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thofe of this great mafter. How much then is it to be regretted, that hitherto they have been in the hands of but a few practitioners. This perhaps, has proceeded not more from the enormous and incommodious fize of the work, than from the high price at which all the former editions of it have been fold. An attempt, therefore, to reduce the price, without detracting from the utility of this work, is at least highly laudable.

It cannot, however, be alledged that in the prefent edition this end has been completely obtained. It must be acknowledged, that in fome particulars, at leaft, it is inferior to others, in a larger fcale. In giving a reprefentation of minute parts the fame degree of accuracy was unattainable, with fo great a reduction of the fize, as has here taken place. For in this edition of the work caeli plate is little larger than those in the folio edition of Eustachius published by Albinus.

But if from this circumftance the prefent edition be in fome measure inferior to the original, it may be observed, that the editor has alfo made feveral other changes from which his work has at leaft fuffered nothing.

In the large editions, the landscapes on the back ground added nothing either to the accuracy or elegance of the plates. And, however much, they may have encreased the labour of the artist, they could in no degree tend to the information of the anatomift. On the contrary, from their being omitted, the attention of the obferver is wholly bound to thofe objects which alone merit it.

It is with confiderable advantage alfo, that in the prefent edition the fame characters are employed in the explanation as on the plates intended for references, which was not formerly the cafe. And from the accurate manner in which every letter is cut, as well as from avoiding entirely the use of the Greek alphabet, the connexion between the plates and explanation may be traced with much greater facility than before. To this, it must also be added, that from the outlines being engraved in a bolder ftile, the expreffion of the different parts is rendered more diftinct and apparent. Thus feveral circumftances which formerly tended to embarrafs the young student of anatomy, are now fuccefsfully obviated.

All these particulars, however would afford room but for a faint recommendation of this edition, were not the fhaded plates, on which there are no references, engraved in such a manner as to do great credit to the artist. Throughout the whole, his genius and attention are equally confpicuous. The ftriking and lively reprefentation which they afford, will ftand the test of comparifon with the most elegant anatomical engraving which the prefent age has produced, and will prove a lafting monument of the abilities of the engraver.


There is indeed one circumstance, which may be confidered as a defect in the prefent edition, when compared with that which was published at London. To the London edition were added, from the work of other anatomifts, plates of the blood veffels which had no place in the original of Albinus. That just representations of the blood veffels would make an important addition to thofe of the bones and muscles, 'no man will deny. Yet the inaccuracy of the originals from which the editors of the London editions have taken their copies, renders the edition which they have made but of little importance. And this edition may be confidered as having fuffered nothing from the omiffion.

The prefent artist however, could not perhaps employ his time with more advantage to the public than by presenting them with plates of the blood veffels copied from thofe of Baron Halle and of Dr. Waltheres, prefent Profeffor of anatomy at Berlin, whofe admirable reprefentations are not less correct than they are elegant and beautiful. And if he be directed in his choice, by the juftly celebrated anatomist to whom he has infcribed the prefent plates, the whole taken together will form a work which ought to be in the poffeffion of every medical practitioner, and lover of anatomy who does not chufe to go to the expence of purchafing all the originals.

ART. III. Titus Livius's Roman Hiftory, tranflated into English, and illuftrated with notes, critical, hiftorical, and geographical: for the ufe of Students in humanity. By William Gordon, author of the Univerfal Accomptant. 12mo. 5s. fewed. Smith, Glafgow. Elliot, Edinburgh. Robinfons, London.


HE reputation of Livy is fo great, that many of the ableft criticks have affigned to him the firft rank among hiftorians. The grandeur of his ideas, the extent of his views, the charm of his manner, and the fplendour of his diction, have been all juftly extolled; and muft fecure to him the admiration of the moft diftant posterity. It is a refult of his merit, that no decent tranflation of his hiftory has yet been offered to the public. And, indeed, an adequate verfion of his work is an undertaking which is never to be hoped for. The talk of tranflation is generally confined to inferior men. Writers of genius efteem themfelves fuperior to it; and when individuals have original ideas to communicate to the public, they would doubtlefs mifapply their labour, and wafte their time, if they should condefcend to tranfcribe and to interpret the writings of other men.

With respect to Mr. Gordon, it fills us with amazement, that he should have been fo great an enemy to himself as to

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have even thought of a tranflation of Livv. He appears to be very moderately fkilled in the Latin tongue; and if he had actually understood all the words in his author, his capacity would not have permitted him, to take in and comprehend his fentiments. The vanity of his enterprize, and the poverty of his execution are prominent and palpable. They place him in a light, of all others, the most humiliating, and expofe him not only to neglect, but to contempt.

It must ever be a strong objection to a tranflator of Livy, that he is but flenderly acquainted with the Roman tongue. It is, however, a charge against him ftill more indefenfible, that he has been able to acquire no mattery in the language which he fpeaks, and in which he affects to compofe. This charge notwithstanding, applies fally to Mr. Gordon. In fact, he does not know the nature and fpirit of the Englith language. His tafte is mean; his fentences approach to no dignity; and his manner is without elegance. He is exactly the reverfe of Livy.

To dwell upon a publication like the prefent, would be improper; and, it would be wrong to omit it altogether. For a juít reprobation of fuch books has this advantage, that it repreffes the crude and petulant efforts of illiterate pedagogues. But while it is our duty to characterife literary performances with a proper freedom, candour requires, that we fhould furnish fpecimens, from which our readers may form judgments for themselves of their merit. Of the prefent work, the following extract may be fufficient, and the reader is requested to turn to the fplendid original which it fo cruelly degrades.

Once more the Vejentes refumed their operations against the Fabii, without any new preparations; nor did they content themelves with ravaging the country, or making fudden incurfions, but fometimes measured their fwords in pitched battles, upon fair ground. This one Roman family, frequently carried off the victory from a people, who were, at that time, the most opulent of all the Etrurian nations. By this the Vejentes at first, thought themfelves difgraced and highly affronted; and, in confequence, formed a defign of laying ambufcades for their intrepid enemy; and rejoiced to find, that the forwardness of the Fabii, increased with their repeated victories.

Wherefore, herds of cattle were frequently driven out in the way of foraging parties, as if they had lighted on them by chance; and by the flight of the penfants, vast tracts of lands feemed to be abandoned. Parties of foldiers were alfo fent out to chastife the ravagers, who retreated oftener through a pretended, than a real fear. By this time, the Fabii held the enemy in fuch fovereign con tempt, that they did not imagine, they could stand against their victorious arms, let the occafion, or ground be ever fo advantageous. Flated with thefe hopes, and feeing fome herds of cattle grazing in plain, at a confiderable diflance from Cremera, although they

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were guarded by fome fmall parties of the enemy, they run from the fort to carry them off. Thinking themfelves fecure, they had paffed the ambush laid for them on both fides of the way, and had difperfed in purfuit of the cattle, ftraggling through the fields, which they always do upon an alarm; the enemy fuddenly quitting their lurking places, appeared all at once, in front and in rear, and on every fide.

At firit they raifed a terrible fhout, and then poured in a volley of darts upon them from every quarter. The Etrurians came clofer together, till the Fabii were totally furrounded, by one trong uniform body of armed men, and the more they were preffed by the enemy, they were obliged to contract their own circle in proportion ; which at once difcovered their weaknefs, and the enemy's vaft fuperiority in point of numbers, when their ranks were crouded into fo narrow a pace. Then giving over an attack, which they made with equal vigour on all fides, they directed all their force to one point. Thither, drawing up in a wedge, by the wight of their bodies, and the points of their fwords, they opened a paffage for themselves, that led by an eafy afcent to the fide of a hill, where they first halted.

As foon as the advantage of the ground had given them leifure to refpire, and recover from the fhock of fo great a furprife, they beat back the affailants; and by the convenience of their poft, fmall as their party was, were getting the better of them, when the Wejentes, by fetching a compaís, poffefied themselves of the top of the hill. Thus the enemy became again fuperior. The Fabii were all killed to a man, and the fort taken. It is univerfally admitted, that three hundred and fix fell there; and, that there only remained a youth of about fourteen years of age, as a flock to the Fabian family, which, in future times, was to be the prop and stay of the Roman people, both by their countel and their sword upon the moit trying occations.

This difafter happened in the confulfhip of C. Horatius and T. Menenius. The latter was immediately difpatched to chaftife the infolence of the Etrurians, which their victory had created ; but he was defeated, and the Janiculus taken. Morcover, as the city was in want of provifions, and the Etrurians already on this fide the Tiber, the city would certainly have undergone a fiege, had not the conful Horatius been recalled from the expedition against the Volíci. So close to the walls of Rome was this war brought, that the first battle was fought at the temple of Hope, with, no advantage on either fide, and the fecond at the gate there: although the Romans could boat of no great advantage, yet that en gagement gave them new fpirit, and encouraged them to behave better in every future action.

A. Virginius and Sp. Servilius, fucceeded as confuls; after the check the Vejentes received in the laft engagement, they deelined coming to another: but they plundered the country; and from the fort Janiculum, they made incurfions upon the Roman lands all around. Neither the farmers, nor their cattle, were any where fafe. But they were at lal taken in the fame trap they had laid for the Fabii: for, purfuing fome cattle, which had been sent out on purpose to decoy them, they fell headlong into the ambufcade; their numbers only ferved to increase the fau_hter. Their extra


vagant refentment for this lofs, laid the foundation of a much greater: for, paffing the Tiber in the night, they attempted to torm the camp of Servilius the conful. But there they met with fo warm a reception, that after a prodigious laughter, with great difficulty they got back to the Janiculum.

The conful immediately croffed the river, and fortified his camp at the foot of the hill. Early next morning, a little flushed with his fuccefs the day before, or rather impelled by the want of provifions, to take the fhortest courfe, however dangerous, to procure them, he inconfiderately led his army up the hill to the enemy's camp, where he received a more fhameful repulfe, than he had given the day before: but his colleague came up and faved both him and his army. Between the two armies, a dreadful havock was made among the Etrurians, as they were endeavouring to escape, first from the one, and then from the other. Thus by a fortunate imprudent step, the war with the Vejentes got a finishing stroke.


Upon the return of peace, provifions became cheaper in the city; for they had corn from Campania: and their being now no apprehenfions of future fcarcity, the citizens brought out what they had concealed and hoarded up. Peace and plenty foon produced diffipation; and now when they had no disturbance abroad, they began to revive their old contentions at home.

The tribunes fet the populace in a ferment, by their favourite topic, the Agrarian law. They inflamed them against the fenators, in the oppofition; and in this, they not only pointed at the whole body, but at individuals alfo. Q. Confidius and T. Genucius, who revived the plea of the Agrarian law at this time, cited T. Menenius to take his trial. He was charged with the lofs of the garrifon at Cremera, when his camp lay but a fmall distance from it. They condemned him, although the fathers had interested themselves, no lefs for him, than they had done for Coriolanus, and the popularity of his father Agrippa, not yet totally forgot. The tribunes reftricted his punishment to a fine; for, though they had fentenced him to die, after his condemnation, they only fined him in two thoufand affes of brafs. This coft him his life; for, it is faid, that that being unable to bear the difgrace, and the grief it occafioned, he foon fell a victim to a diftemper, brought on him by it.

Another fenator, Sp. Servilius, was alfo impeached, immediately on the expiring of his office, in the confulfhip of C. Nautius and Publius Valerius; the tribunes L. Cædicius and T. Statius, having, in the beginning of the year, appointed him a day for his trial. He did not, like Menenius, by himself, or the fathers, defcend to make mean fupplications to the people; but confiding in his own innocence and perfonal intereft, he boldly oppofed himself to all the

attacks of the tribunes.

The charge against him, was the action with the Etrurians at the Janiculum. But, being a man of a daring fpirit, he was as intrepid before their tribunal, as he used to be on a day of action, confuting in a bold fpeech, both tribunes and commons, upbraiding them with the condemnation and death of Menenius, by the good offices of whofe father, the populace were brought back to the city, and enjoyed these laws and thofe magiftrates, the minifters now of

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