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establish amongst their own subjects, in all communications which they may have with the latter; on condition nevertheless that the English shall be left in the peaceable enjoyment of the several advantages inserted in their favour in the last Treaty, or stipulated by the present Convention.

X. The Spanish Governors shall be ordered to give to the said English, dispersed, all possible facilities for their removal to the settlements agreed upon by the present Convention, according to the stipulations of the 6th Article of the Definitive Treaty of 1783, with respect to the country allotted for their use by the said Article.

XI. Their Britannic and Catholic Majesties, in order to remove every kind of doubt with regard to the true construction of the present Convention, think it necessary to declare that the conditions of the said Convention ought to be observed according to their sincere intention to ensure and improve the harmony and good understanding, which so happily subsist at present between Their said Majesties.

In this view, His Britannic Majesty engages to give the most positive orders for the evacuation of the countries above-mentioned, by all His subjects of whatever denomination; but if, contrary to such declaration, there should still remain any persons so daring as to presume, by retiring into the interior country, to endeavour to obstruct the entire evacuation already agreed upon, His Britannic Majesty, so far from affording them the least succour, or even protection, will disavow them in the most solemn manner, as He will equally do those who may hereafter attempt to settle upon the territory belonging to the Spanish Dominion.

XII. The evacuation agreed upon shall be completely effected within the space of six months, after the exchange of the ratifications of this Convention, or sooner if it can be done.

XIII. It is agreed that the new grants described in the preceding Articles, in favour of the English nation, are to take place as soon as the aforesaid evacuation shall be entirely accomplished.

XIV. His Catholic Majesty, prompted solely by motives of humanity, promises to the King of England, that He will not

acte de sévérité sur les Mosquitos, habitans en partie les pays qui devront être evacués, en vertu de la présente Convention, à cause des liaisons qui puissent avoir subsisté entre les dits Indiens et les Anglois; et Sa Majesté Britannique, de son côté, defendra rigoureusement à tous Ses sujets de fournir des armes, ou munitions de guerre, aux Indiens en général, situés sur les frontières des Possessions Espagnoles.

XV. Les deux Cours se remettront mutuellement les duplicata des ordres, qu'elles doivent expédier à leurs gouverneurs et commandans respectifs en Amérique, pour l'accomplissement de la présente Convention; et l'on destinera, de chaque côté, une frégate, ou bâtiment de guerre convenable, pour veiller ensemble, et de commun accord, à ce que les choses s'exécutent avec le meilleur ordre possible, et avec cette cordialité et bonne foi dont les deux Souverains ont bien voulu donner l'exemple.

XVI. La présente Convention sera ratifiée par Leurs Majestés Britannique et Catholique, et les ratifications échangées, dans l'espace de six semaines, ou plutôt s'il faire se peut.

En foi de quoi, nous soussignés Ministres Plénipotentiaires de Leurs Majestés Britannique et Catholique, en vertu de nos Plein-pouvoirs respectifs, avons signé la présente Convention, et y avons fait apposer les cachets de nos armes.

Fait à Londres, ce 14 jour de Juillet, 1786.





Au moment d'échanger les ratifications de nos Souverains, de la Convention signée le 14 Juillet dernier, nous les soussignés Ministres Plénipotentiaires sommes convenus, que la visite des Commissaires Anglois et Espagnols, dont fait mention l'Article

exercise any act of severity against the Mosquitos, inhabiting in part the countries which are to be evacuated, by virtue of the present Convention, on account of the connections which may have subsisted between the said Indians and the English; and His Britannic Majesty, on His part, will strictly prohibit all His subjects from furnishing arms, or warlike stores, to the Indians in general, situated upon the frontiers of the Spanish possessions.

XV. The two Courts shall mutually transmit to each other duplicates of the orders which they are to dispatch to their respective governors and commanders in America, for the accomplishment of the present Convention; and a frigate, or proper ship of war, shall be appointed, on each side, to observe in conjunction that all things are performed in the best order possible, and with that cordiality and good faith of which the two Sovereigns have been pleased to set the example.

XVI. The present Convention shall be ratified by Their Britannic and Catholic Majesties, and the ratifications exchanged, within the space of six weeks, or sooner if it can be done.

In witness whereof, we, the undersigned Ministers Plenipotentiary of Their Britannic and Catholic Majesties, in virtue of our respective full Powers, have signed the present Convention, and have affixed thereto the seals of our arms.

Done at London, this 14th day of July, 1786.





At the time of exchanging our Sovereigns' ratifications of the Convention signed the 14th of July last, we, the undersigned Ministers Plenipotentiary have agreed, that the visit of the English and Spanish Commissaries, mentioned in the 4th Article

IV de la dite Convention, par rapport à l'île Cayo Casina, doit s'étendre pareillement à tous les autres endroits, soit dans les îles, ou sur le continent, où les coupeurs Anglois seront situés. En foi de quoi, nous avons signé cette Déclaration, et y avons apposé les cachets de nos armes.

A Londres, ce 1er Septembre, 1786.

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CONVENTION entre la Grande Bretagne et l'Espagne. Signée à San Lorenzo el Real, le 28 Octobre, 1790.

Leurs Majestés Britannique et Catholique, étant disposées à terminer, par un accord prompt et solide, les différends qui se sont élévés en dernier lieu entre les deux Couronnes, Elles ont trouvé, que le meilleur moyen de parvenir à ce but salutaire seroit celui d'une transaction à l'amiable, laquelle, en laissant de côté toute discussion rétrospective des droits et des prétensions des deux Parties, réglât leur position respective à l'avenir sur des bases qui seroient conformes à leurs vrais intérêts, ainsi qu'au désir mutuel dont leurs dites Majestés sont animées, d'établir entre Elles, en tout et en tous lieux, la plus parfaite amitié, harmonie et bonne correspondance. Dans cette vue, Elles ont nommé et constitué pour Leurs Plénipotentiaires; savoir, de la part de Sa Majesté Britannique, le Sieur Alleyne Fitz-Herbert, du Conseil Privé de Sa dite Majesté dans la Grande Bretagne et en Irlande, et Son Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Plénipotentiaire près Sa Majesté Catholique; et de la part de Sa Majesté Catholique, Don Joseph Monino, Comte de Floridablanca, Chevalier Grand Croix du Royal Ordre Espagnol de Charles III, Conseiller d'Etat de Sa dite Majesté, et Son Premier Secrétaire d'Etat et del Despacho: lesquels, après s'être communiqués leurs Plein-pouvoirs respectifs, sont convenus des Articles suivans:

of the said Convention, with respect to the island of Cayo Casina, is to extend in like manner to all the other places, whether in the islands or on the continent, where the English cutters shall be situated. In witness whereof, we have signed this Declaration, and affixed thereto the seals of our arms.

London, this 1st of September, 1786.




CONVENTION between Great Britain and Spain. Signed at the Escurial, the 28th of October, 1790.*

(Translation, as laid before Parliament.)

Their Britannic and Catholic Majesties, being desirous of terminating, by a speedy and solid Agreement, the differences which have lately arisen between the two Crowns, have judged that the best way of attaining this salutary object would be that of an amicable arrangement, which, setting aside all retrospective discussion of the rights and pretensions of the two Parties, should fix their respective situation for the future on a basis conformable to their true interests, as well as to the mutual desire with which their said Majesties are animated, of establishing with each other, in every thing and in all places, the most perfect friendship, harmony and good correspondence. In this view, they have named and constituted for their Plenipotentiaries; to wit, on the part of His Britannic Majesty, Alleyne Fitz-Herbert, Esq. one of His said Majesty's Privy Council, in Great Britain and Ireland, and His Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to His Catholic Majesty; and, on the part of His Catholic Majesty, Don Joseph Monino, Count of Floridablanca, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Spanish Order of Charles III, Councillor of State to His said Majesty, and His Principal Secretary of State, and of the Dispatches: who, after having communicated to each other their respective full Powers, have agreed upon the following Articles :

Confirmed by the first Additional Article to the Treaty of 5th July, 1814.

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