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as they are, alike applicable to all sects, benevolent and eleemosynary societies, &c. &c., as no one but a thoroughly read lawyer could give them. If various societies we know of had had and read this work, it would have saved them much money beside heart-burnings. Foot-notes and pertinent references abound; and we are not of course surprised to find our own Quarterly so often named. The book is far enough from being dry and unattractive. The author's style and methods of treating the different topics are both pleasing and instructive; and the reader who begins the book will be likely to read it through. The publishers have done their part with their usual good taste; and altogether the book is one of unusual interest and value.

Of publications having a historical value, Dr. Ray Palmer's "Reminiscences of our Work for Fifteen Years," is a memorial of the history of his church during its life of that period, written in his own beautiful and earnest style, with historical statements interwoven with thorough religious thought. The church (we gather) was organized in April, 1850, and Dr. Palmer was installed pastor in the following December. The enterprise was out of debt in five years, and is now worth a very valuable property, not less than $12,000 having been given for benevolence, besides legacies of more than $50,000. Sabbath and Mission schools have been sustained; three young men furnished to the ministry. The church now.numbers three hundred and one members; and its Sabbath school four hundred and forty-eight.

Mr. Hosmer's Centennial Discourse at Nantucket2 was preached in the lectureroom which had been completed as a church a hundred years before. It is full of facts, excellently told, and skillfully applied. We hope that all our churches will heed the fact that a "centennial observance occurs but once in a lifetime."

1 Reminiscences of our Work for Fifteen Years. A Discourse delivered in the First Congregational Church, Albany, N. Y., on Sabbath morning, Dec. 24, 1865, by Ray Palmer, minister of the church. Albany: J. Munsell, 78 State Street. 1865. 8vo. pp. 30.

The Sanctuary of our Fathers. A Centennial Discourse, preached Sabbath evening, October 15, 1865, in the lecture-room of the First Congregational Church, Nantucket. By Rev. S» D. Hosmer, acting pastor of the church. Nantucket. 1865. 8vo. pp. 16.

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- John Ward Dean has had a few copies of his "Brief Memoir of Rev. Giles Firmin," printed in pamphlet form from the type set for that capital publication, the "New England Historical and Genealogical Register." Mr. Dean's indefatigable and patient industry in historical pursuits is too well known to need mention. This memoir of one of the non-conformists, who spent years in America, is exceedingly valuable to the student of Puritan history. The Register itself ought to be in the hands of every Congregationalist curious as to our past history.

Dr. Bouton's commemoration of his forty years' ministry has come to us since our last issue. It is very valuable historically; frank, earnest, and full of delicate touches. He has welcomed to the church seven hundred and sixty-six; baptized four hundred and twenty-one children; attended a hundred and fifty-nine councils; preached on forty-four special public occasions; preached written sermons three thousand five hundred and sixty times, and unwritten, about thirtythree hundred; in the first twenty-three years lost but one Sabbath by ill-health, and but one in the last seventeen years. He has seen three churches born of his; two hundred and six members die. Not a male member of the church when he was settled is now living; but nobody who knows this father will believe that he is growing old.

-The "Statement of the Third Congregational Church in Portland," in the difficulty regarding Mr. Walton's views, forcibly presents their side of the question. We propose to give an historical view of the whole matter at some time.

-“ Scriptural Congregationalism,” is

3 A Brief Memoir of Rev. Giles Firmin, one of the ejected ministers of 1662. By John Ward Dean, Vice-President of the Prince Society. Boston. 1866. 8vo. pp. 16.

4 A Discourse Commemorative of a Forty Years' Ministry; preached on the 23d of March, 1865, by Nathaniel Bouton, Pastor of the First Congregational Church and Society in Concord, N. H. Concord: 1865. 8vo. pp. 40.

5 Statement of the Third Congregational Church, of Portland, Maine, in relation to the call and ministerial labors of the Rev. Jeremiah E. Walton; and the action of ecclesiastical councils. Published by order of the church. Portland. 1865. 8vo. pp. 16.

A Discourse at the Ordination of Rev. Emerson Paine to the pastoral office in the First Church of

the republication of a discourse preached nearly fifty years ago; sound in doctrine, and throwing up defences against the then direction of attack; rather too unqualifiedly asserting "independency" to satisfy us; but in the main, good sense.

-Dr. Putnam's two discourses on the "Fiftieth Anniversary of his Ordination,” 7 are as good as this beloved father himself. History and religion are both in them. We suppose that the proceedings at the visit of his ministerial brethren on the occasion of his retirement from active service in October last, with his farewell sermon, will also be published.

the first and second. He still draws from original sources, and still makes a narrative of surpassing interest upon an old theme. Our traditional view of Henry VIII. we are afraid is utterly gone. These volumes bring the story down to the time of that monarch's death, and cover a formative period in the English reformation. The dissolution of the monasteries occurs in this period. While these volumes are needed by every student of history, they are especially valuable to men of our own faith. That the work is published in beautiful style, is a great comfort.

We are sorry to see Dr. Bushnell's "The Vicarious Sacrifice." 10 He has here

Dr. Spring's Reminiscences, record- distinctly avowed and painfully supported ed at the age of eighty years, make a delight that denial of the expiatory character of the ful book. He speaks freely of himself and of work of Christ, which was hinted at in the 19th sermon of "Christ and his Salvation." his parentage, of his early experiences and maturer labors, and of the great movements in He denies expiation, and makes Christ's work which he took a part. Historically, his reto consist in its moral effect on the heart. collections throw light upon the revivals He denies that there is any trace in the Scripwhich excited such differences forty years tures of satisfaction for sin; and makes justiago; the Taste and Exercise schemes; the fication equivalent to making righteous. Vicarious sacrifice in his view is merely symTaylor and Tyler controversy; the Home means, Mission, Foreign Mission and Bible Societies; pathy. Christ's "bearing our sins" "that Christ bore them in his feeling;" anthe disruption of the Presbyterian Church; the founding of the Seminary at Andover, all gels are in exactly the same vicarious spirit of which are interesting to Congregationalists. and suffering way of love ;" and so are "all Indeed, born of such parents, however strong "He suffered simply what a Presbyterian one may become, he must exhibit the old spirit. In this case as in so many others, Presbyterianism has drawn life from our ranks.

The third and fourth volumes of Froude's History fully sustain the promise of

Christ, in Middleboro', Mass., on the 14th of February, 1816. By Thomas Williams, Minister of the Pacifick Church, Providence. Re-published, 1865. 8vo. pp. 32.

7 A Fifty Years' Ministry. Two Discourses on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Author's Ordination, March 15, 1815, delivered in Middleborough, Mass., on Sabbath, March 19, 1865, by Israel W. Putnam, twenty years pastor of First Church, Portsmouth, N. H., and thirty years pastor of the First Church, Middleboro', Mass. Middleboro': 1865. 8vo. pp. 32. 8 Personal Reminiscences of the Life and Times of Gardiner Spring, Pastor of the Brick Presbyterian Church, in the city of New York. New York: Charles Scribner & Co. 1865. 2 vols. 12 mo. pp. 348, 293.

9 History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth. By James Anthony Froude, M. A., Late Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. New York: Charles Scribner & Co. 1865. Vols. iii. and iv. pp. 480, 508.

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souls redeemed."
was incidental to his love, and the works to
which love prompted, just as any missionary
suffers what belongs to the work of love he is
in. It was vicarious suffering in no way pe-
culiar to him, save in degree." He finds
"vicarious sacrifice," the same in principle
with that of Christ, in a mother who "watches
for the child, bears all its pains and sickness
in her own feeling." We need not say that
we can have no sympathy with this view;
nor does our denomination. All our standards
are against it, because we believe the Bible
to be against it. We stand with the church
general. That this distinct return to an error
rejected by the church after thorough contests,
is made by one of our own denomination will
grieve many in our household, but it will not
turn many away from what they believe to be
the plain teaching of Scripture. All the
wealth of diction and subtility of argument

10 The Vicarious Sacrifice; Grounded in Principles of Universal Obligation. By Horace Bushnell. New York: Charles Scribner & Co., 124 Grand St. 1866.

in this book, with its unsurpassed expression of Christ's renovating power, will not affect the truth. Every assault so far upon the doctrines of the church has only raised up new defences; this will do the same.

We have previously read with deep interest and with profit a number of essays from Prof. Fisher, which were printed in some of our Quarterlies, but are now found in a well filled volume. 11 The Christian public are greatly his and his publishers' debtors for this able and timely work. We are delighted with the author's perfectly transparent style and with his fairness in dealing with the great difficulties he so manfully and victoriously meets. He does not shun, but grapples, with the objections which skeptics urge against the validity of miracles and the supernaturalness of our holy religion. We have not seen these objections anywhere else so completely and fairly met. He has studied the works of the teachers in German skepticism in their own language, and thus becomes master of their views and positions, and is thus able to expose the fallacy of their reasoning and the inaccuracy of their conclusions. Renan's popular work is dealt with as its merits deserve. Our limits forbid any just notice of this invaluable work. No Christian minister can afford to be without it.

A work which combines excellences and defects in pretty even proportions is Hurst's History of Rationalism. 12 It is conceived from the Orthodox stand-point, and is intended to be an exhaustive review of the developments of rationalism in its antagonism to Evangelical Christianity from the Reformation to the present day. The idea is a good one, and the plan of the work is good, but the working out of it seems to us superficial and inadequate. Especially is this the case in the chapter on the rise of the Unitarian Church in New England. Here it is stated that every Congregational church in Boston, except Park

11 Essays on the Supernatural Origin of Christianity,

with especial reference to the theories of Renan, Strauss and the Tübingen school, by Rev. George P. Fisher, M. A., Professor of Church History in Yale College. Charles Scribner & Co., 124 Grand street, New York. 1866. Large octavo, pp. 586.

12 History of Rationalism; embracing a survey of the present state of Protestant Theology, by the Rev. John F. Hurst, A. M.- with Appendix of Literature. New York: Charles Scribner & Co., 124 Grand street. 1865. For sale by Nichols & Noyes. 8vo., pp. 623.

Street and the old South, became Unitarian ; the fact being that the former was called into existence, in the Unitarian controversy, as a new force against heresy. It is affirmed also that this controversy led to "the withdrawal of the Unitarians from the Orthodox, and their formation into a distinct organization;" the fact being that it was the Unitarian policy to take possession of the old churches and societies and compel the Orthodox to secede and form new church organizations, - which was done in more than eighty instances. So the Christian Examiner is called the " weekly organ of the Unitarians." So mention is made of a church," in connection with Theodore Parker's "28th Congregational Society." We refer to these inaccuracies which have met our eye, not because they are of great consequence in themselves, but because they seem to us to indicate fairly the unreliable character of the book in many of its statements.

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A better and stronger volume should have spoken from and for Orthodoxy, now that Lecky is speaking, and speaking so well, for the other wing.

In our general list, we find Holland's Plain Talks on Familiar Subjects, 18. a publication of nine lectures which have met public approval; plain, practical, and interesting, and above all sensible. It is to the credit of

the public that such lectures are popular.

Herman, or Young Knighthood,14 is

a tale with which we wanted to be offended when we saw its aversion to Calvinism; but we could not be when we found so much true religion in it. We wanted to like it extremely when we found its noble tribute to real manhood; but we could not when we saw its ignorance of the real drift of views it disliked. There is manhood and piety enough in it for a dozen "religious novels," - power and pathos enough for a dozen novels not "relig ious," but hurt all the way by sympathies we cannot like. Its scenes relate to slavery, and delineate that infamous iniquity none too severely. All the way through the book, we have remembered soldiers, living and dead, - each one of whom was Herman.

13 Plain Talks on Familiar Subjects. A Series of Popular Lectures. By J. G. Holland. New York: Charles Scribner & Co. 1866. 12 mo. pp. 335.

14 Herman, or Young Knighthood. By E. Foxton. Boston Lee & Shepard. 1866. 2 vols. 12 mo. pp.

417, 391.


Editor's Table.

Seven years ago,— in conjunction with two beloved and honored coadjutors, one still in the work, the other long since gone to his reward, I helped to prepare the first number of this Congregational Quarterly. And steadily through the seven years, with what of ability I had, and what of labor and care I could spare from other and more imperative duties, I have aided to supply our denomination with what seems more and more evident ly to be a necessity to its convenience and prosperity, not to use any stronger terms. The time has now arrived when various considerations decide me to appropriate to other and favorite studies such few hours as I am able weekly to redeem for any intellectual recreation, and so make it expedient for me to retire from any further official connection with this journal.

I do so with gratitude, and something even of a warmer feeling, for all its faithful patrons; with hearty love for my associates and best wishes for their success; and with the strong confidence that there is a future yet before the Quarterly brighter than any prophecy which has, as yet, been suggested by its past.


Seven years ago, last November, Rev. Mr. Dexter, during a recess of a council called by the Shawmut Church in Boston, when a particular principle had been under discussion, suggested to a sub-member of that council (whose name is still upon the titlepage of the Quarterly), the need of a publication which should discuss the principles, rescue the past, and preserve the present, history of the denomination. A week's thought resulted in the determination to commence such a work. Rev. Dr. Clark, having also had in mind, though he had never seen the opportunity for establishing, a publication something like the old Quarterly Register, was added, or rather prefixed, to the other associates, and subsequently the Secretary of the American Congregational Union, who had continued the Year-Book to that time. The origin of the Quarterly, therefore, is due to Mr. Dexter. How much his constant care, and the able articles he has given to the public in these pages, have been productive of good to the denomi

nation, our seven volumes testify. His ready and able pen and his vigilant oversight our readers will miss, but not more than ourselves. We part from him of necessity, and with thè assurances of our Christian love, and the hope and belief that his abilities will be more and more felt for the cause of Christ in his important field of duty. These pages will still be his,-whenever he can be prevailed upon to use them,-as one who, by his learning, his experience, and his reflection, is an authority in our denominational literature.



The Quarterly has been in existence for seven years. Without being sectarian, it has aimed to meet a peculiar want of the denomination. Admitting all those shades of difference which, without impairing fellowship, do exist, it has recognized, in a spirit of broad affection, the oneness of the Congregational churches.

Principles, both as to faith and polity, have been freely discussed in the pages of the Quarterly. Practical questions upon our order of government have received elaborate attention. Research, minute and thorough, has rescued its past and preserved our present history. Portraits of eminent persons have been regularly presented, and sketches of their lives have paid tribute to their memory. Our deceased ministers, prominent laymen, and godly women have been remembered.

The annual presentation of the statistics of our churches, has not been of service only as a record of facts, though no denomination offers their equal. They have been, we have repeatedly been assured, of good service. They bring the whole body into one group; show the brotherhood of strong and weak churches; unite brethren on the Atlantic and Pacific shores.

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Denominational Statistics.



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Officers: Rev. Josiah G. Davis, Amherst, Secretary; Rev. William R. Jewett, Fisherville, Statistical Secretary and Treasurer.

Next meeting: 1st Church, Dover, Tuesday, August 28, at 10, A. M.


Officers: Rev. Silas Aiken, D. D., Rutland, Moderator; Rev. Ezra H. Byington, Windsor, Corresponding Secretary; Rev. Aldace Walker, Wallingford, Register.

Next meeting: Newbury, Tuesday, June 19, at 10 o'clock, A. M.


Officers: Rev. Alonzo H. Quint, New Bedford, Secretary and Treasurer, and Statistical Secretary.

Next meeting: Whitefield Church, Newburyport, June 26, at 4 o'clock, P. M.


Officers: Rev. Andrew L. Stone, D. D., Boston, Moderator; Rev. Joshua W. Wellman, Newton, Recording Secretary; Rev. Alonzo H. Quint, New Bedford, Statistical Secretary; Rev. Zachary Eddy, D. D., Northampton, Chairman of Provisional Committee.

Next meeting: 1st Church, Northampton, Tuesday, September 11 (not 13, as in minutes), at 4 o'clock, P. M.


Officers: Rev. James P. Root, Elmwood, Stated Secretary.

Next meeting: Pawtucket, Tuesday, June 12, at 10 o'clock, A. M.


Officers: Rev. Myron N. Morris, West Hartford, Registrar; Rev. William H. Moore, Berlin, Statistical Secretary and Treasurer.

Next meeting: 2d Church, Winsted, Tuesday, June 19, at 11 o'clock, A. M.

NEW YORK, GENERAL ASSOCIATION OF. - Organized May 21, 1834.

Officers: Rev. Washington Gladden, Morrisania, Register and Treasurer; Rev. L. Smith Hobart, Syracuse, Statistical and Publishing Secretary; Rev. William B. Brown, Newark, N. J., Corresponding Secretary.

Next meeting: Warsaw, Tuesday, September 25, at 10 o'clock, A. M.

NEW JERSEY.-The churches are connected with the General Association of New York, through Newark Association.

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