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tion of which, the Typical, the Ceremonial, and the Prophetical difpenfations throughout the whole courfe of the Jewish hiftory, and for no lefs a period than 4000 years, was made fubfervient. And if it fhall appear, as it surely must appear, that the great defign of Prophecy, was THE ESTABLISHMENT


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BASIS OF DIVINE REVELATION, let him confider that the question, whether he shall receive or reject Chriftianity, becomes in the highest degree important; because, if it be proved that thefe Prophecies contain the revealed will of God, it neceffarily follows that



In order to difplay this great defign of Prophecy in the most clear and striking point of view that I can imagine poffible, I shall fubjoin, "The Life of Jefus Chrift, as drawn from the Antient Prophets," by Mr. Gilpin, and then proceed to point out in the fecond Part of this Work, additional evidence in fupport of what has been afferted refpecting the extent as well as unity of de

b Gilpin's Expofition of the New Testament, vol. i. P. 45-60.

fign in the great scheme of revelation, from the Prophecies which refer to the ages of the world fubfequent to the establishment of the Christian religion.


"I have divided the whole collection into four fections. The firft exhibits a series of thofe Prophecies, which contain the earliest, and most remote intimations of the Meffiah, They are dark, it is true: but as they plainly appear to center in one paint, they illustrate each other. Each Prophecy, confidered apart, might be called obfcure; but the whole feries in combination emits certainly a very ftrong light. They begin with predicting a victory; and an everlafting covenant, which was to take place between God and all the nations of the earth. Under the ideas of a tree, and a mountain, they hold out the grandeur, and dignity of the Meffiah's kingdom; and in a variety of beautiful images, in which all nature is represented in harmony,

and the wild beasts of the foreft tamed, they exhibit that peace, and happiness, and univerfal change in the manners of men, which this glorious predicted reign was meant to introduce; difclofing, at the fame time, throughout, its Spiritual nature, and the tranfcendent joy, with which it ought to be received.

"In the fecond fection are exhibited thofe Prophecies, which relate to the birth of the Meffiah. Here the prophetic language becomes more distinct, and full. Thofe general intimations, which were given before, begin now to break, and particularize. The fame lineaments appear; but the features are more diftinctly marked. The fection opens with predicting the forerunner of the Meffiah, in the perfon of John the Baptist. The Prophecies of the Meffiah's birth fucceed; and the wonderful peculiarity of his being born of a virgin. The place of his nativity is specified; and the characteristics of his office, and the nature of his government, are ftrongly marked.

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"In the third section I have collected fuch Prophecies, as appertain to the Meffiah's life. The whole plan of it indeed is fpecified

with as much precifion as the figurative language, in which these predictions are clothed, is able to convey. He is represented as arrayed in the dignity of a Prophet, like Mofes; and of a Prieft, like Melchizedec. At the fame time, his mean, and Suffering ftate on earth is ftrongly characterized. His gentleness, and holiness; the great efficacy of his preaching; the offence he gave to worldly men; his repreffing the Spirit of worldly wif dom; his triumphant entry into Jerusalem; and his divine prefence in the Temple; are all diftinctly held out. The variety, and even the kind, of his miracles are fpecified; and his paftoral care is strongly represented by images highly expreffive of tenderness and affection.

"In the laft fection I have collected fuch Prophecies, as appertain to the death of Christ. Here the Prophetic fpirit, as if imagery failed in describing the last scenes of this awful life, defcends from its lofty flights, and marks the feveral circumstances of that folemn period in the plaineft terms; but marks them alfo with almost hiftorical precifion. From his being betrayed by one of his Difciples, to his refurrection, there is scarce a fingle circumstance, which one or other of the Prophetic writers hath not mentioned.


The bargain made for thirty pieces of silverthe difperfion of the difciples on the seizing of Jefus the particulars of his trial-the falfe witnesses, that appeared against him-the ufage of the foldiers-the mode of his death.

-the behaviour of his enemies during that awful period-the time of that great eventthe end, and intention of it the manner of his burial-and his triumphant refurrectionall appear to be so exactly conformable to the hiftory of the New Teftament, that we might almost think them plain transcripts from it, if we had not the very best historical evidence, that they were all written, published, and well known, many hundred years

the latest of them above four hundred before the birth of Christ."”


Containing the earliest intimations of the Meffiah.

I will put enmity between thee (faid God to the ferpent) and the woman — between thy feed and her feed: it fhall bruife thy


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