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in Jerusalem; the Samaritans insisting that Mount Gerizim, in Samaria, was the place where He chose to be served: and this was the great subject of dispute between them, and the cause of endless quarrels and jealousies.

At the foot of Mount Gerizim stood a city called Sychar; and one day, as our Saviour was travelling through the country, he came to this city, and being wearied with the journey sat down by the side of a well, which was at the entrance of Sychar, to rest himself, and desired his disciples to go and buy some food in the city.

While our Lord remained waiting for their return, a Samaritan woman came from the city to draw water from the well; and as she brought a pitcher in her hand, with which to draw the water, our Saviour asked her to give him some

to drink. Instead of answering Him, or complying with His request, she was so much astonished at His speaking to her, that she could only say in a tone of surprise," How is it that thou, being

a Jew, askest drink of me who am a "woman of Samaria?" In reply to which our Lord said, "If you knew "who it is that said to you, Give me "to drink, you would have asked “Him, and he would have given you "living water;" by which he meant the gift of the Holy Spirit, which he does indeed give to all who ask for it, and which is very often spoken of in the Bible under the name of water, because it refreshes our souls, as water does our bodies.

However, the woman not knowing that it was the Son of God who was before her, but supposing him to be a

common traveller, never guessed that this was his meaning, but thought that he knew of some delightful refreshing stream near: so she enquired where he found that living water. To which our Saviour answered, that the water which he would give was not like that in the well, but would continue springing up in the soul to everlasting life. Still the woman did not understand Him, so he desired her to call her husband; "I have no husband," said she. "Thou hast said truly," answered our Saviour, "for thou hast had five hus

bands, and he whom thou now hast "is not thy husband." The woman now perceived that she had been speaking to no common person, and struck with his perfect knowledge of what she had done so many years before, she exclaimed, "Sir, I see that thou art a

"prophet." And now, thinking this a good opportunity to settle the dispute which had lasted so long between the two countries, she begged he would declare where God was to be worshipped. Most beautiful was our Lord's answer. was neither in Jerusalem nor on Mount Gerizim, but in the heart, where God chose to be worshipped; and that those alone are true worshippers who worship Him there! Dear children, think of our Lord's answer to the Samaritan woman when you kneel down to offer your prayers, and take care that you "lift up your heart with your hands "unto God in the Heavens," otherwise you may utter many words, but you will have said no prayer.

He told her that it

The woman, not quite understanding this answer, said, "I know that when

Christ comes He will tell us all things:" upon which the Lord Jesus said, "I that speak unto thee am He!" Just at that moment the disciples returned with the food they had been sent for; and the woman who was, by this time, very much impressed with what he had been saying, and especially with his last words, put down her pitcher in haste, and ran back to the city, where she called the people together, and said, "Oh come with me, and see a man "that told me all that ever I did: is "not this the Christ?" Delighted with the hope that it was indeed the Saviour, they immediately followed her, and she led them to the well where our Lord still remained. They then most earnestly begged that he would not leave them, but would return with them into the city.

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