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was simple green, but his plaid, his splendid arms, and the beautiful charger on which he sat with singular grace, made him conspicuous.

The Duke of Hamilton, in the dress of a courtier of the first Charles, the velvet hat, satin slashed doublet, and deep Vandyked collar, bore the Crown. The King was escorted by the Archers, and their General, Lord Hopetoun, with Lord Elgin; Lord Errol as High Constable, and Sir Thomas Bradford, the Commander of the Forces, rode on the right and left of the carriage. On the King's arrival at the Castle gates, he was received with some customary formalities by the Officers, and led within the walls. In a few minutes after, he appeared on the battlements. The day had been sullen, and it had now grown wild and gusty. Sunshine might have made the spectacle less magnificent. All before the eye was the tossing of plumes, and the bowing of standards that could scarcely be held in their bearers' hands, and troops massed under cloaks of every hue, long lines and groups of scarlet, and blue, and tartan. But the noblest sight was the Castle. The ranges of wall and embrazure from the ground were crowded with the garrison; and above them all, on the brow of the highest battery, stood the King, alone. The moment of his appearance was sublime-he was hailed with a general shout, and a clangour of drum and trumpet-a grand, universal uproar. What might be the feeling, the proud and delighted exaltation of heart, of a being, to whom every voice of this homage was sent up, and who saw from that superb stand the sea, the land, and the people, all his own, it must be given only to a King to know.

Nothing more deeply stirs my contempt than the paltry and calculating habit of the age, that will see nothing in a monarch but the mere human material-the thews and sinews of our common nature. This spirit of levelling is a spirit of vanity. They find that Majesty has no more limbs than themselves, and are comforted. I recollect, at one of the reviews of the Allies in Paris, to have been, by a sudden movement of the field, enveloped in a circle of the sovereigns and generals. In this presence, I could not, for my soul, conceive that I saw nothing better than the mere human fabric-nothing better than their own grooms. I saw before me great go





verning spirits; the very arbiters of the fate of mankind. There stood one, who held in his hand the blood and honour, the hopes and energies, of forty millions of men-a chief, the tramp of whose foot could be felt to the wall of China. Here stood Prussia, here Austria, not the capped and caparisoned riders among a gilded group of courtiership, but beings whose look was fortune; the concentered will and power of myriads and mighty regions. Round these rode Wellington, and Blucher, and Schwartzenberg, and a whole dazzling circle of illustrious names, in every garb and ornament of war; beings that no man could have looked on without the memory of matchless victories-the living monuments of supreme intellect and valour. I am the man of a free country, and a jealous time; but I might be the sternest hater of despotism, and yet acknowledge that here I felt my spirit instinctively overwhelmed and bowed down before the Genius of Royalty. There was now in my sight the representatives of sovereignty, Italian, German, and British, up to the dark ages; the blood of crowned generations; one of the class that move upon the high ridge of life, while millions on millions, like me and mine, creep on through the valley, and are gathered to the dust without a name-the small and splendid kindred, whose birth is a national rejoicing, and whose life is a course of all the pomps and enjoyments that the world can lavish from its treasures; fenced, honoured, and consecrated by all that policy has of wisdom, and law of strength, and religion of ceremonial, the high altars of the temple of society.








After a short interval, the Castle commenced the royal salute; and between the discharges, his Majesty, though the rain now fell heavily, was seen waving his hat in answer to the acclamations below. His figure is manly, and, from his position, it was seen to great advantage. Above him was nothing but the royal standard whirling in the blast like a disturbed cloud. The battery at his feet, hid him from time to time in bursts of smoke, that suddenly gave him to view again. Lower and lower still, the parapets and ports were filled with soldiery. The King's next portrait should be taken from the half-moon battery of Edinburgh Castle.



[THE knowledge we had of our friend Omai keeping a journal of the occurrences at Edinburgh during the King's Visit, induced us to ask his permission to make part of it public. To this he cheerfully consented, and perhaps the more readily, that by this means his countrymen will have the pleasure of seeing it a year earlier, than if he had carried it home, and printed it at Otaheite. The only freedom we permitted ourselves to take with it, was to lighten the uniformity of the narrative, by the addition of titles to mark the beginning of the different days, and the suggestion of the general title, with which last Omai seemed much pleased, and is accordingly to retain it when the work is reprinted in his own country.]—C. N.

THE SECOND VOYAGE OF OMAI, THE TRAVELLER. I, OMAI, the son of the son of Omai, the traveller, who was the friend of the great Cook, and beloved by the King of the great island of Britain, having related in a book what I saw in my former voyage, and printed it for the use of my countrymen, to make them wise. Also, the powerful King Pouree, chief of all the chiefs of the island of Otaheite, having read my book, for he was learned by the missionary men to read printed books, as if they spoke, he was fond of me, Omai; gave me, Omai, though only a chief, a cap with seventeen scarlet feathers of the Papaw, and conferred on me, Omai, the honour of commanding his royal Majesty's great double gun canoe, with the ball cannons. Also the great Pouree said to me, that I, Omai, must go again to the island of Edinburgh, to bring from the illustrious Morton more of his plough instru. ments for the cultivation of the land, and a waggon cart painted with red paint, for the use of his royal household; and cannon guns to kill the Dutch, when they are enemies, for they are bad men, because their ships steal, and they live at the island of Amsterdam and Java. And because the good Captain Fraser and his ship was not at Otaheite, therefore Captain Smith, even from Greenock, which is an island beyond Edinburgh, he was my captain. He was a great man, because he was from Argyle, and slept in a cabin-room by himself, and had no equal in the ship; and he was good and kind to me, Omai, because I was the favourite of the king, and wise, even among the missionary men of Otaheite.

And after a very long sail, the great ship of Captain Smith came to GreenVOL. XII.

ock; and it was not Edinburgh; but Glasgow is between, and that is a city of a great people, who spin cotton clothes for all the world. But I, Omai, did not stay at Glasgow, but came through a river, in a boat drawn by horses, which sails to the island of Edinburgh, for all the people were hastening to Edinburgh, to see the great King of all the world, the King who lives at London island, and makes the laws of Parliament. And though I, Omai, knew the great city of Edinburgh, it was no more the same, for the people were all rejoiced to see so great a King; they looked also so happy, that Omai was glad at heart; and every person, both young and old, had heath in their hats, by way of ornament. If Omai be asked what this is, he will tell. It is a kind of grass, called heather, with red purple flowers, and that is heath. And all this people, who are the sons of chiefs, wore stars on their breasts, as the great Erees of the King do: and this star is of silk and silver, curiously stitched, and it is like two fingers put across one another, because it was the cross of St Andrew. Who St Andrew is, I, Omai, have also read, because his name is in the Bible book; and he was the first missionary who came to teach the islanders of Edinburgh the true religion, and to say questions out of Catechism. They that wore this cross were very numerous, because all this people are noble, and the great King of London or Britain he is their father. How this is, I, Omai, cannot understand; but I saw it in a newspaper book, printed in black letters, that his name is George Fourth, the Father of his People, therefore it must be true.

And I, Omai, the son of the son of 2 N

the great Omai, who was known to this King's father, I took off my sailing dress of trowsers; and the tailor man on the shore of Leith, his name is Kirkgate what nimble fingers that man has he sewed me a blue coat, with buttons of gold, and the image of a crown upon them, unlike cloth buttons, or those of the sailor-men, and put St Andrew's star on my coat. I, Omai, also put the heather of broom in my hat; and the vest, that is for the belly, it was white, with coverings for my legs of yellow, called nankeen; and then I, Omai, was like a chief of many, and the friend of the King.

And many pieces were made with the King's head upon them, for joy that the King was to come. And they were white and silver, their name being medals. And nobody went out without these medals, and they hung round the neck by a ribbon; the ladies also wore them, for they were pretty; and I, Omai, had four of different sizes, all at one ribbon, because the King's father was the friend of the father of the father of me, Omai.

That I, Omai, might not forget the wonderful things which I now saw, I, Omai, resolved to write it all in a book to learn my own people how to receive their King; and I therefore went with my captain to buy a white book for writing. And the man that sold it to me, his name is Tomson, and he makes all the maps of the country at the post-office, behind the Church of Tron; and the book contained 150 leaves of paper for writing, and was covered with red skin.

And Captain Smith, he took me to see the great King's palace, which is a stone house, near a mountain called Salisbury Craigs, and at the bottom of the Calton mountain, where is the round house of Nelson and the pri


How fine a house is a palace! how many windows it has-and the crowns for light, and the boxes for the soldiers, how curiously formed are they !-it would take me, Omai, all my life to describe them; for the Kings of this great island are true Kings of the world, and the Kings of India are their servants. And I, Omai, saw the chiefs of the King's palace; and they had black and red dresses, and had round black sticks in their hands, and gold names on them. And other chiefs had petticoats of different colours in spots, rolled round them, which did not cover them all, because part of them was naked, and their legs were bare. And these were proud men, and wore not a hat like me, Omai, nor red soldiers' caps, but only bonnets, which is cloth, like a turban, and a goose feather stood out before, to shew they were learned men and is could write. And some of them carried round tables in their hands to write upon when the King ordered, and swords were fixed under their arms, and no guns but pistols, which are small guns. Another piece of coloured cloth was rolled round their bodies like the men of Otaheite; but they wore little aprons of hairy skins, to show that they were Celts, and not men of the island of Edinburgh. They are also called clans or tribes, because they follow different chiefs; only the King is the chief of all. The music of the clans also, it is not true music, for it is loud, and drones without any tune at all, and this is called pipes, which are skins blown up by wind from the mouth, and the sound is

The number of coach houses that came with the chiefs who could not walk to see the King, was very great who could count them! and many had four horses, like the coaches of mail; red and yellow men were on their backs to keep them steady, with long sticks in their hands to shew their dignity, and hats with corners called in English cocks. These were very great men indeed, and much grander than those in the inside of the coaches, and there is none like them in Otaheite, for their breeches are red and black, and they are stout people, whose name flunkies, in the language of the people of this island, as Captain Smith told me, Omai. And every great chief, and every great chief's wife, keeps some of these grand men who are of a peculiar race, for they cannot want them; and John Haulyard, the captain's mate of the ship, he called them beef-eaters, because they are fed on beef to make them fat, and they can eat nothing else. And their heads are covered with the white meal of flour, and grease; and it is the same with the men of Hottentot, at the Cape, only Hottentot men use the black powder of soot.

But I, Omai, do not admire either, because the colour is red powder in Otaheite.

squeezed out through reeds by a strong man's arm; and it resembled the moaning and crying of a hog when it is going to be killed; and the man who blows is named Piper, because he pipes and walks proud.

And when the day came for the King's ship to appear on the sea, all the people of the island ran to the tops of the hills. And the other ships on the sea that were waiting were all covered with flags and ribbons, to be beautiful in the King's sight, and to please him, for the King must not see things as they really are, only his ministers and viziers. And I, Omai, was on the Calton, where the cannon were, and the blue soldiers; and the moment the King's ships appeared, they knew he would be pleased to see how they could fight his enemies and they all fired off their cannons at one another; it was a sea-fight, and the sea was covered with smoke, so that I, Omai, could see nothing, though I had the telescope glass of Eree Jardine, that brings ships near the Observatory house. The cannon guns on the Calton also fired at the Castle, and made a louder noise than the sea cannons, and the Castle fired at the cannons of the Calton. The noise indeed was terrible, and the ladies were afraid. And the men that lighted the cannons were soldiers of the King, with blue coats, who live in round tents, that is cloth fixed to the ground. They are brave men with swords, and not afraid to touch the cannon. And it rained heavily though the great King's ship was there; and the ladies, that is women, ran down from the hill to go home, for their clothes are not made for keeping out rain, but only for ornament. And the streets were full of the King's red soldiers, who ride upon war horses-some were blue, some were red, but all looked brave, with long swords for cutting off their enemies' heads when the King bids. But I, Omai, was not afraid of the rain, though the Captain said it would spoil my gold buttons with the crown; therefore I went home with the Captain, to eat and drink for joy that the King's ship was there.

And this day there was no more of the King; for he would not leave his ship in the rain, and so he told his chief Erees; but it was given out and printed, that the King would come out of his ship next day.


The Grand entry and Fire-works. And next day all the people got up very early and crowded to the sea-side to see the King land, as a king had not been seen in the island of Edinburgh for many great ages. At mid-day, therefore, the King, who was waiting till all his people had come, was brought to the pier of Leith where the ships come, in a grand canoe rowed by chiefs. And all the chief Erees of the island were waiting to receive the King, and cloth was spread for him to walk on. Then there was another sea-battle; and the ships fired, and the great Castle, and all the people shouted for the King; and he was very glad, and took his Erees by the hand, and looked kind upon them, and went into his coach to ride through the great city of Edinburgh. And the great Eree who is called Thane, that is, little King, of the island of Fife, he was there, for I, Omai, knew him, and he is the friend of the King and me, Omai.

And this is a procession, when the King goes with his nobles and his guards in the midst of his subjects, that they may see him. And all the streets were filled with people more than could be counted without a slate and marking; and all the windows of the streets were filled with beautiful ladies, young and old, looking glad; scaffolds also of wood like the seats of a church were along all the road where the King was to go. And they were full of Erees, the chiefs of the people, the wise men of the country and their children. And all the King's people were clothed in white breeches, with stars of St Andrew on their blue crown coats; and all had the grass of heath in their hats. And the multitude stood quiet, for they respected the King, and are not like the people of any other country; and there was no bustle, for the Britons of Edinburgh are men of great consideration. Then the procession came in rows, and even the horse soldiers who came first their horses kept the rows, because they were sensible horses, and they knew the King was looking at them.

And I, Omai, stood among the people, and looked, and then came the petticoat-men, who are the King's scribes, with their little tables and pens in their bonnets, and their pipers all in

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rows; and they carried drawn swords, two of the King's generals going before them to let them see how to walk. After that came he that I, Omai, took for the King; but it was not the true King, only a King of Arms, that is the heralds; notwithstanding they were very grand men on horses, and their trumpeters before them. Then other great Erees came, on beautiful horses with long tails; but none of them was the King; only one of them carried a ruler in his hand to signify that he ruled all the people for the King. Then came other great men, all shining in gold and silver, with cloaks, and I, Omai, said to my captain, surely this is the King at last; but Captain Smith said it was only an usher, that is a door-keeper, for he carried a white rod to keep the people and dogs from the King's door. Next came a grand coach with many horses, but still the King was not there.

And I, Omai, thought the King would never come, and that if he was a grander man than those which had gone before, I should not be able to look upon him. At last all the people took off their hats and shouted at grand men walking all in gold with gold axes in their hands; great men were they, and each of them might be a King in Otaheite. These were the King's servants, who walked before his coach. Then there was the King himself sitting in a coach which was split open at the top, and not like a common coach; and the horses were led by gentlemen. And the King was not dressed so rich as his Erces; but he was plainly dressed, and sat looking with pleasure on the people. And next the King's coach-house were the archer men who fight with bows and arrows, for they are the King's guard in his palace, where the Grey Scots cannot come. And they were dressed in shawls like women, that went across their shoulders, and white ruffles were round their necks like ladies, for them to look sweet before the King; only their gloves were large, and a bow in their hand.

And the shouts and the cries grew louder and louder, for all the people cried, and the ladies waved white cloths from the windows, and nobody knew what they did, they were so delighted. And I, Omai, shouted out also, and waved my hat, and the King heard the voice of me, Omai, among the crowd,

and my captain beside me; and I, Omai bowed three times very low in the fashion of this people, and the King saw I was a chief, for he smiled and bowed his head even to me, Omai, though a stranger. Seeing this, I, Omai, cried as others this prayer aloud, "God save the King!" and Captain Smith said, "Bless your jolly face!" which is the seamen's way of saying the same prayer; and the good King was ready to cry for joy, and took off his hat which was one of cocks. And a woman who was behind me, Omai, with small earthen pitchers of water, she was so happy to see "her ain Geordie," as she called the King in Scots English, that she clapped the pitchers to pieces, forgetting she had them in the joy of the And the crowd King's appearance. laughed though the King was passing; but the woman minded not, only she "Carle, sung a loud song, the words of which are in the same language, now the King's come."-And the song is in a printed book of two leaves, which I, Omai, have seen, though it is not to be understood but by the learned.

And when the King came to the city gate, which was of wood, and put up in a night, then my Lord of Provosts came with the chiefs of the city, to deliver up the keys of the city to the King; for the city had formerly doors and gates, and these were the keys.

And I, Omai, saw them, and they were big keys of silver. And the King stopped and took them, and looked at them and gave them back to my Lord, and bid him take care to let no bad men into the island of Edinburgh, or he would be angry. And when the King said this, there was a great noise, and shouting, and praying for the King, and waving of white cloths from window houses.

And all the great road from the ship town of Leith to the King's Palace, was crowded by Erees, and ladies, and people; the cries and the prayers continued with incessant noise; and the good King bowed so often, and looked so affected, that I, Omai, the son of the son of the great traveller, was glad when he arrived near his Palace of Holyrood. And when the King entered his palace-gate, the cannon-men lighted their cannons on the hill of Calton, and on the crag mountain of Salisbury, and fired with noise, and the people shouted, and took off their

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