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and Humour we find Truth, and Wif dom Shine throughout the Composure.

It was thought proper to fubjoyn to thefe Dialogues the Author's Letter to the French ACADEMY concerning Rhetorick, Poetry, and other Subjects; which has met with so good Reception, that it cannot but be acceptable to every polite Reader. The Dialogues, tho but lately publish't, were compos'd several Years ago in the Archbishop's younger Days. But the Letter was written in his more advanc'd Age, in answer to one that the Academy fent him by their Secretary; defiring bis Advice on the several Subjects he treats of: and therefore it is penn'd with the utmost Elegance and Politeness. However both in the Dialogues, and the Letter, we find the fame ju Same just Taste, the same noble Genius; the very same Maxims; and the same Design in Writing; to reduce all Composures to Truth, Nature, and Decency.





The FIRST DIALOGUE, between A. and B. and C.

A.ELL, Sir, I suppose you

have been hearing the Sermon to which you wou'd have carry'd me. I have

but very little Curiosity that way, and am content with our Parish-Minifter.

B. I was charm'd with my Preacher. You had a great lofs, Sir, in not hearing him. I have hir'da Pew, that I may not miss one of his Lent-Sermons. O! he's


a won

a wonderful Man. If you did but once hear him, you cou'd never bear any other.

A. If it be so, I'm refolv'd never to hear him. I wou'd not have any One Preacher give me a distaste of all Others; on the contrary, I shou'd chuse one that will give me such a Relish and Respect for the Word of GOD, as may dispose me the more to hear it preach'd every where. But since I have lost so much by not hearing this fine Discourse you are so pleas'd with, you may inake up part of that loss, if you'll be so kind as to communicate to us what you remember of it.

B. I shou'd only mangle the Sermon, by endeavouring to repeat any part of it. There were an hundred Beauties in it that one cannot recollect, and which none but the Preacher himself cou'd display ---

A. Well; but let us at least know something of his Design, his Proofs, his Doctrine, and the chief Truths he enlarg'd on. Do you remember nothing? Was you unattentive?

B. Far from it: I never liften'd with more Attention and Pleasure.

C. What is the Matter then? Do you want to be intreated?

B. No: but the Preachers Thoughts were so refin'd, and depended so inuch on the Turn and Delicacy of his Expreffions, that


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