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can twine her gudeman roun her finger. An she had to deal with the like o' some that I'll no name, she would ken what it is to hae a gudeman."

"But this, a' thing considered, Jenny, my dear, is no ill news," said Mr Goroghan, wishing to turn her talk from the Embro' topic, patting the let ter at the same time with his right hand as he held it on his knee in the left.

"But what signifies it a' to me?" exclaimed the lady, a little tartly "what am I the better o your profits and gains?-ye let me hae nothing without a grumble-the bit and the buffet's my portion. O, ye're the wee hardness, Baldy, or ye ne'er would aloo your wife and family to be sae looket down upon by the like o' Mrs M⭑Auslan."

"Wheest, wheest, Jenny, and dinna complain; for I'll no say but thir news hae a wee thaw't my objections." After some further colloquy, Mrs Goroghan was also permitted to authorize the tasteful Miss Menie to prepare a proper paraphernalia to enable her to take a part and portion in the joy and festivities of the metropolis.

Miss Menie, we should mention, has a commendable desire to sell her oldestfashioned articles first; indeed, we believe that something of the sort has always been common among mercers. It is true, that the most conscientious of the trade make a point, in such cases, to say nothing of the fashionableness of the patterns, but in proportion to the care with which they do this, they enlarge on the good qualities of the texture and durability. We therefore advise our fair friends, when they go a-shopping, to be always particular as to fashion, and to suspect, when the haberdashers or milliners praise the wellwearing substance of any tissue, that they are anxious to get rid of an old shopkeeper. Mrs M'Auslan, however, did not require a hint of this kind, for experience had made her quite aware of the fact; nor did she, with that rashness which we have often observed so blameable in the conduct of some ladies, proceed without preface or prelude to make at once her purchases. On the contrary, before giving Miss Menie the slightest intimation of the objects of her visit, she began to sound her afar off as to who VOL. XII.

among the nobility of Greenock were speaking of going to Edinburgh, and what preparations their ladies were making for the occasion.

We shall not undertake to affirm, that the ingenious Miss Menie was thence induced to infer that Mrs M'Auslan herself had any intention of going to see the King, far less to suspect that the purpose of her visit that morning was to give orders for a suitable wardrobe, because she said nothing that could fully warrant us to do so. She, however, mentioned with the greatest civility, the names of dif ferent ladies who had ordered dresses of unusual elegance to be prepared, and showed several in the hands of the makers, of such superior style and fashion, as left no doubt in the bosom of Mrs M'Auslan, that they were destined to add splendour to Holyrood.

Having thus obtained some idea of the preparations which were going forward, and in what colours other ladies intended to kithe before Majesty, she then consulted with Miss Menie about her own equipment; and the milliner, being informed by her Edinbrogh correspondent that blue and white constituted the national livery, it was agreed that these colours ought to predominate in her dresses. Indeed Mrs M'Auslan was decidedly of opinion, that some of the ladies had shewn on this, as on every other occasion, their usual want of taste, to which opinion Miss Menie, with a smile, tacitly assented.

But although Mrs M'Auslan was thus solicitous about the fashionable display which she intended to make in the metropolis, she was nevertheless a discreet and prudent wife, and accordingly her instructions were given with as much regard to economy as was consistent with genteelity, and her choice received every commendation which Miss Menie is so sweetly in the practice of bestowing on the taste of all her customers. Mrs Goroghan, who in the course of the same day visited the shop also for the same purpose, vehemently, however, condemned the whole selection as paltry to a degree, being perfectly persuaded, as she told Miss Menie, that Mrs M'Auslan would be just a figure in Embro'. "But nae better could be expectit frae the like o' her. I'm sure I hope sincerely she'll keep awa frae us, for I would

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na like to be affrontit with her yellyhooing afore the King. Howsever, Miss Menie, it maks na odds, a hachle's like a clubby foot, made by the hand o' God, and a' the wealth of Indy would ne'er gar Mrs M'Auslan look like a leddy-so it's a' ane what she maks choice o', or how ye may make it up, she's sicken a coarse woman."

Miss Menie did not at all controvert this opinion, because she foresaw that it would probably lead to beneficial consequences to herself; on the contrary, she insinuated that certainly Mrs M'Auslan might have made a better choice, and that if she had chosen a showy trimming, exhibiting at the same time several more expensive patterns than the one preferred, the dress she had ordered would have been a very different thing.

"And so ye would advise me to take this?" replied Mrs Goroghan, fixing her desiring eyes on the most expensive of the selection exhibited. But Miss Menie returned an evasive answer, calculated, however, to strengthen the influence of the beauty of the pattern, for she said that it had been much admired by some of the most fashionable ladies, and mentioned the names of several, whom she knew Mrs Goroghan considered as holding their heads above her, who was, in all respects, both of purse and pedigree, their equal. "But," subjoined Miss Menie, "I hae vera misfortunately got but one suit of that trimming, and I'm amaist under a promise to gie the first offer to more than ane."

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Ready money's ready money, Miss Menie," replied Mrs Goroghan, "and ye'll just lay by the article for me. First come first served-folk in a public way shouldna be respecters o' persons, but pleasure a' their customers to the best of their ability. I won'er what right has ony body in the toun of Greenock to set up for being better than another-arena we a' working for our bread-I'm sure, Miss Menie, I see no more genteelity in a pestle and mortar, than a tar barrel, and little difference between an ellwand and an elshin-it's no the cloke that maks the friar; and in a toun like ours, where we live by our ettling, trade maks us a' sib to ane another; so that, whate'er fools may think to the contrary, it's very true what I hae heard said, that the changewife's gill-stoup is full cousin to the spirit dealer's gallon-pot,

the lawful offspring of the foreign mer-
chant's rum-puncheon. I would there-
fore, Miss Menie, be weel pleased to
ken wha it is amang us that would
take upon them to think me no enti-
tled to gang as far ben as the best o'
them. But the making o' stepbairns
is an auld faut in Greenock; and ye
may mind, when we were in the dan-
cing school, Miss Menie, whatna lasses
aye drew the head-tickets to the
kintra-dances. It gars my corruption
rise yet to think o' the master's cheat-
rie.-But it's a real droll thing, Miss
Menie, that ye're no marriet, noo when
I think how ye were aye obligated to
dance wi' a lassie partner at the practi-
sings; however, I fancy it was a fedum
o' what was ordained for you; yet, for
a' that, ye should be thankfu', as ye're
no fash'd in thir bad times wi' a can-
krie gudeman's thrawn temper. Ye'll
take tent, however, that this is my
trimming, and I trust ye'll no disap-
point me in getting the things ready;
for, as every body's on the flichter to
see the King, me and Mr Goroghan
are thinking it will be necessary to
gang off twa three days afore he's ex-
peckit; so ye'll be sure and keep your
word, Miss Menie."-The which Miss
Menie promised to do faithfully, and
in time faithfully did.

Paisley Bodies.

AMONG other extraordinary effects of the radical distemper which lately raged in the West, was a solemn resolution, on the part of a patriotic band of weavers' wives, to abjure tea and all other exciseable articles; in conformity to which, and actuated by the fine frenzy of the time, they seized their teapots, and marching with them in procession to the bridge, sacrificed them to the Goddess of Reform, by dashing them, with uplifted arms and an intrepid energy, over into the river,-and afterwards they ratified their solemn vows with copious libations of smuggled whisky. Whether this interesting ceremonial, so affecting to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, took place in Paisley, or in some one of its reflective villages, we have not yet, to our own satisfaction, entirely ascertained; but the historical fact is as certain as that the inhabitants of the venerable town are necessarily what Cobbett calls a thinking people. We say necessarily, for there is no

truth in all philosophy more sure than that sedentary occupation has a special influence on the cogitative faculties of man, disposing all engaged in such employment to indulge themselves with theoretical opinions; and the Paisley bodies being in general weavers and manufacturers, are, of course, like all other indoor artizans, particularly subject to the moral flatulency of hypothetical ideas. The sen

sation, therefore, which the news of the King's intended visit produced among them, was, in many respects, very different from the lively excitement of those impulses of royal curiosity which moved the bustling, ruddy, maritime Greenock folks, to resolve at once to partake and increase the festivities prepared in the metropolis for the reception of his Majesty. They pondered well the objects and policy of the Royal Progress, and the result was as germaine to the premises, as that recent process of their ingenuity, by which they traced the fluctuations of trade to the ancient and unaltered institutions of King, Lords, and Commons.

"So he's really coming," said Robin Orr, advancing towards a batch of pale cotton-faced weavers, who were standing on the plainstanes in front of the Tolbooth, with their hands in their breeches' pockets, and their green duffle aprons tucked aside.

"So they say," replied clattering Tam, an eminent member of the Radical Association, "and wi' sic a retinue o' placemen and pensioners as ne'er was heard tell o' in a Christian land."

"Man! I'm blithe to hear that," exclaimed auld gash-gabbit Jamie o' the Sneddan.

"Gordon's Lone, Prussia Street!" cried clattering Tam, starting backwards, "blithe to hear o' sic a deluge o' corruption!"

"Deed am I," said Jamie, "for there will be a skaling of moully pennies!-I hae amaist a mind to tak my foot in my hand, and gang into Embro' to see't."

"And I'm fain too," added Robin, Orr, "to see what sort o' a cork* a King really is."

"I wonder to hear you, Robin," replied clattering Tam, somewhat

gravely-"ane o' your principles to think of joining in the foolerie o' manworship!"

"Na, Tam," cried gabby Jamie, "there's great need for a revision a' our principles, or I'm far wrang; for ye see trade's grown better, and though the House of Commons is neither hue nor hair changed frae whatit was, things hae come round, the whilk gars me true that there was mair o' the vapour o' a toom stamach, than the reason o' a sound mind, in the principles o' our job the ither year."

"I'm confoundit," exclaimed Tam, "to hear the like o' that doctrine fra you! Isna the House of Commons the rotten carcase o' British liberty? Its corruption has increased, is increasing, and ought to be diminished."


"I'm no denying that," replied Jamie ; a reform in the Commons' House of Parliament is very necessary; but dinna ye think, if ony way could be devised to persuade the King to bide in Scotland, there would be a better chance o' bringing it to a bearing! for ye ken he would be mair among honester folk than he is in Lon


Indeed it's my notion, that this jaunting to Ireland, and Handover and syne to Embro', looks as he had himself some thought o' flitting; and I dinna wonder at it, for the Lononers hae been made sae het and fou by the lang residenting o' the Court amang them, that they hae forgotten themselves, and acted as if the Crown wasna a moveable.-Odsake! an he would but think o' coming to Paisley, it would be a glorious job for trade."

"What would he do in Paisley ?" said clattering Tam; "I would like to ken that."

"Ye needna be fear't, Tam," replied Robin Orr;" he'll no come this way. The Radical exploit has clour't the character o' Paisley wi' the King."

"I'm sure," said Jamie o' the Sneddan, "that mair's the pity; for it would be a prime thing just to get the benefit for two three days o' the Court prodigality; and really if it be true that the King keeps away frae the West out o' ony reason o' policy, we should endeavour to mak it up wi' him. I'll no say that we haena done waur things in our time, than to appoint a committee to gang in to Embro', to behave

A slang term for master.

in a loyal and dutiful manner, in order to win aud wile his Majesty to gie us a ca' at Paisley."

During this conversation a considerable number of other weaver lads collected around the orators, and they all, at this suggestion, testified their approbation of the proposal, and voluntarily offered a weekly contribution to defray the expenses of the mission. Clattering Tam, however, resolutely opposed it, as most derogatory to their character as reformers. But his animadversions, instead of producing the effect intended, only served to strengthen their loyal determination.


"If what we propose," replied Peter Gause, a short, well-set man, who, by a certain air of activity in his manner, and neatness in his dress, compared with the others, indicated that he was one of those clever and shrewd fellows, who, by the exercise of their natural sagacity, rise from the loom into the warehouse, and ultimately animate the vast machinery of the cotton-mills-"If what we propose," said Peter, was any thing contrary to sound reason, then ye might mak an objection. But I never heard, that to pay a proper respek to magistrates was a dishonourable doing in any man. And isna the name of King but a short word for chief magistrate, or president, or anything ye like to ca' the man that maun hae the casting vote in every community, be it great or sma'. For my part, I think it a very sensible hint, for a squad o' us to gang in till Embro' at this time, and demean ourselves as honest men forenent his Majesty ; and though it's very creditable to you that propose to be sharers in the lawin, yet it seems to me that it would be in a better conformity for us no to appear as a deputation, but ilk on his ain pock-neuk; because, as our objek is to give his Majesty an assurance, that if he would come west the gait, he would be treated wi' a' manner o' respeck and cordiality in Paisley, it wouldna look weel, considering the natural objection of the government to committees among the people for political purposes, just to meet him wi' a deputation; for it would be as good as telling him that we're an organized body that he maun look to please. Therefore, I say, it will be a far better compliment for those that can afford it, to go in at their ain cost, as members and portion

ers o' the community at large, and leave the public part of the show to the magistrates, who are making every proper preparation to uphold the character of the toun."

"The de'il mean them," said clattering Tam, "it's at the public expense, and be d-d to them."

Ay," replied the former speaker, a little slyly," that's true, Tam; but they have a very proper respeck to economy, for a' that; and though they hae hired a coach, and got the town arms painted on the door, and intend to figure awa' wi' four horses, the toun officers, it's thought, will do bravely for flunkies, without ony more immediate outlay than getting their yearly scarlet coats a week sooner; for ye ken they would hae gotten them ony hoo on the King's birth day, and that's the twelfth of August.'

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Clattering Tam, however, was not to be convinced. A thorough and engrained radical, he continued to argue against the headlong prostration of principle, with which the others appeared, as he said, like the swine possessed of devils, who committed suicide by leaping into the sea. But his eloquence and arguments only excited their mirth; and he was in the end so effectually laughed at, that he slunk away, leaving Peter Gauze master of the street.


Lads," said Peter, looking after Tam, as he was stalking away with long strides, his hands in his pockets, and his elbows looking out at the holes in his sleeves, "he's wrang-headed; for although it's weel enough for us, and the like o' us, in a crack o'er a stoup, to tease and card matters o' kingly policy, yet there's a craft in a' trades; and I'm thinking it's as necessary for a man to serve a prenticeship in the art of law-making, as in the weaving o'muslin. For though the King and his Lords and Commons aiblins ken the uses and the ways o' the shuttle and the treddles, just as we do councils and parliaments, they would make a poor hand in the practice: and I doubt we would ravel the yairn, and spoil the pirns o' government, were we to meddle wi' them.-In good sooth, the part of common folk, like you and me, lies in a sma' sphere, and the best thing we can do, is to act it as weel as we can; by the whilk, we'll cause the less trouble to those aboon us, and thereby mak them more and more disposed to

slacken the auld laws o' the ancient rugging and riving times;-and, for the same reason, it's our own interest to be respeckfu' towards the King in his personality, for, as a man, his good will is naturally to be won by kindness; and if he sees us weel behaved towards him, he canna but feel in his own breast an inclination to return the compliment. So, without making any sprose about enticing him to Paisley, which, in my opinion, would be a fool thing, let as many of us as can bear the cost, gang intil Embro', and join the welcome in a rational manner,the whilk will no be the less creditable to us as men or subjects, that it is done wi' fore-thought, method, and temper


Glasgow People.

Profound, beartfelt, and universal was the sensation with which the joyful news of the King's visit vibrated through the bosoms of his faithful lieges in the royal city of Glasgow. Between the Cross and Madeira court, from the Exchange to Veracity hall, up the High-street to that monument of oppression, the celebrated Inchbelly-Bridge-Toll-bar, down the Saltmarket, and across the Clyde, and far beyond the Barracks in the east, every countenance that morning was radiant with unwonted intelligence. The Provost and Bailies, and those who sit in council with them, were seen in their official sable, adorned with cocked hats and golden chains, walkingthe plainstones in a magisterial manner.-Punch-bowls that had not been once used since Christmas, were placed instinctively on the sideboards-lemons and limes disappeared, as if by enchantment, from every window where they stood exposed for sale-barefooted lasses, with baskets in their arms, hurried to and from the fish and fleshmarkets; and to them succeeded fresh flocks of other girls, hastening with pyes and puddings to the bakers.The King's name, and the plunk of corks drawn to drink his health, resounded in every house-Ducks and hens were instantaneously put to death; geese were seen flying in all directions from the out-stretched hands of their destroyers; turkies were allured by handfuls of corn to meet their fate the pots exultingly boiled-the jacks whirled in ecstacy-glasses moaned

that they were so long empty-and hours before the cooks had done their part, the ready tables spread their broad wide bosoms to receive the gorgeous gourmandry of the congratulatory feasts.

At dinner nothing was discussed but the part which Glasgow ought to take, worthy of herself, on so great an occasion. Some ventured to doubt if the town council would be sufficiently liberal to enable the Lord Provost to vie with his civic brother of Edinburgh ; and the general sentiment, if such should prove to be the case, was, that every man was bound to bear a part of the expense; for all were con cerned, and all would be affected by the style in which their chief magistrate, representing, as he did, the second commercial city in the universe, appeared within the beams of the royal presence. He, they said, is the sample of our community, and by his appearance the quality of the whole lot will be valued. A state-coach, horses, and servants, were minor considerations, things of course; but it was the universal opinion, that his Lordship ought, on no account, to condescend to lodge in any hotel.-No; he ought to rent a mansion suitable to the greatness, the rank, and the character of the city, and order a spacious brass-plate to be placed on the door, bearing, in large and magnificent letters, this inscription, at full length,-" THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE LORD PROVOST OF GLASGOW." Some discussion arose as to whether his Lordship should or should not keep open table during his presence in Edinburgh; but this suggestion, so becoming the liberal public spirit by which all on this joyous occasion were then animated, seemed to many impracticable, on ac count of the vast multitude that the city would probably pour from every rank and profession; ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine was the very lowest estimate. But, in consideration of that difficulty, it was agreed unanimously everywhere, that, although it might not be expedient to make any minute of council on the subject, in the instructions to be given to the Lord Provost, nor that he should be enjoined to eat nothing to breakfast but warm curran bun, and fresh butter sent out from Harley's dairy, with marmalade, or strawberry jam on it; yet, if he so pleased, he

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