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"Take not every opinion on this subject, but judge a little for yourself.

Pause when you see any thing in the doctor's manner different from that of any other gentleman; no matter how well he is talked of. No gentleman can stoop to trick, any more than the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots.

"The medical profession, you must be aware, opens, from its mysterious nature, one of the finest fields for low trick, and accordingly it is filled with men not very remote from the canaille. Look twice at your fee before you cross the threshold of that healer whose door you see habitually beset with servants or paupers. There can be no reason why doctors should be really more liberal of their labour and charity than other men. Observe if there is any thing gaudy or remarkable about his carriage, or gait, or person, calculated to attract the gaze of the bystanders. The carriage very often is only doing the duty of the tub to catch the whale, and is particularly successful with

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