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Q. 35. What churches before planted by him did he revisit after his return from Jerusalem?


Q. structed?

Who was Apollos and by whom was he in

Q. 37. Whom did Paul find at Ephesus on his return? Chap. xix.

Q. 38. What occurred after their baptism?

Q. 39.

How long did Paul remain in Ephesus He is supposed to have written at this time his first epistle to the Corinthians.

Q. 40. What is related of the attempts of the Jewish exortists to work miracles in the name of Jesus? Q. 41. What was the consequence?

42. Who did Paul send into Macedonia at this me? See also 1 Cor. iv. 18.

Q. 43. Smith?

What is related of Demetrius the silver

Q. 44. How was this tumult quelled? This was about A. D. 58.-see 1 Cor. xv. 10. and Rom. i. 10, 12 xvi. 23.

Q. 45. Where did Paul next go, and what did the Jews do when he abode there three months? (Chap. 20) On this journey he wrote 2d. Corinthians, and first to Timothy who was left at Ephesus. While at Corinth

he wrote the epistle to the Romans.

Q. 46. Who went with him into Asia?

Q. 47. How long did Paul abide at Troas, and what occurred as he continued his speech until midnight?

Q. 48. Where did he next go?

These were islands in the Egean sea. Miletus was a city of Caria 12 or 15 leagues from Ephesus.

Q. 49. What did he say when he had from Miletus .called the elders of the church at Ephesus?

Q. 50. Through what places did they pass on their way to Jerusalem? (Chap. 21.)

• The two former are islands in the Archipelago-Patara a city of Syria-Phoenecia a part of Syria and Tyre one of its cities. Ptolemais was a seaport of Gak ilee between Tyre and Jerusalem

Q. 51. What is said of the four daughters of Phillip the Evangelist?

Q. 52. What of Agabus?

Q. 53.

What did Paul do on his arrival?

Q. 54. Is it known on what part of Paul's travels all the events in Cor. xi. 24 to 27. occurred?

A. It is not?

Q. 55.

Q. 56.

What did the brethren request of Paul, and

Who stirred up the people against him, and what did they do with him? Q. 57. What took place between him and the chief captain? Tarsus-see ch. ix 11. was a large city. Q. 58. Repeat the substance of Paul's defence?(Chap. 22.)

Q. 59. What did Paul say as they bound him?-his ancestors had obtained the rights and privileges of a Roman citizen.

Q. 60. And what was the consequence?

Q. 61. What was done on the morrow?


Q. 1. Why did the high priest command those who stood by to smite Paul and what did he say? (Chapter 23.)

Q. 2.



Q: 5.

6. heard it?

How was the multitude divided?

What did the Lord say to him that night?
To what did certain Jews bind themselves?
How was it communicated to Paul?
What did the chief captain do when he

Q. 7. What was the purport of the letter written to Felix, then governor of Judea?


xxiv. 1.)

Q. 9.

Q. 10.

[blocks in formation]

What took place after five days? (Chap

Who spoke against Paul?

Give the substance of Paul's defence?
What took place after "certain days?"
How did this disepurse effect Felix, and

what did he say?

Q. 19. And what after two years?

Q. 14. What did the Jews ask of Festus when he was at Jerusalem and what was his reply? (Chap. 25.) Q. 15. When Festus proposed to Paul to go up to Jerusalem for trial what did he say? This was about A. D. 60. or according to some 57.


Q. 16. While Paul was in confinement waiting to be sent to Rome, what was done when Agrippa king of part of Gallilee and Lysanis came to see Festus?

Q. 17. What did Festus say to Agrippa when Paul was brought forth?

Q. 18. Relate the substance of Pauls discourse when called to speak before them? (Chap. 26.) 19. What did Festes say to him?

Q. 20. Q. 21. 22.

And what Agrippa? What opinion did they form? (Chap. 27.) To whom was Paul committed when sent to Rome?

Q. 25.

Who was with him beside Luke? see Chap.

[blocks in formation]

Havens and what advice did Paul give?

Q. 28. What was determined concerning the proposed place of wintering?

Q. 29. What occurred when they came near the eoasts of Crete?

Q. 31.

Q. 30. Into what distress were they involved?
Relate the advice and prediction of Paul?
What occurred on the 14th night?
What did he say as the shipscrew were about



to flee? Q. 84.


Q. 36. Q. 37. prisoners?

And what did he do?

How many persons did the ship contain?
Where and how did they finally escape?
What did the soldiers advise concerning the

Q. 38. Where did they land?

Q. 89. How were they received? (Chap. 28.) Q. 40. What opinions did the people successively form of Paul and why?

Q. 41. Did he work any miracles here?

Q. 42. How long did they remain and where did they next land?

This was the beginning of A. D. 61.-and James is supposed to have written his Epistle at Jerusalem about this time.

Q. 43. Where did they next touch and how long did they tarry?

Q. 44.

Q. 45.
Q. 46.

Q. 47.

Q. 48. defence?

At what place did they leave the ship?
Where were they met by the brethren from

What was done with Paul on his arrival at

And what was done after 3 days?
State the leading ideas contained in his

Q. 49. In what parts did the Evangelist Titus preach the gospel?

In Crete now called Candia an Island in the Mediter anian sea about 250 miles long and 50 broad-Repeat Acts ii. 2.-See Titus i. 5. in Dalmatia and Illyricum2 Tim. iv. 9. which lay near what is now called the gulph of Venice.

Q. 50. How long did Paul continue to teach in his own hired house? Up to A. D. 63. During this time he wrote his Epistle to the Ephesians, Collossians, Phillippians, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon; and perhaps the 3 last mentioned together with Hebrews and Peter's 1 and 2nd Epistles were written sometime after. Luke his companion is supposed to have written his gospel about the same time and the Acts the next year after in Greece. Q. 51. How long is Paul supposed to have lived

after this?

He and Peter are said to have been put to death by Noro at Rome in the year of our Lord 66-this per

sécution began 2 years before; he succeeded Claudius 10 years before this.




What account is given of the other apostles? A. None very definite or authentic. Matthew is said to have preached the gospel in Persia and Parthia, and to have sufferred martyrdom there. Simon Zelotes, in Egypt and Syria and to have been put to death in Persia. Andrew, to have gone as an Evangelist to Scythia, and to have been there put to death. James the less, brother of Simon was martyred in Jerusalem, A. D. 62. under Ananias. Bartholomew is said to have preached the gospel in India, and he and Thomas Didimus are said to have suffered martyrdom, the latter in that country, and the other in Armenia. Jude preached in Mesopotamia, Arabia and Lybia, and we are told wrote his epistle about A. D. 70, and was put to death at Berytus, A. D. 80. Philip the Apostle went into and died in Phrygia.

Q. 2. What account is given of John?

He survived all the other apostles-wrote his 1st. Epistle in Judea, and his 2d. and Sd. at Ephesus, A. D. 90. He was banished to the island of Patmos, A. D. 95, where he wrote the Revelation, and returning two years after to Ephesus he wrote his gospel, and died soon after in that city.

Q. 3. When was Jerusalem destroyed?

A. In the year A. D. 70. Mat. xxiv. 14, and in A. D. 115, many more were slaughtered.

Q. 4. Was the gospel preached and extended in its purity for a number of years after the death of the Apostles?

A. Yes. Notwithstanding ten general persecutions, the first beginning with Nero, 31 years after our Saviour's ascension, and the tenth under Dioclesian, ending in the year 313, in which in Egypt alone 144,000 christians were put to death, and 700,000 died of the fatigues

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