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comparing together the two most common, but opposite systems, we have been led to conclude that in all probability a prophetic day is about half of a natural year, let us now further consider that that conclusion makes the forty and two months of the Beast to be about half of 1260 = about 630 years; which tends to confirm the supposition already expressed, namely, that the number 666 denominates years.

"Let us make use of the result thus far attained, for the purpose of discovering all the other apocalyptical periods. This is to be done principally by comparing with the number 666, the 1000 years mentioned in the twentieth chapter. At once we perceive that this latter number bears to the former the relation of 3 to 2; and by a little additional thought we obtain the following interesting proportion: 3:2:: 999 years: 666 years; consequently a unit of 666;;; must be 1 year. And this may be one reason why the word years is not added to the numeral expression, six hundred three score and six,' in the sacred text. Unity, in each of these denominations, with the appropriate fraction annexed, (thus, 111,) very little exceeds the ancient Roman century, which consisted of 110 years. Mention is made of 6 a half-time' in the text itself, and there is reason for supposing a half-time to be exactly the unity we here speak of, with its appropriate fraction; so that we may exhibit the apocalyptical periods according to the following scale :

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111 years, ch. xx. 4.




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The time no longer,' ovкétɩ Xpúvos,

or no whole period between 999% and 1111

A Period (χρόνος)

An Eon, or double period (air) -

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"Thus an accurate consideration of the text discovers a regularly ascending series of periods as here stated. The difficulty, that a 'short time' (ch. xii. 12,) should denote the long space of 888; years, is done away by considering that our computation is by


half-times, (viz. 111.)-Now the ancients used to reckon no less than seven to the completion of a time, (καιòs;) hence four times (or 2223×4) might easily be denominated a short time,' öλiyos kapós.” The application of this key of times to the apocalyptical dates and to those of history will be seen in the following table, to which a few particulars are added, which obviously could not be found in Bengel's "Exposition," that we may take a better general view of his chronological system.

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Beginning of the Vulgar or Dionysian Era

Ante Christum. 394028


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A. D.

Opening of the Apocalypse in the reign of Nerva 96

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4040-4054 The Third Seal, ch. vi. 6.
The Fourth Seal, ch. vi. 8.
every kind, from the time of Trajan; especially
inundations, earthquakes, pestilence, conflagra-

Scarcity under Trajan 98-112
Calamitous events of


4040-5151 Ch. vi. 11. Period (xpóvos) of 1111 years, from the persecution of Christianity under Trajan, to


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the persecution of the Waldenses by the papacy 98-1209 4056-4077 Ch. viii. 7. Trumpet of the First Angel. Rebellion of the Jews; and sanguinary wars with that people Ch. viii. 8. Trumpet of the Second Angel. Irruption of barbarous nations into the pagan Roman empire

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Ch. viii. 10. Trumpet of the Third Angel. The
Arian Heresy

4337-4452 Ch. viii. 12. Trumpet of the Fourth Angel.
Gradual decline of the Roman empire, which
comprised all the then known world

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• Angel in our English version; but Eagle is considered the genuine reading; derou RETOμÉVOU. Lectio indubie genuina. Griesb.

Anno Mundi. 4452-4531


Ch. ix. 1-12. The First Woe. Severe oppression
of the Jews in Persia, which lasts five prophetic
months 79 common years

4531-4576 A

pause between the first and second woes; which
lasted 45 years. Activity of Mahomet

Anno Domini.



4576-4789 Ch. ix. 15. The Second Woe; which lasts one prophetic year, month, day, and hour;=213 Havoc commenced by the

common years.


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4789-4889 Pause between the second and third woes; which

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Commencement of the non-chronus, (or a TIME no longer,") which lasts 1036 years


4742-5742 The Germanic Roman Imperial Dominion, esta-
blished by Charlemagne; which lasts about a
thousand years, and "letteth" (stands in the
way of) the rise of Antichrist. 2 Thess. ii. 6, 7.
4882-5559 Ch. xii. 6. Twelve hundred and sixty prophetic

days;=677 common years; from the comple-
tion of preparatory institutions in Bohemia, for
the diffusion of vital Christianity in that country,
to its almost entire extinction there after its rise
and diffusion in other countries by the Reforma-

4889-5778 The Third Woe; ch. xii. 12, lasts (¿λíyov kaιpòv)
a short time," 8888 years


5000-5778 Ch. xii. 14. The "time, times, and half a time," (or 3 times,) in which the Woman nourishes and supports herself in the northern countries of Europe; a period of 7773 years

4882-5000 The most helpless time of the Woman, now fled
into the wilderness; wherein she was dependent

on the nourishment and support of others, and
chiefly of princes

5000-5559 More favourable time, when she becomes nourished,
and nourishes herself. Revival of learning; in-

vention of printing; Reformation



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5589-5778 The most favourable time; wherein she nourishes

herself with continually growing strength (though under oppressions), so that she can nourish others also. Pietism; Bible societies; missions, &c. The Beast out of the Sea; the papacy, as completed by Hildebrand, lasts forty and two prophetic months, ch. xiii. 5, 18, or 6668 years. The beginning of these cannot be fixed till their close; the two most probable periods which may be assigned, are either

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5085-5752; from Celestine II., the first who was elected
without any voice of the people, until again a
change shall take place in the relative position
of the pope towards the city of Rome. (Decree
of Napoleon of the 17th of May, 1809, by which
the papal jurisdiction was abolished)
The non-existence of the "Beast out of the Sea," be-
gins with the termination of the period 666; pro-
bably the "Beast out of the Earth," the "false
prophet," ch. xiii. 11, begins just then, or even


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5556-77773 Ch. xiv. 6. The angel with the Everlasting Gospel; the measured everlastingness (aiov) continues 22223 years; Arndt or his followers

5577-5769 Ch. xiv. 8. The angel who announces the Fall of

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Babylon; Spener, or his followers 5682-5778 The Harvest and the Vintage. The sweeping away of many good and bad men from the earth, ch. xiv. 15-18

5772-5778 Ch. xi. 3. The prophesying of the Two Witnesses;
which lasts 1260 common days

5772–5778. Ch. xi. 2. The last Treading-down of Jerusalem;
which continues forty and two common months
The rise of the Beast out of the bottomless pit
5773-5774 The Beast takes his throne upon the seven moun-
where he must "continue a short space,"


tains ;

ch. xvii. 10

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The Power of the Ten Kings (one hour,) ch. xvii. 12,
lasts one prophetic hour; that is, eight natural

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5773-5778 The seven Plagues, ch. xvi. Divide into four and three, and run out quickly, in the days of Antichrist




between * 1740-1836 between 1830-1836

between 1830-1836 about 1830


1832, from the 14th to the 22d Oct.


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The ten kings lay Babylon (Rome) waste; in an agreement with the Beast; ch. xvii. 16, ch. xviii, 5774-5778 The last raging of Antichrist; which continues

about three common years and a half



* The reader, upon coming to this part of the table, is requested to take notice, that Bengel, in speaking to the years between 1740 and 1836, has expressed very various conjectures [B.] (so as not to have professed to speak positively, either of the year 1836 or of those very near it. Some slight flaw in the system, which may still conceal from us the awful year intended, should be so far from encouraging any to think lightly of the general matter, that we should be only the more circumspect and piously inquiring; as there is enough in the system to warrant our expectation that the time is very near at hand.)-[T.]

Anno Mundi. 5778

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Conflict of the Beast out of the Bottomless Pit with the people of God; and his overthrow at the appearing of the Lord; ch. xix. 11-21 5778-6778 Thousand years binding of Satan; ch. xx. 1—3 6778-6890 Loosing of Satan for "a little time” (μikpòv Xpóvov), a period of 111 years; ch. xx. 3

- 18 June, 1836

6778-7777 Thousand years' reign of the saints in heaven;

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Explanations of the above chronological table may be.collected almost entirely in Bengel's own words, from his "Exposition of the Apocalypse." Its principal matters are as follow:—

"The book of the Revelation divides itself into three parts: first, the introduction; secondly, the body of the prophecy; and thirdly, the conclusion. The contents of the three first chapters, as preparative of all the events that follow, form the introduction; and first, we have the personal preparation of the inspired writer himself. This holy man, though he had been faithfully exercising his apostleship more than thirty years, yet before he could receive such high disclosures, must submit to purification. Next, we have the preparation of the angels, (or overseers,) of the seven churches, as also that of those churches themselves. Both parties are to be brought into better condition by repentance; therefore it is testified to them that the Lord knew the work of each individually, whether good or evil had the ascendant, or whether both were equally balanced. What was good in them, was, by the way, confirmed and strengthened. This preparation of the seven churches is an example to the Lord's servants in every age and on every occasion; therefore it is here introduced with perfect right and propriety; but we cannot, without violence to the text, understand it as likewise prophetic of seven periods in the christian church. Seven glorious promises are respectively annexed to it for the encouragement of each angel of the seven churches.

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"After these preparations, the Lord again addresses himself to John, saying, that he would show him things which must be hereafter' (ch. iv. 1.) Here commences the body of the prophecy; which opens with a manifestation of all power in heaven and in earth, as given to the Lord Jesus Christ. This is set in full view, first, generally (ch. iv.) then, by the seven seals; the four first of which relate to visible events, that commenced soon after the revelation was given.

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