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Hamilton county, to commence on the Friday before the second Lord's day of June next, at which time and place the receivers appointed at the district meetings, and their evangelists, and our evangelists, and the delegates generally of the churches throughout the state may meet, report progress and deliberate for future operations.

On motion, several persons were nominated for Evangelists, out of whom four were appointed by ballot, namely:-For the 1st District, brother Benjamin Franklin; 2d do. Ryland T. Brown; 3d do. James M. Mathes; 4th do. John O'Kane


To the congregations associated on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, and on Jesus Christ the chief corner stone, throughout the state of Indiana.

Brethren Within the last few years much has been done in our bounds for the glory of God and the advancement of his cause. But has all been done that might have been accomplished? Have we con· secrated all the talent in our ranks to the service of the Lord, and kept it constantly employed? If we have not, (and that we have not is too apparent,) what is the cause of our delinquency? These are momentous questions, and deserve a serious consideration from all in every place, who love our Lord Jesus Christ Permit us, therefore, to express ourselves on this subject freely.

If we have not brought to bear on the conversion of our contemporaries all the powers with which Heaven has gifted us, the fault must lie either with those possessing the talents requisite for the work, or with the brethren generally. Now that the first may be sometimes the case, we will not pretend to deny. There may, perhaps, be found a few instances of men who wear the name of our Lord, and have the requisite qualifications to render them useful laborers in the field before us; and yet prefer the forum, the bar, or some other theatre to exhibit their talents, that will promise them the fading wreath of earthly renown! We say there may be men among us thus gifted, and thus deluded; but we are constrained to believe that the occurrence of such cases is rare.

If, then, the church have the qualified laborers, and they are willing to devote themselves to the work, why stand they all the day idle? The answer is, "No man hath employed us." So long as men tabernacle in the flesh, and sustain their relations to society, so long they must be governed by the laws of the one and the circumstances of the other. The day of miraculous gifts has passed. We cannot expect that our public laborers can command the stones to be made bread, or that the ravens will feed them, like Elijah of old. If this were the case, the greater part of the brotherhood would be cut off from the glory of any active participation in the conversion of the world. But none are to be drones in the heavenly family. It is the duty of every Christian to labor in his appropriate sphere; and if we cannot preach ourselves, we can aid in supplying the necessities of them who do; and so be joint laborers in the good cause. This is not only the rational view of this subject, but it is the statute of Heaven, signed, sealed, and delivered by the, Spirit of inspiration. When Jesus the Lord, in the day of his sojourning with man, sent his Apostles to preach the approaching reign of Heaven, he forbade them providing

themselves with any thing to defray the expenses of the journey; alleging as a reason, that the laborer was worthy of his meat;' Matth. x. 10. And Paul is even more explicit when he says, "Even so has the Lord ordained that they who preach the gospel shall live of the gospel." 1 Cor. ix. 14. It is therefore to be regarded, by all who respect the authority of God, as no longer a debateable question, whether those who devote themselves to the proclamation of the gospel are to be sustained. But who is to sustain them? Paul says, "If we have sown to you spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things?" 1 Cor. ix. 11. By the decision of inspiration, then, we conclude that they who receive spiritual blessings are under obligation to send to others. Or in other words, on the church devolves the duty of speaking the word of life to the world.

This truth

in the abstract we apprehend will be called in question by few who venerate the authority of our King, or love his cause. But to admit the truth of any thing abstractly, is a very different matter from acting on it practically. The want of energetic action on this subject may in The brethren some degree depend on a mistaken view of the matter. have witnessed the operation of the hireling system among the sects in producing a pampered clergy, whose only business seems to be, to domineer over the laity. Shocked with the scene, they turn from it in disgus', and determine not to do right because others have done wrong. But perhaps in a majority of instances this is not the ground of delinquency. It is the direct offspring of a kind of scepticism; we call it scepticism because we nave no better name for it. It is a wint of confidence in God-a want of reliance on his promise! Did the brethren really believe that "the earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof" -did they when they turn their eyes on their flocks and their herds, their barns and their storehouses, overflowing with the munificence of Heaven-when God has poured out the horn of plenty on the landdid they really believe that these were but loans from the great Proprietor of the Universe, to test their loyalty to God, and their love of his cause-would they stand idle and unconcerned spectators of the languishing condition of that cause? Did they really believe in the promise of the Lord with as much confidence as they do in the immntability of the laws of nature, would they withhold the aid it may be God has in their power to give towards the triumph of the truth? said, "He which soweth bountifully shall also reap bountifully," 2 Cor. ix. 6.; or, "Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he reap-He that soweth to the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; he that soweth to the spirit, shall of the spirit reap life everlasting," Gal. vi. 7, 8. Brethren, if the heavenly Father has fertilized the earth by the genial influence of his seasons, if he has blessed us in our basket and our store, in our flocks and in our herds, in our various avocations; cannot we contribute a trifle of the fruits of his superabounding goodness, to feed a starving world with the bread of life?

Men are sometimes ambitious to make such a use of their money as that their memories may live ages after they slumber in the tomb. What a field for the laudable display of this ambition is here! Send and every abroad God's saving power by the hand of faithful men, convert that is made is a monument to your fidelity, that shall live when the very names of brass and marble are forgotten forever.—

Away, then, with this "covetousness which is idolatry." The condition of a priest-ridden and deluded world calls aloud upon us for action. Our duty to God, in view of the bounties of his providenc and the richness of his favor, imperiously demand prompt and energetic action in this matter.

But in what MANNER shall we raise the necessary funds to keep our laborers in the field? This is a question that has been much agitated. Is there, or is there not, any law upon this subject in the New Testament? If there be, it becomes us to ascertain it and be governed by it. If there be not, we are at liberty to adopt any other plan or course of procedure which, as congregations of Jesus Christ, made free by the Son, we shall judge most expedient and proper. When there is no law, there is no transgression; and uniformity is enjoined only where there has been given to govern us an expression of the divine will. The Evangelist Luke says of the first Christian congregation established at Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost, that they "continued steadfast in the Apostles' doctrine, in the fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers." Acts ii. 42. If this be a record of the established public worship of this congregation; and if, as is understood by some of our brethren, the fellowship here means a weekly contribution for religious purposes, the question, "How shall funds be raised," is answered.

From all the data which we have before us, the present number of the Disciples associated on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, in the state of Indiana, is not less than fifteen thousand.— Twenty-five cents only from each member, would make a fund of three thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars!-enough to sustain the families and keep continually in the field some eight or nine evange. lists. Where now, is the brother or the sister so poor as not to be able, beside doing something for the preachers and teachers at home, to contribute this trifle annually to send the gospel to the destitute abroad? None is so poor. We want this amount, we ask this amount: we believe it can be raised, and that it is our duty, and should be our privilege, to raise this much this year, for this purpose. It can be raised by the fellowship; and if there be any other method of raising funds for religious purposes laid down in the New Testament, it can be raised by that other method. Let every congregation decide for itself this question. Let them decree in their hearts to raise this amount, and let them do it.

Brethren, there is an immense field of labor before us. Let us not spend our time in talking about our duty: let us act. Let us call into the field all the talent in the state, and sustain it there. We are engaged in the best of causes: let us not become weary in well-doing, for we shall reap the harvest, if we faint not. The signs are ominous. The powers of corruption are marshalling for one mighty effort to stay the onward progress of truth. Let us do battle valiantly in the cause of the Lord, and victory shall perch on the standard of truth.

F. W. EMMONS, Secretary.

R. T. BROWN, Chairman.



AT the last meeting of the Board of Trustees of Bethany College, John Mendel, of Wellsburg, was appointed a Trustee in the place of Henry Ewing, resigned. To the Board were also added John Atkinson and Basil Wells, of Brooke county, Va.; Samuel Nuckols, of Woodford county, Ky.; and Joseph Wasson, of Bourbon county, Ky. In consequence of being a member of the Faculty, Dr. R. Richardson resigned his place as a member of the Board of Trustees,

The following resolution was adopted at said meeting:Resolved, That W. K. PENDLETON be, and he is hereby appointed Bursar and Collector of the tuition, boarding, and matriculation fees of the Students, and Bursar of the private funds of the Students; that he deposite the tuition, boarding, and matriculation funds with the Treasurer of this Board when received, until required to be paid over; that he pay to the Professors and Steward, or their order, at the expiration of every two months, the respective parts of the funds received, paying them pro rata, and that he be allowed one per cent. as commission on all monies by this order committed to his charge; and that said commission and all losses and necessary expenses incurred in the collection of said funds be charged pro rata to the persons to whom and for whom said funds are disbursed. It is further ordered that the Bursar file with the Clerk of this Board, within sixty days after his acceptation of this office, his Bond, with good security, in the penalty of $5000, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his said office. A. CAMPBELL, President,

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A BROTHER, near Paris, Tennessee, who has both written and labored a good deal gratuitously in the cause of reformation, is now obliged to place himself under the bank. rupt laws. He has a valuable library which he wishes to save Five hundred dollars would relieve it He would be glad that some five or ten brethren would step forward to its rescue. He will feel and acknowledge the obligation, and will not refuse assistance from brethren without the state, though as a matter of course, he thinks, and we think, that those amongst whom and for whom he has immediately labored, should attend to this matter and secure to him the means of extending his usefulness. A.C.


In the July number the reader will please correct the following errors:

In the account of Donations to Bethany College, page 317, sixth line from top, insert in the paid column $5.00 as the donation of Mary Shepperd, Fluvanna county, Va

Same page, ninth line from bottom, in the paid column, for $10,00 read $20,00, as the donation of T. B Parrish, Colbyville, Clark county, Ky.

Add to the list of names, George W. Williams, of Bourbon county, paid $100.

In the present number, page 335, bottom line, for "morning" or "mourning," read moving.

The following beautiful Hymn to the Flowers by HORACE SMITH, will doubtless be most acceptable to those readers of the Harbinger, who are not already familiar with it.


DAY STARS! that ope your eyes with man to twinkle,
From rainbow galaxies of earth's creation,
And dew-drops on her lonely altars sprinkle,
As a libation-

Ye matin worshippers! who, bending lowly,
Before th' uprisen sun, God's lidless eye,
Throw from your chalice a sweet and holy
Incense on high!

Ye bright Mosaics! that with storied beauty,
The floor of Nature's temple tesselate,
What num'rous emblems of instructive duty,
Your forms create!

'Neath clustered boughs, each floral bell that swingeth,
And tolls its perfume on the passing air,
Makes Sabbath in the fields, and ever ringeth

A call to prayer!

[blocks in formation]

"Thou wert net, Solomon, in all thy glory,

Array'd," the lilies cry, "in robes like ours;
How vain your grandeur!-ah! how transitory
Are human flowers!"

In the sweet scented pictures, heavenly Artist!

With which thou paintest Nature's wide-spread kall,
What a delightful lesson thou impartest

Of love to all!

[blocks in formation]

R. R.

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