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principally Latins. There is nothing remarkable which encloses the supposed manger, &c., is a about the village except some ruins, among which large square building, more resembling a fortress are some which are said to have been the house of Martha and Mary, and the cave or grave of Lazarus, the descent into which is effected by 26 steps cut in the solid rock, leading to a small chamber, about 5 feet square, also excavated. The appearance of the cave certainly corresponds with what is said about it in Scripture-'It was a cave, and a stone lay upon it' (St. John xi. 38). Near to the cave are the ruins of a fort built by Queen Melisinda in 1132, to protect the nunnery founded by her in honour of Martha and Mary. BETHEL, called Betein by the natives, about 10 miles from Jerusalem, mentioned in Scripture as the scene of Jacob's dream. Here also Abraham pitched his tent. Now a heap of ruins, almost entirely deserted, or only inhabited by a few straggling


BETHELL, Sir RICHARD, an eminent lawyer, born at Bradford, Wiltshire, in 1800, son of a physician at Bristol. From Bristol Grammar School he went, at the age of 14, to Wadham College, Oxford, where he was first class in classics, and second class in mathematics, and took his degree of B.A. at the early age of 18. After being a private tutor at Oxford, he studied law, and was called to the bar at the Middle Temple in November 1823. In 1840, he was made a Queen's counsel. Elected, in April 1851, M.P. for Aylesbury, on the formation of the Aberdeen ministry in December 1852, he was named Solicitor-general, and shortly after knighted. From November 1856 to March 1858 he was Attorney-general. For several years he was Vice-chancellor of the county Palatine of Lancaster, and standing counsel to the university of Oxford. He has also been conspicuous for his exertions in the cause of law reform, in improving the system of education for the bar, and in abolishing the ecclesiastical courts, and facilitating the

transfer of land.

BETHESDA, POOL OF, meaning 'House of Pity.' The scene of Christ's cure of the impotent man (St. John v. 2-9), and resort of the 'impotent, blind, halt, and withered,' once filled with water, which an angel went down at certain seasons and troubled,' is now dry and used as a deposit for dirt and rubbish. It is situated within the gates of Jerusalem, near the St. Stephen's gate and the Temple of Omar; measures 460 feet in length, by 130 in breadth, and

75 in depth.

than the quiet habitation of the recluse, was built
by the Empress Helena, 327 A.D., but destroyed
by the Moslems in 1236, and, it is supposed,
restored by the Crusaders. Within it is the
Church of the Nativity, which, like and in con-
nection with the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at
Jerusalem, is subdivided among the Latins, Greeks,
and Armenians, each community having a sepa-
rate portion of the edifice for devotional purposes.
The church is built in the form of a cross; the
nave, which is by far the finest part of the building,
belongs to the Armenians, and is supported by 48
beautiful Corinthian columns of solid granite, each
height. The other portions of the church, forming
between 2 and 3 feet in thickness, and about 17 in
the arms of the cross, are walled up.
end of that section, which forms the head of the
cross, and on the threshold, is a sculptured marble
star, which the Bethlehemites say covers the central
point of the earth! Here a long intricate passage
descends to the crypt below, where the blessed
Virgin is said to have been delivered. The walls of
the chamber are hung with draperies of the gayest
colours; and a silver star, with the words, Hic de
virgine Maria Jesus Christus natus est,' marks the
spot of the nativity. The manger stands in a low
recess cut in the rock, a few feet from this star.

At the further

The other objects of interest in the church are the chapel and tomb of St. Jerome, who became a monk of this convent towards the end of the 4th c.; the chapel and tomb of Santa Paula, a Roman lady, and the founder of several nunneries at Bethlehem ; the tomb of St. Eudosia; and the pit into which it is supposed the bodies of the murdered innocents were cast. B. is under the jurisdiction of the pasha of Jerusalem. The Bethlehemites chiefly gain their subsistence by the manufacture and sale of crucifixes, beads, boxes, shells, &c., of motherof-pearl and olive-wood. Much wine is made at B. which is considered all over Palestine next best to the Lebanon wine.

BETHLEHEM is the name of the chief settlement of Moravians or United Brethren in Pennsylvania, U. S. Pop. in 1870, 8068.

BETHLEHEMITES, or BETHLEHEMITE BROTHERS, the name of an order of monks at Cambridge in the 13th c.; also of an order founded in Guatemala, 1673. The followers of Jerome Huss were styled B., from Bethlehem church in Prague, where their leader preached.


eastern suburb of

London, in Middlesex, including Victoria Park.
Pop. 90,192, many being silk-weavers.

BETHLEHEM, Οι BEIT-LAHAM, meaning 'House of Bread,' celebrated in Scripture as the birthplace of our blessed Saviour, and of King David, is now a small unwalled village, situated at a distance of 5 miles south of Jerusalem. The BETHSAI'DA, on the lake of Galilee, mèntioned population, about 3000 souls, is wholly Christian-in Scripture as the city of Peter and Andrew and that is, Latin, Greek, and Armenian. The village Philip, now a heap of ruins almost overgrown with is situated in the centre of a most interesting grass. country; and the roof of the Latin monastery-the only public building of any importance, enclosing the cave which is the alleged place of our Lord's nativity-commands a beautiful and extensive view of the surrounding country. In the distance, east, are the mountains of Moab and the plains of the Jordan; south, stands the hill of Tekoah, familiar as the scene of the pastoral life of the prophet Amos; beyond, and rather more to the east, lies the wilderness of Engedi, to which David retreated for the purpose of concealing himself against the pursuit of Saul, and where the allied armies of the Amorites, Moabites, and others, encamped when they came forth against Jehoshaphat; north, is the road to Jerusalem, with the mountains of Judea and Rachel's tomb. The Convent of the Nativity,

BETHSHE'MESH ('House of the Sun,' or 'Sun Town;' modern name, Ain-esh-Shems, ‘Fountain of the Sun,' now distinguishable by neither house nor fountain from which it was likely to derive its name), a ruined city of Palestine, 15 miles westsouth-west of Jerusalem, finely situated on the point of a low ridge, commanding an extensive view of the country, rendered interesting by the exploits of Samson. B. was a sacerdotal city belonging to the tribe of Judah, bordering alike on the possessions of Dan and of the Philistines, and fixed by Eusebius ten Roman miles from Eleutheropolis, on the Nicopolis road. It is interesting as the place where the Ark of the Lord first rested, after the Philistines had sent it back (1 Sam. vi.). One of Solomon's twelve purveyors resided at B., where also was


fought the battle between Judah and Israel, in which Jehoash captured Amaziah (2 Kings xiv. 11, 13). B. was taken by the Philistines during the reign of Ahaz, and from that time disappears from sacred history.

BETHUNE, a town of France, in the department Pas-de-Calais, situated on a rock overlooking the river Brette, and the canals of Lawe and Aire, 16 miles north-north-west of Arras. It is strongly fortified, part of the works and the citadel having been constructed by Vauban. It has manufactures of linen and cloth, and a considerable trade in the agricultural produce of the surrounding country. Taken by the French in 1645, it was retaken by the allies in 1710, but was restored to France by the treaty of Utrecht. The first artesian wells are said to have been bored here. Pop. 7273. BE'TICK, or BETIK, on the river Oxus, Central Asia, one of the greatest ferries between Persia and Turkistan.' Lieutenant Burnes, who in 1834 published an account of his travels in Central Asia, says the Oxus is here 650 yards broad and 25 to 29 feet deep.

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BETJUANS, or BECHUA'NAS, the name of an extensive nation of Southern Africa, occupying the country between 23° and 29° E. 'long., and extending from 28° S. lat. northward beyond the tropic of Capricorn The B. are generally of a peaceful, indeed cowardly disposition, and divided into many tribes under the government of chiefs who exercise a kind of patriarchal authority over them. According to Dr. Livingstone, the different tribes take their names from certain animals, shewing probably that in former times they were addicted to animal worship. The term Bakatla means, "they of the monkey;" Bakuena, they of the alligator;" Batlápi, "they of the fish ; each tribe having a superstitious dread of the animal after which it is called. They also use the word "bina," to dance, in reference to the custom of thus naming themselves, so that when you wish to ascertain what tribe they belong to, you say, "What do you dance?" It would seem as if that had been part of the worship of old.' Many tribes formerly existing are extinct, as is evident from names that have now no living representatives. The B. have a vague notion of a Supreme Being, but no intelligent idea of his attributes. Dr. Livingstone describes the tribe to which he attached himself -the Bakuena or Bakwains-who are favourable specimens of the nation, as generally slow in coming to a decision on religious subjects; but in questions affecting their worldly affairs they are keenly alive to their own interests.' In all agricultural matters they are very acute, exhibiting a wonderful knowledge of the properties of the soil, as well as of the nature and habits of animals. They have a superstitious reverence for a class of impostors calling themselves 'rain-doctors,' who profess to be able to bring down rain in dry seasons. by a certain specific, composed of all kinds of disgusting animal and vegetable substances. One peculiarity of the B. is their inability to build their houses square; all erections take a circular form.

BETROTHMENT, a mutual engagement by a man and woman with a view to marriage. This anciently consisted in the interchange of rings, kissing, joining hands, and the testimony of witnesses; and the ecclesiastical law punished the violation of such B. by excommunication; but such a spiritual consequence was abolished by the 26 Geo. II. c. 33. A previous B. had also been regarded as a legal impediment to marriage with another. 'It was not,' says Mr. Macqueen, in his Treatise on the New Divorce Jurisdiction, 1858, p. 73, ‘by the


axe that the promoter of the English Reformation extinguished his marriage with Anne Boleyne. He first carried her into the Ecclesiastical Court, and there obtained a sentence, on the ground of her alleged precontract with Northumberland.' aggrieved party, since the 26 Geo. II., has been left to the only remedy of an action for breach of promise. In Scotland, there is the same mode of redress consequent on a refusal to proceed to matrimony; but in that country, where the B. or engagement can be shewn to have been a clear, free, and deliberate present consent on the part of both the man and woman to form the relationship of husband and wife, such a contract may be enforced against the recusant party; and indeed it constitutes marriage itself. See MARRIage, Breach OF PROMISE TO MARRY, HUSBand and Wife.

BETTERTON, THOMAS, a celebrated actor, for about half a century the chief ornament of the English stage, was born in London, 1635, and died there in 1710. The best contemporary judges, such as Addison, Cibber, &c., bear admiring witness to his dramatic powers, which overcame the natural disadvantages of a low voice, small eyes, and an ungainly figure. His private character was highly estimable, cheerful, modest, and generous. After a retirement of many years, it became known that his circumstances were very straitened, and it was determined to give him a public benefit. On the 6th April 1709, the spirited veteran (then in his 74th year) appeared with immense éclat in the youthful part of Valentine in Congreve's Love for Love. He acted several times again. Mrs. B. took the same rank among contemporary actresses as her husband did among actors.

BETTING, or WAGERING, is an inveterate practice of the English, which is exemplified in almost all classes of society, but more particularly in relation to horse-racing; bets as to which will be the winning horse at a particular race, being entered into by the highest as well as the lowest of the people. Sanctioned by fashion, betting on horses is carried on to so ruinous an extent in the metropolis, that the legislature has interfered to check the evil. The haunts of betters, called BETTING-HOUSES, are suppressed by the 16 and 17 Vict. c. 119. The act declares them to be a common nuisance, and contrary to law, and prohibits them under very severe penalties. But it provides that its enactments shall not extend to stakes or deposit due to the winner of any race, or lawful sport, game, or exercise. The act does not extend to Scotland; but see GAMING.

BETTO'LA, a town of Italy, in the duchy of Parma, about 20 miles south-west of Piacenza. It is situated on the Nure, in a fertile but only partially cultivated district. Pop. 6600.

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BETWAH, a river of India, which, after a northeast course of 340 miles, joins the Jumna on the right, about 30 miles to the east-south-east of Calpce. It rises in the Vindhya Mountains, which, uniting the West and the East Ghauts at their northern

extremities, form the dividing ridge between the basins of the Nerbudda and the Ganges. It runs through beds of iron ore, and waters the towns of Bileah and Jhansi. The source of the B. is in lat. 23° 14′ N. and long. 77° 22′ E., and its mouth in lat. 25° 57' and long. 80° 17'. It is described as a very great river, being, even in the dry season, half a mile wide at its junction with the Jumna. It is, however, not navigable in any part of its course.

BEUKELZOON, WILLIAM, a person in humble


life, belonging to the small town of Biervliet, in | wished to betake himself. On his return to the Holland, was the first who succeeded in salting Hague, he wrote De Stolatæ Virginitatis Jure (The and preserving herrings in a satisfactory manner. This improvement, which is said to have taken place in the year 1386, communicated a great impetus to the industry of the fisheries of Holland. It is related that the emperor, Charles V., made a pilgrimage to the tomb of B., and there ate a herring in expression of his gratitude for the invention. B.'s name, which is otherwise written as Beukels, Bökel, &c., is said to be the origin of the word pickle. B. died in 1397.

BE'VEL, a term used by builders to describe a sloped or canted surface. See SPLAY.

BE'VELAND, NORTH and SOUTH, two islands in the estuary of the Scheldt, in the province of Zeeland, Holland, separated by a channel on the west

from the island of Walcheren. The estimated area

is about 120 square miles, with a population of 23,000. South B. is the most extensive and fertile, being about 25 miles in length, and from 8 to 9 broad. Its capital, Goes, on the north side-lat. 51° 30′ N., and 4° E.-is a well-built and fortified town, with 5500 inhabitants. North B. is about 13 miles in length; its greatest breadth, 4 miles. South B. produces corn and fruit abundantly, and fish are plentiful on the coast. North B. is low and marshy. Both islands have suffered dreadfully from inundations. In 1532, North B. was completely covered with water, many of the inhabitants perishing; and it remained submerged for several years. At the same time, the flourishing town of Romerswaal was separated from South B., and afterwards so encroached on by the sea, that the whole of the inhabitants had to leave it. The islands also suffered considerably from inundation in 1808. Within recent years, much good has been effected by drainage. BEVELLED-GEAR. See GEARING.

Hague, 1680), which gave still greater offence than
his first work. Soon after, he came to England,
where he found a supporter in Isaac Vossius, and
probably received his degree as doctor of civil law in
Oxford. But it would appear from his virulent
attacks against several dignitaries of the English
Church, that he met with a good deal of theological
opposition in England also. Probably it was the
death of his benefactor, Isaac Vossius, in 1689, that
led him in 1693 to repudiate his earlier writings, and
to regret their tone. Having become insane, he ap-
pears to have died in England soon after 1712.
spite of his numerous enemies, B. stood high in the
friendship of some of the most distinguished men of
his time. His views respecting original sin have been
often expressed by others, both before and after his
day, though in a less flippant style. His works are
now mere bibliographical curiosities.

BE'VERLEY, the chief town of the E. Riding of Yorkshire, 1 mile west of the river Hull, with which it communicates by canal, and 10 miles north-north-west of the city of Hull. Pop. 10,058. B. returns two members to parliament. Its trade consists in corn, coals, and leather, and there is a large colour and whiting manufactory. The finest object in B. is the superb Gothic minster, or the Collegiate Church of St. John, ranking next to York Minster among the ecclesiastical structures of the country, and exhibiting different styles of Gothic architecture; the oldest part being of the

13th c.

The choir contains the celebrated Percy shrine, of the most exquisite workmanship. The Grammar School of B. is so old, that the date of its foundation is unknown. B. arose out of a priory founded about the year 700, and received its name from Beverlac, 'lake of beavers,' from the great number of these animals in a neighbouring lake or


BE'VERWYK, a town of the Netherlands, North Holland, about 7 miles north of Haarlem. Pop. 2252. It is situated in the midst of what might be described as a vast and beautiful meadow, and is quite a model of Dutch neatness and cleanliness. In his country-house, in the immediate vicinity, the Prince of Orange planned the expedition which resulted in the English Revolution of 1688.

BEVERIDGE, WILLIAM, Bishop of St. Asaph, was born at Barrow, Leicestershire, in 1638. Entering St. John's College, Cambridge, at the age of fifteen, BEVERLOO', a village of Belgium, in the province he at once became remarkable for his diligence and of Limbourg, 12 miles north-west of Hesselt. On piety, and particularly for his devotion to the study the extensive heaths surrounding it, the Belgian of oriental languages, a treatise on which he pub-army encamps yearly for exercise. lished at the age of twenty. In 1600, having obtained his degree of M. A., he was ordained both deacon and priest. After many excellent preferments, in which he was remarkable for his devotion to his pastoral duties, he was, in 1704, appointed to the bishopric of St. Asaph, having previously refused to accept that of Bath and Wells, on the deprivation of Dr. Thomas Kenn, for not taking the oaths to the government of William III. He died March 5, 1708, leaving the great bulk of his property to the Societies for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge, and the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, and a reputation for sincere piety and great learning. His works, which, besides the treatise mentioned, include another on chronology, a collection of canons from the time of the apostles to that when the synod of Constantinople restored Photius, and various sermons and works of a religious kind, with a life, were collected and published in 9 vols. 8vo in 1824, by the Rev. Thomas Hartwell Horne.

BEVERLAND, ADRIAN, a Dutch scholar who, by several of his writings, but more especially by his unorthodox interpretation of the Fall, caused great excitement among the theologians of his day. He was born at Middelburg, in Zeeland, about the middle of the 17th c.; had studied law, visited the Oxford University, and was settled as an attorney in Holland, when in 1678, he published his pamphlet, Peccatum Originale, which was not only burnt at the Hague, but led to his own imprisonment, and to his expulsion from Utrecht and Leyden, whither he had

BEW'DLEY (formerly Beaulieu, from its pleasant situation), a town on the right bank of the Severn, in the north-west of Worcestershire, 14 miles north-north-west of Worcester. Pop. 7318. B. returns one member to parliament. It has manufactures of leather, combs, lantern leaves, carpets, and iron and brass wares. The chief transit for goods is by the Severn. Near the town is a public park of 400 acres, with fine groves of elm, oak, and plane.

BEWICK, THOMAS, a celebrated wood-engraver, was born at Cherryburn, near Newcastle-on-Tyne, in 1753. Apprenticed to Beilby, an engraver in Newcastle, he displayed such extraordinary aptitude in his art, that, at the age of 17, he was intrusted with the cutting of the whole of the diaHe grams in Hutton's treatise on Mensuration. afterwards illustrated Gay's Fables, obtaining in 1775, for one of the cuts, the Old Hound,' the prize which the Society of Arts had offered for the best wood-engraving. In 1790, B., who had entered into partnership with Mr. Beilby, completed, along with his brother John, who was his pupil, the illustrations

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for a General History of British Quadrupeds, a work and 147 from Jerusalem. It is the chief seaport, which raised his reputation far above that of any of market-town, and emporium of all the trade with the his contemporaries, and gained for him the honour-shores of Syria, Palestine, and Cilicia; and has a able and not undeserved appellation of the reviver population of 20,000 souls, of which about 600 are of wood-engraving. Considered as works of art, Europeans (English, French, Italian, and German). these illustrations are still unrivalled in graphic Several British merchants are established in B., and force of expression and fidelity to nature, though lately a branch of an English bank (the Ottoman the great mechanical improvements in the art intro- Bank) has been set up, the chief office of which is duced since B.'s time have rendered them inferior in London. B. supplies the Lebanon, Damascus, and in clearness and delicacy of execution to some of the north of Syria to Antioch and Joppa, with the best cuts of the present day. Assisted by his European manufactures and goods. French steamers, brother, B. illustrated Goldsmith's Traveller and De- carrying mails, leave B. every week for Marseille. serted Village, Parnell's Hermit, and Somerville's British steamers ply between Liverpool and B. every Chase; and in 1797 appeared the first volume of fortnight, bringing Manchester manufactures, prints, his History of British Birds, which was followed chintzes, Birmingham and Sheffield cutlery, &c., and in 1804 by the second. This splendid work was returning to Liverpool with madder roots, wool, silk, entirely B.'s own, his brother having died in 1795. valonia, or wheat, of which the country produces B.'s last work, the unfinished proofs of which he considerable quantities. Since 1859, à direct trade received the Saturday before his death, which took has been established between B. and the United place at Gateshead, November 8, 1828, is called States of America, the articles sent to the United Waiting for Death,' and represents an old worn- States being wool and olive-oil. There is good out horse, with great pathos and truth. It was anchorage in the roadstead, with shelter during designed to assist in the prevention of cruelty to stormy weather in the Beyrout River, about 3 miles animals. A large cut of a bull-of the Caledonian | from the town; about 150 merchant vessels of dif breed is considered B.'s chef-d'œuvre. B. had many ferent nations visit and leave B. every year. The pupils, some of whom are now among our best commerce is steadily increasing. In 1848, the imports were only £546,266; in 1853, they had increased to £722,864; and in 1857, to £1,324,550. The exports in 1848 amounted only to £253,648; but in 1853, they had increased to £624,544; and in 1857, to £983,398. In 1853, the imports into B. from Great Britain were £225,875; in 1858, they had increased to £418,750. A commercial tribunal, composed of European and native merchants, to adjudicate all mercantile disputes and bankruptcies, has lately been established; and consuls from all nations reside at Beyrout. Ship-building has begun BEXA'R, SAN ANTONIO DE, a thriving town of built and launched at B. several vessels of fifty to to attract the attention of the natives, who have Texas, on the San Antonio River, and at a dis- eighty tons within the last few years. tance of 110 miles to the south-west of Austin City. called Shemlan, a few miles from B., Mr. Scott, an At a village It is growing rapidly in population (12,256 by the enterprising Scotchman, has lately built and estabcensus of 1870), and of course in wealth. The place lished a silk factory, worked by steam; the silk procontains a United States arsenal, with two news-duced is fine, and much esteemed in the London and papers and several seminaries and churches. San Antonio de B. was famous in the conflicts between Lyon markets. In 1859, a line of omnibuses, the Antonio de B. was famous in the conflicts between first ever seen in Syria, was established at Beyrout. the Mexican authorities and the American adven- The natives at first regarded them with great asturers, more especially for the indiscriminate slaugh- tonishment, and crowded from all sides to see ter by the former of Colonel Crockett and his gar


BEX, a village of 3000 inhabitants, in the Swiss canton of Vaud, situated on the high road to the Simplon, about 26 miles south-east of Lausanne. It is remarkable for its extensive salt mines, salt works, and sulphur baths. One of the mines, called Du Bouillet, has a gallery 7 feet high, and 5 feet wide, extending horizontally into the mountain a distance of more than 2000 yards. The quantity of salt annually produced at B. is between 2000 and

3000 tons.


BEY'ERLAND, or BEI GERLAND, an island of South Holland, lat. 51° 46' N., long. 4° 26' E. It is formed by the junction of the Old Maas with Holland Diep on the one side, the river Spui uniting the Old Maas with the Haringvliet on the other. It has several villages, one of which, Old B., is a thriving place of nearly 4000 inhabitants.

BEY'ROUT, or BEIRUT, the Berothai or Berothah of the Old Testament (2 Samuel viii. 8, and Ezekiel xlvii. 16); and the Berytus of the Romans. It was besieged and captured by Baldwin I., king of Jerusalem, in 1111; recaptured from the Christians in 1187. In 1197, it again came into the hands of the Christians, and then successively under the Saracen, Seljukian, and Turkish sultans. In course of the operations to support the Turkish claims against the assumed power of the pasha of Egypt, B., in 1840-1841, was bombarded by the English fleet under Sir C. Napier, taken, and delivered over to the Turks. There are three castles still standing out in the sea, whose battered walls bear witness to the efficacy of the British cannon. There are no ancient monuments worth visiting.

B. is a flourishing commercial town, situated in a most picturesque position on the coast of Syria, and at the foot of Lebanon, 55 miles from Damascus,

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them pass.

pass. A French company has constructed a good road from B. to Damascus. In the summer months, B. experiences a scarcity of fresh water, which has to be brought in jars on the back of mules and donkeys from the river of B., a distance of about three miles. The town has lately been improved by the removal of the walls which formerly surrounded it. From its proximity to the mountains of Lebanon, on which the climate is most agreeable and salubrious, B. is an attractive place of residence; and it might rise into importance but for its odious Turkish custom-house arrangements and system of government.

BEZA, THEODORE (properly, De Bèze), next to Calvin the most energetic and influential of the Genevese reformers, was born of a noble family at Vezelai, in Burgundy, 24th June 1519. He received an admirable education in Orleans, from Melchior Wolmar, a German, who was especially learned in the Greek language, and also imbued with the principles of the Reformation, which he communicated to his pupil. As early as 1539, B. became known as a writer of witty and elegant but indecent verses, the publication of which (1548) caused him many bitter regrets in after-days, when his heart was purer. In his twentieth year, he obtained his degree as licentiate of civil law, and went to live in Paris, where he appears to have spent several years


said to have proved attractive to posterity. They
have almost ceased to be read. The works by which
he is best known are his translation of the New
Testament into Latin, and his History of the French
Protestants from 1521 to 1563.



in a kind of fashionable dissipation, though he does not accuse himself of any gross profligacy. B. possessed a handsome figure, which, together with his fine talents and good birth, opened to him the most brilliant prospects. Although not a priest, he pocketed the revenues of two benefices, while his income was largely increased by the death of an elder brother. It was the desire of his relatives of Herault, lat. 43° 21' N., and long. 3° 13' E. It is BEZIERS, a city of France, in the department that he should enter the church, but a private pleasantly situated on a hill, in the midst of a fertile marriage which B. had contracted, rendered this impossible. A severe illness now attacked him, country, at the junction of the Orb and the Canal du during the lapse of which, the folly and sinfulness Midi, about 38 miles south-west of Montpellier. It of his career vividly presented themselves to his contains some interesting architectural and antique conscience; he repented, and on his recovery, in he repented, and on his recovery, in buildings-the principal being the cathedral, a noble order to avoid the perils and perplexities of his Gothic edifice; the churches of La Madeline and St. position, he went to Geneva along with his wife, old citadel has been destroyed, but the walls still Aphrodise; and the ancient episcopal palace. October 1548. Shortly after, he was appointed Greek professor at Lausanne, an office which he remain, and are made use of as a promenade. B. has manufactures of silk stockings, woollens, gloves, held for ten years. In 1550, he published with parchment, glass, soap, leather, and much esteemed a melodrama, entitled The Sacrifice of confectionaries. Abraham, and delivered lectures on the Epistle to tilleries, and is the centre of most of the trade It has also extensive brandy disthe Romans and the Epistles of Peter to crowded of the district. The town is supplied with water audiences. Out of these lectures ultimately sprang raised from the Orb by means of a steam-engine. his Translation of the New Testament into Latin. Pop. 19,905. In 1559, he went to Geneva, where he became Calvin's ablest coadjutor, and was appointed a theological professor and president of the college. He had already signalised himself by his work De Hæreticis a Civili Magistratu puniendis, in which, like many other good but mistaken men, he approved of the burning of Servetus. His diplomatic tact was particularly good. He induced the king


of Navarre to exert his influence on behalf of the
persecuted French Protestants, and was persuaded
by the latter to attend the conference of Catholic
and Protestant divines, held at Poissy in 1561.
Here his courage, presence of mind, and dexterity
made a very favourable impression on the French
court. Catherine de Medicis entertained so high an
opinion of his abilities, that she desired him to
remain in France. While in Paris, he often preached
before the king of Navarre and Condé. On the
outbreak of the civil war, he accompanied the latter
as a kind of military chaplain, and after his capture
attached himself to Coligny. In 1563, he once more
returned to Geneva. In the following year, Calvin
died, and the care of the Genevese church now fell
principally upon his shoulders. He presided over
the synods of French Reformers, held at Rochelle
in 1571, and at Nismes in 1572. In 1574, he was
deputed by Condé to transact important business at
the court of the Palatinate; and in 1586, measured
himself with the Wirtemberg divines, especially
Jacob Andreä, at the religious conference held at
Montbeliard. In 1588, his first wife died, and
although verging on seventy, he married another
an awkward circumstance, it must be confessed, and
one which his enemies, the Jesuits, tried to make
a handle of; but B., who still retained complete
mastery over his faculties, retorted with his accus-
tomed liveliness and skill. In 1597, his calumnia-
tors spread the extremely foolish report that B. was
dead, and at the last hour had returned to the
bosom of the church. The witty patriarch replied
in a poem full of sparkling vigour. He died 13th
October 1605, at the ripe age of 86.

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B. is a place of great antiquity, and still contains Roman remains. connection with the massacre of the Albigenses, its It is historically interesting in the sword by Simon de Montfort and the pope's inhabitants having been indiscriminately put to legate, for having afforded protection to the fugitives in 1209. B. suffered also in the religious wars of the

16th c.

BE'ZOAR (Pers. pazar, a goat; or pa, against, and zachar, poison), a concretion found in the stomachs of goats or antelopes, and formerly much valued on account of imaginary medicinal virtues, particularly as an antidote to poisons. Concretions of various kinds are found in the stomachs of herbivorous quadrupeds, very generally having for their nucleus some small indigestible substance which has been taken into the stomach. Sometimes they are of a radiating structure; sometimes formed of concentric layers; sometimes they arẻ principally composed of superphosphate of lime, sometimes of phosphate of ammonia or magnesia. Other concretions found in the intestines, &c., of various animals are sometimes also called bezoar. See CALCULI. The value of a B. being supposed to increase with its size, the larger ones have been sold, particularly in India, for very great prices.

BHADRINA'TH, a town of Gurhwal, in the sub-presidency of the North-western Provinces, India, situated in a valley of the Himalaya, 25 miles to the south of the Manah Pass, which leads into Tibet. Lat. 30° 44′ N., long. 79° 32′ E. Its highest point is 10,294 feet above the level of the sea; while, about 12 miles to the west, there is a group of summits, called the Bhadrinath Peaks, having the respective elevations of 23,441, 23,236, 22,934, 22,754, 22,556, and 21,895 feet; the east also, and the south-west, presenting detached mountains of similar magnitude. B. is situated on the right bank of the Vishnugunga, a feeder of the Aluknunda, which itself again unites with the Bhageerettee to form the Ganges. The chief attraction of the place is its temple, which, though the actually existing edifice is modern, is said to be an establishment of great antiquity. This temple overhangs a tank of about 30 feet square, which is supplied, by a subterranean passage, from a thermal spring in the neighbourhood. As ablution in these waters is held to cleanse from all past sins, B. is a grand resort of pilgrims, every year bringing large numbers, but every His numbers, but every twelfth year, when a periodical festival is celebrated, collecting fully 50,000. From

B. was thoroughly grounded in the principles of his master, Calvin, in whose spirit he vigorously ruled the Genevan Church for forty years, exercising the influence of a patriarch. To secure its unity, strength, and permanence, he spared no pains, sacrificing even his personal possessions. By his abundant learning, his persevering zeal, his acute intellect, his fine eloquence, and his impressive character, he rendered it important services. His numerous theological writings, however, cannot be

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