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6. Indefinite Adjectives (Adjectifs indéfinis).

The Indefinite Adjectives are:

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nul, /: nulle,


none, no one.

maint, f. mainte, many, many a

quelque, sing.
quelques, pl.


some, some other. several, many.

certain, f, certaine, certain, some one. plusieurs, pl.

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1. When tout means all or the whole, the Definite Article or the Possessive Adjective is always used with the Substantive, as:

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2. Aucun and nul require the negative ne, as:

je ne connais aucun de ses amis, I know none of his friends.


1. Chaque enfant a son livre. 2. Toute la maison est neuve. 3. Charles n'a aucune faute dans son thème. 4. Maint homme est pauvre. 5. Nous avons eu quelque plaisir à la campagne. 6. Tous les hommes ne sont pas riches. 7. Je parle de certaines personnes. 8. J'ai vu plusieurs oiseaux dans votre jardin. 9. Ces roses sont de différentes couleurs. 10. Nulle rose n'est sans épines. 11. Chaque âge a ses chagrins et ses plaisirs. 12. Tous les hommes sont mortels. 13. Tout ce pays est pauvre. 14. Toute chose a son temps. 15. Je n'ai aucune nouvelle de mon frère. 16. Plusieurs hommes ont le même nom. 17. Maint paysan est très-pauvre. 18. Nul homme n'est toujours heureux.

1. Each girl has her book. 2. Each boy has his horse. 3. Caroline has no fault in her theme. 4. Many a man is very poor. 5. She has had some pleasure in the country. 6. He speaks of certain persons. 7. Who is mortal? All men are mortal. 8. Have I faults (des fautes) in my theme? Yes, you have several faults. 9. To whom belong (sont) these houses? All these houses belong to my uncle. 10. Have you many faults (beaucoup de fautes)? No, I have no faults. 11. She has no news of her sister. 12. I have some books. 13. My sister has several friends. 14. My aunt is not always happy.

X. THE VERB (le Verbe).

There are five sorts of Verbs in French:

1. ACTIVE (le verbe actif).
2. PASSIVE (le verbe passif).
3. NEUTER (le verbe neutre).

4. REFLECTIVE (le verbe réfléchi).
5. IMPERSONAL (le verbe impersonnel).

Verbs have five MOODS (Modes) in French:
1. The INDICATIVE (l'indicatif).

2. The CONDITIONAL (le conditionnel).
3. The IMPERATIVE (l'impératif).
4. The SUBJUNCTIVE (le subjonctif).
5. The INFINITIVE (l'infinitif).

To which may be added

The PARTICIPLE (le participe),

which is a verbal adjective.

Verbs have eight TENSES (temps) in French, one Present (présent), five Past (passé), and two Future (futur).

Tenses are divided into Simple (les temps simples) and Compound (les temps composés), the latter being composed of the past participle with a tense of the auxiliary verb avoir or être.

The eight tenses are:

1. PRESENT (le présent): j'aime, I love.

2. IMPERFECT (l'imparfait), expresses a past action going on while another took place, as: je lisais quand vous entrâtes, I was reading when you came in.

3. PAST DEFINITE (le passé défini), expresses a past action entirely finished at a time specified, as: je voyageai l'année dernière, I traveled last year.

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4. PAST INDEFINITE (le passé indéfini), or Compound of the Present, expresses a thing as having taken place, without specifying when, or which has happened at a time not entirely past, as: il a beaucoup voyagé, he has traveled much; j'ai écrit aujourd'hui, I wrote to-day.

5. PLUPERFECT (le plus-que-parfait), or Compound of the IMPERFECT, expresses a thing habitual or repeated,

but which happened immediately before a past event, as: j'avais déjeuné quand vous entrâtes, I had breakfast when you came in.

6. PAST ANTERIOR (le passé antérieur), or Compound of the Past Definite, expresses a thing that happened immediately before a past event, as: quand j'eus lu, je partis, when I had read, I went away.

7. FUTURE (le futur): j'aimerai, I shall love.

8. FUTURE ANTERIOR (le futur antérieur): j'aurai aimé, I shall have loved.

French Verbs have four CONJUGATIONS (conjugaisons), distinguished by the ending of the Infinitive Mood, as:

I. The First Conjugation ends in er:

as, aimer,

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

to love. as, finir,

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

to finish. as, recevoir,

to receive. as, rendre,

to render.


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they loved.

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j'aurai aim-é,

tu auras aim-é,

il aura aim-é,

I shall have loved. | nous aurons
thou wilt have



we shall have loved.

vous aurez aim-é, you will have loved

he will have loved. ils auront aim-é, they will have



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