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to be maintained with all Good Men,in the Things wherein we apprehend them to follow thefe Divine Directions.

At the fame time they are for extending In dulgence further than they can Communion, and are for an Indulgence of Civil Rights in the State unto all that approve themfelves Faithful Subjects, and Honeft Neighbours, and fuch Inoffenfive Livers, that Humane Society cannot complain of Difturbance from them.


True ELEUTHERIANS will confider, how far any further Agreement may be Neceffary: And whether thofe unreasonable Sons of Procruftes, the Narrow-foul'd and Imperious Bigots for Uniformity, will do Religion any real Service, by the preffing of it.

Behold, The Puritanismus Novanglicanus !

J. Such a Foundation being laid, the Superftruc ture is now waited for. It will be feen in the PRACTICES of the Churches, which are now going to be related.

[Let it be remembred; The Indians in the Maffachufet Province, are all Chriftianized; except the Eaftern Salvages, which have been An-. tichriftianized by the Popish Miffionaries. Among our Chriftianized Indians, there are not only many Worshipping lemblies; but alfo a Number of Gathered Churches walking in the Faith and Order of the Gospel: And thefe endeavour in all Points all poffible Conformity to the English Churches of the Country in their Administrations.]


We Proceed unto the

Methods and Customs,






The Gathering of a CHURCH.

5. I.


Number of Chriftians, either fwarmed into a New Plantation, or finding the Church to which they have belonged, grown to fuch Circumftances, that it may be for the general Advantage

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Advantage to have a New Church formed in the Neighbourhood, firft fettle their Number, and affure themselves that their Number is Competent and Refolved for the Undertaking.

The Jews of old held, That leẞ than Ten Men of Leifure, could not make a Congregation. 'Tis perhaps in Oppofition to this Tradition, that our Savicur faid, Matth. XVIII. 20. Where two or three are gathered together in my Name, there am I in the midst of them. And hence Tertullian encourageth himself to fay, Ubi tres, Ecclefia eft, licet Laici. Nevertheless, because it has been apprehended, that a Rule of Church-Difcipline in the Eighteenth Chapter of Matthew, cannot be well reduced into Practice, by any Number under Seven, and for more Reasons that might be rendred, Sever is the leaft Number that has been allowed among us, as capable to form a Church State for the Enjoyment of all Special Ordinances; But ufually there is a larger Number expected.

'S: 2. The MEN who by mutual Conferences with one another, are come to a good Undertanding and Refolution for the Gathering of a Church, are ufually fuch as are already the Members of other Churches; and obtain an Allowance from the faid Churches, for them to bear a part in this Action; which Allowance is ufually fignified in a Written Inftrument. If any of them are not fo, they give to thefe Brethren fuch an Account of their Qualifications for the Work now before them, and they are fo fatisfied in their Faith, and Repentance, and Behaviour, that they admit them into their Number,

§. 3. In


S. 3. In former Times, a Church of Brethren has been fometimes Gathered, without any One.. in their Number yet Elected or Expected by them, for their Paftor. And the Gathering of a Church has been the fole Work of the Day, with-: out the Ordination of a Paftor. The Work has been carried on with admirable Solemnity, and left an Everlasting Impreffion on the Multitude: of Spectators A Work full of Hol Glory. But: in later Times, a Church is rarely Gathered, without a Candidate of the Ministry, being one of the Number for the intended Coalition; who has been for fome while a Preacher unto them; And on the Day of their Gathering, his Ordination is alfo folemnized.

§. 4. The Perfons who are engaging and combining for the weighty Undertaking of Gathering a Church, fet a part a Day to be spent by them together in Prayer with Fafting, that they may prepare for what is before them, and confefs their Dependence on Heaven for Favours which they own themselves unworthy of, and obtain. the Bleffing of GOD; [On which Day, they privately together Sign their Covenant. ] Some times more than one fuch Day; Sometimes in a Public Affembly, where the Neighbouring Paftors come to inftruct and affift them. They think it proper to make a very Great Preparation for an Undertaking the moft Holy, and Awful, and Heavenly, that can be on this fide Heaven engag ed in.

S. 5. In time convenient the Intention, (who from first to laft, upon Paftors in the Neighbourhood C 2

Good Men of this privately wait for their Direction)

Fection fend Letters unto the Paftors and Chur ches of the Neighbouring Towns, (what number they Judge convenient) wherein they report what they intend, on a Day therein specified 3 and requeft that the Paftors with other Meffengers or Delegates of the faid Churches will please then to Countenance their Proceedings, at the Place alfo fpecified. The Paftors Read thefe Letters, to their Churches, and the Delegates or Meffengers to accompany them, unto this Transaction (upon the Nomination of the Paftors, with Liberty -then allowed for the Brethren, to nominate any more if they fee Caufe) are by fome Vote approved and appointed for it.

§. 6. The Council of Elders and Meffengers from theChurches of the Vicinity, convening at the Time and Place affigned, and chufing their Moderator, the Candidates of the New Church appear before them, and prefent unto them a, Confeffion of their Faith, and therewithal the Covenant or Engagement, in which they recognize their Obligations, to ferve the Great GOD their Saviour, and to walk with one another, in the Faith and Order of the Gospel. They produce alfo the Teftimonials of the Allowance which the Churches where they formerly belonged, have given them to Transfer their more immediate Relation unto the Society now to be gathered. In the former times, the Brethren on this Occafion alfo exhibited, either Orally, or in Writing, fome acCount of each Mans Converfion from his unregenerate State unto ferious Piety; or, The ReaJon of the Hope which is in him, that a Saving Work of Regeneration has paffed upon him.

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