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da-bo dot to expunge supernumerary days (in calendar); to expend, kóm, či, zo dot to expend money, chi, food; - čo dot to chant a book fr. memory; -to cast out or give up without reservation a-lut dot li to speak without reserve, to open unreservedly (as heart); to deliver, layo-nun ka-yum dot deliver us from evil, dük-nun dot to extricate from trouble, to disembarrass; to lose, especially any thing dear or valued, which is expressed figuratively, as a-lút dot-nón I have lost my heart, a-mik dot-nón I have lost my eye (figuratively).

vb. n. to become dismissed, renowned, a-bryan dot to become renowned, celebrated; to be eliminated, to be dismissed, to be lost, to be gone; go ik ca mă-dotne I am not yet gone, I am not yet dead; tyán ma-dot-ne i. q. šu-lă mă-dot-ne "nothing lost", quite well, it is of no consequence; go mă-dot-ne it matters not, I am pretty well (an old man would say), kam må-dot-ne a little better (lit. "but little lost").a-dot s. a giving out, a-dot a-cốt 8. a gift; aid, assistance.

dot 2. T. dod 8. an equivalent, indemnity, dot byi vb. to give an equivalent. don 1. or don-don adj. bushy as tail, tuk-šim don-don or don-nă don-nă a bushy tail; sun-fón don don shaggy moss.

don 2. fr. don q. v. a young shoot. dop vb. n. to burn, núk bam-ba_kundyon-re mi dyak bam go-run-lå må-dop-ne behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed Ex. કોંrón-ñá má-ró mi-ka fan-ba_mi-nũn mădop-nă pa yan-să a-sut-re să-ba-re ba tsuk-kyer tsuk-lat gun-nu fyo-nón-ne-yam-o everywhere from east to west all the inhabitants of the country heard the (wonderful) news: indeed to-day the man (i. o. Padma) was burnt with fire but the fire did not harm him P. to be frost-bitten; dop-nón burnt, mă-zů dop-la dak to feel burning pains; a-ton so-nón-nun dop-nón feel to be frost-bitten. — dyop caus, of dop vb. to cause to burn,

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dom 1. inflected (object.) c. of do see under -m.

dom 2. vb. to be in union, together, to be in accordance, to be in combination. dom-lun a-zóm zo vb. to eat together, dom-lüñ áyok mat vb. to work together, dom-lun rin li vb. to speak in union, to speak the same thing, dom-lũn tion mat vb. to trade in partnership; — to gather . together in small compass, to abbreviate (as word), to abridge, to condense, to epitomize, to fold (cloth) together; — s. nnison, unity, abbreviation, compendium, summary; yuk dom s. abbreviation of word, čo dom-tóm-bo an abridged work; dom-lă adv. concordantly, unanimously.

dom 3. s. the leprosy: dom-dak. Ex., dom mun the evil spirit of leprosy; dom mun zak-bo or dom-dāk-bo 8. a leper, dom-dāk-nŭn a-ků a-dyan fyår dyán the hands and feet of the leper fall off; dom-dyar 8. leprosy, dom-(dyår) dák-bo a leper, mă-ró a-jăn-nā zum bạm mus pe lyo gan nå dom-dyår-dāk-bo ke kā-ta ka nan-re zăn gŭm bad men living together may be likened to lepers sitting together. dom sa-hlan s. incipient or pseudo-leprosy.

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dó 1. s. sperma genitale, fik dó. *dó 2. 8. T. brda s. a mark, a sign, a token, dó-cet T. brda-byed or brda-čad 8. investigation, inquiry, i. q. L. ryak-vyat and tsó-ryat; dó-čet kyóp-lün or dó-cet nat-lun tyak vb. to find out by investigation; dó-mo to make much inquiry, to seek after a thing lost; dó-mo kyóp or mat vb. ditto; dó kyóp or dó klón or dó ton vb. to publish, to proclaim, kó dó-tón to publish an order.

dók 1. vb. n. to dazzle, a-tsür-nun a-mik dok my eyes are dazzled by the


*d6k 2. 'T. dag in comp.: tun-dok, tui dók, tún-dók see under tán, T. don-dag; e. c. tun-dók mat i. q. dók-bo mat, see dók 3. go dúk zāk bam-ba hŭ kå-sú tũndók mat when I was in trouble, he befriended me.


kyem see under kyem i. q. da kyem. →→ a-dők s. the owner.

"dók 4. T. bsdogs(-pa) M., nå dók 8. a reciter of truth. M.

*dók-zũn T. dag and 'dsin(-pa)? s. precision, exactness, accuracy, dók-zün-lá mat vb. to be precise, rin-ka li-ba dókzun mat vb. to be precise, when speaking; yok dók-zun-lå mat vb. to do work with precision.

dón 1. sec dan and dan 4.

dón 2. 8. a portentuous or inauspicious event: lí đóù gyám-må said on entering a new built house, 24 hours (or more) after which no work is done: “remain quiet in the house during d."; ra dón gyám-må "beware of the inauspicious season of the Ra tree" i. e. during the time of its' shedding its leaves, during which time for about a week it is unlucky to sow or plant (if you do so, the plant on sprouting up will whither away). *dón 3. or dóù-jók T. mdań or mdanZag adv. yesterday M.

dón 4. vb. n. to be black and white, variegated, num-bón dón a person piebald from scalding or disease; să-ar-păñ să(dó 3.) a-dó a-dak s. the hard part of nói-ka to să-re pur-tak-bo să a-dơi ăn yam (thrown away). M. lük-păй să-nóй-ka a-nók må-go-nŭm-bo gün-nā kā-sũ dyep-ka nyi găñ o-re tùk-mo yum-ba every one that is not speckled and spotted among the goats and brown among the sheep, that shall be counted stolen with me G. dón fam-blyók 8. n. of spec. of butterfly; kă-li dón (see tůndón) s. a spec. of squirrel. — důñ-ñă dóùna adjly. spotted, red and white (as fruit), d.-nă đóǹ-ñä myan vb. to be partially ripe (as fruit). a-dóй adj. black and white (as a horse), applied to any part of the body scorched by fire mi đón. tun-dón and nŭn-dón 1. i. q. a-đón,- 2. s. n. of tree, 3. 8. a spec. of squirrel, Sciurus; — tüñ-dün tũn-dón(-lă) i.q. dũna dón-na. — Also dyan and tun-dyan, na tŭn-dyen.

*dók 3. T. bdag 8. owner, proprietor, master of, protector; guarding, patronage; vb. to own; dók-bo T. bdag-po s. one having, an owner, a master, a lord of, a-ján a-kyon-så dók-bo s. protector of the poor; dók (-bo) mat T. bilag(-po) byed(pa) vb. to protect, to defend, to patronize, to guard, a-mo-nŭn a-kúp búk-kúň-ṣā a-nyu dók mat the aunt protects the child from the beating of the mother.


dón 5., a-dóń s. a house or roostingplace for birds: fo-dón; hik-dón.


dón, dón 6. vb. t. to search, to seek after, go-nun hum dóù-nón I went search of him; hó do-så dóй-ñùй nyi you brought it on yourself or it was your own seeking; to follow after females, applied to beasts, ku-ju a-mót dón bam the dog follows the bitch; đón mă-suk-ne not to care for females; dón ger. dón kón let (him) search; dón-bo s. a seeker, a-ri don-bo bloody Ex.; dón-šet s. means of searching; dón-vyat s. a question, J. dón-din bik i. q. tūñ-din bik s. a spec. of beetle.

dót vb. to leave a part, to leave unfinished; applied also to the pray of wild animals from the custom of leaving a part, hó să-lăn dót nun-nă-a may you become the pray of a tiger; to lose one's appetite, applied chiefly to the loss of appetite thro' pregnancy: ta-dyй a-kup bu-ba dot bum.



heat, rays: a-toŭr dóp. Caus. dyop, to lean against as one tree against another or stick against wall, kun kat-nun kat-ka dyóp the one tree rests against the other. dóp 3., a-dóp s. a flight of birds, a herd, a troup fo-dóp; lük-dóp; mag-mi dóp.

*dóp 4. T. ldab s. a repetition, a returning, *nyi dóp T. nyis ldab double, twice; - dóp kyóp vb. to repeat, to perform twice; to perform fruitless labour.

dóm 1. vb. t. to choose, to select, to pick, dóm ko kyóp vb. to do as one chooses, dóm tóm-bo or dóm lyo tóm-bo or d. lyom-bo chosen, elect, dom lyo vb. to take by choice. dóm-lát 8. choice, selection.

dóm 2. vb. T. sdom(-pa to bind) see dam, 1. to be bound, to be tied; 2. to be restrained, to be reserved as land lyan dóm; to be frozen: Kyek dóm.

dóm 3. in compos. thumb or big-toe

a-dlót s. the remainder, balance, a frag- ka dóm, ton dóm.


dồn 1., tin-dón see tin-dii see dặn. dón 2. vb. to be red hot, to glow (as fire), pun-jen dón red hot iron; sũn-gyór dlón a glowing coal; fut dón red burnt earth, a brick.

dón 3. adj. thinly, finely and uniformly applied to snow etc., tă-i dón-nă dón-nă pot vb. to sprinkle flour finely; să-nón dón-nă dón-nă yù vb. (snow) to fall uniformly; so d. d. y. (rain) ditto.

dón 4. see under don.

dóp 1. (see top) vb. to support; — pŭndop 8. a large stick for lever, a lever, pundóp-sa lu vb. to raise with large stick.

dóm 4., rün-dóm s. a slope, a bank, an acclivity, see dom.

dóm 5. for T. dam see tu-dóm, tu-dam, yi-dóm, yi-dam.

dóm kun s. a spec. of tree Acer canipbellii, used as tea, the fallen leaves are gathered i. q. ya-li šin Wtt. A. 331., đớm nyóm the leaves of A. c.

dór 1. 8. a shoulder-strap, a sh.-belt, dór-ka or dór-ri; dór (-ka) krap the shoulder-belt is too tight; dór (-ka) vyól the sh. is too long or broad; dór-ka rik the sh. is right; dór-ka a-tan zuk make it shorter; dór-ka a-hryan zuk make it longer; dór-ka bu to carry shoulder-strap or with it.

dóp 2. 1. vb. n. to be opposite, to be vis à vis, dóp din vb. to stand before, dóp kyóp vb. to meet opposite, to have fruitless labour, dóp nan vb. to sit opposite; to be perpendicularly inclined; to be equal, dop nan to be equal. 2. adj. very steep, perpendicular as a precipice, lyan dóp a precipitous place, a ravine; su-gór dóp s. a precipice tho' steep but that can be ascended; 3. vb. t. to drive in as nail zer dóp; to be penetrating as or shield, pa-yuk dól; lóp dól.

dór 2. T. dar(-ba to be diffused) vb. t. to propagate, là-yo dór to disseminate evil; yen dór to divert the mind; see där, tär, tar.

dór 3. vb. to be crooked, kun dór-nón the tree is crooked. See also dar.

dór 4. vb. to be awry, a-mik dór bam to have cast in eye.

dól s. an ornament on sheath of sword



(dól) 2. see under dal 2.


dress, to dress, dum dyam to put on

(dól) 3., dól-li dól-la flowing (hair): clothes, hú-do ván-tiát-să dùm-păn dyẩm a-tsóm d.-lă d.-lă.

dyǎ 1. i. q. dya see under da.

dyă 2. (fr. dya?), a-čik-kā dyă a certain quantity. M.

dyak 1. expletive to šāk, šūk dyak to counsel; 2. caus. of dŭk q. v.

dyăn 1. 1. vb. n. to split from overstraining, så-li dyan the bow is split from overstraining; 2. vb. t. to publish, to promulgate.

(she) put on the garments of her widowhood G. dyam byi vb. to clothe as children who cannot clothe themselves. a-dyum s. a dress. See also dyam. dyăm 2., a-dyẩm 8. profit, improvement M.

(dyăm 3.) tük-dyăm see tük-fyil.

dyám caus. of de vb. to sooth (irritation of child), ayen bón dyám to sooth child. dyár, dyar 1. adj. slight, weak, feable,

dyan 2. striped, also deň záñ, see dón 4. able to fly a little, justfledged, fo dyár

dyát i. q. hyát q. v.

dyat, dyet and det adj. fond of, agreeable to, having a passion for; či dyatnyim-bo one fond of strong drink, mikkrap dyat-nyim-bo one fond of sleep; mán ryak dyat-nyim-bo one having a passion for hunting. s. lust, passion, bo-să dyat-pan the lusts of (your) father J. — a verbal particle forming an active present participle, go nón dyất bam I am going or just about to go; hu mak dyat he is dying or just about to die; f. fol dyāt-tŭn-så i.-kúp-păñ-nŭn a-mlem luk-ba muk-ki mi-zir-mo-siihi-yem ryuk làm dyit when Ph. drew nigh, the children of I. lifted up their eyes and behold the Egyptians marched after them. Ex.

dyăn see den. See also mũ-dyăn s. v. mũ. dyán see dan.

dyap see dyep (along with -).

dyám vb. to reflect, to consider, to ascertain, to judge, so-yú pu dyám-må to judge whether it will rain or not; tălyan tát dyám ma-nyin-ne there is no judging of the weather; kam dyam bamma to reflect a little; mu-dyám-na-ba mă-li-nún đo not speak without reflection; dyám-lũn yå vb. to know certainly, d.-l. ma-ya-ne not to be able to discern. dyam-la zuk vb. to do it deliberately with thoughtfulness, also designedly; dyám nák to reflect how anything will turn out, to judge. — dyám-lát s. judgement, discrimination, consideration.


dyăm 1. caus. of dăm vb. to put on

non the bird is able to fly a little.

dyar-ra dyar-ra long and thin, slender; -a-dyar adj. slack (as a bow). dyăr 2. expletive to dom, dom dyăr-bo a leper.

dyăr 3. side by side, see dyer, jer.

dyăr či bik see să-dyār či bik. dyǎl redupl. tā-dyal open-mouthed, tădyal-bo da vb. to lie with mouth open.

dyál-bo see dyol and dyár 1. adj. weak, shaky, slight, dyal-la dyál-la slack (as bow-string).

dya, dya-m caus. of da q. v.

dyak. 1. vb. to become sour and destroyed (as chi), či šo-lun dyak nón the chi has become sour and completely bad.

dyak 2. vb. to flame up mi dyak, a-rót dyak, a-rót mun dyak the flame of sudden or violent death. a-dyak s. blaze, flame.

dyak 3. vb. dyak bam to be good, auspicious, a-kin dyak bam id. kā-su kin dyak dük-nún fór my fate is auspicious, I have escaped the misfortune.

dyan 1. vb. to be trodden down as field lyan dyan, to pound as in a mortar, to bray tuk tsam-ka dyan.

dyan 2., a-yan s. the leg, the foot, a-dyan kán tyål vb. to trip up by catching hold of one leg; a-dyan gyap-bo 8. an unsettled person, a-dyan sór-bo s. a lame p. a-yan tsat s. the measure of the foot. múk-nyám lyan-ka a-dyan kryak to have one foot in the grave; a-dlyaiki-ta-su lúm-bo a prop 'for a basket. — dyan pór vb. to kick forwards,


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dyan 3., a-dyan explet. to kyat, a-kyat. (dyan 4.) reduplic. tun-dyan fair as complexion, clean, white a-mlem tun-dyan. dyan-din-bik i. q. tun-din-bik s. a spec. of coleopterous insect, Calandra heros. dyan hlyam s. the small cuckoo, Cuculus poliocephalus, Je. 324. R. 207.

dyap adj. fine as powder of meal, tu-i dyap fine flour, said of grain: well separated from husk dyap-là tsu; well trodden, said of anything, zo dyap-luni vb. to thrash corn well, dyap-là tsop vb. to bo well trodden, said of clay etc.; ayok zuk dyap-bo s. one who performs work well; efficient, effective.

dyam 1. vb. to blab, to tell tales, to inform, ma-dyam-mun or dyam mā-dŭnnun do not tell; fam dyam-bo s. a blabber, a telltale.

dyam 2., a-dyam, a-dyam a-kap s. apparel, see dyam, han tă-še lin-nŭn fün prók-så ka-den dům-păn ót-lun dyam-la bam-ma-o then Padmasambhava took away the graveclothes of the dead and put on them. P.

dyam 3., dyam dyam bushy, shaggy, a-tsóm dyam-dyam thick hair.

dyi, dyin, dyit, dyin, dyim see di-. dyŭ 1. applied to very small bird i. q. dí, fo dya i.. fo di.-a-dyut s. a young sprout; sun-kri dyut 8. a young sprout of sŭú-kri. dyŭ 2. s. a record, register.

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dyun vb. to be vertical, to erect or transmit in a vertical direction; to dyn or tsón dyúñ-lün óp vb. to discharge arrow straight up in the air; tük-nom dyun to elevate nose (as spirited horse or person when snuffing anything). — dyžñ-lă nan vb. to be in a vertical position.

dyŭp vb. to fall in great quantities as leaves from trees; rain, snow etc., sảnóù dyŭp-lũn mā-ró důk-ka zák the snow having fallen in great quantities, the man fell into trouble; să-nói dyúp s. an avalanche, T. Ka rud.

dyŭm s. 1. a small midge abundant near water and troublesome to the eyes. 2. expletive to blyók, blyók dyŭm s. a shade, a ghost.

(dyŭr) redupl., tă-dyŭr s. shady, cloudy, ta-lyan sa-tsük tä-dyйr là di great multitudes to come, sufficient to darken the heaven; t.-d. tet kok to screen the sun's rays. See under nŭm-yŭ.

dyul s. moving of bushes by wind etc.; dyйl-la or dyйl-lå dyŭl-là tyŭ to move as bushes by the wind (or animal passing thro').

dyu 1. s. ball of gun, cannon etc., dyu fyók-kun nón the bullets fly in abundance one across the other; dyu-pót s. ball of gun or musket; dyu kúp s. a small b., a pellet.

dyu 2., dyu-m vb. t. to measure, vb. n. to correspond with, to be equal, dyu pu id. — dyum gerund. of dyu; dyum-bo 1. one who measures, 2. an equal or corresponddyŭ 3. vb. to fight, to make war, to ing a measure. dyum på-tiù s. a measuring quarrel, pá-no-lem dyň vb. to fight against yard or rod. — a-dyum adj. corresponding king; pa-no lol-la dyй to fight on the to, equal; s. a measure, u-dyum mat vb. side of or for king. dyň čok vb. to to compare, to measure, a-dyum mlo (or make tumult, roar, contention; dyut-bo-set) s. a measure.—nüñ-dyu s. exactitude, 8. one, who fights, a warrior. a-dyut corresponding seize. s. war, battle; a-dyйt plå or a-dyut nun there was a war; a-dyut rin li vb. to promote war; a-dyût-så på-hu s. the demon of war; a-dyut tsó vb. to provoke dyut-nut s. fighting.


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dýŭk or ka-dyúk s. Tbr. for să-hũ 8. a monkey, dyuk kup a small ditto Tbr.

dyu 3. 8. account, register, record, dyu a-nók black list, record of evil deeds. See dyй.

dyuk (see tyuk) s. spittle, saliva, dyuk lyum kat or dyuk lyum ma-ya-nā-pa-ka in the time that spittle takes to dry: expressive of speed, dyuk blyan (mouth)

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