eight were obtained at that point. On the next Friday evening I addressed the citizens of Cynthiana, having preach. ed on the Tuesday previous near home. I spoke on Saturday at Fork Lick, in Pendleton County; brother J. Irvin, who reached there before me, having prepared the way. He had effected a great work there last year, acting as a pioneer. On Saturday night we went to Falmouth, and continued there until Tuesday morning, when we returned to Fork Lick, and in the evening of the same day to Cynthiana, having obtained 7 volunteers at Fork Lick and two at Falmouth, making in all forty seven in the month of May. My throat, thank the Lord is again so well that I can plead his cause-indeed I never lost one Lord's day, that I remember, on this account. I rejoice to learn that Bethany College is prospering. May the Lord preserve your life, and still make you a blessing to thousands. JOHN ALLEN GANO. Florida, Missouri, May 11, 1842.

Within the last three months I have had the happiness to baptize 77 believers, and ro ceive 5 from the Baptists, 3 from the Methodists, 1 from the Presbyterians, and 2 restored. HENRY THOMAS.

Georgetown, Kentucky, June 7, 1842. The fourth Lord's day in May and a few days succeeding I spent in the city of Lexing. ton and at Macedonia. The day I spent at Macedonia with the Evangelists, who had a meeting there, we gained two additions. The result of the meeting I did not learn. I returned home on Wednesday and started for the Harrodsburg State Annual Meeting on Thursday. We met many of our old friends and brethren; but few of our evangelists and teachers were there. I was astonished that they manifested so little interest in such a meeting. The small band there labored hard, and by Wednesday night had obtained 26 additions, to the great gratification and joy of the saints. We left brother Ferguson, of Ohio, to continue the meeting Brother Rice, our young Evangelist, at the same time visited Corinth, near Mount Sterling, and in company with brother Poole, and obtained 36 additions. We returned home to attend our co operation. Brethren Gano and Elley were with us part of the time, and delivered several addresses. Through their labors we obtained 6 additions. The prospects were still fine; but other engagements called them away. I expect to start for Green River on Monday next with brother Rice. Oh! that we may be enabled to effect a great reformation in that country.


Richmond, Virginia, May 10, 1841. Early in this year I recommenced a series of discourses on the great subjects connected with the gospel. They soon excited an interest among our citizens, and many heard t their conviction. In the meantime we enjoyed the help of brethren Coleman, Bagby, and Dangerfield. Last Lord's day was a day of rejoicing to us all, We baptized four intelli. gent persons at 9 o'clock, three males and one female, and they were added to the church "the same day," together with a backslider from the Christian profession, who left the Baptists some years ago and went back into sin. We received him on a hearty repent. auce, to the joy of his wife, who is a devoted sister. After the worship we addressed the largest audience we have had since you were with us; after which three others came to confess the Lord. Last night we preached again, when two separated themselves, one of whom was my own daughter, in her 16th year. May the Lord be praised! To-night we preach again, and I trust the work is but just commenced Alas! prejudice is deeply rooted here in many minds Many are so poisoned that if the Lord were to appear among us in person they would not receive him! Can any thing good come out of Nazareth was a question which indicated the thickness of the film that covered the eyes of the people against our Lord and Master. We have thus lately baptized fourteen, ten males and four females, received one by letter from the Baptists, reclaimed one backslider, and alded some eight or ten by letter-besides those who came forward last night. May the Lord add many more of them that are saved!

P. S. Since the above was written we have received three more by baptism, and another backslider has determined to come back to his first love. Next Lord's day we are to speak on "the cleansing of the sanctuary." Farewell.

JAMES HENSHALL. Lexington, Kentucky, June 16, 1842.

I have just returned home, after five days absence from my old neighborhood or residence, (the Republican Meeting House neighborhood, six miles from Lexington, Fayette county.) Truly I can say I never witnessed such a meeting in all my life To see the old grey-headed father, whose head had been whitened by the frost of near seventy winters, and the old mother come into the kingdom of our blessed Lord, with their chil dren from the age of 12 years to the age of 4,to the number of seventy-four in five days; to see the joy and the thousands of tears that were shed upon that occasion by the penitent believers and the brethren in seeing their children and their neighbors obeying the Lord, it was enough to soften the flintiest heart and make them cry out unto the Lord what they should do to be saved. Well and truly was it said that the gospel was the power of God unto their salvation on that occasion. Brother John A Gano was the principal speaker. Brethren Pinkerton and Hatch were there a part of the time. Brother Thomas Smith who has long had the charge of that congregation, exerted a powerful influence at the meeting. The meeting is still progressing and I would not be at all sur. prized if more than a hundred were to be buried with Christ in baptism,and then, as they will do, plant themselves upon the Bible, and the Bible alone, which is the only ground where all the religious world can rally for the purpose of living in peace, and love, and union in this world, and after the resurrection to be escorted home to the everlasting kingdom, where no other name will be put upon them by our heavenly Father than the name of sons and daughters of the Lord Almighty. Praised be his name for such a union! Brother Smith informed me at this meeting that four hundred, lacking two, had con fessed the Lord or had united with the brethren in his part of the state, Lincoln or Garrard county, in about two or three weeks labor. I think this took palce just before he left for the Republican meeting. JOHN CURD.

Flemingsburg, Kentucky, June 21, 1842.

The good cause is on the march rapidly in Kentucky. The truth is mighty and will prevail! I held a meeting of some 9 or 10 days at Corinth, Montgomery county, assisted by our beloved young brother R C. Rice; the first four days of which resulted in the addition of 90 persons to the church of Christ. It was a glorious time. I would give the particulars, but the brethren will write you. WM. F. POOL.


By advices received here from brother J. Creath, of Missouri, we have just learned that Elder JEREMIAH VARDEMAN died on Saturday, the 28th May, after a short lness of two days. This distinguished Baptist, whose reputation is familiar through all Kentucky and Missouri, was eminently instrumental in giving to the cause of refor. mation in Kentucky a mighty impulse at its commencement. From 1823 to 1828 he did more to spread its grand distinguishing principles throughout the Baptist cominunity than any other man in the State. To myself his personal attachments were very strong. He travelled with me extensively, and was at great pains to obtain for the Christian Baptist, as well as for the Debate on Baptism with M Calla, a very extensive circulation. Comparatively few of our brethren in that noble commonwealth: know how much they are indebted to J. Vardeman and Elder Jacob Creath for their emancipation from the traditions of the fathers, and for the wide diffusion of the great principles of reformation in the West. No two individuals amongst the Baptist, nor any other clergy of that day, had so much authority with all the people of the West, as these two great and distinguish ed men, and none lent that power more readily than they. And had it not been for the indiscreetness of some of the junior staff of reformation leaders, Jeremiah Vardeman never would have temporized nor conferred with flesh and blood in the case But the rashness and indiscretions of some chafed and vexed this mighty spirit and he turned against them. But he had gone too far to have any power with the people, and but little with the Baptist ministry, and was constrained to migrate to Missouri Still preaching

many of the views he professed to oppose, he did little for any party after his location in that State.

To mys If he always evinced a very strong attachment, and answered my last letter to him with many tears and assurances of affection, notwithstanding all that had hap pened I believe that he continued to oppose the reformation in his last days, but under quite other aspects and attributes than the real ones He had his frailties and errors like other men; but trusting in the sacrifice and grace of that Saviour whom he preached, I hope that he will find mercy from the Lord in that day, and that we shall yet meet in a land of perfect light and perfect love, where we shall see as we are seen, and know as we are known, May the Lord bless his excellent wife, and make his offspring a blessing to many! A. C.

BALTIMORE, June 15th 1842. Brother Campbell-At the special request of the brethren here, I sit down to announce to you the death of our aged and esteemed brother CARMAN. He calmly yielded up his spirit this morning at about 6 o'clock, after a painful and lingering illness, in which the dropsy seemed to be the primary disease, though he had manifestly a complication of diseases as well as the infirmities of old age, for he had numbered three score and sixteen years. His long and unspotted life has been marked by the severest domestic afflictions, which he has sustained with the most exemplary Christian fortitude.

His whole course has been marked by the most scrupulous conscientiousness, and the most unbending integrity; and if we cannot, in our sense of the term, apply to him the first expression of the psalm, nor cau in the strictest sense apply the latter "Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright; for the end of that man is peace." But to you, who are familiar with his whole history and character, I need say no more. With him the Christian hope was no empty sound, but a blissful reality He made himself constantly familiar with the closing scenes of life; for death, the grave, the resurrection, the eternal life were with him household words. Thus he lived, and thus he died: "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord!" Yours in hope,


William Carman was amongst the first men in the East who stood up for the Bible alone as the rule and measure of Christian faith and manners. Through good report and had report for many years he chose rather to suffer affliction and mortification with a few disciples who would keep the Saviour's ordinances, rather than have a place amongst the most popular sectaries in the land. A long and intimate acquaintance with this excellent brother only seemed to heighten my admiration of his firm and unyielding attachment to truth and goodness, and ardent devotion to the Saviour's person, cause, and people. He filled the measure of his days with honor, and now reposes in the hope of the resurrection of the just. A. C.

Died, in the town of Florida, Missouri, on the 26th of March, sisier SARAH F BRYANT, daughter of James Gray and consort of James Bryant. The above sister had lived many years a Christian, and had the happiness to die a Christian, as she said on her dying bed. She has left behind her a name long to be remembered by the poor and penny. less. It was her request that should her disease terminate in death, it seould be noticed In the Harbinger, as she had many friends who would often say 'her religion would do to live on, but not to die on.' She died more like a Christian than any one I ever saw expire in my life. She said the Lord had supported her through a long life, but the last was the best, and was delighted at the prospects before her She was an example of piety in her life. H. THOMAS.

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