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entre, prep., between. entrer, to enter, come in. envers, prep., to, toward. envoyer, irr. v., to send. épée, f., sword. épine, f., thorn. escalier,

m., ladder

stairs, staircase. espérer, to hope. essuyer, to wipe. estime, f., esteem. étage, m., story, floor. étoffe, f., stuff, cloth. étonner, to astonish. étonné, e, astonished. étude, f., study. étudier, to study. exactement, adv., exactly. exemple, m., example. exiger, to require. expérience, f, experi


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fourreau, m., scabbard. franc, m., franc. franchement, frankly. Français, m., French

Française, f., French

expliquer, to explain. exploit, m., exploit, man. achievement. extrêmement, adv., exceedingly. Europe, f., Europe. s'éveiller, to awake,

wake up.

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Français, e, adj.,

France, f., France.
frais, fraîche, fresh.
Frédéric, m., Frederick.
frère, m., brother.
froid, e, adj., cold.
froid, n. m., cold.
fromage, m., cheese.
frontière, f., frontier.
fruit, m., fruit.
fuir, irr. v., to shun,

funérailles, f. pl., funeral.

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généreux, se, generous. gens, m. pl., men, people. géographie, f, geography. gouvernement, m., gov


grand, e, great. grand' mère, grandmoth


grand-père, grandfather. Grec, m., Greek. gris, e, gray. gros, se, great, large. guerre, f., war. guide, m., guide. Guillaume, m., William.


habit, m., coat. s'habituer, to accustom one's self. haïr, to hate. haut, n. m., height. (en haut, up-stairs.) haut, e, adj., high. haut, adv., loudly. Henri, m., Henry. héros, m., hero. heure, f., hour. heureux, se, happy. hier, adv., yesterday. hiver, m., winter. homme, m., man. honneur, m., honor.


ici, adv., here. incapable, incapable. indisposé, e, unwell. innocent, e, innocent. Instant, m., instant. (à l'instant, instantly, immediately.) instruire, irr. v., to instruct, teach.

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lieu, m., place, spot. (au lieu de, instead of.) lire, irr. v., to read. lit, m., bed.

livre, m., book. livre, f,pound (weight).

jamais, ever (with a loin, adv., at a distance,

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mauvais, e, bad. méchant, e, wicked. médecin, m., doctor, phy

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Louis, m., Louis. Louise, f., Louisa. lumière, f., light. lune, f., moon. lunettes, f. pl.,

thanks, thank

specta-mère, f., mother.


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journée, f., day.

juge, m., judge.

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Madame, f., Mrs., Madam. Mademoiselle, f., Miss. main, f., hand. maintenant, adv., now, at present. mais, conj., but. maison, f., house. maître, m., master. mal, adv., badly, wrong. malade, adj., ill. malade, n. m. f., invalid, sick person. malheur, m., misfor


malheureux, se, unhap

py. manger, to eat. manière, f., manner. marchand, m., chant. marché, m., market.

mériter, to deserve.

messieurs, m. pl., gentle

men, Messrs.

métal, m., metal.

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minute, f., minute.
modeste, adj., modest.
modestie, f., modesty.
moins, adv., less.
mois, m., month.
moment, m., moment.
monde, m., world.
(tout le monde, every

Monsieur, m., Sir, Mr.
montre, f., watch.
montrer, to show.
morceau, m., piece, bit.

mer-mort, n.f., death.

mort, e, part., dead. mortel, le, adj., mortal.

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partie, f., part, party. partir, irr.v., to set out,


partout, every where. pas, adv., no, not. pas encore, adv., not yet.

passé, e, part., pust. passer, to pass.

on, pron., one, they, peo- passion, f., passion.


oncle, m., uncle. opinion, ƒ., opinion. or, m., gold.

ordinairement, adv., usually. ordonnance, f., order, prescription. ordonner, to order. ordre, m., order. ou, conj., or. où, adv., where. ouvrir, irr. v., to open.



page, f., page. pain, m., paix, f., peace. palais, m., palace. papier, m., paper. paquet, m., parcel. par, prep., by. paraître, to appear. parapluie, m., umbrella. parasol, m., parasol. parce que, conj., be


pardon, m., pardon. pardonner, to pardon, forgive. parent, m., parent, m.; relation, m. parente, f., parent, f.; relation, f. paresseux, se, idle. par hasard, adv., accidentally.

par ici, adv., this way. Paris, m., Paris. parler, to speak. parole, f., word.

patrie, f., country, native country.

pauvre, adj., poor,needy. pauvre, n. m., poor per

son, pauper.

pauvreté, f., poverty.
payer, to pay.
pays, m., country.

paysan, m., countryman, peasant.

peindre, irr.v., to paint. peine, f., pain, trouble. pendant que, conj.,while. perdre, to lose.

penser, to think. père, m., father.

permission, f., permis

sion. pesant, e, heavy. personne, f., person. personne, pron. m., any one (with negative, nobody). persuader, to persuade. petit, e, small, little. peu, n. m., little, few. peu, adv., little, few. peu de temps, a short time. peuplé, e, populous. peuple, m., people. peur, f., fear. peut-être, adv., perhaps. phrase, f., phrase, sen

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pomme, f., apple.


présent, à, at the present

moment, at present.
presque, adv., almost.
prétention, f., preten-
prêter, to lend.
preuve, f., proof.
prévaloir, irr. v., to pre-
prier, to pray.
prince, m., prince.
pris, e, part., taken.
prix, m., prize, price.
prison, f., prison.
probablement, adv.,
prochain, e, next.
produire, irr. v., to pro-

pomme de terre, f., po- professeur, m., professor.

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profiter, to profit, im-

progrès, m., progress.
projet, m., project.
promenade, f., walk.
se promener, to walk,
to take a walk.


quitter, to quit, leave.
quoi, pron., which, what.
quoique, conj., although,


raconter, to tell, relate.
raisin, m., grape.
raison, f., reason, sense.
rarement, adv., seldom.
recevoir, to receive.
récompenser, to reward.
reconnaissant, e, grate-

redire, irr. v., to say

again, repeat.

règle, f., rule.
regretter, to regret.
reine, f., queen.

relieur, m., bookbinder.
remercier, to thank.
remettre, irr. v., to put

remplir, to fill, to fill

Rémus, m., Remus.

promettre, irr. v., to renaître, to be born

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Robert, m.,
roi, m., king.
Romain, n. m., Roman.
Romulus, m., Romulus.
rond, e, round.
rose, f., rose.
rouge, red.
ruban, m., ribbon.
rue, f., street (de rue
en rue, from street to
Russie, f, Russia.


sage, adj., wise, well-

sage, n. m., wise man.
saisir, to seize, catch.
sang, m., blood.
gans, prep., without.
santé, f., health.
sauter, to leap, jump.
savant, e, learned.
savoir, irr. v., to know.
Saxe, f., Saxony.
sec, sèche, dry.

secret, m., secret.

sel, m., salt.


soif, f., thirst.
soir, m., evening, night.
soldat, m., soldier.
solde, f., pay (a soldier's
soleil, m., sun.
somme, f., sum.
sorte, f, kind, sort.
sortir, to go out.
sot, te, adj., foolish.
sot, n. m., fool, m.
sotte, n. f., fool, f.
souffrir, irr.v., to suffer.
soulier, m.,
souper, m., supper.
sourire, irr. v., to smile.
souvent, adv., often.
spectacle, m., play(the).
Stuttgard, m., Stutt-

sucre, m., sugar.
Suède, f., Sweden.
suffire, irr. v., to suffice,
to be sufficient.
suivre, irr. v., to follow.
suivre de près, to follow

sur, prep., on, upon,

selon, prep., according survivre, to survive.


semaine, f., week.
sentir, to feel, perceive.
servante, f., servant,
servir, to serve.
sévèrement, adv., se-

si, adv., so much, so.
si, conj., if, whether.
simplement, adv., sim-
simplicité, f., simplic-
situé, e, adj., situated.
situer, to place.
société, f., company, so-
sœur, f., sister.
soie, f., silk.

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tard, afterward, la-
tasse, f., cup.

tel, le, adj., such, such

a one, many a one.
temps, m., weather.
temps, m., time.
tenir, irr. v., to hold,

terre, f., earth, land.
thé, m.,


thème, m., exercise.
toit, m., roof.
tomber, to fall.
tonner, to thunder.
tort, m., wrong (avoir
tort, to be wrong).
tôt, adv., soon (plus
tôt, sooner).
toujours, adv., always.
tout, n. m., every thing.
tout, e, adj., all, every.
tout le monde, every

tout, adv., quite, entire-

tout de suite, adv., im-
mediately, directly.
tout (rien du), nothing
at all.

traduire, to translate.
traiter, to treat.

tranquillement, adv.,

tranquilly, quietly.
travail, m. (travaux,
pl.), work.
travailler, to work.
très, adv., very.
tressaillir, irr. v.,
start, tremble.
triste, sad.
Troie, f., Troy.
tromper, to deceive,



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tard, adv., late (plus trouver, to find.

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