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however, this advantage, that a more intimate acquaintance is formed with the manners and habits of every pupil than is possible in other circumstances, it being almost impossible to conceal, for any length of time, any impropriety of behaviour from the observation of some of the Professors.

We are peculiarly happy, in the main, in the assortment of students which has fallen to our lot. About one-third of them are professors of religion; and, with a very few exceptions, they are all good students. I have seldom known so many diligent and orderly students, in the same aggregate, in any Institution. We have had, indeed, a few cases of discipline; and, from the evident good effect of these, we are confirmed in our opinion that a prompt, decided, and impartial course will, notwithstanding the great defects in family culture and discipline, in most cases succeed well; provided only, that corresponding efforts are made to increase the intelligence and moral feeling of the subjects of such disciplinary proceedings.

It is worthy of remark, however, that those pupils who are pam... pered and indulged at home, whose passions are gratified, and whose habits are measurably left to the capriciousness of youthful impulse, are easily distinguished from those whose better fortune it is to have more prudent and strict parents-parents that do not regard luxurious eating, drinking, amusement, and all manner of indulgence as the best tokens of parental tenderness and affection, and the great end not only of education, but of human life. Solomon the Wise gives some useful hints on this subject; amongst which will be found some of considerable value even yet-such as, "He that loveth his son chastens him betimes," and "Train up a child in the way that he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it;" "Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod ef correction" (or strict discipline) "wil! drive it far from him."

From the indications before us, and the experiment begun, we are more sanguine than ever that if the Christian and benevolent public will second our efforts and our enterprize, as we are confidently of opinion that they ought, our begun Institution can and will be made a source and fountain of extensive blessings to society, both civil and religious. But from an exhibit of all that has been actually donated or subscribed to this Institution, which we intend soon to publish, it will appear that we have not been seconded with that liberality of feeling and assistance which an undertaking of such magnitude and promise would seem to command. The times, we admit, are hard, and form a very plausible and handsome excuse for those who believe more in investments in the various stocks and speculations of this day

promising ten, twenty, or fifty per cent. per annum, than in those stocks which, though they promise ten thousand per cent. through ages of ages, do not instantly fill the pocket with the filthy rags or tinkling symbols of our commercial and political currency. But we yet anticipate the liberality of the Christian and benevolent portions of our country, and will yet suffer our patience to have her full effect.

proper and A. C.


EVER since the first announcement of the design of erecting a new Literary and Moral Institution, we have been assailed by various very complimentary notices from some of our editorial contemporaries.Our Baptist brethren, have, indeed, been not only most forward, but most ardent in presenting their early offerings of good will to this infant Institution. The Religious Herald of Richmond, the Baptist Banner & Pioneer, and even the Cross & Journal, have been prompt to render their early homage by such insinuations as, 'It is nothing but!— O yes! it is designed to build up something!-Mind! he is Treasurer!' Yes, indeed, it is designed to build up something. What generous insinuations! How indicative of a candid and honorable temper! I know not why these modest and magnanimous gentlemen should engross to themselves all the common sense, learning, and prudence in the world, and preclude us from the privilege of having a school to educate our own children. We have even on the borders of the Ohio a little common sense, and some honest and capable persons who can be Trustees and Managers of an Institution at least half as well as the Baptists have managed the Columbian or the Georgetown College.

True, indeed, we ask 100,000 dollars to erect, furnish, and endow an Institution for some five hundred Students. In this we include college edifices, boarding houses and their furniture, academies, with a library, laboratory, museum, and general apparatus. We desire this outfit for the treble purpose of having a good and extensive seminary for the purpose of making a good education accessible on moderate terms to the many who could not otherwise obtarn it, and for the purpose distinctly stated in our By-Laws of bestowing education gratuitously on those whom God has evidently gifted with the powers of doing good. Are these mischievous designs? And if not, have we not as good a right to undertake such an enterprize as they who assail us? And do they not ask most modestly, and yet most clamor. ously, for aid? Listen to the following from the very Banner of the Baptists:


It has not been concealed that in carrying on this Institution until the notes obtained by President Giddings became due, there will be a large deficit. Whether the number of students be great or small, a corps of instructors must be kept up to carry forward all the studies of regular College classes. All the subscriptions yet paid in, amount to but about one instalment-four remain to be paid, of which three are not yet due. When these shall have all been paid, the interest of the fund will, if the number of students be not less than one hundred, support the College. In the meantime, the deficit will amount to about twelve thousand dollars.

"The Trustees feel anxious on this subject; and so ought every intelligent Baptist to feel. But it seems impossible to move the denomination to action. Elder W. C. Buck was appointed General Agent, in the strong confidence that he would be able to raise the money. But the total amount of subscriptions, obtained by him, was eight hundred dollars. I am confined to my post with daily duties in College, direct or indirect, amounting to eight or nine hours a-day; and can travel only in vacations. Such intervals have been improved, and most of the wealthy counties in the state visited. But the new subscriptions obtained amount to but about two thousand dollars, with promises of about as much more. This is for the builing, and does not relieve the deficit.

"As the experience of brother Buck and myself show that the necessary amount cannot be made up by large donations, I proposed the plan of raising throughout the state, a sum equal to one dollar per member in each church. A number of our largest Associations have recommended the plan. If carried out, this measure will place the College where it will never need farther pecuniary aid. All that is now wanting is $12,000 to meet the deficit; $5,000 to finish the building; $10,000 for a Library; and $5,000 for apparatus. The College will then be fully endowed, and occasional legacies will enable the Trustees to appoint more Professors, and additional buildings, and increase the number of beneficiaries.

"It will not be best, in every case, to introduce the above named proposal into church meeting. It is only necessary that some one brother, and one sister, draw up subscription papers, and set out to obtain subscriptions, to be paid within three months from the date of the paper. Let every member give what they please, less or more, even down to 25 cents. In distant counties what is made up, may be deposited with the local agent. Has not the College a few friends, in every church who will undertake this?

"If this plan fails, and relief is not obtained in some other way, I shall recommend that the College be wholly suspended, till the endow. ment fund be collected; and shall have remained at interest, till it accumulates to an amount sufficient to prevent all future embarrassment. The time necessary to produce an adequate accumulation, would be about ten or eleven years. Sad as it would be to be deprived of our only College for so long a time, it would be better than to consume our capital, and finally be just where we started. Brethren, the decision rests with you. HOWARD MALCOM."

November 19, 1841.

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Have they not already had subscribed some 50,000 dollars for this came Georgetown College? and yet by way of supplying the deficit, they ask for only 32,000. Comes it not, then, most gracefully from such an institution as the Georgetown, that yet demands 32,000 dollars or from the Columbian, that has already swallowed down 150,000 dollars, or some such little sum, to annoy us for asking a less sum for an Institution large enough for 500 Students?

No strange or novel spirit has moved us on the subject of education. We have always plead the cause of education-of good common schools, academies, colleges, and all other means of relieving society of so much ignorance, vice, and misery. We have seldom refused any of the solicitors for the erection of schools, colleges, or even meeting-houses, who have called upon us for aid. And were it reasonable or allowable to boast a little under such a pressure of circumstances, we might say, that we did not upbraid either Baptist, Methodist, or Presbyterian, when they asked us for a token of our good will towards the erection of a college. We have, indeed, been debarred admission into the meeting-houses and colleges we have assisted to erect, when asked by some of the community to address them in those very buildings. But enough of this. The age of sectarian hate is fast passing away; and we intend that, so far as we can, our college shall endeavor to accelerate the progress of liberal and comprehensive views, and to expose the true character of those little spirits whose only element is controversy, and whose only aliment is the faults, real or imaginary, of those who stand in the way of their schemes of rivalry and personal or sectarian aggrandizement. A. C

News from the Churches.

Indianapolis, Indiana, June 16, 1841.

Our meeting is just over, and I snatch a moment from other matters to write you a little letter. Our annual meeting (considering the disappointment of your not coming) went off quite well. Ten were immersed during the meeting, and six others added to the congregation.

Brother John Smith of Kentucky, that veteran of the cross, was here; and if ever the truth as it is in Jesus was taught by short hand in Indianapolis, it certainly was during this meeting Brethren Taffe, Begg, and Brown, were here also, from Kentucky. We had much able teaching by various brethren; indeed all who spoke acquitted themselves like men. And could we have got the ears of the town, (for that the sects take care to secure against,) we would no doubt have seen a signal triumph of the truth. Indeed, I think much has been gained already. The Baptist brethren, seeing us very much crowded on Lord's day afternoon, (the forenoon service, being in a grove at some dis tance, kindly tendered us the use of their meeting house for the evening. We accepted the offer, and one of our brethren delivered a discourse in the Baptist house of worship on Lord's day evening. On Monday, the next day, the colored people (who have a house of worship here) requested, both verbally and in writing, that we should send them a preacher, which we did by old brother Smith giving them one of his best preaches. These details are, however, not to the point. I commenced this letter for the purpose • We had also a discourse at our own house.

of renewing our request that you should make us a visit this season yet If you could come in about a couple of months, and follow up the efforts that have been made during this meeting, and remove prejudices that our being misrepresented causes many honest minds to entertain against us, I have no doubt but much good would be the result. Caa you not come? Do try.

There is another subject on which I wish to make a remark or two. It seems, from what Elder Smith tells us, that James M Vay has been playing off in Kentucky his old tricks of gulling the communnity, and swindling (for I can cali it by no softer name) the brethren out of their money and property. And after creating quite an excitement and baptizing a goodly number of persons, set them together by the ears and left them, Brother Campbell, I put it to you to know whether we have not all (you and us) done wrong to let the favorable opportunity pass that presented itself a couple of years ago, to place before the world in its proper light the character of that man?

Facts and circumstances abundantly sufficient at that time were on hand; and by a prompt and fearless course, would, in all probability, have saved the cause in Kentucky from the fatal stab it has recently received through his means. Now what say you? Shall we again lie still and let him patch up this matter and go on to another field of operation? I think you will say, No. Brother Smith (Elder John) is determined to make the truth known, and to know what it is, that he may make it known If you should conclude to publish him, let me know, and I can probably furnish some evidence en the subject of which the Gilkinson affidavit treats. In much love, yours for the truth,


Augusta, N. J., November 2, 1841.



Dear Sir-I have just returned from a public and oral debate, held between Rev. T. J Sawyer of New York city, and Elder E. G. Holland of New York state.

The discussion was held in Hones Dale, Pa, a very pleasing and growing town. Mr. Sawyer is a man of collegiate attainments, and is known far and near as a champion of Universalism. Mr Holland is a young man of about 24, and, as to erudition and scholarship, is probably much in advance of Mr. Sawyer; at least the lengthy discussion lately held between them has left this idea as a general and indelible impression.

The first question was, "Is all the punishment and misery due to sin committed in this life, wholly exhausted in, or confined to, this life; or are they continued beyond the Resurrection?" Notwithstanding Mr Sawyer's previous knowledge of the question, on arriving he refused to discuss this proposition, since it would throw him on the affirma tive. He said that he did not know hut sin was punished hereafter for millions of mil. tions of years untold! Therefore he preferred such a modification of it as would only require him to negate. H's proofs, and to maintain that neither Reason nor Revelation taught any such sentiment!!! Of course his faith was not very strong: and rather than urge it to its extremity, brother H. consented to the following modification-viz. "Is the doctrine of future punishment for sin, committed in this life, taught by Reason or Revelation." The discussion was opened on last Thursday evening by Mr. Holland. He began with the evidences furnished by Reason. As it was taken as a given principle that a perfect retribution must exist in the universe, Reason is properly appealed to in furnishing evidence that such a retribution does not take place in ihis world. This necessa rlly carries it into the future state And in Reason's domain were found arguments too numerous to mention, and of such conclusive character as proved in the main invulnerable and invincible. The direct testimonies of Revelation were then appealed to. On this proposition three days and four evenings were exhausted New arguments were continually given. On the third evening Mr Sawyer plead for the discussion of the question to be brought to a close!! He said that he could not stay-that he must return to his parish. The Universalist who had obtained his services for the debate, made a motion to have it closed! This was seconded by the Universalist Minister of the place! Mr. H. and his friends promptly opposed this movement; and as the congregation, which was large and respectable, and decidedly in favor of having it continued, the motion died and the controversy went on.

Mr. H's argument from gehenna was overwhelming. So it was felt by Mr. Sawyer. His reply was lame, accompanied by the apology that he was at so great a distance from his library, &c Notwithstanding he had the principal Universalist books present. Toward the close of the first question Mr. S. lost his self-control, and used language quite foreign to the subject.

On the second question, “Is the doctrine of the final holiness and happiness of all men taught in the Scriptures?" Mr. Sawyer had the lead, and of course could close the discussion of it when he pleased Well how did it go? He took just one evening, and presented the philosophy and theology of his favorite dogma. Mr. H. followed him close, not leaving a text in his possession, and sweeping away his philosophy on the attrib?tes of God entire. And what then? Why, with professed regret he bid adieu to the whole matter, and left the next morning for the city. As for the Universalists, some said they were tired of the discussion; and others, that they had not time to attend to it further!!

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