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These pronouns, whether direct or indirect, are placed before the verb, except in the imperative affirmative.

I see him, je le vois.

I give him,―i. e., to him, je lui donne.

N. B.-Me and te (direct and indirect) become moi and toi in the imperative affirmative.

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He comes with me, il vient avec moi.

She went away without them (m.), elle s'en alla sans eux.

REMARK. A few verbs require that the preposition à, (to, at) be translated. In such cases, these last pronouns are used, instead of those representing the dative.

He comes to me, il vient à moi.

Which? what? (before a noun). Quel m. quelle, f. quels, m. plu.

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The forms quel, etc., are always used with nouns, and agree in gender and number with the noun they limit or determine.

Which man? Quel homme ?

What house? Quelle maison ?

In such expressions as "What a life!" the indefinite article a is not translated in French.

What a boy! Quel garçon!
What a life! Quelle vie!


Will you lend me your umbrella? Voulez-vous

Have you not yours?

Your father has mine.

Will you have my brother's?
No, his is too small.
What hat do you put on?
I put on my old hat.

Do you often wear this coat?
No, not often.

parapluie ?

me prêter votre

N'avez-vous pas le vôtre ?
Votre père a le mien.
Voulez-vous celui de mon frère?
Non, le sien est trop petit.
Quel chapeau mettez-vous ?
Je mets mon vieux chapeau.
Portez-vous souvent cet habit ?
Non, pas souvent.

Does he wish to give us some gloves? Veut-il nous donner des gants?

He does wish to.

What do you give to this child? I give him a vest and a necktie.

Where is my handkerchief?

Il veut vous en donner.

Que donnez-vous à cet enfant ? Je lui donne un gilet et une


Où est mon mouchoir de poche ?

I don't know; will you have one Je ne sais pas; en

of mine?

Yes, if you please.

Whose socks are these?

They are my brothers'.

And these stockings?

They are mine.

What a man!

un des miens ?

Oui, s'il vous plait.


A qui sont ces chaussettes ?

Elles sont à mes frères.

Et ces bas?

Ce sont les miens.

Quel homme!


N'avez-vous pas mon chapeau? Ne portez-vous pas des gants? Voulez-vous me prêter vos pantoufles? Ce parapluie est-il à vous ou à moi? Quel habit mettez-vous aujourd'hui ? Où sont mes bottes? Où est mon mouchoir de poche? Voulez-vous m'en prêter un? Que désirez-vous, or voulez-vous acheter? Que désirez-vous, or que voulez-vous manger? Me donnez-vous cette cravate? Etes-vous pressé? A qui voulez-vous parler? A qui est ce gilet? Donnez-vous des pommes à mes enfants? Avezvous froid aux pieds? Ne pouvez-vous pas nous donner des oranges? Comment se portent vos amis Charles et Robert? N'êtes-vous pas content?


What coat do you put on? I put on my old coat. - Do you 21 Dec know where my boots are? I do not know at all where they are. - Whose umbrella is this? Is it not yours? No, mine is larger. Is it not your sister's? I do not know. -Do you not put on your gloves? I do not like to put on gloves. -- Where is your handkerchief? I do not know, I havn't it. — I see you put on your brother's necktie. I put on his because I do not know where mine is. Will you put on a clean shirt? Mine is not soiled. — Where are my daughter's boots? Hasn't she them? She hasn't them.- Will you see where they are? Yes, madam.— Does your son wear boots? Yes, he often puts on his father's.How is your daughter? Pretty well, thank you. -Will you give her these peaches? I know she likes them. You are very kind.

Does she like pears? Very much.


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Yes, sir, I have
put them on?

Have you a new pair of trousers, Charles? new trousers and a fine vest. - Do you often Very often. Will you give me my coat, Robert? sir? In my room. - Whose stockings are these? to my little sister. - Do you like our coffee? much; it is very good.-Have not your sisters their books?

Where is it,
They belong
I like it very

They have not theirs, they have ours.— Where are theirs? Their friends have them.—Will not your sister write her letter? She does not wish to write it.-Have you given her paper, ink, a pen, and an envelope?

wishes to buy good ones.

Yes, but the pens are bad, and she
What do you wish to give (to) your

children? I will give them some books. - What do you wish to buy me? I will buy you a fine watch. -Will you lend me your dictionary? I haven't it; Arthur has it.

matter with you, Charles?

young to have a toothache.

What is the

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Is your water good? It is very bad here. - What a book! Do you wish it? No, thank you; I have mine.

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Study and conjugate the present indicative of vendre, in the four forms, p. 154. Imperfect and past definite of avoir, p. 130.

New, neuf, m., neuve, f., recently made, not yet old.


nouveau, nouvel, m.,


nouvelle, f.,

recent in origin, not before known, new-fashioned, fresh, recently obtained, beginning.

* Nouveau before a consonant or aspirated h: un nouveau cheval, un nouveau hameau, hamlet. Nouvel before a vowel or mute h: un nouvel ami, un nouvel héritier. Nouveaux in the plural in both cases.

Your son has new clothes.
You have a new house.

This work is new (recently pub

lished), although it is not new (fresh).

Have you a new friend?

You have a new (different) coat.
He has made a new discovery.
We have some new wine.
I have three new friends.

We expect fresh soldiers.

Votre fils a des habits neufs.
Vous avez une maison neuve.

Cet ouvrage est nouveau, bien qu'il ne soit pas neuf.

Avez-vous un nouvel ami?
Vous avez un nouvel habit.
Il a fait une nouvelle découverte.
Nous avons du vin nouveau.
J'ai trois nouveaux amis (or amis

Nous attendons de nouveaux


The meaning of several adjectives differs according to their position; the actual meaning being usually conveyed when the adjective is placed after the noun.

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Notice that the verb avoir is used, in French, to denote age, while the verb to be is used in English.

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