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REM. Verbs that express the condition of the atmosphere are impersonal.

FAIRE,t To Do, To Make, and Être, To Be, as IMPERSONAL


Faire is used as an impersonal verb, to express the state of the weather.

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Etre is used as an impersonal verb, to express the hour of

the day.

Quelle heure est-il ?

Il est trois heures.

What time is it?

It is three o'clock.

+ Faire is conjugated page 185.

Etre is also used as an impersonal verb in connection with the noun temps, time, and with adjectives and adverbs: il est temps, it is time; il est bon, it is good; il est bien, it is well.

These and other impersonal phrases, if followed by a verb in the infinitive, require the preposition de before the verb. Il est temps de partir.

Il est bon de savoir cela.

Il est bien de faire cela.

It is time to start.

It is good to know that.

It is well to do that.



(We give only the simple tenses, and omit the English, which the student can easily supply.)

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Falloir is either followed by a verb in the infinitive, or by que and a verb in the subjunctive mode.

When falloir (must) is construed with the infinitive, the subject of the English verb must, is, in French, the indirect object of the verb falloir.

Que me faut-il faire ?

Il vous faut rester tranquille.

What must I do?

You must keep quiet.

The subject is omitted when it is of a general character; and generally, also, when the meaning is sufficiently obvious without it.

Il faut travailler pour réussir.

Faut-il aller à la banque?

Il faut y aller.

It is necessary to work in order to

to succeed.

Must I go to the bank?

You must go there.

Falloir is also used in the sense of to want.

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1. Quel temps fait-il? 2. Il fait beau temps; il fait chaud. 3. Il fait mauvais temps; il pleut. 4. Il a neigé pendant la nuit; il fait froid. 5. Il grêle à présent. 6. Il gèlera cette nuit. 7. Demain il dégèlera. 8. Il tonne et il fait des éclairs. 9. Il va pleuvoir. 10. Il pleuvra beaucoup. 11. Il a plu toute la nuit. 12. Il est temps de se lever..

[ocr errors]

17. Il y

13. Il est bon de savoir cela. 14. Il est utile de savoir plusieurs langues. 15. Il y avait beaucoup de monde à l'église. 16. Il y aura peu de fruit cette année. aurait beaucoup de monde ici, s'il ne pleuvait pas. 18. Que me faut-il faire ? 19. Il vous faut étudier. 20. Il faut rester tranquille. 21. Il faut se bien comporter pour être respecté. 22. Que faut-il à votre frère? 23. Il lui faut de l'argent. 24. J'ai tout ce qu'il me faut. 25. C'est comme il faut.

Theme 33.

1. Is it raining? 2. No, sir, it is fine weather.


3. It is 4. It was (has been) cold during the night. 5. It

7. I like (the) snow

9. It is going to thaw.

froze (has frozen). 6. It snows now. better than (the) rain. 8. It hails. 10. Is that thunder? 11. Yes, it thunders and lightens. 12. It will rain soon. 13. It is time to go to bed. 14. It is well to know several languages. 15. In order to know

16. There was com

them, it is necessary to study them. pany in the parlor, when I came in. 17. There will be many peaches this year. 18. There would not be anybody here, if it rained as it did (has done) yesterday. 19. James did not behave (has not behaved) well. 20. You must tell it to his father. 21. What do you want? 22. I want some gloves.



1. There are, besides the auxiliary verbs avoir and être, forty-four irregular forms of conjugation, and about two hundred and eighty irregular verbs, which are conjugated

according to some one of the irregular forms or model verbs We give the irregular model verbs of the first (two), second (ten), third (eleven), and fourth (twenty-three) conjugations successively and in alphabetical order, and below each model, the verbs that follow its conjugation.

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S'en aller, to go away, follows the model verb aller; but its conjugation presents some additional difficulties, and is therefore given in full.

+ Only the simple tenses of the verbs are given here; the auxiliary verb, which is to be used in the formation of the compound tenses, is indicated. The student can form the compound tenses himself, and also supply the English, which he will now have no dificulty in doing.

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