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and had yet remembered his God: and therefore he was now comforted, while Dives was tormented. And besides all this, he told him that there was a great gulf fixed between Heaven and Hell, which it was impossible for any one to pass; and that, therefore, Lazarus could not leave his place of rest, even for a moment, to go to relieve him.

Now Dives had five brothers who were still on earth, and who were living in the same neglect of God that he had done; but now that Dives felt all the agony of Hell fire, he was anxious, if possible, to prevent them from suffering the same torments when they should die: he therefore again addressed Abraham, and implored him to send Lazarus to warn his brothers to seek God in time, lest they should also be condemned to everlasting misery. But Abraham re

minded him that they had the Bible to warn them of their danger, and that if they wished to be saved they must attend to that holy book. But Dives knew that he might have learned his duty from that book himself, if he had chosen, and that he had neglected it; and he feared his brothers might do the same: so he said, "Nay, Father


Abraham, but if one went unto them "from the dead, they will repent."

But Abraham knew well the hardness of man's heart; and he told Dives that if his brothers would not believe the Bible, they would not believe even if one rose from the dead; for they might persuade themselves that they were mistaken; or, at all events, they might soon forget the impression which such a sight would make, and go on as badly as ever: whereas, those

who attend to their Bible have it always at hand, to guide and direct them; for when they really receive it as God's own word, they are as sure of what it says, as if a person had come to speak to them from the other world.

How can we read this story without horror at the dreadful fate of Dives? but, dreadful as it is, it is what is prepared for all those who live in the neglect of God.

Only think for a moment, if you were condemned to the misery of hell for eternity, what you would give to be able to live over again one of those hours which you so carelessly wasted, -one hour to be able to prepare to meet your God, one hour to be able to seek your Saviour in earnest but then your fate would be fixed-and fixed for ever! Days, and years, and

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thousands of years, would pass away,

and you would still be found suffering the same torments. Be persuaded, then, my dear children, while still there is time, to believe and love that sacred

Book which will show you the way to eternal happiness; for if you do not, you will repent it at that dreadful day when repentance will be too late.

We see how dangerous great earthly riches are; for they tempt us to neglect the only true riches,

a treasure in Heaven; therefore, if any one possesses them, they should constantly pray to have their heart so fixed on Heaven, as not to be turned by the things of this world. Poor people may take comfort from this story, for they see that their poverty and their sorrow are not to continue for ever; and that, if they serve their God, they will receive hap

piness in another and everlasting life, where pain and trouble are unknown. Let the rich try to be poor in spirit, and let the poor endeavour to be rich in faith; then both shall meet together in that world where there are neither rich nor poor, but all will be the children of the same Father, and partakers of the same joy.

"If riches increase, set not your "heart upon them."-Psalm lxii. 10.

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