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Japanese vessels shall not, however, be required to pay tonnage dues for the period during which they are actually undergoing repairs in China.

No tonnage dues shall be payable on small vessels and boats employed by Japanese subjects in the conveyance of passengers, baggage, letters, or duty free articles between any of the open ports of China. All small vessels and cargo boats conveying merchandise which is, at the time of such conveyance, subject to duty, shall pay tonnage dues once in four months at the rate of one mace per ton.

No fee or charges other than tonnage dues shall be levied upon Japanese vessels and boats, and it is also understood that such vessels and boats shall not be required to pay other or higher tonnage dues than the vessels and boats of the most favoured nation.

XVI. Any Japanese merchant-vessel arriving at an open port of China shall be at liberty to engage the services of a pilot to take her into port. In like manner, after she has dirscharged all legal dues and duties, and is ready to take her departure, she shall be allowed to employ a pilot to take her out of port.

XVII. Japanese merchant-vessels compelled on account of injury sustained; or any other cause, to seek a place of refuge, shall be permitted to enter any nearest port of China, without being subject to the payment of tonnage dues or duties upon goods landed, in order that repairs to the vessel may be effected, provided the goods so landed remain under the supervision of the Customs authorities. Should any such vessel be stranded or wrecked on the coast of China, the Chinese authorities shall immediately adopt measures for rescuing the passengers and crew, and for securing the vessel and cargo. The persons thus saved shall receive friendly treatment, and, if necessary, shall be furnished with means of conveyance to the nearest Consular station. Should any Chinese merchant-vessel be compelled on account of injury sustained or any other cause to seek a place of refuge in the nearest port of Japan, she shall likewise be treated in the same way by the Japanese authorities.

XVIII. The Chinese authorities at the several open ports shall adopt such means as they may judge most proper to prevent the revenue suffering from fraud or smuggling.

XIX. If any Japanese vessel be plundered by Chinese robbers or pirates, it shall be the duty of the Chinese authorities to use every endeavour to capture and punish the said robbers or pirates, and to recover and restore the stolen property.

XX. Jurisdiction over the persons and property of Japanese subjects in China is reserved exclusively to the duly authorized Japanese authorities, who shall hear and determine all cases brought against Japanese subjects or property by Japanese subjects or by the subjects or citizens of any other Power, without the intervention of the Chinese authorities.

XXI. If the Chinese authorities or a Chinese subject make any charge or complaint of a civil nature against Japanese subjects or in respect of Japanese property in China, the case shall be heard and decided by the Japanese authorities.

In like manner all charges and complaints of a civil nature brought by Japanese authorities or subjects in China against Chinese subjects or in respect of Chinese property shall be heard and determined by the Chinese authorities.

XXII. Japanese subjects charged with the commission of any crimes or offences in China shall be tried and, if found guilty, punished by the Japanese authorities according to the laws of Japan.

In like manner Chinese subjects charged with the commission of any crimes or offences against Japanese subjects in China shall be tried and, if found guilty, punished by the Chinese authorities according to the laws of China.

XXIII. Should any Chinese subject fail to discharge debts incurred to a Japanese subject or should he fraudulently abscond, the Chinese authorities will do their utmost to effect his arrest and enforce recovery of the debts. The Japanese authorities will likewise do their utmost to bring to justice any Japanese subject who fraudulently absconds or fails to discharge debts incurred by him to a Chinese subject.

XXIV. If Japanese subjects in China who have committed offences or have failed to discharge debts and fraudulently abscond should flee to the interior of China or take refuge in houses occupied by Chinese subjects or on board of Chinese ships, the Chinese authorities shall, at the request of the Japanese Consul, deliver them to the Japanese authorities.

In like manner if Chinese subjects in China who have committed offences or have failed to discharge debts and fraudulently abscond should take refuge in houses occupied by Japanese subjects in China or on board of Japanese ships in Chinese waters, they shall be delivered up, at the request of the Chinese authorities made to the Japanese authorities.

XXV. The Japanese Government and its subjects are hereby confirmed in all privileges, immunities and advantages conferred on them by the Treaty stipulations between Japan and China which are now in force; and it is hereby expressly stipulated that the Japanese Government and its subjects will be allowed free and equal participation in all privileges, immunities and advantages that may have been or may be hereafter granted by His Majesty the Emperor of China to the Government or subjects of any other nation.

XXVI. It is agreed that either of the High Contracting Parties may demand a revision of the Tariffs and of the Commercial Articles of this Treaty at the end of ten years from the date of the exchange of the ratifications; but if no such demand be made on either side, and no such revision be effected within six months after the end of the first ten years, then

the Treaty and Tariffs, in their present form, shall remain in force for ten years more, reckoned from the end of the preceding ten years, and so it shall be at the end of each successive period of ten years.

XXVII. The High Contracting Parties will agree upon Rules and Regulations necessary to give full effect to this Treaty. Until such Rules and Regulations are brought into actual operation, the Arrangements, Rules, and Regulations subsisting between China and the Western Powers, so far as they are applicable and not inconsistent with the provisions of this Treaty, shall be binding between the Contracting Parties.

XXVIII. The present Treaty is signed in the Japanese, Chinese, and English languages. In order, however, to prevent future discussions, the Plenipotentiaries of the High Contracting Parties have agreed upon that, in case of any divergence in the interpretation between the Japanese and Chinese texts of the Treaty, the difference shall be settled by reference to the English text.

XXIX. The present Treaty shall be ratified by His Majesty the Emperor of Japan and His Majesty the Emperor of China, and the ratifications thereof shall be exchanged at Peking as soon as possible, and not later than three months from the present date.

In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same and have affixed thereto the seal of their arms.

Done at Peking, this 21st day of the 7th month of the 29th year of Meiji, corresponding to the 11th day of the 6th month of the 22nd year of Kuang Hsü.

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Traité de Commerce; signé au Caire, le 26 novembre 1902.*)

Journal Officiel; 24 novembre 1906.

Les soussignés M. George Cogordan, ministre plénipotentiaire de 1re classe, commandeur de la Légion d'honneur, au nom de la République française, et Son Excellence Boutros Ghali pacha, ministre des affaires étrangères du gouvernement de S. A. le Khédive d'Egypte, dûment autorisés par leurs gouvernements respectifs et, en ce qui concerne l'Egypte, dans les limites des pouvoirs conférés par les firmans impériaux, sont convenus de ce qui suit:

Art. 1er. Il y aura pleine et entière liberté de commerce et de navigation entre la République française et l'Egypte.

Les ressortissants de la République française en Egypte et les Egyptiens en France pourront librement entrer avec leurs navires et leurs cargaisons dans tous les endroits et ports dont l'entrée est ou sera permise aux ressortissants de la nation la plus favorisée, et ils jouiront réciproquement, en ce qui concerne le commerce et la navigation, des mêmes droits, privilèges, libertés, faveurs, immunités et franchises dont jouissent et pourraient jouir les ressortissants de la nation la plus favorisée, sans qu'ils aient à payer de taxes ou droits plus élevés que ceux auxquels ces derniers sont assujettis.

Art. 2. Les produits du sol ou de l'industrie de la France qui seront importés en Egypte, et les produits du sol ou de l'industrie de l'Egypte qui seront importés en France, ne seront pas soumis à des droits autres ou plus élevés que ceux qui seront perçus sur des produits similaires du pays étranger le plus favorisé, et en provenant dans les mêmes conditions.

Les deux parties contractantes s'engagent à n'établir l'une envers l'autre aucune prohibition d'importation. Toutefois, chacune des parties contractantes se réserve le droit d'édicter des prohibitions d'importation dans l'intérêt de la sécurité ou de la moralité publiques, sous la condition que ces prohibitions seront applicables aux autres nations.

Cette dernière restriction n'est pas applicable aux prohibitions ou restrictions temporaires d'entrée ou de transit que l'une ou l'autre des parties contractantes jugerait nécessaire d'édicter pour protéger la santé publique, pour empêcher la propagation d'épizooties ou la destruction des récoltes ou pour protéger les plantes utiles.

Art. 3. Les articles destinés à être exportés d'Egypte en France, ou de France en Egypte, ne pourront être frappés en Egypte et, respective

*) Les ratifications ont été échangées au Caire, le 25 octobre 1906.

ment, en France, de droits ou charges autres ou plus élevés que ceux qui sont ou pourraient être acquittés lors de l'exportation desdits articles à destination du pays étranger le plus favorisé.

Les deux parties contractantes s'engagent à n'établir l'une envers l'autre aucune prohibition d'exportation qui ne soit en même temps applicable aux autres nations.

Art. 4. Les parties contractantes conviennent que pour tout ce qui concerne le commerce, la navigation, le montant, la garantie et la perception des droits d'importation et d'exportation, ainsi que le transit, tous les privilèges, faveurs ou immunités quelconques que l'une des parties contractantes a déjà accordés ou pourrait ultérieurement accorder à tout autre pays, seront étendus immédiatement et sans compensation ou autre condition quelconque aux ressortissants, au commerce et à la navigation de l'autre partie contractante.

Art. 5. Quel que soit le port de départ des navires et quel que soit le lieu d'origine ou de destination de leur cargaison, les navires français en Egypte et les navires égyptiens en France jouiront, sous tous les rapports, du même traitement que les navires nationaux et les navires de la nation la plus favorisée.

Cette stipulation s'applique aux règlements locaux, aux taxes et à tous les autres droits similaires perçus à titre rémunératoire dans les ports, bassins, docks, rades et havres des pays contractants, au pilotage et, en général, à tout ce qui concerne la navigation.

Tout bâtiment considéré comme français par la loi française et tout bâtiment considéré comme égyptien par la loi égyptienne sera reconnu comme tel par les parties contractantes.

Il est fait exception aux dispositions qui précèdent pour le cabotage et la navigation intérieure dont le régime demeure soumis aux lois respectives des deux pays.

Les articles, quelle qu'en soit la provenance, importés ou exportés par les navires de l'une des parties contractantes, ne pourront être soumis, dans les territoires de l'autre partie, à des restrictions autres ou à des droits plus élevés que ceux auxquels seraient assujettis les mêmes articles s'ils étaient importés ou exportés par les navires nationaux ou les navires de la nation la plus favorisée.

Art. 6. Le gouvernement égyptien s'engage à ne soumettre les produits du sol ou de l'industrie de la France à aucun droit excédant 8 p. 100 ad valorem, à l'exception des articles ci-après:

a) Alcools dulcifiés ou aromatisés (liqueurs) ne contenant pas plus de 50 degrés d'alcool pur;

Sucres raffinés;

Bois de construction et autres,

qui pourront être portés jusqu'à 10 p. 100 ad valorem;

Nouv. Recueil Gén. 2o S. XXXIV.


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