OUR WORK in Palestine: being an Account of the different Expeditions sent out to the Holy Land by the Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund since the establishment of the Fund in 1865. Issued by the Committee. Sixth thousand. Crown 8vo. London, 1873. S.K. OUTREYN (J. D'). - Wegwijzer door de heerlijkheid Roosendaal, etc. Plates, 4to. Am sterdam, 1700. OUTZEN (N.).-Untersuchung der denkwürdigsten Alterthümer Schleswigs und d. Danemarks. Large 8vo. Altona, 1826. Werk und OVERBECK (FRIEDRICH). - OVERBECK (FRIEDRICH). - Die sieben OVERBECK (J.). Die Ehe. Mit Randzeichnungen. In Holzschnitt ausgeführt von Aug. Gaber. Imp. fol. Dresden. n.d. OVERBECK (JOHANNES). - Ueber die Lade OVERBECK (JOHANNES). - Griechische lithographs and 17 woodcuts. Imp. 8vo. Leipzig, 1871. S.K. S.K. OVERBECK(JOHANNES).-Atlas der Griechischen Kunst-mythologie; herausgegeben von J. Overbeck. Atlas fol. Leipzig, 1872. OVERMAN (FREDERICK). The manufacture of steel; containing the practice and principles of working and making steel. A handbook for blacksmiths and workers in steel and iron, and for men of science and art. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1851. OVERALL (WILLIAM HENRY). The Die- OVERMAN (FREDERICK). The moulders' tionary of Chronology, or Historical and Statistical Register. Compiled and edited by W. H. Overall, S.K. DERS (W. SEDGWICK).-Catalogue of Engraved OVERMAN (FREDERICK). The manufac 8vo. London, 1870. OVERALL (WILLIAM HENRY) and SAUN and founders' pocket guide; a treatise on moulding and founding in green sand, dry sand, loain, and cement... With 42 wood engravings. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1851. Portraits, Topographical Drawings and ture of iron in all its various branches...to which is added an essay on the manufacture of steel. With 150 wood engravings. 3rd edition revised. 8vo. P'hiladelphia, 1854. Coins, Gems, Autographs, Antiquities and Works of Art, exhibited at the opening of the New Library and Museum of the Corporation of London, November, 1872. Edited by W. II. Overall... With an historical Account of the Ancient and Modern Library at Guildhall, by W. Sedgwick Saunders, M.D. Royal 8vo. London, 1872. S.K. OVERBECK.-Overbeck's Weihnachts-Album enthaltend 12 Photographien nach OriginalGemälden von A. und O. Achenbach, F. E. Friedrichsen, S. Jacobsen, ete. Mit begleitendem Text von Ludwig Bund. Fol. Düsseldorf, 1867. OVERBECK.-Overbeck's Album derneuesten Werke Düsseldorfer Künstler in Photographien mit begleitendem Text von Ludwig Bund. Fol. Düsseldorf, 1867-68, etc. OVERBECK and STEINB.-Compassion OVERBECK (FRIEDRICH).-Der Triumph OVERTON (THOMAS COLLINS). Original Designs of Temples, and other ornamental Buildings for Parks and Gardens, in the Greek, Roman, and Gothic Taste. With 50 plates. Imp. 8vo. London, 1766. S.K. OVIDIUS NASO (PUBLIUS). - P. Ouidij S.K. Pvb. Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon libri xv. Ex postrema Jacobi Micylli recognitione, et recensione nova Gregorii Bersmani, cum eiusdem notationibus: et singularem Fabularum argumentis, partim veteribus, partim recentibus. With woodcuts by Christopher Maurer and others, after Jost Amman and Tobias Stimmer. 16mo. Lipsisæ, 1582. S.K. German translation:-Metamorphoses oder Verwandlung mit schönen Figuren gezieret auch Kurtzen Argumenten vnd Ausslegungen erklärt vnd in teutsche Reimen gebracht durch J. Spreng. With OWEN (Jons). - Epigrammatum Joan. woodcuts by Virgil Solis. 8vo. Franckfurt a. M., 1564. Another edition with same cuts. 8vo. Franckfurt a. M., 1571. Owenii Cambro-Britanni Oxoniensis. Editio postrema, correctissima, et posthumis quibusdam adaucta. 24mo. Amsterodami, apud Lud. Elzevirium, 1647. S.K. Dutch translation: -De Gedaannt-Wisselingen van Publius Ovidius Naso, in het Latyn en OWEN (NICHOLAS). - A History of the Nederduitsch nieulyx vertaald, en te zamen in het Licht gegeven, door Isaak Verburg; nevens omstandige Aantekeningen tot opheldering der Verdichtselen, door Antonius Banier. Met een groot getal keurlyke prentverbeeldingen, door B. Picart en andere voorname Meesters gesneeden, vercierd. 2 vols. Large fol. Te Ainsterdam, 1732. S.K. OVIEDO (FERNANDEZ DE). - Relaciones Ineditas. In "Antiquities of Mexico," by Lord Kingsborough, vol. viii. S.K. OVINGTON (JOHN). - Voyage to Suratt in 1689, with an Appendix containing: -1. The History of a late revolution in Golconda. 11. Description of the Kingdoms of Aracan and Pegu. III. An Account of the Coins of India, Persia, Golconda, etc. IIII. Observations concerning the Silk-Worms, etc. 8vo. London, 1696. OWEN (EDWARD). - Etchings. and 45 plates. Roy. fol. London, 1826. Portrait Island of Anglesey, etc. 4to. London, 1775. OXFORD. - A Companion to the Guide, and a Guide to the Companion: being a complete Supplement to all the Accounts of Oxford hitherto published.......And embellished with perspective Views and Elevations, neatly engraved. The 2nd edition, corrected and enlarged. 12mo. London, n.d. S.K. P. Y Ε. (Τ.). - Diccionario de Aquitectura PACIAUDI (PAOLO MARIA). Dissertazione PACIAUDI (PAOLO MARIA). Lettres au PACINI (EUGÈNE).- La marine, arsenaux, navires, équipages, navigation, attérage, stations, combats, par Eugène Pacini. Illustrations de Morel-Fatio. 31 steel plates and many woodcuts. PACKARD (A S.).-Guide to the Study of cuts. 1870. PADER (HILAIRE).-La peinture parlante, dédiée à MM. les peintres de l'Académie de Paris, 4to. Tolose, 1653. PADIGLIONE (CARLO). Di un dipinto e di una iscrizione nella parrocchia di San Domenico Soriano in Napoli. Osservazioni del C. C. Padiglione. 7 pp. 8vo. Napoli, n.d. PADIGLIONE (CARLO). -Di alcune pitture Β.Μ. PADIGLIONE (CARLO). - L' Arme di Dante Alighieri descritta. Fol. Napoli, 1865. PADINI (LUIGI, Conte).- Descrizione della stabilimento dedicato alle Belle Arti in Lovere dal conte L. Padini. 12mo. Bergamo, 1837. PADOVANA (A. P.).-I monumenti delle belle arti nella città di Parigi. 1 plate. 8vo. Parigi, 1809. PADUA.-Guida indispensabile per la città di Padova. Anno i. 8vo. Padova, 1868. PADUA.-Elenco dei più scelti oggetti d' arte contenuti nella Pinacoteca e nel Museo civico di Padova. 16 pp. 8vo. Padova, 1868. PADUA.-Alcuni scritti intorno ad un monumento romano scoperto nel 1821 presso la città di Padova. 62 pp. 8vo. Padova, 1869. PAEILLE (C.). - Essai historique et critique 8vo. PAGAN (JAMES).-History of the Cathe dral and See of Glasgow. 2nd edition. With descriptive catalogue of the painted glass windows in Glasgow Cathedral, by Charles Heath Wilson, Esq., architect. 12mo. Glasgow, 1856. PAGE'S DECORATOR.-See SALANDRI, E. PAGES (VOLUSIEN). - De la Papeterie. PAGET (C. J. and JAMES). Sketch of the Natural History of Yarmouth and its neighbourhood, containing Catalogues of the species of dessein. Nouvelle édition, revuë, corrigée et augmentée. With 1 plate. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1766. S.K. Animals, Birds, Reptiles, Fish, Insects and Plants PAINTING.-Méthode curieuse et facile ......8vo. Yarmouth, 1834. pour la connaissance des Tableaux et Sculptures, pour la Flandre et Brabant, et la vie de plusieurs peintres Flamands, Rubens, Van Dyck, De Grayer, etc. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1772. PAINTING.-Traité de la peinture au pastel, avec les moyens de prévenir l'altération des couleurs. 12mo. Paris, 1788. PAINTING. An Account of a New Process in Painting. In two parts. 8vo. London, 1821. PAGLIARI (FRANCESCO). - Breve descrizione delle Pitture Sculture, ed Architetture che si osservano nella città di Mantova e ne' soui Contorni. Fatta stampare nuovamente con molte aggiunte, a comodo singolarmente de' Forestieri da Francesco Pagliari. 8vo. Mantova, 1788. PAGLIARINI (GUISTINIANO). - Relazione della coronazione della Madonna del pianto fatta in Foligno. 4to. Foligno, 1713. S.K. PAGNI (NICCOLO) and BARDI (GIUSEPPE). PAINTING.-Du danger des nouvelles doc Storia della pittura in Toscana. Fol. Firenze, 1791. trines sur le peinture. 8vo. Paris, 1824. PAINTING.-Painting, its rise and progress from the earliest ages to the present time. 8vo. Boston, 1846. PAGNINI (C.). Primi elementi di disegno lineare e di 'geometria pratica, ad uso delle scuole tecniche, normali e degli educatori fimminili. 4th edition. 20 plates and 114 figures. 8vo. Torino, PAINTING.-Graphische Darstellung der 1870. PAHL (JOHANN GOTTFRIED).-Abbildung der Statuen in der Wöllwartischen Todtenhalle in den Kloster Lorch. Ein Beytrag zur Geschichte PAINTING.-Article from "Temple Bar" Geschichte der Malerei von Giunta Pisano und der Kunst und des Geschmacks in vierzehenden, fünfzehenden und sechzehenden (sic) Jahrhundert von J. S. Baumeister. Historische Bemerkungen, etc. (by J. G. P.). Plates. 4to. Gmünd, 1808. Magazine, No. 110, January 1870: "The Characteristics of Modern Painting." 8vo., swd. 1870. S.K. Β.Μ. PAIJKULL (CARL WILHELM). -En sommer på Island. Reseskildring. Med 35 illustrationer i träsnitt, 4 lithografier i färgtryck och en graverad Karta Öfer Island. 8vo. Stockholm, 1866. PAIVA D'ANDRADE (DIEGO).-Examen d'Antiguidades. 4to. Lisboa, 1616. PALACIO (RAMON), pseud. See CAPMANY PALAGI (ALESSANDRO).-Sopra un dipinto English translation. A Summer in Iceland........ PAINTERS. Sixty-four engraved Portraits PALAIS-ROYAL. - Histoire du Palaisof Painters, mostly of the Flemish and Dutch Royal. Text and 61 plates. Large 4to. Paris, Schools, mounted. Fol. 1834. S.K. PAINTERS. - Les Peintres vivants. Pre-PALAZZOLO GRAVINA (VINCENZO). mière partie, renfermant 50 gravures, eaufortes, litho- PAINTERS, ITALIAN. Il Triumvirato dell' PAINTERS.-A few Mediæval Painters. PALLISER (FANNY BURY, Mrs.).-Notes on the History of Lace, by Mrs. B. Palliser, to which is added a Catalogue of Specimens of Lace, selected from the Museum at South Kensington., Contributed as a Loan to the Midland Counties Museum of Science and Art, Nottingham. With 14 illustrations. 8vo. London, 1872. S.K. PALLISER (JOHN WILLIAM). -A complete Course of Problems in Practical Plane Geometry, adapted for the use of Students preparing for the Examinations conducted by the Science and Art Department in First, Second, and Third Grade "Practical Geometry," etc. Obl. 4to. (1871). London S.K. PALLU (HENRI FRANÇOIS). - Mémoire historique sur le palais de justice de Poitiers PALIN (WILLIAM).-Stifford and its Neigh- (Vienne). 8vo. Le Mans, 1858. bourhood, Past and Present. By W. Palin. With lithographs. Imp. 8vo. Printed for private cirenlation, 1871. PALM (G.).-Von welchen Principien soll die Wahl des Baustyls, insbesondere des Kirchenbaustyls geleitet werden? 8vo. Hamburg, 1845. PALMER (CHARLES FERRERS R.). The History and Antiquities of the Collegiate Church of Tamworth in the County of Stafford. By C. F. R. Palmer, O.P. With woodcuts. 8vo. Tamworth, 1871.. S.K. PALISSY (BERNARD).-Le moyen de devenir riche, avee plusieurs autres excellents secrets de choses naturelles, par Maistre Bernard Palissy de Xaintes, ouvrier de terre et inventeur des rustiques figulines du roy. 8vo. Paris, 1636. PALISSY (BERNARD).-Discours admirable de l'art de terre, de son utilité, des esmaux et du feu. 12mo. Genève, 1863. PALLADINI (L.).- Descrizione d'un sopolcreto in Pozzuoli. 8vo. Napoli, 1817. PALLADIO (ANDREA).-Le Piante eli Prospetti d'Architettura di A. Palladio, esistenti in Vicenza coll' agiunta de megliori pezzi derivati dalla sua scuola, ete. (Engraved.) 4to. Vicenza, 1818. B.M. PALLADIO (ANDREA).-Notizie del cenotafio denominato Arco di Gavi in Verona, 2 plates. 4to. Milano, 1845. PALLASTRELLI (B.).- La Citta d' Umbria nell Apennino Piacentino relazione di B. Pallastrelli. 4to. Piacenza, 1864. PALLIARI LEA. S.K. 1846. Notices historiques sur le comté et la ville de Nice, tirées d'anciens PALLISER (FANNY BURY, Mrs.). -Historic 8vo. London, 1870. S.K. S.K. PAMÁTKY archaeologické a Mistopisné. (Edited by the archeological section of the R. Bohemian Museum.) Prag, 1854-55. PANCALDI (CARLO). - L' Isi Etrusco idoletto. Plates. 4to. Bologna, 1836. PANCIROLI (GUIDO). — Roma sacra e moderna, accresciuta da Francesco Posterla, e riordinata da Giovanni Francesco Cecconi. Plates. 8vo. Roma, 1725. PANCKOUCKE (CHARLES LOUIS FLEURY). Iconographie de la Bibliothèque latine-française de Panckoucke. With plates. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1839. PANCKOUCKE (CHARLES LOUIS FLEURY). Études et Dissertations sur C. C. Tacite. With plates. Imp. 8vo. Paris, 1942. S.K. |