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erying, Abba, Father. iv. 6. This spirit beareth witness with our spirits that we are born of God. Rom. viii. 16. If you will notice the birth of Jesus Christ and his baptism, you will find this was the order in which he was made manifest to Israel. Luke i. 26-38. and John i. 31-34. This spirit which we receive by putting on Christ's baptism, aids us in all our duties, sanctifies us, and perfects our salvation; and finally we shall renew and unite both soul and body at our proper place of residence. This is what the scriptures teach us of being born of God, and the AGENCY that effects the work in a sinner."

In a subsequent conversation with the author of these queries, this subject was farther discussed. [See the Religious Herald of the 20th March, 1829, 3d page.] "In your third answer I am far from being satisfied. You seem to think a sinner can turn himself by his own nature to God. If so, the church must sink without the influence of the Holy Spirit."

"Answer. It cannot be admitted that a sinner is the moving cause of his turning himself to God. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Without Christ had died and rose again there would be no reconciliation between God and his rebellious creatures. He is now reconciled, and the word of reconciliation is to be proclaimed to all the world. A belief of so glorious a truth, a public acknowledgment, a confession of, and submission to his will, brings us into the enjoyment of all the promised blessings made to the sons and daughters of Adam. Had not the Holy Spirit revealed it to us, and supported its testimony by incontrovertible evidence, not a Gentile or Jew could have been saved. Now I believe there is the same virtue in the gospel of Messiah there ever was, and the Spirit that strove in the mouth of Noah, David, and Paul, now strives in the written word, We have read the glorious effects produced upon thousands. and we shall see it again whenever we drink from the fountain of divine truth."

I now call upon the Editor of the Religious Herald, or the author of the queries, to show that the above extracts were not published at the dates named in said paper, if they can; and if I did not write under the signature of a female to escape the frowns of my brethren; but was severely handled, condemned, and decreed as a heretic, and finally anathematized by the Association for maintaining the foregoing sentiments. These facts are beyond all contradiction.

Now the solution of my difficulties are important to all men. We have been treated as heretics, charged with being "disorganizers and demoralizers of society," after having published the above views in their own paper, by those who heard us, and read what is above quoted from the Herald, for teaching this doctrine.

I ask Elder Peck if a union takes place between us, if it should not be honorable to both parties? Yes, it should be a uñion of hearts or souls according to the truth as it is in Jesus. Now the question is, How can we come together and be of one mind, one spirit, and one judgment with those who were either directly or indirectly engaged in decreeing us as unworthy of their fellowship for maintaining the foregoing sentiments, which Elder Peck says is of momentous consequence to the right action of the ministry, and the church in the salvation of sinners, if they now say they have always believed and preached this doctrine? All the sects in America-yes, many in Europe, as well as

men of the world, know we have been denounced as heretics for maintaining what Elder Peck now admits is truth. I repeat it, how shall we unite with such? I know of but one honorable way. If we are such characters as we have been decreed to be, we cannot on our part be restored to union without a conviction of our guilt and an acknowledgment of our error, and a reformation. To unite without, would be a baneful example to the church. We are of the same mind now as we were in the beginning. If now right, we were then. Therefore, it now remains with our Baptist brethren to do themselves the honor, and us the justice, publicly to acknowledge that they have either been mistaken or misunderstood themselves the gospel, or us who hold the gospel as taught by the inspiring Spirit. This is the only honorable course to both parties, so far as I can see. If Elder Peck can point out a more honorable and scriptural way to bring about a union with us, he will confer a lasting favor upon both parties, that no doubt would be gratefully acknowledged.

This is not intended for any Baptist that has been immersed upon a confession of his faith in Jesus Christ, and wishes to unite with us. Such will be cordially received if they were not concerned in those decrees against us. Yours as ever.



Ar the annual meeting of the Roman Catholic Institute, held lately in London, Daniel O'Connel, Member of Parliament, made the following remarks:

"He was a moderate man-he was easily contented, and would prove it. All he wanted was to hear high mass celebrated in Westminster Abbey. He did want this, and he believed the period was near when high mass would be celebrated iu Westminster Abbey. And, oh! would it not be a glorious day for England to witness such a sight in that Abbey, which had originally been erected in order that the sacrifice of the mass might be solemnly celebrated there? Yes, it would be delightful to see the sacred vestments laid upon the tomb of Edward the Confessor, who was not only celebrated for his piety and religion, but for his being the founder of British liberty. He did hope to see these things take place; and why should he not? The Spirit of God seemed to be manifesting itself in an especial manner just now in the case of the Catholic religion. It seemed as if the period had arrived when the people of England were about to be brought within the one fold of the one great and everlasting Shepherd. The Catholics in America were increasing an hundred fold; if they were to take the testimony of Miss Martineau and Captain Marryatt, the latter a high Tory, they weae assured that in a very short time all America would become Catholic. Then, again, Portugal had lately been received into the arms of the church; and even in Spain, he found that the tyrant Espartero had not been able to carry out his efforts to injure the Catholic church in that country. He had also read in the Tory Times, which had so lately called the Catholic clergy surpliced ruffians,'

and 'a demon priesthood,' that one thousand of the youth of Paris had bound themselves to carry out the feasts and fasts of the church, and eighteen hundred of them were to be seen on the same day receiving the sacrament at the altar. These were signs of the times that were not to be mistaken; and if they assisted him that day, he should endeavor to give effect in this country to the spirit that was so triumphantly abroad. Look again to Germany and Holland, and see in these countries the increase which had taken place there in the numbers of the Catholics; and, if he looked at home, was not the thing most gratifying and cheering?""

The right honorable gentleman then commented on the address of the Bishop of Oxford, and said that "the Right Reverend Prelate was evidently afraid that the rising sun of truth, which was shedding its lustre throughout the land, would expose to the eye of the observer the nakedness of that religion of which he was a professor; and this was the reason why he suggested that the authors of the Oxford Tracts should not be abused by their reverend associates."

We trust in God that these ardent aspirations, at least as far as they relate to this country, will be disappointed. Although our abuse of God's goodness and indifference to God's truth deserve the severest judgments at his hand, we cannot believe that this land of light and liberty is destined to fall under the dominion of the darkest and foulest system of error that ever cursed our fallen world.-Pioneer.


Extracts from a pamphlet entitled MORMONISM EXPOSED, continued from our last.

We now commence our quotations from the Congressional Docu ment before referred to..

"John Whitmar, a [Mormon] witness for the state, produced, sworn and examined, deposeth and saith

"I also conversed with Mr. J. Smith, Jun., on this subject. I told him I wished to allay the (then) excitement, as far as I could do it. He said the excitement was very high, and he did not know what would allay it; but remarked he would give me his opinion; which was, that if I would put my property into the hands of the bishop and high council, to be disposed of according to the laws of the church, he thought that would allay it, and the church after a while might have confidence in me." Cong. Doc., No. 189, p. 33.

XII.—Mormonism authorizes theft.

"Behold it is said in my laws, or forbidden to get in debt to thine enemies; but, behold, it is not said, at any time, that the Lord should not take when he please, and pay as seemeth him good: wherefore, as ye are agents, and ye are on the Lord's errand, and whatsoever ye do according to the will of the Lord is the Lord's business, and he hath sent you to provide for his saints," &c. Doc. and Cov., p. 147.

A Mormon has only to imagine himself an agent of God, and, according to the above precept, he may steal or commit any other crime, and fancy himself doing the will of God all the while. And these

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very things the Mormons have done. Most of our readers have probably heard of the Mormon war, which raged in Missouri in 1838. And it is a remarkable fact, that the Editor of the New York Watchman, while exposing this great delusion through the columns of that paper, a year before, showed the tendency of Mormonism to that very state of things; and the reader will see, in the sequel, that Mormonism is directly calculated to produce insurrection and bloodshed.

That they have been persecuted, we admit as quite probable. This is much to be regretted, as nothing ceuld increase that fanaticism more than to persecute its advocates.

The following account of one of the battles is from a Western paper, printed in Jefferson City, Mo., and quoted in the New York Sun, of November 20, 1838:

"ELKHORN, October 30, 1838.

"On Thursday, the 25th instant, about the dawn of day, a party of Mormons, about 200 strong, attacked Captain Bogart's company, consisting of about 40 men, on the line dividing Ray and Caldwell counties. On the approach of the Mormons, the sentry fired and gave the alarm. The former advanced within 35 paces, formed a line, and received orders 'in the name of Lazarus, the Apostles, and Jesus Christ our Lord, to fire;' which was followed by a simultaneous charge, accompanied by demoniac and hideous yells of Fight for liberty!Charge, boys!-Charge!-Kill the d-d rascals,' &c. Bogart, at the head of his gallant band, levelled his gun and echoed the command, Boys, let them have it!' The struggle was short and desperate. The Mormons were armed with one gun, two long pistol's, a butcher's knife, &c., and rushed to the charge, in which many of our men came in collision with them and parried their swords, &c., with their guns, and knocked them down. They pursued the charge about 600 yards. Our loss was one killed and three wounded; two of the latter were left for dead on the ground. The loss of the Mormons was 19 or 20 killed and wounded; five or six of the latter are yet living. They took one prisoner, carried him to within three miles of Far West, where they had him put to death.

The country is in the highest state of excitement; there are about 2500 troops within a day's march of Far West. They are pouring in from all quarters, and we expect, in a day or two, that that town will be laid waste. We are looking for the Governor with more troops. I have this moment been informed that the Mormons are making every preparation for a general battle. In the engagement on the 25th they took about $1,500 worth of horses, &c."

The congressional document before mentioned contains testimony which frequently alludes to this battle. This testimony was given before the Honorable Austin A. King, Judge of the Fifth Judicial Circuit, in the state of Missouri, at the court-house in Richmond, in a Criminal Court of Inquiry, begun November 12, 1838. The defendants were Joseph Smith, Jun., the head Mormon leader, Hiram Smith, Sidney Rigdon, Parley P. Pratt, Amasa Lyman, Lyman Wright, George W. Robinson, and about fifty other Mormons, who appear to have been the ringleaders in this war.

This testimony was given by about thirty persons, most of whom were Mormons, and it demonstrates most fully the bloody and thievish character of this most wretched of all fanaticisma.

The following extracts will show the insidious manner in which Smith teaches his followers to steal. One of the principal witnesses was a prominent Mormon leader, by the name of Samuel Avard.Speaking of an address delivered at a certain time by Joseph Smith, Jun., he says

"In the address he [Smith] related an anecdote about a Captain who applied to a Dutchman to purchase potatoes, who refused to sell.— The Captain then charged his company several different times not to touch the Dutchman's potatoes. In the morning the Dutchman had not a potatoe left in his patch." Cong. Doc., 189, page 2.

"Reed Peck, a [Mormon] witness for the state, produced, sworn, and examined, deposeth and saith:-One day before the last expedition to Daviess, I heard Joseph Smith, Jun. in a speech say, in reference to stealing, that in a general way he did not approve of it; but, that on one occasion our Saviour and his disciples stole corn in passing through the corn fields." Ib. page 18.

"John Corrill, a [Mormon] witness, produced, sworn, and examined in behalf of the state, deposeth and saith:-On Sunday Joseph Smith, Jun. in his discourse, spoke of persons taking [!] at some times, what at other times it would be wrong to take." Ib page 13.

In the next extracts we have the practice of this doctrine:"Andrew J. Job, a witness for the state, produced, sworn and examined, deposeth and saith:-After I left Diahmon I went to my stepmother's, and made efforts to get out of the county. After the Mormors surrendered at Diahmon to the militia, I went with my stepmother to Diahmon to hunt for her property which had been left at the house when she moved, and which was missing on her return-such as beds, bed-clothing, knives and forks, a trunk, &c. On examination we found at the house of Lyman Wright, and upon his bedstead, a feather bed, which I knew to be one left by her at the time she fled from the Mormons. I knew the bed from its appearance; the tick was striped and pieced at the end, and the stripes of the piece turned crosswise; also, we found in Wright's house a set of knives and forks which I knew were the same left at her house as above stated. My step-mother left her residence, (within two miles of Diahmon,) where she left the above articles, on Wednesday before I was taken prisoner, which was on the Sunday night after; and when at Diahmon, the night I was a prisoner, I slept on that same bed, as I believed it to be, at one Sloan's, as I understood his name to be." Ib. page 28.

"George W. Worthington, a witness in behalf of the state, produced, sworn and examined, deposeth and saith

"I thought it best then for me to put out, seeing they were burning. It alarmed me, and I fixed, and did start that evening, leaving something like 700 dollars worth of property in my house. After I left, my house was burnt, and the property gone. Since then I have seen some of my property in a vacant house in Diahmon; some in a storehouse; some in a house said to be Bishop Knight's; all in Diahmon. These articles consisted of a clock, two glass jars, a box coat, a paper of screws, some paints, a canister of turpentine, and some planes, chisels, squares, &c. These were found since the surrender of arms in Diahmon, by the Mormons. I saw a number of articles also in Diahmon, at the time I was seeking after my property, which, I be

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