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the Committee presents grateful acknowledgments for the several presents of Cornish Minerals which he has kindly communicated.

We are greatly indebted to George Creed, Esq. of Mile-End road, for the printed "Copy of a deed conveying certain Estates in Trust, for the benefit of five Academies among Protestant Dissenters, namely, the Academies at Homerton, Hoxton, Hackney, Stepney, and Bristol."

We have received from Mrs. Brackett (widow of the late Rev. Mr. Brackett), a Letter in the hand writing of Dr. Watts, addressed to the Rev. Mr. Arthur, the first pastor of the Baptist church at Waltham Abbey. It is dated, Newington, September 9, 1734.

Other friends, it is hoped, will promote the benefit of the Institution in the same way. Since the meeting, a handsome portrait of the Rev. Mr. Anderson, one of the first pastors of the church in Grafton-street, has been presented by Thomas Millwood, Esq. of Portsea.



ON Thursday, January 22, a numerous and respectable meeting was held at the City of London Tavern, his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex in the chair, for the purpose of forming an Auxiliary School Society, in aid of the British and Foreign School Society, for the north-east district of the Metropolis, including Hackney. At this meeting, which was numerously attended, Mr. William Allen, of the Society of Friends, stated, that the most gratifying information of the success of the system was frequently arriving from various parts of Great Britain; and particularly that in many places its introduction | had been attended with an evident improvement among the children of the poor, in the observance of good order and attendance on divine worship on Sundays; that the system had also made considerable progress in Ireland, and that no other plan was calculated for that country; that this, not interfering with the religious opinions of the parents, met with great support from the Roman Catholics; and its utility was so manifest that the Society in Dublin had been assisted by a Parliamentary grant of several thousand pounds. The system had been introduced into France; first among the Protestants: among the poorer classes of whom education had been

more neglected than even among the Catholics. They had established schools at Montpellier, Toulouse, Montauban, Bourdeaux, and other places; and the Catholics, alarmed at the progress of the Protestants, yet knowing that education was not to be stopped, were about raising a rival institution. The system had been introduced even into Spain, and several schools were established at Madrid. Mr. Allen added, the cause was proceeding in other parts of the continent of Europe, in the East and West Indies, particularly in the island of Hayti, under the patronage of Christophe, in the United States of America,

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Mr Allen further stated, that the cause of religious liberty had been espoused by the benevolent part of the Church of England, and has distinguished the House of Brunswick, now on the throne. That this Society owed much to the patronage of the King, who as long as he was able to attend to business, had regularly sent one of his pages with a subscription of 100l. a-year; and that great zeal in the cause and anxiety for its success had been displayed by the Dukes of Kent and Sussex.

The Bishop of Norwich said, it was not now a question of doubtful disputation, whether education be or be not conducive to order or good morals in society. No man was now so bereft of his senses as to

make the subject a matter of argument. Well had the Legislature of Pennsylvania some years ago laid down the wholesome maxim, that it was far better to prevent crimes than to punish them, and that to inform and reform the infant race was better than to punish and exterminate it. They had a fine practical example of the success of so benevolent a plan in the state presented by a body of their fellow Christians, one of the most distinguished of whom had that day addressed them (Mr William Allen, of the Society of Friends). That body, by educating their youth, had done more to reform the morals of mankind than all the governments on earth had done by gibbets and racks. It had been asserted, and not without reason, that no government had a legal right to inflict capital punishment upon its subjects, until it had taken the proper pains to instruct the lower ranks in the nature of their duties. They had been well referred to the case of Scotland. Fielding, who had so many years efficiently presided at the Bow-Street Office, had once told a friend of his (the Bishop's), that in the course of a very long period, he never had brought before him, in his magis terial capacity, more than six Scotchmen.

Such was the state of education in that country, that proper subordination was infused into the minds of the people, and such would be always found the result of an universal system of education. An allusion had been made to the National System of Education, which was confined to those of the Established Church. In looking at the Institution, and at the British and Foreign one, he would not scruple this day, in the face of the public, to avow his decided prefer

ence to the latter.—and to assert its bet

ter claim to the appellation of National than the one which had it, however meritorious were its objects. He begged to be unequivocally understood as appreciating the merits of the National system, and of being ready to do all in his power to promote it; but at the same time he would not conceal his preference for this system, because it had nothing of exclusion in its plan or character. He ardently wished prosperity to both, and to the one would say, when it spoke

of the other, "Go thou and do likewise."

The Rev. F. A. Cox, the Secretary, expressed his apprehension that this and similar Institutions were not yet duly appreciated, for that, in his opinion, the school system is entitled to take precedence of most if not of all other charities-even of the Bible Society itself: for of what use were Bibles if people could not read them? Mr. Cox affirmed, that the simplicity of the principle upon which this society proceeded, was such as to admit of universal co-operation.It asked all to unite in instructing the untaught mind; and he could not help expressing his satisfaction, that the cause of education was this day patronized by royalty, episcopacy and legislation.He was certain that an enlightened population constituted the stability of an empire, and the strongest prop of a throne, being happy in peace, and, under Providence, invincible in war; because such a population only could duly appreciate its privileges, and understand the rights of government and the reasons of subordination. He felt convinced that knowledge was connected with and sustained industrious habits, and that industry promoted individual improvement, and national prosperity.

His Royal Highness declared himself highly gratified with the meeting, hoped that all would go away contented, and anticipated their assembling again another time, with mutual congratulations on the success of what had now been so auspiciously commenced.

The meeting was also addressed by the Rev. Messrs. H. F. Burder, R. Hill,


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In this case it appeared from the statement of Mr. Sergeant Pell, Counsel for the plaintiff, and the proofs, that the plaintiff, being a farmer at Foxhanger, in the parish of Rowde, near Devizes, attended regularly a congregation of Indépendent Dissenters in that town, and Seend gate, on Sundays, he claimed in passing through a turnpike gate, called

tolls at the gate, an exemption from the from the defendant, who is a collector of because he was going to his proper place toll of ten-pence demanded from him, of religious worship at Devizes, and that such claim being rejected, and the toll enforced, the action was brought, in his name, by the Society in the metropolis called The Protestant Society for the Protection of Religious Liberty," to recover back the amount of the toll so obtained.

For the defendant it was contended by words of that turnpike act the plaintiff Mr. Casberd, that under the particular was not entitled to the exemption, because he went out of his own parish to attend at a place of public worship, and because there was in such parish a dissenting place of worship.

But a case being mentioned by Mr. Sergeant Pell, where, at the Suffolk Assizes, Mr. Justice Grose had held such defence to be unavailing, Mr. Justice Holroyd determined that the plaintiff was entitled to the exemption, notwithstanding the topics urged for the defendant; but he permitted his Counsel to apply to the Court, if they, on reflection, should deem it expedient to correct his judgment, and directed the Jury to find a verdict for plaintiff.-Damages 10d.

and costs.

The King v. Rev. William Easton, Clerk,

James Jerrard, and eight others, for a
Conspiracy to disturb a Congregation of
Dissenters, at Anstey, near Tisbury, in
this County, and for a Riat.

The following were the facts of this

case, conducted like the former, by the society in London for the Protection of the Religious Liberty of the Dissenters, as stated by Mr. Sergeant Pell, and proved by the witnesses for the prosecution. The Rev. W. Hopkins, a dissenting minister at Tisbury, was invited to preach at Anstey, an adjoining parish. Of that parish the Rev. W. Easton was the perpetual curate, and J. Jerrard was the tything-man; but the clergyman resided also at Tisbury, three miles from the place of riot. A dwelling-house belonging to J. Butt was certified as the place of the meeting of the Dissenters. Mr. Hopkins first attended in November 1816; he repeated his visits, and noises were made without the house, which interrupted the worship at the several times when he so attended, until the 31st of December, 1816, the time stated in the indictment. On that evening he went about six o'clock to preach, when seventy persons were assembled without the house; the night was showery and cloudy, and the ground wet. Among those assembled were the several defendants, also Easton (the clergyman) and Jerrard. The mob were supplied with cow-horns, large bells, and various discordant instruments, and, encouraged by the clergyman and peace-officer, made a most clamorous and terrific noise. They paraded about nine yards from the house, and, notwithstanding the remonstrances of the high constable of the hundred, who attended the meeting-house, and other respectable persons, they persevered in their disturbance, until the minister could not be heard, and he was compelled abruptly to discontinue the religious service. On the return of Mr Hopkins, he was followed by the same mob, amidst execrations, noises, and their horrible music, for half a mile, to the boundaries of the parish of Anstey.

Mr. Casberd, for the defendants, endeavoured to convince the Court and Jury that there was no conspiracy: and that, as the people did not enter the house of meeting, nor personally ill-treat the minister or congregation, there was no riot.

But Mr. Justice Holroyd interposed, and declared, that as to the conspiracy the Jury should decide; but that the proof of a most indecent, unwarrantable, illegal riot, was distinct and uncontrovert


Mr. Sergeant Pell then stated, that the Dissenters from lenity to the clergyman, not by way of compromise, would not press for a verdict for the conspiracy, bnt only for the riot; and for which they would certainly bring up the defendants

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Extract of a Letter dated Dec. 26, 1817, from Mr. Angus to Dr. Newman.

"THE government, having considered the unlettered státe of the poor, have some time ago voted a sum of money for the establishment of public schools, to be placed at the disposal of the Minister of Instruction. A noble measure! until it be realized no rational hope can be entertained of seeing this fine population released from the chains of darkness by which they are bound.


A very interesting work, published at Paris, is about to make its appearance in three volumes, two of which are already in the hands of the booksellers, entitled A Critical History of the Inquisition. The author was himself a Secretary to that horrible institution for many years, and judging from his titles, a man of great celebrity in the literary world. subject is taken up from the very earliest period of its history, and is brought down to the present day-noticing the different degrees of heat by which the pious establishment was inflamed. seems to be much sought after by the reading world on this side of the water, and I am persuaded it will not be less so on yours, when it comes to appear in an English translation."



ON Tuesday last, a very extraordinary outrage was perpetrated in the church-yard of Otterton, Devon. The grave of the late Rev. S. Leat, a venerable dissenting minister of Budleigh, who was interred about ten months since, was opened, both coffins pulled abroad, the corpse mangled, the shroud torn to pieces, and the cloth which covered the outer coffin carried away. Great exertions are making to discover the atrocious perpetrators, and a handsome reward offered for their conviction.-Times, Mar. 24.

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ON Wednesday, March 18, 1818, a most crowded and respectable meeting was held, pursuant to a notice published in our last Number, at the City of London Tavern, Bishopsgate-street, to form a new institution for the benefit of sailors, nominated "The Port of London Society for promoting Religion among Merchant Seamen."

Benjamin Shaw, Esq. M. P. was called to the chair. R. H. Marten, Esq. stated at large the object of the meeting, and urged it by a variety of suitable and forcible arguments upon the attention of all classes present. The Rev. Drs. Collyer and Rippon; the Rev. Messrs. Vowles, Ivimey, Hoby, Harper. Smith, Hyatt, and Evans, with Messrs. Cowen, Jennings, Munn, and other gentlemen, severally addressed the meeting upon the important and interesting features of such a society-the advantages likely to accrue from its operations, and the obligations which all who value the souls of men must feel themselves under to promote it. A liberal subscription was opened. The numerous assembly departed at a late hour of the day amply gratified with the accounts they had received, and with the new and interesting measure of Christian benevolence which had been proposed to their at tention.

From the report of the Provisional Committee it appeared, that in full reliance on the public liberality, a ship is already purchased, and in a forward state of preparation for the principal object of the Society, namely, the preaching of the gospel twice every Sunday to the sailors upon their own element. The vessel, which is nearly

400 tons, is capable of accommodating from seven to eight hundred hearers; and it is confidently hoped, that a large number of sailors will be found willing to avail themselves of the opportunity furnished for their benefit, and promising such important and inestimable results.

R. H. Marten, Fsq. America-square, Minories, was elected Treasurer. The Rev. N. E. Sloper, of Chelsea; Mr. J. Thompson, of Brixton-hill, and Mr. W. Cooke, of Prescott-street, were appointed gratuitous Secretaries, to whom all communications respecting this institution are to be addressed,

This Society having been informed that individuals wholly unconnected with it have been collecting in its name, thinks it necessary to caution the public against giving to any persons whose characters are not sufficiently known to recommend the application.



ON Wednesday, October 1, 1817, the Rev. J. H. Hinton was ordained pastor of the particular Baptist church in Haverfordwest. Worship was begun by Mr. Rees, of Froghole; and the ordina tion-service conducted by Mr. Reynolds, of Middle-Mill. The charge was delivered by Mr. Harries, of Swansea, from Acts, xx. 28; and Mr. Herring, of Cardigan, addressed the church, from 1 Cor. Mr. Evans, of Caermarthen, iv. 1. preached, in the evening. The service was highly interesting, and the prospects are very encouraging.


ON Tuesday, December 23, 1817, Mr. Richard Millar was ordained pastor over the particular Baptist church at Braintree, Essex. Mr. Craig, the Independent minister, of Bocking, began the service by reading and prayer; Mr. Garrington, of Burnham, delivered the introductory discourse, asked the usual questions, and received the confession of faith; Mr. King, of Halsted, offered the ordination prayer; Mr. Pilkington, of Rayleigh, gave a serious and impressive charge, from Phil. ii. 20; Mr. Wilkinson, of Saffron-Walden, preached to the people, from 1 Thess. v. 12, 13; Mr. Carter, of Braintree, (Independent minister,) concluded with prayer.

FENNY STRATFORD. MR. James Crudge, late pastor of the particular Baptist church at Bythorn, Hants, has been unanimously chosen pastor of the Baptist church at Fenny Stratford, Bucks; and on the 23d July last, was publicly recognised by that church as their pastor. The Rev. Mr. Keely, of Ridgmount, asked the usual questions; the church, by one of its deacons, related the leadings of divine providence, and the consequent steps they had taken, which had issued in the business of the day; Mr. Crudge recited the leading ar ticles of his taith; Mr. Keely addressed the pastor from Matt. xxv. 21. The Rev. F. A. Cox, M. A., of Hackney, addressed the church from James, i. 9, 10. The devotional parts of the service were conducted by Messrs. Hobson, of Maulden, Wilson, (now of Dublin,) and Simmons, of Olney. The services were concise, solemn, and interesting.

GOSWELL-STREET ROAD. On Tuesday, August 19, 1817, Mr. John Bolton was ordained pastor of the Baptist, church in Spencer-place, Goswell-street road. Mr. Keen commenced by reading the Scriptures and prayer; Mr. Sowerby asked the usual questions,

received the confession of faith, and stated the scriptural nature and foundation of a gospel church; Mr. Trivett, of Yorkshire, offered up the ordination prayer; Mr. Shenston gave the charge from 1 Tim. iv. 16; and Mr. Carr concluded the morning services by prayer. In the evening, Mr. Rodgers commenced with prayer; Mr. Keeble preached to the church from 2 Cor. xiii. 11. and concluded in prayer.

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O! Thou o'er all things Lord supreme, Whose Providence fills earth & sky, Thy praise for ever be our theme,

Our Father, yet the God most high. What gracious, oh! what mighty love, Dost thou for sinful mortals bear, That thou whilst thron'd in light above, Shouldst keep us with a Father's care. Not only being, life, and breath,

Immortal Father hast thou given; But to preserve us e'en in death, Thine only Son was spar'd from heav'n. Oh! the ecstatic blissful thonght,

That Christ our elder brother came; His hreast with tender inercy fraught, To change for Son the alien's name! May his benignant grace inspire

Oh! could we serve our heavenly Sire, Our hearts with filial love to Thee;

As sons of God from error free!

London: Printed by J. BARFIELD, 91, Wardour-Street, Soho.

H. L.


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