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blũ 2, blu-m blu-t (see bla) to be unstaid, weak, worthless etc.) blŭ-bla-là zuk vb. to do work unsteadily. - blum adj. weak, mă-ró blùm a weak man; - blům blům hlům hlum yok zuk vb. to do work like a weak man; blut unskilful (see blat) blŭt-tă blŭt-tă bũ nón to take unskilfully; blŭt-tă blüt-tă ȧyok mat vb. to do work unskilfully; tŭk-blŭt s. play, sport of children, pastime, game, tuk-blut mat vb. to play, tŭk-blut lyan s. play-ground; written tuk-blat or tukblót in s. of conceit, vanity, t.-bl. mat vb. to be vain, to be too fine to work; t.-bl. (mat-)bo s. a person of that description;tuk-blót a-čan kúk mă-yă-ne too fine to work lit. too fine to bend one's back; tuk-blót-tó i. q. tuk-blat, tük-blóttó-să mă-ró a vain worthless fellow.

(blyo caus fr. blú) túk-blyo adj. idle, thoughtless, dissolute.

blut vb. n. to be carried along by the current of stream.

bluk s. a path of animals thro' jungle bluk bluk lóm.


bleň vb. to be in fine threads, a-tsóm blen a single hair.

blo see tŭk-blo, lŭk-blo.

blok (see blon) s. the bubbling of boiling water, blok grik or tso s. the sound of boiling water.

bloň vb. to come in puffs (said of smoke or steam), to come in whiffs (said of smell), to come in flights (said of clouds), to be rooted up (said of a plant or of anything, that is rooted up by the foot, when walking along as on uneven ground; fam-len blon-fat the sprout is rooted up (by being trodden on); blon-lå kum-byon s. a flight of clouds; blon-lå nóm s. a whiff of bad scent; blon-lă a-sum s. puff of steam; pun-blon or puñ-bloň adj. damp, moist, applied to food etc., (steam) coming in puffs.

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blót 1. s. sufficiency, (generally used with fak) zo mă-tak må-blót-ne or zo măblót-ne or zo mu-tak-ne there is no sufficient rice.

blót 2 see blat, tŭk-blat, blắt see under blu.

blóm, a-blóm s. the stalk of corn before formation of ear.

blyǎk and blyók 1. adj. unsubstantial, incorporeal, immaterial, blyók dyům zăn

blu 1, pǎ-blu-bo s. adj. rising ground, bo an immaterial substance or being, hilly. See blu.

blu 2 vb. to speak indirectly, to insinuate, blu-lun lí vb. to speak indirectly, insinuating.

bluk said of smoke rising in clouds mi bluk-kā bluk-kā kan.

a-pil blyók gum the shade (of man or beast) is incorporeal; 2. i. q. a-pil s. a ghost, a phantom cfr. Burmese lei-pya;

a-blyak adj. immaterial, s. an immaterial substance; - tŭm-blyák or famblyák, tum-blyok or fam-blyók s. a

blun s. name of 9th month, la-vo blun, butterfly; tum-blyók dón s. a large species blun-nyóm.

blup s. a horn when quite small and young just outsprouting of head, a-rón blup a young horn.

of b., tson-mit fam-blyók s. a butterfly, black (like a Yakthumba woman), pã-čím. blyǎk 2: so blyȧk s. a torrent. blyǎk 3: la-blyák-lй flat.


blyǎk-mo s. a fowl Tbr.

blyăn (caus. of blăn?) blyăn vb. to divulge, to make known, rin blyăn vb. to divulge any news.

blyǎn or blyón vb. to be crooked or bent; a-blyón s. flat side of the ban, ban blyón 1. a crooked knife 2. the side of knife; 2. i. q. tă-blyón or tùk-blyón s. flat side of anything, esply. of mountain, tă-blyón kón s. the side, the flat side; hlo ta-blyón the s. of mountain; tă-blyón kòn bù di to bring flatwise.

blyăn (see blyan?) vb. n. to be full, to abound, to be abundant, lyan mi kan nan tet num-lyen blyan bam prov. said when an offer of marriage is rejected, meaning: there are plenty of other maidens to be had. vb. t. to fill ai-ha gặt nói-bàn hŭ-do za-din rem blyăn-lůñ lót hrón she went down to the well, and filled her pitcher, and came up. G. -- a-blyăn adj. full, a-byan lak vb. t. to fill.

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blya vb. t. to daub with, to smear with, fat-ka blya to daub with earth; mór blya to smear with ghî, nók tsó blyă-nón to be blotted with ink.

blyo, tuk-blyo see under blu.

blyot, pă-blyot-lǎ insipid as food, tasteless vóm mă-tap-ne på-blyot-lă gùm there is no salt (in the food) it is insipid.

blyó, pǎ-blyó-lă long, applied to face, a-mlem på-blyó-lă.

blyók, tam-blyók see blyák.

blyón see blyan.

(blyón), tǎ-biyón s. a small purse or pocket, pouch dyón ta-blyón pouch in cheek as monkey's.

blyót, a-blyót s. full length, the whole, blyót-tă or på-blyót-tă da to lie at full length, Elyit-là lót vb. t. to lay out at full length.

mă the seventeenth letter of the L. alphabet T., English m.

-m I. verbal increment, forms adjectiva fr. verbal roots (in opp. to -t, -n) e. c. a-ryu-m good fr. ryu to be good, a-krim bitter fr. kri to be bitter, a-hru-m hot fr. hru to be hot (a-hru-n s. heat). forms a verbal-substantive (gerund) tyom, fr. tyo, zóm fr. zo, yám fr. yă, šim fr. ší etc.—some roots ending in a vowel (e. c. ši to see, zu to live etc.) are amplified by the increment -m, when succeeded by -kón or by ku e. c. šim ku to be able to see, zum-kón let him live. increment of roots ending in a vowel in comp. yambo fr. ya to know; num-sim-nyo man fr. ši to be; II. postp. forms the object. c. of pronominal roots, e. c. hu-m fr. hú; a-do-m fr. a-do, ka-su-m fr. kă-sŭ; mů-m

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fr. mù etc. cfr. Brandreth JAS. N. S. 1878 10 (16) conc. Daphlâ, Miri, Abor: "a characteristic of this class is that the acc. (and gen.) relation of a noun are expressed by suffixing a single c. without a vowel as in Daphlâ nom thee fr. no thou, oum house (acc.) fr. ou house.

mă- 1. pref. forming nouns (nomina propria of birds and plants, see also muk-, mun-, mut-, mur-; mă-nyam for mik-nyam; mă-kun (mă-la) see můñ-kuń (mun-la); 2. reduplication of mar, mi, mur, mul, sce under the roots; comp. i. q. mo mother, mă-nán i. q. monán an elderly female.

3. in

mă preceeding words and followed by -ne forms negative, as i to see, mi-šinne not to see, and by the -nă when followed by any verbal affix (except yam-o)

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as go mă-šin-nă găn if I do not see; zo tăn-să nă mă-nyin-ne-yam-o they never receive food or water P.; må-tsóm-nă all, without exception; mă-nyan-nă possibly, perhaps, go ma-nyăn-nă nón-šo; ma-čuknă or mă-šuk-nă i. q. a-plăn-ka besides moreover, in addition to; mănă găn except, ka-čer món fat-ka glo-lun ma-maknà gắn ki-ta zin bam ăn mak gắn a-pot a-gyap pót except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit J. — mă-ga-nă găn or else, kă-sům a-kupsăn bo-o mă-ga-nă găn go mak‐šo give me children or else I die G. та nă pa-ka i. q. tet till, a-re mă-klón-nă pa-ka tó-mo bo gan wilt thou give me a pledge, till thou send it G. - mă — nă ba, han(-nun) before, šu go yo gắn tam să-re a-do-ka nyi-wun-re go mă-tin-na-ba han-nun kam zón gum for it was little which thou hadst before I came G. - when followed

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by the verbal affix - (forming the participle) the -na is united, as mă-mak-nůnså for lyan mă-nyin-ne there is no escape from death P. ma when followed by -nŭn (nă-ŭn) it forms the negative imperative as ma-nón-nun do not go; (nun contr. to n: mu yán do not know) - ma is followed by -num-bo when used substantively as ma-jón-num-bo an unpractical person;---mă-mă — nůñormă — (nyin)-numbo expresses the English prefixes im-, in-, un-and the affix-less, sak-cin mă-nyin-numbo adj. thoughtless; a-bo mă-nyin-nŭm-bo fatherless; grón mă-nyin-num-bo hopeless; gyum mă-nyin-num-bo incautious, Kát mănyin-nŭm-bo, inefficient, čet m.-ný.-n.-bo powerless, impotent, mă-go ma-ga-nun adj. incorrect, ma-go mă-ga-nun-sà rin (ayok) incorrect language (work);-mă-c.num-o negat. fut. e. c. mă-nón-nŭm-o shall not go; ma also used as a negative, without the succeeding na; e. c. mà yà (for mă-yă-ne I know not) advly. perhaps, it may be; with many substantives and adjectives (cfr. T. ma rig-pa etc.) má ko lit. unlawful, unspeakable: incest, ma ko


-mă-mă-nun mun

num-bo a committer of incest; incestuous, ma non a half-idiotic sort of person, a simpleton or a foolish helpless person, a fool; - mà affixed to one verb after previous (posit.) verb, ti ma ti ka little mă and great, nyi mă nyi ka every, mak må mak dying or not dying i. q. mak nă mak, li mă li mă-nyin-ne it is of no use speaking or not speaking. See also ma, ma-ne, man-ne and Burmese ma.

-mă postpos. forms pres. and praeteritum of verbs M. Gr. 51, 127 also ma-o or yam(-mă-)o q. v., go pi mă I am writing, I wrote it, go pi mă-o id.; mă yăn a verbal affix which affixed forms a participle substantive, as zuk to make, zuk mă yan the making. — 2. (cfr. ma in col. Tibetan used as an interrogative) -mă dă expresses the same as the verbal affix -pa it gives emphasis to the sentence, also expresses surprise pát rin yă mă dă what (he) really knows the Tibetan language.

mă 1. s. the dung of dogs, li bo-ka kăju-nun mà mat the dog has made dung in the room.

mă 2., má, má-t vb. to pray to God, mă ku id., rúm-ka mă-mă-bam-bo or rŭm-ka ma-yám-bo s. a pious person, a devotee; in book language used for lik to call, formerly ma appears to have been commonly used in the sense of "to call", but has now grown obsolete, it is however still used (mă, má-m) "to call animals" as kă-ju mă-ă call the dog, bik mă call the cow; tam-čán mám ya to know how to call animals.

mă-tum-fo s. spec. of rose-grossbeak, fă-nyen fo.

mă tó in accordance with krut må tó dok. mă-ťum fo s. spotted-winged grossbeak, Mycerobas melanoxanthus. M. Je 2,386. mă-fók or mu-tók see mă-rům. mă-tyum i. q. nyi fyum.

mă-nun kǎn-zók s. a plant, Didymocarpus artisifolius. M.

mă-nun mun or mă-nun mít s. the goddess of woods and forests.

mă nóm ču-mă-zů

mă nóm ču s. [mă mother, nóm elder sister "the elder sister" of "Tendong" (tun-rón)] n. pr. of a mountain, anglice Mainom W. 64.

*mă món T. ma mun s. fog.

mă-zů s. the body, see mù, mu-zů; mă-ză mán să vi gum the body is flesh and blood; mă-zu-năn nă a-mik blyan bam-mùn să-ta-lă mă-mak-nun-så myel byi whose body is filled with eyes (vidyà), into them is given the quality of undying: ma-zů kyam-ka for the body; mă-zu kyen-så dok-kun very large M.; má-zů nù na nyi the body is real existing; mă-zu nă nă mă-nyin-ne it is not a real body, fictitious body; mă-zů nyår-ră nyor-ra flabby, very soft; ma-zů tóm-bo s. a woman, who can abstain from sexual intercourse; mă-zů dyăr-rà dyăr-ra or mă-zů dŭr-ră dŭr-ră long and thin, slender etc.; see under dur; mă-zů půn-bryón-la a body thin above hips and large and thick below; mă-ză frăm-mă fram-mă to have eruption on body; mă-ză mămár-là coloured (as fowls); ma-zu zón very dear, intimate i. q. a-lut zón; mă-zů a-rok s. a youngster, a stripling, mă-zů óù or mă-zů ón-bo the members of body mă-zu ón-să tsón to be sound as the members of body; - life mă-zů jóm-bo mat-lun lively, su go yo găn hà-yu-nun má-zů jóm-bo mat-lùn ȧyen šóp tyck-bo mà-ti-nă-ba han-nŭn a-kúp gyek for they are lively and are delivered ere the midwives come in unto them Ex. zù tóù-să a-far i. q. mŭ-tuù q. v.; health, mă-zú nyó i. q. mă-ză mă-fli-ne not to feel well; mă-zů dăk s. pain, illness; măză tă-dúr mŭ-myót-là dák vb. not to be quite well; mă-zů lin-lă dăk vb. to be very ill, mă-zů tsun má ků zón nyón to feel weak and incapable of exertion; mă-ză gră-mă gro-må li vb. to feel pains in body; mă-zů tăm-dám-lă li vb. to feel heavy and dull thro' sickness; mă-zu hyám-mă hуám-ma li or hyum-ma hyummă li vb. to feel the body in a glow (as from fear); mă-zů pùt-byet-lă li vb.

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to feel heavy thro' weakness; má-zù sakbo-lă li i. q. mă-zù zón bam vb. to feel well; mu-zu ayot vb. to feel lassitude; mă-zù-ka ju-ka tso-ba să-tet dak-kùn gó expresses intensity of disease or suffering; mă-zů-ka nyet nyi vb. to have a complaint; mă-zu-ka ton vb. to have eruption on body, ma-zu-ka hu-mă hu-mă li vb. to feel a nervous timidity; - figure, form, appearance, mă-zů dyắn the form of body, the figure, mă-zů dyăn nan an erect figure, ma-zů dyăn ryu a good f., mă-zù dyan ján a bad figure; mă zů zap tỏ s. the form of body; mă-zů mat vb. to assume appearance of, pă-nosă mă-zů mat to assume the appearance of a king P.; person explet.; hu ka-su ma-zu-ka lat i. q. hú ku-su lyan lat he

came to me.

mă-zóm mun s. n. of evil spirit of gigantic stature, mă-zóm mun zāk marasmus. mă-yăl s. purity, mă-yål mă-lók eternal purity P.

mă-yo s. a sort of gown worn by the lama's.

mă-ră s. (in P. Skt. mára) an evil spirit of great malignity, M.: Ma-ră flies about in the heavens and when he is there, is a bright light, hence comets, northern lights etc. would be called mă-ră; mă-ră zak vb. to be affected by M., that is with the paralysis, má-rá zák-bo or má-rá zákbam-bo a man affected with paralysis.

mă-rí, mă-ri (cfr. T. 'dri-ma) s. 1. dirt, pollution, adj. unclean, impure, applied also to the clothes and accoutrements of a deceased man, worn by him when dead or dying; mu-zu-ka mă-rí čó a dirty body; mă-ri mă-zŭ-ka (a-lut-ku) nyi to be dirty (impure) in person (in heart); 2. influence of evil spirits. See ri, ri nóm.

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mă-rů, mă-rum, mu-rum (see mu, mă-zu, mu-zu) s. the allotted period of life; vital power mă-rům mók-kůň-să nŭm-ším-nyo mak-so when the allotted period of life (or the vital power) is exhausted, man will die; mă-rům má-fók eternal life, immortality P., Chr. mă-rům mă-fók-să a-myăl byi to give the bliss of immortality; mak dăk mă-nyin-nŭi-să mă-rům mă-tók T. 'či-med tse or skye 'ći med-pa tse'i rig P. immortality, see Toung-Pao 1896. mă-rům hryắn a long life, mă-rům tan a short 1. ma-rum so fat to carry away mă-rům vitality, to die, hó mă-răm nyi-lă mat-ta-o may you live long.

mă-rum adj. (see rù) far, distant in space or time, lyan ma-rum a distant country, mă-rum lon-nun ryak vb. to follow at a distance; mă-rùm mă-rům far far away.



3. a

mă-ró s. 1. man, person (male or female), lyan-să mă-ró-păn (or găn-nă) T. yul-mi-rnams the inhabitants of the country P.; ma-ró kup persons, people, sons of men; mă-ró a-lom dun bam people say so P.; in s. of T. 'gro-ba Skt. satva 2. a person i. e. one's self mă-ró mak nón to die a natural death i. ró te jin mak nón; see mă-ró do; certain, mă-ró kat j. hu-do num-ȧyen-san lyan-nun yu-lìn a. mă-ró kat lyan-ka van nón J. went down from his brethren and turned into a certain A. G.; mă-ró lyan a certain country; another country; 4. another, ma-ró nye-nun mat-ba go-nun duk bam through the fault of another I am suffering; ma-ró lyan tim-mo another great place P.; ma-ró ayit the custom of others, mă-ró šám-můn-să bon mă-li-nun do not repeat another man's foul language; ma-ró rin mat sak čin to think what another will say; må-ró-să a-plan-ka ayok zuk 1. to excel 2. to oppress; măró-să a-plan-ka rin li 1. to be superior in speach. 2. to browbeat. ma-ró do one's self M Gr. 44, natural, naturally Hind. áp-se, mă-ró do dak labour-pains or natural pains, mu-ró do dăk bum to be in


labour; ma-ro do lyan one's own country; mă-ró do ran nye mat-lun zuk it is (my) own fault; mă-ró do lo nun ya to know by intuition; mă-ró do sok čet to commit suicide; ma-ró do bù mă-ró bŭ bam each one bears his own burden; a-kup nyen tăn mă-ró do yă the child knows naturally how to suck; a-plăn un mă-lăk-nă-ren mă-ró do a-kun mak-nón-ne from not having watered the plant has naturally died; mă-ró do fam-rín mă-ró do zak-bam each person is answerable or accountable for his own actions; ma-ró do kun-nun da-nyi to be naturally from all eternity. mă-ryón vb. to creep on all fours (as babies).

mă-ryóm adj. spreading as creepers, strawberries etc., clouds: pum-byon măryóm the clouds to lie spread (over hills).

mă-lin kun or mŭt-liñ kuň n. pr. of a tree, Acrocarpus fraxinifolia Wtt. A. 440.

mă-lit acc. Wtt. C. 710 malet Caryopteris Wallichiana.

mă-lo, măt-lo, mut-lo s. a spec. bamboo, Bamboosa nutans Wtt. B. 134. mă-lok explet. to mă-yăl q. v. mă-lók s. expertness of hand M.

mă-lóm bók and mă-lam bók s. n. of a bird, Oriolus kundoo, R. 215., mă-lóm tim bók Oriolus traillii, dan ma-lóm bók Oriolus melanocephalus ibd. See also Je 2, 212 and pă-lan bók.

mă-lóm lyan n. pr. of a place in North Sikhim.

mă-lyok vb. to represent others, mă-lyokkun-să tet-mo s. a pantomine. See lyak. mă-ša s. a certain fruit, mă-ša pót. M. mă-šan kun or mur-šań kun s. a tree Artocarpus integrifolia, mă-šań pót (fruit of A.).

mă-o farewell, mă-o mat vb. to bid farewell, no ma-o go, farewell, goodbye.

mák vb. t. to long for či mák, tá-ʼayů mák; a-mak 1. that which is longed for a-mák top to obtain that which is longed for 2. adv. occasionally, at intervals, periodically.

măk s. the target, mak tsak fo vb. to

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