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Had better, to be best to, faire mieux de.

You had better speak to him.
He had better sell it to you.
You had better come.

You had better have accepted.

He had better have come and seen


Vous ferez mieux de lui parler.
Il fera mieux de vous le vendre.
Vous ferez mieux de venir.
Vous auriez mieux fait d'ac-


Il aurait mieux fait de venir vous voir.

To hear from, recevoir des nouvelles de.

Do you hear from Mr. H.?

I heard from him yesterday.

Recevez-vous des nouvelles de

M. H.?

J'en ai reçu des nouvelles hier.

To call on, to pay a visit, faire une visite, passer chez.

Have you paid a visit to Mrs. M.?

I called on her on Tuesday.

Avez-vous fait une visite

Madame M.?

Je suis passé chez elle mardi.

To long to, for, tarder (unipersonal de).

I long to see my country again. Il me tarde de revoir mon pays. I long for dinner; I am hungry. Il me tarde de dîner; j'ai faim.

To be long, tarder à.

It will not be long before I go and Je ne tarderai pas à aller vous see you. voir. My mother will not be long coming. Ma mère ne tardera pas à venir.


Europe is bounded on the north by the Frozen Ocean; on the south, by the Mediterranean Sea, which separates it from Africa; on the east, by Asia; on the west, by the Atlantic Ocean.

L'Europe est bornée au nord par l'océan Glacial; au sud, par la mer Méditerranée, qui la sépare de l'Afrique; à l'est, par l'Asie; à l'ouest, par l'océan Atlantique.

I long to visit the mountains of Il me tarde de visiter les mon

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Connaissez-vous le midi de la France? Avez-vous beaucoup voyagé en Europe? Aimez-vous votre île? Ne fait-il pas bien froid au nord de l'Ecosse en hiver? Y a-t-il longtemps que vous n'avez reçu des nouvelles de votre frère? Quand la fête doit-elle avoir lieu? Vous tarde-t-il de déjeuner? Vous tardet-il de recevoir une montre d'or? Faites-vous souvent des visites? Recevez-vous souvent des visites? N'est-ce pas que cette vallée est bien belle? Votre chambre est-elle au midi? Avez-vous jamais vu le coucher du soleil sur mer? Y a-t-il longtemps que vous n'avez reçu des nouvelles de chez vous? Ne vous tarde-t-il pas de retourner dans votre pays natal?


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France is bounded on the south by the Pyrenees and the Mediterranean Sea; on the east, by the Alps and Switzerland; on the north, by Belgium and the English Channel (la Manche); and on the west, by the Atlantic Ocean. - Are there islands in the Channel? There are four; these are the islands of Wight, Alderney, Guernsey, and Jersey. - The Frozen Ocean is on the north of Europe; the Atlantic Ocean, on the west; and the Mediterranean Sea, on the south.

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Is your uncle to come back soon from his long voyage? We do not know yet when he will come back. Do you hear from him often? His last letter was written in the month of September; he says he is not far from the desert of S. - How long has he been traveling? (There are) more than five months; for he set out on the 25th of May. He had better come back before winter. My father wrote to him a few days ago. - Do you long to see him? Yes, because I love him very much. — How old is he? He is four years younger than my father. Does he not speak several languages? He speaks four or five languages. - Your neighbor has paid too long a visit. - What a bad knife you have given me. What a pretty little girl.You have too large a house. You have as fine a watch as I. Paul, Charles, Arthur, and I go to the concert in the (des) Champs-Elysées. — Her uncle, aunt, and cousins have come to take her (la prendre pour la conduire) to Mrs. Y.'s ball.

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The Disappointed Spaniard'.

Everybody knows that the Spaniards have the custom of taking a great many names. That mania2 became fatal3 to a traveler. All that he had was a poor horse. Traveling all 5 night in the rain, he found, by chance, an inn7, at the door of which he knocked 8. "Who is there?" asked the inn-keeper 9. "It is," proudly 10 answered the Spaniard, "Don Sanche-Alfonso-RamireJuan-Pedro-Carlos-Francisco de Boxas de Stuniga de Fuentes." The inn-keeper answered that he had not beds for so many people, and refused to open the door.


The poor traveler swore never again to recite 12 all his names with so much pomp; but for that time he was obliged to go more than two leagues 13 farther to find a lodging for all his people.


1 Espagnol; 2 manie ; 3 funeste; 4 il n'avait qu'un mauvais cheval pour tout équipage; 5 de; 6 hasard; 7 auberge; & frappa, aubergiste; 10 fièrement; 11jura; 12 13 décliner ;



Furniture, le mobilier, m.
To furnish, meubler.
The staircase, l'escalier, m.
A story, un étage. [campagne.
A country house, une maison de
A piece of furniture, un meuble.
A library, une bibliothèque.
A garret, une mansarde.

To have made, to get made.
To have built, to get built.
To have mended, to get mended.

Treizième Leçon.

A grating, a railing, une grille.
The wall, le mur, la muraille.
A pass-key, un passe-partout.
The roof, le toit.
The front, la façade.
The ceiling, le plafond.
The floor, le plancher.
A tile, une tuile.

Faire faire.

Faire bâtir.

Faire raccommoder.

In all these and similar expressions, the verb following faire, in simple as well as in compound tenses, is in the infinitive.

I am getting a pair of black pan- Je fais faire un pantalon noir. taloons made.

My father will have a house built.

Mon père fera bâtir une maison.

Have you got my coat mended?



mon habit ?


When have you had your hair cut? Quand vous êtes-vous fait couper

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How much may this house be worth? Combien cette maison peut-elle

valoir ?


It may be worth twenty thousand Elle peut valoir vingt mille francs. Is it worth while to get these coats Vaut-il la peine de faire raccom


No, you had better get new ones


moder ces habits?

Non, vous ferez mieux d'en faire faire de neufs.

What pieces of furniture have you Quels meubles m'avez-vous deasked me for?

mandés ?

I asked you for two arm-chairs and Je vous ai demandé deux faua desk.

Is it better to live on the first than on the second floor?

It is better to live on the first floor.

teuils et un bureau. Vaut-il mieux habiter le premier étage que le deuxième ? Il vaut mieux habiter le premier.

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