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has lost the umbrella which her uncle gave her. 4. Here is (voici) the umbrella which the girl lost. 5.Where are the children to whom I lent my books? 6. Is this the garden which you have bought? 7. Yes, sir, this is it; how do you find (like) it? I find it very beautiful. 8. Where is the letter which my mother received this morning? I gave it to your father. 9. The rooms in which she works are very cold. 10. I know the woman of whom you speak. 11. I know the men of whom you speak. 12. Here is (voici) every thing which you desired.

4. Interrogative Pronouns (Pronoms interrogatifs). 1. qui (Nom. Acc.), who? whom?

gue, quoi, what?

[blocks in formation]

For the Interrogative Adjective, see p. 39.

1. Qui is used only of persons, as:

qui est là ?

qui cherchez-vous ?

de qui parlez-vous ?
à qui donnez-vous cela ?

2. Que and quoi are used

who is there?

whom do you look for?
of whom do you speak?
to whom do you give that?

only of things. Que stands

alone, and is used only before Verbs; quoi is often used

with a Preposition; as:

que voulez-vous ?

que dit-on ?

de quoi parlez-vous ?
sur quoi ?

what do you want?

what does one say?

of what do you speak?
on what?

NOTE.-Instead of qui and que, a longer form is frequently used:

[blocks in formation]

3. Lequel, laquelle, refers generally to a preceding Substantive, or to a following Substantive; in the latter case

it is followed by de. It agrees in gender with the Substantive to which it refers, as:

voici deux appartements, lequel


laquelle de vos écolières est malade?

here are two apartments, which will you choose?

which of your scholars (fem.) is ill?



1. Lequel de vos chevaux voulez-vous vendre? Je n'en vendrai aucun. 2. Laquelle de ces deux pommes est la plus mûre? Je crois que celle-ci est la plus mûre. 3. Auquel de ces écoliers donnez-vous le prix ? Je le donnerai à celui qui est le plus appliqué. 4. Voici deux plumes; laquelle voulez-vous avoir? Donnez-moi celle-là. 5. Qui a apporté cette lettre? Le facteur l'a apportée. 6. De qui avez-vous reçu cet argent? Je l'ai reçu de mon grand-père. 7. Que désirez-vous, Monsieur? Je désire vous parler. 8. À quoi pensezvous ? Je pense à l'école. 9. De quoi avez-vous parlé ? Nous avons parlé de nos affaires. 10. Qui est-ce qui parle ? C'est moi. 11. De ces bijoux lequel préférez-vous ? Celui-ci. 12. De ces étoffes, laquelle vous plaît le plus? Celle-ci. 13. Qu'est-ce que la poire? 14. Qu'est-ce que la pomme?

1. Which of your jewels do you wish to sell? I will sell none of them. 2. Of these jewels, which do you wish to sell? I will sell none of them. 3. Which of your horses do you prefer? This one. 4. Of these horses, which do you prefer? This one. 5. Which of these stuffs is the most beautiful? I believe that this one is the most beautiful. 6. Here are (voici) two pencils; which of them do you wish to have? Give me this one. 7. Who has brought these boots? The boot-maker has brought them. 8. From whom has the boy received this money? He has received it from his uncle. 9. Of what is he speaking? He is speaking of his house. 10. Of (a) what are you thinking? I am thinking of my moth er, who is ill. 11. Of these horses, which pleases you the most? This one. 12. To which of these girls do you give the prize? I will give it to the one (say this) who is the most diligent. What is the pear? 14. What is the grape?



1. Laquelle de ces deux robes préférez-vous? Je préfère celle-ci à celle-là. 2. Est-ce là votre bague? Oui, c'est ma bague d'or. 3. Sont-ce là vos gants? Non, ce ne sont pas mes gants, ce sont ceux de ma cousine. 4. Quelle maison vendez-vous? J'ai deux maisons à vendre, celle de mon oncle et celle de mon grand-père. 5. À qui donnerez-vous ce canif? Je le donnerai à celui qui aura le moins de fautes dans son thème. 6. Voici du jambon et du pain, en voulez-vous? Merci, nous en avons déjà pris (taken). 7. Avez-vous

apporté les bouteilles? Non, je n'y ai pas pensé. 8. Madame votre mère est-elle à la maison (or chez elle)? Oui, elle y est. 9. Qu'est-ce que l'oie? L'oie est un oiseau domestique. 10. Qu'est-ce que le cheval? Le cheval est un animal domestique.


1. Which of these two hats do you prefer? I prefer this (one) to that (one). 2. Is this your watch? Yes, it is my gold watch. 3. Are these your boots? No, they are not my boots, they are those of my brother. 4. Which garden are you selling? I have two gardens to sell, that of my aunt, and that of my grandmother. To whom will you give these gold rings? I will give them to those who will have the least (add of) faults in their themes. 6. Here is (voici) bread and butter, do you wish any of it? Thank you (merci), I have already taken some of it. 7. Has the boot-maker brought the boots? No, he has not thought of it. 8. Is your father in the garden? Yes, he is there. 9. What is the cock (cog)? The cock is a tame bird. 10. What is the dog? The dog is a tame animal.

[blocks in formation]

The Article le, la, les, when preceded by de ord, becomes du, de la, des, and au, à la, aux, according to the rules on the Article; as:

du mien, de la mienne, des miens, des miennes, of mine.
au mien, à la mienne,

aux miens, aux miennes, to mine.

1. NOTE.The Possessive Adjectives, mon, ton, son, notre, votre, leur, my, thy, his, our, your, their (page 38), must not be confounded with the Possessive Pronouns. The Possessive Adjectives always agree with a Substantive expressed, and are used without the Article. The Possessive Pronouns always agree with a Substantive understood, and are used with the Article, as:

mon père et le vôtre,
ma mère et la vôtre,
vos frères et les siens,
vos sœurs et les siennes,
j'ai ma plume et ma sœur
a la sienne,

mes frères ont les leu,

my father and yours.
my mother and yours.
your brothers and hers.
your sisters and hers.

I have my pen, and my sister
has hers.

my brothers have theirs.


1. Quels crayons avez-vous? J'ai le mien, et Charles a le sien. 2. Avez-vous vu mon parapluie? Je n'ai pas vu le vôtre; mais j'ai vu celui de Frédéric. 3. Je crois que ma sœur est du même âge que la vôtre. Quel âge a la vôtre? La mienne a quinze ans. 4. Vos roses sont belles, mais les nôtres sont encore plus belles. 5. Où sont vos cahiers? Voici le mien et le sien; Charles, où est le vôtre. 6. Trouvez-vous mon jardin plus grand que le vôtre ? Au contraire, je le trouve plus petit que le mien. 7. Est-il aussi plus petit que celui de votre tante? Non, le sien est moins grand. 8. Ta sœur est-elle plus âgée que la mienne? Non, elle est plus jeune que la tienne (la vôtre). Quel âge a-t-elle donc ? Elle a onze ans et demi.

1. What pens have you? I have mine, and Charles has his. 2. Have you seen my horses? I have not seen yours, but I have seen those of the general. 3. I believe that my brother is of the same age as yours. How old is yours? (say, What age has yours?) Mine is eleven years old (say, Mine has eleven years). 4. My house is beautiful, but yours is still more beautiful. 5. Where are your umbrellas? Here are (voici) mine (pl.) and hers (pl.). Where are yours? (pl.) 6. Do you find our house smaller than yours? On the contrary, I find it larger than ours. 7. Is it (i. e. the house) also larger than that of your uncle? No, his is smaller. 8. Is your brother older than mine? No, he is younger than yours. How old is he, then? (say, What age has he, then?) He is thirteen years and a half (say, He has thirteen years and a half).

6. Indefinite Pronouns (Pronoms indéfinis).

The words marked with a dagger (†) are also used as Indefinite Adjectives (see p. 47), as well as Pronouns.

on, or l'on, one, people, they.

tout le monde, every body.

chacun, fem. chacune, each, every one. † aucun, f. aucune, none (with ne). quelqu'un, quelqu'une,

pl. quelques-uns, f. quelques-unes, quiconque, whoever.

personne (with ne), nobody, no one.
l'un (f. l'une), l'autre,

pl. les uns (f. les unes), les autres,
l'un et l'autre, f. l'une et l'autre,
pl. les uns (f. les unes) et les autres,
l'un (l'une) ou l'autre,

pl. les uns (f. les unes) ou les autres,
ni l'un (f. l'une) ni l'autre,

} somebody, some (some other).

one another.

both, the one and the other. either.


ni les uns (f. les unes) ni les autres, autrui, other people.

un autre, f. une autre, another.

d'autres, others.

+ tel, telle, such a one.

† plusieurs, the majority, most, the greater part, several.

la plupart (with Gen. following: la plupart des hommes, the majority of men).

tout, m.; f. toute; pl. m. tous; f. toutes, every, all.

quelque chose, something.

rien, with ne, nothing.

le, la, même, the same.


on dit qu'il est malade, one says (people say) that he is ill.
quelqu'un m'a dit, some one has told me.

j'ai plusieurs plumes, I have several pens (indefinite adjective).
j'en ai plusieurs, I have several of them (indefinite pronoun).
les uns dansent, les autres jouent, some dance, others play.
personne n'est arrivé, no one has arrived.

When personne and rien stand alone, they are used without ne, but retain their negative meaning, as:

qui avez-vous rencontré ? Personne. qu'avez-vous vu? Rien.

whom have you met? No one. what have you seen? Nothing.


1. On est heureux, quand (when) on est content. 2. On me l'a dit. 3. Tout le monde le croit. 4. Chacun a eu ses plaisirs. 5. Quelqu'un m'a prêté de l'argent. 6. Quelques-unes sont trop petites. 7. Je n'ai vu personne. 8. L'un travaille, l'autre joue. 9. Les unes chantent, les autres dansent. 10. Ces deux jeunes gens s'aiment l'un l'autre. 11. La plupart des fleurs sont belles. 12. Connaissez-vous ces messieurs? J'en connais la plupart; quelquesuns sont mes amis. 13. Voulez-vous quelque chose? Oui, donnezmoi quelque chose. 14. Je n'ai rien reçu. 15. On n'a rien trouvé. 16. Avez-vous beaucoup de crayons? J'en ai plusieurs.

1. People (on) are content when they (on) are happy. 2. Every body says it. 3. Some one has told it me. 4. One believes it. 5. Have you seen any one? I have seen no one. 6. Whom have you seen? No one. 7. Who has said that? Every body says it. 8. The one (fem.) sings, the other (fem.) dances. 9. Some work, the others play. 10. The young girls love one another. 11. The greater part of the houses are beautiful. 12. Are your two uncles rich? The one is rich, the other is poor. 13. Do you know these boys? I know most of them; some are my friends. 14. Have you any thing? I have nothing. Have you found any thing? I have found nothing. 15. Give me something better (say of better). 16. Have you several pens? I have several (of them).

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