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--Dell' antico Battistero della S. Chiesa Pesarese.
4to. Pesaro, 1777.

-Memorie di Novilara, Castello del Contado di
Pesaro. 4to. Pesaro, 1777.

AA (A. J. VAN DER).-Nederlands OostIndië, of beschrijving der Nederlandsche bezit- | ABATI (ANNIBALE OLIVIERI-GIORDANI DEGLI). tingen in Oost-Indië, voorafgegaan van een beknopt overzigt van de vestiging en uitbreiding der magt van Nederland aldaar. Parts 1 to 40, all published. With numerous plates and maps. Royal 8vo. Amsterdam and Breda, 1845-57.

AA (PIETER VAN DER). - C'est un Catalogue des cartes géographiques des Villes tant en Plan qu'en Profil, et d'autres Estampes ou Tailles-Douces qui se trouvent à Leide chez P. van der Aa. 43 pp. 850. Leyden, n.d.

ABADIA (IGNACIO). -Resumen sacado del Inventario general histórico que se hizo en el año de 1793 de los Arneses antiguos, Armas blancas y de

fuego, con otros efectos de la Real Armeria del Rey nuestro Señor, por D. I. A. With plate of the arms of Spain. Post 8vo. Madrid, 1793.


ABADIE (P.). - Paroisse Saint-Michel do Bordeaux. Restauration de la tour isolée. Aperçu sur 'a tour de Saint-Michel. Travaux à faire pour la restauration de la tour de Saint-Michel, et pour la reconstruction de la flèche. 8vo. Bordeaux, 1858. ABANO (PETRUS DE). - Conciliator differentairem (sic) philosophorum: et praecipve medicorum clarissimi viri Petri de Abano Patavini. (The 1st pago illuminated.) Gothic letter. Fol. Venetiis, 1476.


ABATI (ANNIBALE OLIVIERI-GIORDANI DEGLI). -Spiegazione di alcuni monumenti degli antichi Pelasgi, trasportata dal Francese, con alcune osservazioni sopra i medesimi. 4to. Pesaro, 1735. B.М. ABATI (ANNIBALE OLIVIERI-GIORDANI DEGLI). -Dissertazione sopra due antiche tavolette di avorio del Cardinale Quirini. 4to. Pesaro, 1743.

-Memorie della Badia di Santa Croce, in Monte
Fabali, nel Pesarese. 4to. Pesaro, 1779. Β.Μ.
-Illustrazione di un sigillo della Zecca di Orvieto.
4to. Bologna, 1782.

ABBADIE (A. D'). - Rapport sur la plan-
chette photographique de M. Auguste Chevalier,
par M. A. d'Abbadie. 14 pp. 8vo. Paris, 1863.
ABBADIE (JOSEPH). -Vie de Saint Saviu,


Anachorèto de Lavedan; suivie de Détails archéologiques et historiques sur l'Eglise et le Monastère do St.-Savin, par J. Abbadie. Nouvello édition, revue et corrigée. 12mo. Tarbes, 1861. ABBADIE (JOSEPH). - Détails archéologiques et historiques sur l'église et le monastère de Saint-Savin. 12mo. Tarbes, 1861.

ABBASS (F. W.). -Handbuch des Gürtlers, Schwertfegers, Metall- und Bronce-Arbeiters, oder die Bearbeitung der meisten Metalle durch Feilen, Drehen, Bohren, Schmieden, Löthen, etc., etc. Unter Zugrundelegung der neuesten Erfahrungen und Fortschritte bearbeitet von F. W. Abbass. With 6 plates, containing 168 figures. 870. Weimar, 1873.


ABBATE • MIGLIORE (SALVATORE).Nuova guida pel Siciliano e lo Straniero a Palermo, dando a conoscere le magnificenze e gli oggetti degni di osservazione della città capitale del Regno di Sicilia. 8vo. Palermo. n.d.



ABBILDUNG und Erläuterung der 15 Donkmünzen, welche bestimmt waren, an dem Pariser groszen Feste unter die französische aus Deutschland zurückgekehrte Armee ausgetheilt zu werden. With 16 plates. 4to. n. p. 1806.

ABBING (C. A.). - Beknopte Geschiedenis dor stad Hoorn, en Vorhaal van do stichting on verfraaijing van de Groote Kerk, tot op den brand die haar vernieldo, op den 3den Augustus, 1838. Plates. 8vo. Hoorn, 1839.

ABBING (C. A.). - Geschiedenis der stad Hoorn, hoofstad van West-Vriesland, gedurende het grootste gedeelte der XVIIde en XVIIIdo eouw, of Vervolg op Velius Chronijk, beginnende met 1630. Met aantcokeningon on bijlagen. With plates. 2 vols. 8vo. Hoorn, 1811-42.

ABBOTT (HENRY).-Antiquities of Romo; comprising Twenty-four Select Viows of its Principal Ruins: illustrated by a paroramic outline of the modern city, taken from the Capitol. From drawings by H. A., Esq., made in the year 1818. Aquatint plates. Folio. London, 1820.


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ABEL (CHARLES).-Recherches sur d'ancions ivoires seulptés de la cathédrale do Metz. With plates. 55 pp. 8vo. Metz, 1869.

ABEL (CLARKE). -Narrative of a Journey in the interior of China, and of a voyage to and from that country, in the yours 1816 and 1817; containing an necount of the most interesting transactions of Lord Amherst's Embassy to the Court of Pekin, and observations on the countrios which it visited. Coloured plates and maps, 4to. London, 1818. B.M. Ab


DEEN-Registrum Episcopatus crdonensis. Ecclesie Cathedralis Aberdonensis Regesta que extant in unum collecta. (Edited by Cosmo Innes, for the Spalding Club.) 2 vols. 4to. Impressum Edinburgi, 1845.


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ABERLI (JOHANN LUDWIG).-Unterschiedliche Landschäfftlein gezeichnet von Johan Ludwig Aberli und herausgegeben von Joh. Andr. Pfeffel dem Jüngern in Augspurg. 4 vols. with 56 plates. Small 4to. (Augsburg), n.d.

ABERLI (JOHANN LUDWIG) -Collection de quelques vues dessinées en Suisse d'après nature et coloriées, par Aberli, avec la description pittoresque du voyage de l'artiste. 4to. Berne, 1782. ABICH (HERMANN). - Vues illustratives de quelques phénomènes géologiques prises sur la Vésuvo et l'Etna, pendant les années 1833 et 1831, par Hermann Abích, membro de la Société géologique de France. 4 pp. with 10 plates. Fol. Paris,



ABINGDON (THOMAS). - The Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Worcester. To which are added the Antiquities of the Cathedral Churches of Chichester and Lichfield. 8vo. London, 1717. S.K.


Another edition. 8vo. London, 1723. ABKOUDE (JOHANNES VAN). - See ARRENBERO (REINIER). Naamregister, etc. 2 vols. Small 4to. 1788.


ABOT DE BAZINGHEN. - Traité des monnoies, et de la jurisdiction de la cour des monnoies, en forme de dictionnaire. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1764. ABRAHAM (TANCREDE).--Chateau-Gontier & ses Environs. Trente Eaux-Fortes par T. Abraham. Texto par MM. le Ce de Falloux, de l'Académio française, Arsène Houssaye, R. P. Dom Piolin, de Solesmes, le Cte do Nogent, Victor Pavie, A. Lemarchand, Aimé de Soland, d'Espinay, GodardFaultrier, Paul Belleuvre, Ernest Bellanger, Tresvaux du Fraval, etc. 4to. Chateau-Gontier, 1872, S.K.

ACAMI (GIACOMO, Conte).-Dell' origine ed antichità della Zecca Pontificia, ove con autentici conferma l'antichissimo dominio del S. Sede ne' propri stati, 1 plate of coins. 4to. Roma, 1762.

ACERBI (GIUSEPPE).--Travels in Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, with Memoir on Lapland Music and Customs, 2 vols. Plates, some coloured. 4to. London, 1802.

Vues de la Suède, de la Finlande et de la Laponie depuis le détroit du Sund jusqu'au cap Nord. 21 plates. 4to. Paris, 1803.

ACHARD (J. P. X.). -Notes sur quelques

anciens artistes d'Avignon; suivies d'un acte du x siècle qui mentionne un peintre et qui détermine très-approximativement l'époque où l'on a construit l'édifice actuel de l'église metropolitaine de NotreDame de Saint-Denis. 4th edition. 8vo. Carpentras, 1856.

ABERDEEN FIFTY YEARS AGO; being A Series of Engravings of Buildings in, and that were about Abordeon. 8vo. Aberdeen, 1868.

ACHARD (LOUIS AMÉDÉE (EUGÈNE).-Bade ot ses environs, dessinés d'après nature par J. Coignet, avec des notices par A. Achard. Fol. Paris,

ABERDEEN and BANFF. - Collections for a history of the Shires of Aberdeen and Banff. 4to. Aberdeen, 1843.



ACHARIUS.--- Fjolnerssaga berättad och ritad af et facsimile efter original pennritningar


fotografiskt öfverforda på sten och tryckta af P. H. Mandel. Fol. Stockholm, 1866. Β.Μ.

ACKERMANN (PAUL). - Dictionnaire biographique universel et pittoresque, contenant 3,000 articles environ de plus que la plus complète des biographies publiées jusqu'à ce jour. Orné de 120 portraits, 4 vols. Large 8vo. Paris, 1834.


Miniature; edited by Frederic Shoberl. With upwards of 588 coloured plates of costumes, ete. 12mo. London, n.d.

S.K. ACKERMANN (RUDOLPH). - Coloured Plates of English Female Costume, 1809-29. From A.'s Repository of Arts. 2 vols. Roy. 8vo. S.K.


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ACKERMANN (RUDOLPH). -Costumes of the British Army. 65 coloured plates, painted by H. de Daubrawa. Engraved by Joha Harris. Fol. London, 1842 and 1854. P. C. Lib. Aldershot.

Costumes of the British Army in 1855. Now Series. 19 coloured plates. Drawn by H. Martens. Engraved by J. Harris. Fol. London, 1858.

P. C. Lib. Aldershot. ACKERMANN & CO. - Souvenir of tho Great Exhibition, comprised in six authentic coloured interiors after drawings by J. McNevin, made expressly for this work. In chromography by Messrs. Thomas Picken, William Simpson, R. K. Thomas, and E. Walker. Atlas fol. London [1851]. S.K. ACKERSDIJCK (J.).-Adam van Duren, Nederlandsch Bouwmeester. 8vo. Haarlem, 1840. ACKERSDIJCK (W. C.).-Jets over de stad Rotterdam, bijzonder wegens hare vroogste vermelding in de xiii couw. 8vo. Rotterdam, 1826. ACKNER (MICHAEL J.) and MUELLER (FRIEDRICH).-Die römischen Inschriften in Dacion. Gesammelt und bearbeitet von M. J. A......und F. M......Herausgegeben mit Unterstützung der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. 8vo. Wien, 1865.

ACLAND (THOMAS DYKE, jun.).-Scheme

of the West of England Examinations and Prizes. 8vo. London, 1857.


ACOSTA (JOSEPH DE). - Historia Natural y Moral de las Indias. 4to. Madrid, 1608.

ACQUA GIUSTI (A. DALL').-Della storia dell' Arte; prima lezione per l'anno scolastico 1867-68, del Prof. A. d' A. G. 8vo. Venezia, 1868. ACTA.-Virtenbergensis ducis, & Argetinae Reipublicae acta, in Tridentino concilio. Nunc recens impressa. Und cum antiquo Basiliensis

concilii saluo conductu, & Tridentini. 16mo. Basilene, 1553, S.K. ADAIR (JAMES). - History of the NorthAmerican Indians, their Customs, etc. In "Antiquities of Maxico," by Lord Kingsborough, vol. viii. 8.Κ.

ADAM (ALBRECHT). -Vier und zwanzig Umrisse (Scenon aus dem Russischen Feldzuge im Jahr 1812) zur Benützung für studirende Künstler und Dilettanton. Largo fol. München, 1834. ADAM (ALBRECHT). - Die Veredlung der Pferdezucht auf Alsen. In einer Reihefolge von Bildnissen und Skizzen aus dem Gestüt......des Herzogs Christian August zu Schleswig-HolsteinSonderburg-Augustenburg, nach der Natur gezeichnet von A. A. 19 lithographs. Oblong fol. Text by Count von Holmer, 8 parts. 4to. Stuttgart, 1841.

ADAM (ALEXANDER).-Roman Antiquities; or a description of the manners and customs of the Romans. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1701. Β.Μ.

Other editions:

12mo. Edinburgh, 1792.

8ro. London, 1801.

8vo. London, 1819.
8ro. London, 1825.

8vo. London, 1830.

With notes and indices by J. Boyd. 12mo. Β.Μ.

London, 1834.

Corrected and enlarged by J. R. Major. 850. London, 1835.

With plates by James Johnstone. 12mo. London, 1837.

German translation:-Handbuch der Römischen Alterthümer. Aus dem Englischen mit Anmerk. ungen von T. L. Meyer. 2 vols. Plates. 8vo. Erlangen, 1794-1796.

Other editions. 2 vols. 11 plates. 8vo. Erlangen, 1818.

2 vols. 8vo. Erlangen, 1832. Italian translation: - Antichità romane, tradotte da Gaetano Maria Monforte. 3 vols. 8vo. Napoli, 1821.

ADAM (JOSEPH). -Mountain, Loch, and Glen, illustrating 'Our Life in the Highlands,' from paintings executed expressly for this work by Joseph Adam. With an essay on the characteristics of Scottish scenery, by the Rov. Norman Macleod, D.D. Second edition revised. Prepared under the superintendence of Arthur Helps, Esq. 15 photographs. 4to. London, 1870.


ADAM (ROBERT). -Designs for Vases and Foliage, composed from the antique by R. A. Engraved by Pastorini. 13 plates. 4to. London,


ADAM (VICTOR). - La Foire aux Idées. Grrrrrande Exhibition de croquis, charge, drôleries, caricatures, costumes, joux, animaux, fantaisies. Par V. A. 42 lithographic plates. 4to. (Paris, n.d.) S.K. ADAM (VICTOR). - Histoire de France en Tableaux. Suite de 108 Sujets représentant par ordre chronologique les principaux faits de l'histoire de ce pays, depuis Pharamond jusqu'à nos jours. Composés et lithographiés par V. Adam accompagnés d'un texte explicatif formant précis historique sur chaque règne. Obl. 4to. Paris, n. d. S.K.

ADAM (VICTOR) and CHARRIN (P. J.).A month of 1830, or the memorable days of July and August, historical sketches composed and drawn upon stone by V. A.; accompanied by explanatory notes in French and English, and preceded by the summary of the French Revolution from 1789 to 1830. 29 plates, plan of Paris, and 3 additional plates. Oblong fol. Paris, 1830-31. S.K.

ADAM (VICTOR) and MAURIN (N.).Histoire de Napoléon. Suite de sujets composés et dessinés par V. A., les portraits par N. M. 24 lithoS.K. graphed plates. Fol. Paris, n.d.

ADAM (VICTOR). Seo BARTHÉLEMY (J. J.). Gymnase grec, etc. Obl. 4to. n.d.

ADAM (W.).-Gem of the Peak, containing Excursions to Buxton and Castieton. By the Author of Excursions to Chatsworth, Haddon, Buxton, Castleton, Dovedale, ete. 12mo. London, n. d.


ADAM (W.).- The Gem of the Peak; or, Matlock Bath and its vicinity, an account of Derby, a tour from Derby to Matlock. Excursions to Chatsworth, Haddon, ete. Geology, flora, etc. 4th edition. Maps, coloured engravings, woodcuts, ete. 12mo. London, 1815.

ADAMANTIUS. SCO MEISTER (JACQUES HENRI). Traité sur la physionomie par le sophiste Adamantius, ou extrait des philosophes anciens et des physionomistes modernes. 12mo. 1806.

ADAMI (ANDREA). - Storia di Volseno, antica metropoli della Toscana descritta in 4 libri. 2 vols. 33 plates, 4to. Roma, 1734-37.


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ADAMS (ARTHUR). - Travels of a Naturalist in Japan and Manchuria. With illustrations. 8vo. London, 1870.


ADAMS (GEORGE). - Essays on the Microscope. Second edition, with considerable additions and improvements, by Frederick Kanmacher. 32 plates. 4to. London, 1798.

ADAMS (GEORGE).-An Essay on Electricity, explaining the principles of that useful science, and describing the instruments. Fifth edition, with corrections and additions by William Jones. With six folding plates. 8vo. London, 1799. ADAMS (W.).--Sacred Allegories. Illustrated with etchings by Birket Foster and others. 4to. London, 1869.

ADAMS (WILLIAM BRIDGES). - Englislı Pleasure Carriages, their origin, history, varieties, materials, construction, defects, improvements, and capabilities, with an analysis of the construction of common roads and railroads, and the public vehicles used on them, together with descriptions of new inventions for the use of carriage-purchasers and constructors. Numerous illustrations. 8vo. London, 1837. S.K.

ADAMS (WILLIAM BRIDGES).-'The Politieal Economy of Copyright. From the Fortnightly Review, No. 8, Sept. 1865. 8vo. S.K. ADAMS (W. H. DAVENPORT). -Nelson's Hand-Book to the Isle of Wight; its History, Topography, and Antiquities. With notes upon its principal seats, churches, manorial houses, legendary and poetical associations, ete. 8vo. London, 1863.


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