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Games for Girls [A.], 708.


Gould, F. J., Moral Aspects of Secondary-school
education [A.], 441; Moral Education Conference
at Geneva [A.], 637.

Graham, Mr., advice to teachers, 270.

Grants-Board of Education's estimates, 270; main-

tenance, 13; regulations, 220.

Haldane, Viscount, on industry and education, 140;

on universities for all, 555.

Half-timers, 708.

Head Mistresses in Conference, 1921, by E. M. Ban-

croft [A.], 424.

Hearnshaw, Prof. F. J. C., Historical Impartiality

[A.], 271; Historical Impartiality Once More

[A.], 423.

High Wycombe, report on Continuation School, 691.
Higher School Examination of the University of
London and the Intermediate Examinations, by
E. H. Pritchard [A.], 155.

Historical calendars, 340.

Historical Impartiality, by Prof. F. J. C. Hearnshaw

[A.], 271.

Historical Impartiality Once More, by Prof. F. J. C.
Hearnshaw [A.], 423.

Historical Research, Co-operation in [A.], 518.

History, A Woman Professor of [A.], 770.

History teaching, 340, 442; Mr. Fisher on, 694.

Hogarth, Dr., on applied geography, 633.

Holiday courses and summer schools, 143, 213, 274,

343, 360, 372, 452, 486, 507, 513, 568, 590, 594,

(Ireland) 232.

Holiday school attendance, 292.

Holland, primary public schools, 13.

Home, G., An Old Copy-book [A.], 791.
Home work, 116, 140.

Honours, King's Birthday, New Year, &c., 80, 93,
430, 507.

Huddersfield Technical College, 36.

Hygiene, school, 76, 340.

India-146, 345, 448, 521; education report (1919-20),

Indian Educational Service, vacancies, 144.

Industrial Welfare Society, pioneer work for fellow-

ship, 208.

Industry, Lord Haldane on, 140.

Inspection-school, 115, 208; new standards of as-

sessment, 436.

Inspectors, relations with teachers, 290.
Inspectors and their Critics [A.], 505.
Insurance Society, Secondary, Technical, and Uni-
versity Teachers', 18.

Intelligence, tests of, 557.

Ireland-Belfast Conference, 286; education grants,

286, 510; education under Home Rule, 159, 286;

continuation schools, 232; honorary degrees, 232;

Intermediate Board Report, 32, 94; Intermediate

education, 93, 160, 232, 368, 458, 510, 652; inter-

mediate examinations, 34, 652, 714; Intermediate

Teachers' Conference, 93, 368; national educa-

tion report, 160; Northern Parliament and edu-

cation, 512; Pension Bill, 232; political situation,

714; preliminary professional education, 372;

primary teachers' pensions, 94; secondary

teachers in Northern Ireland, 652; secondary

teachers' salaries, 32, 93; science courses, 368;

science teacherships in training, 34; Sir E.

Carson on education, 286; summer courses, 372;

teachers' pensions, 286; teacherships in training,
34; Technical Instruction Congress, 458; training
colleges grant, 232; training of teachers, 714;
Ulster and Dail Eireann education committees,
714; Ulster education, 456; university fees, 160.
Italian language study in England, 706.
Italy-27, 276; floating kinema, 650; Geographical
Congress, 344; Institute to spread Italian cul-
ture, 28; Montessori method criticized, 344;
nautical schools, 520; Normal school, 706; Re-
vista Pedagogica, 27.

Jewish Schools in Palestine (B. Stone) [C.], 352.
Journal of the British Science Guild, 18.
Juvenile employment-514; Lord Chelmsford's report
and recommendations, 691.

Kent Classical Society, 18.

Kent Education Committee, report 1919-20, 77.

Kekewich, Sir G., K.C.B. [O.], 506.

Kinema in education, 750, 782.

Lancashire Education Committee,

Latin as a Subject for "Arts" (G. H. C.) [C.], 772.
Latin in school curriculum, 117, 714.

Latvia, An Earnest Appeal from (M. Kakis) [C.],

Leeds "safeguarded open access,
public, and Education Committees, 124.
Library for Central Europe, Anglo-American Univer-
sity (B. M. Headicar) [C.], 152.

Library talks to children, 754.
Literature, Chronology in the Study of, by M. Step-
pat [A.], 124.

Liverpool Education Committee, scholarships, 77.

Local Education Committees, 150.

London-continuation schools, 140, 419; City of Lon-

don College, 213; College Hall, 20; day continu-

ation schools, 91; educational Mecca, 338; Fins-

bury Technical College, 343; French Institute,

101; James Allen's Girls' School, Dulwich, 36;

Mary Datchelor Girls' School, Camberwell, 34;

Northampton Institute, Clerkenwell, 670; Royal

College of Art, 640; Streatham Secondary School

for Girls, 697.

London County Council-expenditure, 751; home-

work and evening library classes, 634; lec-

tures and classes for teachers, 668.

London Elementary Schools, The Older Children in,
by T. Raymont [A.], 77.

LONDON UNIVERSITY-club, 18; Historical Research

Institute, 512, 518; journalism diploma courses,
448, 579; matriculation for teachers, 12; Officers'
Training Corps, War Service Roll, 618; site,
693; University College phonetics courses, 640.

McKerrel, L., Artistic Children [A.], 727.

Macaulay and his Lays, by G. G. L. [A.], 707.

Maps and School Atlases, New Wall, by T. A.
Smith [A.], 359.

Mathematics, Oxford and Cambridge Schools Exam.

ination, 271.

Mathematics in the First School Examination, by
R. W. Bayliss [A.], 14.

Matriculation-Northern Universities, 81; teachers',

[blocks in formation]

Montessori, Dr., value of her work, 270.

Montessori Institute, A (C. Bang) [C.], 86.

Montessori Training Course, 142.

Moral Education Conference at Geneva, by F. J.
Gould [A.], 637.

Munby, A. E., M.A., F.R.I.B.A., Improvements in

Secondary-school Buildings [A.], 703, 765.

Music for the Average Boy, by F. H. Shera, M.A.,

Mus.M. [A.], 503.

Music-in liberal education, 636; Sir H. Hadow on,

Music in Schools (R. H. Tatton) [C.], 588.
Music Student and bogus music colleges, 558.
Musical appreciation, Dr. J. Borland on rhythm
and ear training, 633.

National Health Society, women workers, 514.
National Home-Reading Union, 144.
National Institute for the Blind, 274.
National Union of Teachers, 216, 710; improvement

of teaching conditions, 654; inspecting secondary
schools, 654; membership, 522; north predomin-
ant, 218; panel of special-school teachers, 572;
resistance to salary cutting, 772; sub-com-
mittees, 436.

Naval History, Sir J. Corbett on, 694.

New Zealand, 216.

Northumberland Education Committee, intelligence

test, 557.

Norwich, Junior Library, 534.

Obituary-Abney, Sir W. de W., K.C.B., 17; Allen,

Dr. G. C., 342; Barbier, Prof. P., 698; Batsford,

Miss, 17; Becker, Mr. A. G., 143; Brough, Miss

L., 342; Cook, Mr. A. M., 670; Dale, Sir A., 670;

Davies, Miss E., 506; Escott, Miss A. E., 342;

Evans, Rev. H. J., 343; Fowler, Mr. W. W.,

432; Gerrans, Mr. H. T., 507; Griffin, Mr. W.,

770; Harbutt, Mr. W., A.R.C.A., 432; Hart,

Mr. H. G., 81; Heard, Rev. W. A., 273; Hill,

Miss E. D., 212; Jackson, Mr. Herbert, 143;

Jackson, Mr. T. C., 17; Jackson, Prof. Henry,

698; James, Mr. A. C., 568; Jeans, Canon

G. E., 564; Kekewich, Sir G., K.C.B., 506;

Kneen, Mr. W., 770; Leeds, Miss K. M., 273;

Lilley, Miss M. S., 142; Macdonald, Mr. A.,

769; Milnes, Dr. A., 769; Moulton, Lord, 211;

Oliphant, Mr. James, 211; Parrott, Sir J. E.,

Pondoland, 757.

Porto Rico, 707.

Primary School Notes, 36, 83, 148, 216, 288, 376,
434, 521, 570, 654, 708, 770.
Pritchard, E. H., Higher School Examination of the
University of London and the Intermediate
Examinations [A.], 155.

Prize Awards-Translations: "Critique de l'Ecole
des Femmes" (Molière), 460; Destinées de la
Poésie (Lamartine), 532; "Essai sur quelques
Caractères" (Vauvenargues), 292; "La Société
Française dans le XVIIIe Siècle" (Taine),
780; "La Terre du Passé" (A. le Braz), 40; "La
Vie de Marianne" (Marivaux), 654; "Le Lis
du Golfe de Santa Restituta'


Public-school spirit, 632.

Punishment, Corporal and Otherwise, by J. L.
Paton [A.], 357.

Rawnsley, Canon, the late, educational work, 14.
Raymont, T., Continuation Schools: A Set-back

[A.), 341; The Older Children in London Ele-
mentary Schools [A.], 77; The Old Testament
in the School [A.], 769.

Reminiscences of an ex-Head Master (Rude Dona-
tus), 754.

Reviews and Minor Notices, 51, 95, 160, 232, 308,

395, 475, 522, 607, 672, 729, 794.

Rowland, S., English Literature in Schools [A.], 120.
Royal Academy of Music and Royal College of
Music, 143, 343; local examinations, 514.

Royal Institute of British Architects, 776.

"Rude Donatus," Reminiscences of an ex-Head

Master [A.], 754.

Russia, The British Committee for aiding Men of

Letters and Science in (Montagu of Beaulieu

and others) [C.], 84.

Russia, multiplication of figures, 520.

Russian Famine and the Schools, The, by J. L.
Paton [A.], 646.

S. E. W., The Fostering of Taste in Poetry [A.],

Sandhurst and Woolwich, 81.

Scholarships, 77, 426; L.C.C. and Board of Educa-
tion, 157; Sophie Adelaide Turle Musical, 776;
Staffordshire's oral tests, 751.

School-as influencing war, 500; irregular attend-

ance, 376.

School buildings, 209, 703, 765.

School holidays-primary, 654; (J. E. Green) [C.], 20.

School war memorial, 20.

School-leaving age, 570, 710.

Schoolmaster, The Character of a, by G. H. C.

[A.], 142.

Schoolmasters Yearbook and Directory, The (The
Editors, S.Y.B.) [C.], 152.

Schools-central and higher standard, 91, 376; clos-
ing of small, 557; cost of small country, 13;
elementary, 77, 79; nursery, 631, 749; prímary,
special courses, 570; private, 338, 499; public,
prefect system, 632; secondary-accommodation,
424, fees and provision 505, preparatory depart-
ments 424, regulations 424, 426, 555, school
period 631, transferred 419; technical, 631.
Science "science for all" course, 637; teaching, 442;
for girls, 117.

Scotland-adult education, 712; Association of Edu-

cation Authorities, 452; bibliography of Scottish

history, 508; children's preference for subjects,

636; citizen lectureships, 762; classics teaching,

592; Dundee Congress, 452; economy in edu-

cation, 286, 508, 590, 758; Education Depart-

ment's report, 366; education in the Highlands,

232; education rate, 508; Educational Institute,

92, 158, 159, 285, 452, 454, 508, 650; Entrance

Board examination, 652; grants, 366, 508; in-

termediate schools, 231; Joint Council's con-

sideration of salary scales, 508; Latin position,

231; medical officers' congress, 285; musical

festivals, 454; parochial teachers, 760; primary

teachers, 286, rating commission, 232; school

accommodation, 366; salaries, 30, 508, 590;

secondary teachers, 285; Sir H. Mackinder on

the teacher as revolutionary, 368; superannu-

ation plebiscite, 285; teacher as revolutionary,

368; teachers' honorary degrees, 368; teachers'

supply, 231, 366; teaching Scottish languages,

712; training college salaries, 159; uncertifi-

cated Shetland teachers, 652; university

assessors, 760; university commission, 368;

university entrance, 231; university evening

classes, 159; university lecturers' salaries,

159; Universities Bill, 508, 762; village con-

certs, 712.

Scottish dialects, decadence, 93.

Scottish Socialist Teachers' Society, 93.

Seafarer's Education Service, 700.

Secondary education, progress, 139.

Secondary-school Buildings, Improvements in, by
A. E. Munby, M.A., F.R.I.B.A. [A.], 703, 765.

Secondary-school Teachers' Fund, war relief, 421.

Sedburgh School, 458.

Shakespearean performances, payment for children's

attendances, 208, 750.

Sheffield Education Committee, report, 209; Uni-

versity, 762.

Shera, F. H., M.A., Mus.M., Music for the Average

Boy [A.], 502.

Sherborne School for Girls, 458.

Simmons, Mr. A. T. [O.], 559; tribute, 670.

Sketch Map Geography (E. G. R. Taylor) [C.], 588.

Smith, T. A., New Wall Maps and School Atlases

[A.], 359.

Summer time, effect on education, 752.

Superannuation schemes, 32, 75.

Swanley Horticultural College, 143.

Swansea University College, 231, 452, 710, 758.

Switzerland, experimental psychology, 214.

Teachers-advice to, 270; and Labour movement,
376; and local government, 12; and Upper
Standard Courses, 521; dissatisfaction, 522;
education and training, 753; ex-service men,
691; interchange, 212; overstrain, 521; super-
annuation, 32, 75, 521; supply, 218, 521, 681;
proportion of men and women, 654; training,
117, 693; uncertificated, 288, 572.

Teachers' Guild of Great Britain and Ireland, 116,
434; name changed to Education Guild, 707.
Telephone, inventor, 16.

Times, The, on bias in history teaching, 340.
Topics and Events, 18, 81, 143, 212, 273, 343, 434,
512, 568, 640, 700, 774.

Training colleges--and university control, 499; ex-
service men's, 708; unfair treatment, 634; ex-
students' appointments, 631; finance and future,
76, 339, 421.

Transvaal, 757.

Trinidad, 29.

Tucker, D. L., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Psychoanalysis

and Education [A.], 281.

United States-classical studies, 446; Columbia Uni-

versity, 82; Commissionership of Education and

Dr. Claxton, 707; continuation, 29; deaf chil-

dren's training, 650; education 216, by kinema

446; educational research fund, 276; Federal De-

partment of Education (Smith-Towner Bill), 29;

General Education Board, 214; Harvard's "Bul-

letins in Education," 446; Johns Hopkins and

Virginia Universities, 146, 276; Journal of Edu-

cational Method, 448; lighting classrooms, 650;

Michigan private schools, 707; National Museum,

519; politics and the school, 519; President

Butler on liberalism and religious education, 82;

research work, 214; salaries and pensions, 345;

speech training 278, improvement 146, summer

courses, 345; surveys of educational systems,

216; universal language, 29; university activities,

278; degrees, 520.

Universities-and adult education, 555; and secon-

dary education, 499; ex-service students, 631.

Universities and Schools-29, 92, 157, 230, 284, 362,

448, 508, 590, 650, 710, 757.

Universities Bureau of the British Empire, 91.

Universities of the Empire, Congress, 499.

Victoria League, 512.

Wales Aberystwyth University College of Wales,

590; advisory committees, 758; Board of Edu-

cation report, 650; bibliography of Welsh

history, 285; Burnham scales, 30, 158, 452, 510;

Central Welsh Board, 30, 230, 452, 508; ex-

aminations, 510; classical education, 92, 710; co-

optation, 710; Departmental Committee's report,

30, 230; Federation of Education Committees,

366; finance, 230, 362; Intermediate Examin-

ation, 158; music in schools, 284; National

Council of Education, 510, 650, 757; National

Eisteddfod, 590; National Museum, 230; reli-

gious instruction, 285; salaries, 92, 284, 452,

510, 712; secondary-school life 710, accommo-

dation 362; summer schools, 590; teachers'

training, 366; University Court, 29, 157, 450;

University of Wales 230, 284, 450, honorary

degrees 450; Welsh County Schools Associa-

tion, 362, 757; Welsh National School of Medi-

cine, 712.

War Memorial of the Textile Industries, 20.
War Records, Local (W. Beveridge and others)
[C.], 22.

Warwickshire, education rates, 339.

White, E. M., Civics in Continuation Schools [A.],

634; Modern Civics: its Connexions with Other

Subjects [A.], 229.

Wintringham, Mrs., M.P., 770.

Women and the University of Cambridge, by the
Rev. H. J. Chaytor [A], 696.

Women's Colleges in Oxford (Curzon of Kedleston

and others) [C.], 84.

Women's Engineering Society, 209.

Women's Holiday Fund (A. F. London and others)
[C.], 522.

Worcester, Burnham scale dispute, 633.
Worker, Mr. Clynes on self-education of, 213.
Workers' Educational Association, manifesto, 212.
Yorkshire West Riding, continuation schools, 13.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Adolescent Girl, The Care of the (Dr. P. Blan-
chard), 729.

American Colleges and Universities in the Great
War, The, 1914-1919 (Dr. C. F. Thwing), 396.
American University, The; an Australian View

(Prof. E. R. Holme), 523.
Child, The Problem of the Nervous (E. Evans), 234.
Child Welfare from the Social Point of View (N.
Milnes), 52.

Children and Childhood (N. Niemeyer), 729.

Civilization, The Salvaging of (H. G. Wells), 475.

"Contributions to the History of Education."-(1)

Secondary Education in the Nineteenth Century

(Prof. R. L. Archer); (2) Pioneers of Modern

Education, 1600-1700 (Prof. J. W. Adamson),


Dances for Schools, Fifty Figure and Character,
2 vols. (E. T. Bell), 672.

Diary, A Young Girl's (translated by E. and C.
Paul), 309.

Education, An Introduction to the Study of, Part I,
The Purpose of Education (Prof. A. Mackie),

Education, Sociological Determination of Objectives
in (Prof. D. Snedden), 524.

Education, The History of Western (Dr. W. Boyd),

Education, The Joy of (W. Platt), 96.

Education, The New (edited by L. H. Guest, M.C.),

Education and World Citizenship (J. C. M. Gar-

nett, C.B.E.), 308.

Education in the Army (Col. Lord Gorell, C.B.E.,
M.C.), 308.

Educational Experiments in England (A. Woods), 96.

Elementary School Practice, Modern (Prof. G. E.

Freeland), 310.

Engineering, Opportunities in (C. M. Horton), 398.

Family, The Unrelated (A. V. G. Wright), 96.

French Language in England during Tudor and

Stuart Times, The Teaching and Cultivation of

the (K. Lambley), 160.

Industrial Education for Use in Teacher-Training

Classes, Principles and Methods of (W. H.

Dooley), 310.

Language-Study, The Principles of (H. E. Palmer),


Mental Development and Education (Prof. M. V.

O'Shea), 608.

My Term Off (N. G. B. James), 524.

Newnham College, A Short History of (A. Gardner),


Nursery School Education (edited by G. Owen), 52.
Occupations, A Guide to the Study of (F. J. Allen),

Pédagogie Pratique (L. Poitrinal), 396.

"Philips' New Era Library."-The New Era in

Education (edited by E. Young), 234.

Reading, Silent, with Special Reference to Methods

for Developing Speed (Prof. J. A. O'Brien), 729.

Rhythm, Music, and Education (E. Jaques-Dalcroze),


"Riverside Text-books in Education."-The Super-

vision of Instruction (Prof. H. W. Nutt), 396.

Schools, The Nation and the (J. A. H. Keith and

Prof. W. C. Bagley), 396.

Seven Ages of Childhood (E. L. Cabot), 792.

Sex, Sanity in (W. J. Fielding), 52.

Sports, The Book of School (edited by G. Jessop

and J. B. Salmond), 56.

Teacher. The Modern (A. W. Bain), 396.

"The Modern Educator's Library."-The Organiz-

ation and Curricula of Schools (Dr. W. G.

Sleight), 52.

Writing, History of the Art of (W. A. Mason), 310.

Young, Give me the (E. Holmes), 730.


Arnold Poetry Reader, The, 236.

Beowulf (R. W. Chambers), 792

"Blackie's English Classics."-Sir Lancelot du
Lake, King Cophetua, Gentle Herdsman, and
other Ballads, 236.

"Blackie's English Texts."- Thomas Deloney,
Thomas of Reading, and John Winchcombe, 56.
Books of New Ideas, The, No. 2, Reading, Writing,
Spelling, Language Training, 398.
"Cambridge Archæological and Ethnological Series."
-The Place-Names of Northumberland and

Durham (Prof. A. Mawer), 96.

Cambridge Magasine, The (Jan.-March, 1921), 152.

Children's Garland of Verse, The (G. Rhys), 793.

Composition, English: Progressive Exercises

(C. E. L. Hammond), 793.

Composition, The Pupil's Class-book of English,

Book V (E. J. S. Lay), 236.

Composition Books, The Kingsway Series of, I and

II (R. Finch), 793.

Dictionary of Modern English, An Etymological (E.

Weekley), 395.

Dramatic Reader, A, Books I, II, and III (A. R.

Headland and H. A. Treble), 731.

English, A Year's Work in (J. W. Marriott), 793.

English, Practice in (P. H. Reaney), 525.

English, The Sounds of Standard (T. Nicklin), 398.

English, The Teaching of (W. S. Tomkinson), 398.

English, The Use of, Part I (Dr. R. Wilson), 54.

English Anthology of Prose and Poetry, An (com-

piled by H. Newbolt), 730.

English Course for Everybody, An (S. P. B. Mais),


English Exercises, Part II (J. H. Fowler), 793.

English for Commercial Students (H. W. Hough-

ton), 794.

English for the English (G. Sampson), 728.

English Literature, A Survey of, 1830-1880 (Prof. O.

Elton), 51.

English Prose and Verse (R. F. Patterson), 236.

Essays for

Intermediate Classes, Representative

Classical (F. F. Monk), 236.

"Golden Treasury Series."-Lyra Heroica (W. E.

Henley), 236; A Book of English Verse on

Infancy and Childhood (L. S. Wood), 793.

Ivanhoe (Sir W. Scott), 525.

Language, The Romance of (A. Chaplin), 54.

"Macmillan's American Pocket Classics."-(1) Scott's

Rob Roy (abridged) (edited by R. Musgrove);

(2) Reade's Cloister and the Hearth (abridged)

(edited by O. E. Hart); (3) Austen's Pride and

Prejudice (edited by J. W. Heermans), 398.

Manual of Modern Scots (W. Grant and J. M.

Dixon), 793.

"Methuen's English Classics."--(1) An Anthology of

Modern Verse (A. M.); (2) Elizabethan Lyrics

(D. Mavor); (3) The Merchant of Venice, Julius

Caesar (edited by G. H. Cowling); (4) Letters

from Constantinople (Lady M. W. Montagu);

(5) Pearl: A Fourteenth-century Poem (Dr.

G. G. Coulton), 609.

Mother Tongue, Teaching the (Dr. P. B. Ballard),


"New Era Library."-Bookland (W. H. King), 609.

"Normal Tutorial Series."-Notes on Dickens's

Martin Chuzzlewit (G. M. Handley), 236.

"Our Mutual Friend," The Story of (C. M. Rice), 236.

"Oxford Edition."-Poems of William Edmon-

"A Historical Geography of the British Dependen.
cies."-Vol. VII, India; Part II, History under
the Government of the Crown (P. E. Roberts),


a Geographical Study of the Peace
Terms (Dr. M. I. Newbigin), 56.
"Arnold's Modern Geographies."-IV, Asia (A. A.
Davey), 400.

Atlas, Bacon's Physical, The Map and its Story, 477.

Atlas, McDougall's School, 477.

Atlas, Nelson's School: Regional, Political, Indus-

trial, 734.

Atlas, Philips' Junior Historical, 674.

Atlas, Philips' Senior School, 98.

"Blackie's New Systematic Geographies, Regionally
Treated," Books I-V (D. Frew), 734.

British Empire, A Regional Geography of the (ex-
cluding the British Isles) (T. W. F. Parkinson),

British Empire, Victoria League Booklets, 568.
"Cambridge County Geographies."-England: Lei-

cestershire (G. N. Pingriff), 310; (1) The West
Riding of Yorkshire (B. Hobson); (2) Scotland:
Kincardineshire (late G. H. Kinnear), 734.

"Cambridge Geographical Readers."-IV, Western

Europe and the Mediterranean Region, 525.

Cambridge Geographical Text-books, Junior (A. R.

Chart-Leigh), 732.

Collins's "Reason Why"

American History and Government (M. P. An-

drews), 610.

Ancient History, The Beginners': from Earliest
Times to about A.D. 1000 (J. B. Newman), 528.

Antioch, A Short History of, 300 B.c. to A.D. 1268

(E. S. Bouchier), 612.

British Colonies, A History of the (H. L. Jones and

C. Sherratt), 612.

British Diplomacy, 1813-15 (edited by C. K. Web-

ster), 798.

British Empire, The (J. P. Bulkeley), 477.

Collected Papers: Historical, Literary, Travel, and

Miscellaneous, Vols. I and II (Sir A. W. Ward),


"Continuation Manuals."-(1) A Social and Indus-

trial History of England: Before the Industrial

Revolution (M. D. Harris); (2) The Industrial

State (M. D. Stocks); A Social and Industrial

History of England: Modern Times (E. Wel-

bourne), 526.

Economic Development of France and Germany,

The, 1815-1914 (Dr. J. H. Clapham), 402.

Economic History of England, A School: I, From

the Conquest to the Middle of the Eighteenth

Century (C. M. Waters), 162.

England and the Empire, Book I (E. Stevenson),

Books II-IV (E. M. Field), 164.

England in Transition, 1789-1892: A Study of Move-

ments (Dr. W. L. Mathieson), 612.

England is Governed, How (Rt. Hon. C. F. G.
Masterman), 477.

English Local Government, An Outline of (Prof. E.

Jenks), 732.

English Social History from Contemporary Liter-

ature, Readings in, Vol. III, 1485-1603 (edited

by R. B. Morgan), 732.

Europe, The Making of (W. H. Barker and Dr. W.

Rees), 56.

Europe and Beyond (J. A. R. Marriott), 732.

European History, Outlines of. Part I (C. L.

Thomson); Part II (A. D. Greenwood), 796.

European History, Study Manual of (Members of

History Dept., Chicago University), 162.

France, Government and Politics of (Prof. E. McC.

Sait), 400.

France, The Child's Book of (S. Dark), 796.

Great Britain in the Latest Age (A. S. Turberville

and F. A. Howe), 311.

Greek Renaissance, The (P. N. Ure), 798.

Hellenic Heritage, Our, Vol. I (Parts 1 and 2)

(H. R. James), 732.

"Helps for Students of History."-(1) Select Ex-

tracts illustrating Sports and Pastimes in the

Middle Ages (E. L. Guilford); (2) Knights of

Malta, 1523-1798 (R. Cohen); (3) Ireland, 1494-

1829 (R. H. Murray), 238.

Historical Works of Sir Francis Palgrave, K.H.,

The Collected, Vols. III and IV, The History

of Normandy and of England (edited by Sir

R. H. I. Palgrave, F.R.S.), 400.

History, Movements in European (L. H. Davison),


History in Junior and Senior High Schools, The

Teaching of (Prof. R. M. Tryon), 730.

History of Britain, A Short Social and Political

(R. L. Mackie), 732.

History of England, A, William III to Waterloo
(C. E. Robinson), 477.

History of England and Greater Britain, A Shorter
(Prof. A. L. Cross), 400.

History of England to the end of the Great War,
The Beginner's (E. W. Miller), 674.

History of Great Britain, A New (R. B. Mowat),
238, 732.

History of Scotland, A Short (Prof. C. S. Terry),

History of Scotland from the Roman Evacuation to
the Disruption, The, 1843 (Prof. C. S. Terry),

History of the British Empire (C. S. S. Higham),

History of the Chartist Movement, The (J. West), 56.
History of the Great War (for Young People), A
Short (T. O. Hodges), 674.

History of the Great War, A. Vol. I, From the

Outbreak to the Battle of Neuve Chapelle (J.

Buchan), 800.

History the Teacher (F. J. Gould), 478.

Indian History (1818-1858), a Source-Book of: The

last Days of the Company (G. Anderson and

M. Sudebar), 798.

Industrial History of England, An Introduction t

the (Dr. A. P. Usher), 400.

Latin Orient, Essays on the (W. Miller), 796.

London's Story (C. Mullins), 164.

"Macmillan's Life and Work Series."-A Brief

Sketch of Social and Industrial History (E.

Cressy), 162.

Magic Pictures of the Long Ago (A. C. Chandler),


Medieval City, Life in a (E. Benson), 238.

Medieval Contributions to Modern Civilization (edited

by Prof. F. J. C. Hearnshaw), 528.

Medieval Heresy and the Inquisition (A. S. Turber-

ville), 400.

Modern History from about A.D. 1000, The Begin

ner's (J. B. Newman), 612.

"New Era Library."-England in Her Days of

Peace (E. Doorly), 477.

"New Era Library."-Wealth and Work (G. W.

Gough), 236.

"Normal Tutorial Series."-The Normal History of

Europe, 1815-1914 (V. A. Allemandy), 164.

Paston Letters as transcribed by Sir John Fenn,

Selections from the (edited by A. D. Greenwood),


Piers Plowman Social and Economic Histories, The,

Book III (M. Niemeyer), Book V (E. H.

Spalding), 311, Book VI (E. H. Spalding),


Pisa, A History of: Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries

(W. Heywood), 612.

Political Science, Principles of (R. N. Gilchrist),


Readings in English Social History, from Contem-
porary Literature, Vols. I and II (edited by
R. B. Morgan), 311.

Roman Empire, The Tradition of the (C. H. St. L.

Russell), 311.

"Romance of British Industry Series."-Man and
Commerce (R. S. Bridge), 477.

Russia, A Short History of (Prof. A. R. Ephimenko),

Social Life in England to 1500 (E. H. Davis), 526.
Stone Age in Northern Europe, The New (Prof.
J. M. Tyler), 526.

"The Bede Histories," Series III.-The History of
the People of England, Vol. I, 55 B.C. to
A.D. 1485 (A. D. Greenwood), 608.

"The Histories of English Industries."-The History

of the Woollen and Worsted Industries (E. Lip-

son), 526.

"The Royal School Series."-The New Age History

Readers, Book V, The Struggle for Liberty, 164.

"The Story of the English Towns."-(1) Pontefract;

(2) Harrogate and Knaresborough (J. S. Fletcher);

(3) St. Albans (W. Page), 56.

"The Story of Our Country."-(1) From Roman to

Tudor (E. L. Bryson); (2) Tudors and Stewarts

(J. S. Haig); (3) From the Revolution to Water-

loo (J. S. Haig); (4) From Great War to Great

War (E. L. Bryson), 526.

"The Story of the Nations."-Belgium (E. Cam-

maerts), 311.

"The Unity Series."-IV, The Evolution of World

Peace (edited by F. S. Marvin), 612.

War in Italy, The, 1494-1529 (F. L. Taylor), 238.

World History, A Short (E. M. Wilmot-Buxton), 528.


"Cambridge Plain Texts."-(1) Mazzini: Fede e

Avvenire; (2) Leopardi : Pensieri; (3) Alfieri: La

Virtù Sconosciuta; (4) Gasparo Gozzi: La Gaz-

zetta Veneta; (5) Rosmini: Cinque Piaghe, 730.

"Early Italian Literature."--Vol. II, The Dawn of

Italian Prose (D. E. Grillo), 238.

Giuseppe Parini: Il Giorno (edited by A. F. John-

son), 793.

Goldoni e le sue Sèdici Commèdie Nuove (P. Fer-

rari), 238.

"Oxford Italian Series."-Two Essays (F. de Sane
tis), 238.

"The University of Chicago Italian Series."-Farina

Fra le Corde d'un Contrabasso (edited by E.

Schobinger and Dr. E. Preston), 730.


Algebra, Elementary (C. O. Tuckey), 796.
Algebrais Curves, Plane (Prof. H. Hilton), 478.
Analysis, An Introduction to Combinatory (Major
P. A. MacMahon), 164.

Integral Calculus, A Treatise on, Vol. I (J. Ed-
wards), 795.

Leibniz, The Early Mathematical Manuscripts of
(C. J. Gerhardt), 240.

"Longman's Modern Mathematical Series."-Ex-
amples in Differential and Integral Calculus
(late C. S. Jackson), 796.

Mathematical Problems (H. E. F. Roberts and T.
Hickson), 312.

Mathematics, Textile, Parts I and II (T. Wood-
house and A. Brand), 478.

Mathematics, Vocational (W. H. Dooley), 478.
Mathematics for Technical Students, A Second

Course in (P. J. Haler and A. H. Stuart), 238;
Junior Course (S. N. Forrest), 478.

Mechanics, Higher (Dr. H. Lamb), 98.
Mechanics, The Laws of (S. H. Stelfox), 312.
Mechanics, Theoretical: an Introductory Treatise on

the Principles of Dynamics with Applications
and numerous Examples (Prof. A. E. H. Love),

Perspective: the Old and the New Method (A. S.
Percival), 478.

Statistical Methods, Readings and Problems in (H.
Secrist), 796.

"The New Teaching Series."-Pure Mathematics for

Engineers (S. B. Gates), 164.

Theory of Functions of a Real Variable and the

Theory of Fourier's Series, The (E. W. Hob-

son), 796.

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High Frequency Apparatus (T. S. Curtis), 794.
Hygiene for Health Visitors, School Nurses, and
Social Workers (Dr. C. W. Hutt), 674.
Insect Life (C. A. Ealand), 313.
Intermediate Science, Problems in (F. R. Pearson),

Laboratories: Their Planning and Fittings (A. E.
Munby), 610.

Life in Relation to Modern Physical Theory, The
Mechanism of (J. Johnstone), 795.

Living Things, Studies of (O. H. Latter), 240.
Natural History of South Africa, The: Mammals,
Vols. III and IV (F. W. Fitzsimmons), 404.

Natural Science, Elements of (W. B. Smith), 794.

Natural Study, Visual (A. Nightingale), 794.

Nature, A Philosopher with (B. Kidd), 674.

Nature all the Year Round (Prof. J. A. Thomson),

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"Science Handbooks for Laboratory and Class-

Elementary Physics: First Year's

Course (W. Cameron), 794.

Scientific Papers, Vol. VI, 1911-1919 (J. W. Strutt,.
Baron Rayleigh), 164.
Scientific Papers of Bertram Hopkinson, C.M.G.,
M.A., F.R.S. (Sir J. A. Ewing and Sir J. Lar
mor), 406.
Scientific Papers of the Honourable Henry Caven.
dish, F.R.S., The, Vol. I, The Electrical Re
searches (edited by Prof. J. C. Maxwell, F.R.S.);
Vol. II, Chemical and Dynamical (edited by Sir
E. Thorpe, F.R.S.), 523.

Sky, Splendours of the (I. M. Lewis), 58.
"Social Science Text-books."-Applied Eugenics (P..
Popenoe and R. H. Johnson), 168.

Sound, The World of (Sir W. Bragg), 164.
Teacher's Companion to "Studies of Living Things"
(O. H. Latter), 240.

Telegraphy and Telephony, Wireless (L. B. Turner),

Textile Mechanics (T. Woodhouse and A. Brand),

"The Wayside and Woodland Series."-The Birds of

the British Isles and their Eggs (T. A. Coward),


Time and Space, The Absolute Relations of (Dr.

A. A. Robb), 528.

"Wonders of Animal Life."-(1) Animal Friends;

(2) Animal Life in the British Isles; (3) Bird
Land; (4) Animal Life in the New World;
(5) Animal Life in Africa; (6) Animal Life in
the East (F. M. and L. T. Duncan), 58.

Zoology for Medical Students (Prof. J. G. Kerr).


Zoology for Medical Students, An Introduction to
(Prof. C. H. O'Donoghue), 404.


Ballads, Spanish (chosen by G. Le Strange), 100.

Dictionary, A Spanish Commercial (R. Lusum), 100.

"Harrap's Modern Language Series."-Extracts for

Spanish Prose Translation (edited by E. A.

Pears), 792.

"Heath's Modern Language Series."-La Mariposa

Blanca (D. J. S. Y Carrasco), 792.

Idioms for Advanced Students, Spanish Notes and,

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