Page GREAT BRITAIN. Order in Council. Exemption of Netherland Vessels in British Ports London, 11th June, 1910. 158 Cyprus Courts of Justice 159 161 London, 2nd August, 1910. 163 London, 13th October, 1910. 164 miralty). London, 7th November, 1910. 177 London, 7th November, 1910. 181 (Canada). Belgium. Inter- mediate Tariff. riff. Ottawa, 7th June, 1910. 505 Proclamation (Anglo- Egyptian Soudan). Lado Enclave. Administration. Boun- Khartoum, 4th August, 1910. 458 (United States). Applying Minimum Washington, 18th January, 1910. 1037 Speech of King. Opening of Parliament. Westminster, 21st February, 1910. 1 GREAT BRITAIN. Speech of King. Closing of Parliament. Westminster, 28th November, 1910. Argentine Republic. Agreement. Parcel GREAT BRITAIN. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, continued, ... .......... viz.:-with Germany. Agreement. Trade. Canada. Page Ottawa, 15th February, 1910. 479 Greece. Treaty. Extradition. Athens, 24th September, 1910. 297 Honduras. Notes. Commercial Treaty, 1887. Prolongation until April 6, 1911. Guatemala, 10th June, } Italy. Notes. Trade. Canada. 1910. 303 Ottawa, 23rd-24th May, 1910. 495 Do. Agreement. Trade. Canada. Ottawa, 6th June, 1910. 498 Kelantan. Agreement. Administration of Kelantan, &c. GREAT BRITAIN. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz.:-with Page Washington, 21st May, 1910. 319 Agreement. niary Claims. Washington, 18th August, 1910. 322 Com- mercial Travellers' Washington 3rd-8th December, 1910. 331 GREECE. Order in Council (British). Collisions at Sea. Signals of Distress. Regulations. London, 13th October, 1910. 165 TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with London, 13th October, 1910. 165 TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :-with United States, &c. Convention. Status of H. HATTI-HUMAYUN. See TURKEY. HAYTI. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with Page Dominican Republic. Modus Vivendi. Discon- HONDURAS. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :-with Great Britain. Notes. Commercial Treaty, 1887. Prolongation until Guatemala, 10th June, Tegucigalpa, 6th July, 1910. 303 United States, &c. Convention. Status of Do. Naturalized Citizens. Rio de Janeiro, 13th August, 1906. 1010 Convention. Pecuniary Claims. Extending duration of Treaty of Rio de Janeiro, 13th August, 1906. 1013 HONDURAS, BRITISH. See BRITISH HONDURAS. I. INDEMNITY. Convention. Morocco and Spain. Melilla War In- demnity. Madrid, 16th November, 1910. 593 INDIA. Arrangement. India and Norway. Money Orders. INQUESTS. Order in Council (British). INQUIRY COMMISSION. See CLAIMS. Christiania, 24th May, Ottoman Dominions. } 1910. 514 London, 7th November, 1910. 202 INSURED LETTERS. See POSTAL CONVENTIONS. INVENTIONS. See PATENTS. ISLANDS. See SHARK ISLAND. ITALY. Decree. Arrival and Sojourn of Foreign War-ships. Rome, 24th May, 1906. 988 Order in Council (British). Collisions at Sea. Signals of .... (Canada). Distress. Regulations. Report (Canada). Trade with Italy. Ottawa, 7th June, 1910. 503 Ottawa, 3rd June, 1910. 496 TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :-with Austria - Hungary. Convention. Railways. Primolano-Tezze. Vienna, 26th November, 1910. 358 Belgium. Convention. Arbitration. Brussels, 18th November, 1910. 376 Bulgaria. Convention. Consular. Sofia, 25th February (10th March), 1910. 389 |