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et de ses possessions, que les commerçants Néerlandais et leurs agents sont libres d'acheter dans toutes les parties du dit Empire et des dites possessions, pour les transporter soit dans les Pays-Bas, soit en d'autres pays.

Le nouveau tarif, à établir de la sorte, restera en vigueur pendant sept ans, à partir du 1/13 Mars 1862. Chacune des Hautes Parties contractantes aura le droit, un an avant l'expiration de ce terme, d'en demander la révision. Mais si à cette époque ni l'une ni l'autre n'use de cette faculté, le tarif continuera d'avoir force de loi pour sept autres années, à dater du jour où la première période aura été accomplie, et il en sera de même à la fin de chaque période successive de sept années.

Art. 23. Le présent traité sera ratifié, les ratifications en seront échangées à Constantinople dans l'espace de trois mois, ou plus tôt, si faire se peut, et il sera mis à exécution à partir de l'échange des ratifications.

En foi de quoi les plénipotentiaires respectifs l'ont signé et y ont apposé le sceau de leurs armes. Fait à Constantinople, le 25 Février 1862.

G. C. du Bois.
L. S.

E. Safvet.

L. S.

Mehemmed Djémil.

L. S.

Convention Additionnelle.

Relativement aux articles IV, V et XIX du traité de commerce et de navigation, conclu entre Sa Majesté le Roi des Pays-Bas et Sa Majesté Impériale le Sultan, et signé ce jourd'hui à Constantinople, il est entendu qu'aux règles touchant l'importation et l'exportation dans les États et possessions des Hautes Parties contractantes, adoptées dans ces articles, il est fait exception seulement en ce qui concerne les faveurs spéciales, accordées ou à accorder par la suite dans les colonies Néerlandaises des Indes Orientales aux nations Asiatiques pour l'importation des produits de leur sol et de leur industrie, ou pour leur exportation; exception, qui a été également admise par les autres Puissances, qui ont conclu des traités de commerce et de navigation avec les Pays-Bas, de manière à ce que la Turquie sera traitée, sous ce rapport, sur le même pied que la nation Européenne la plus favorisée.

Relativement à l'article XVIII du même traité il est entendu, qu'en cas de réclamation de la part du propriétaire ou consignataire Néerlandais de la marchandise, saisie comme contrebande, cette réclamation, avant toute décision définitive, sera examinée et jugée à Constantinople devant le tribunal de commerce, ou un tribunal spécial, établi de consentement mutuel à cet effet, et dans les provinces par un tribunal compétent quelconque. Fait à Constantinople le 25 Février 1862.

H. C. du Bois.

E. Safvet.
Mehemmed Djémil.


Traité d'Amitié, de Commerce et de Navigation entre les Pays-Bas et les Jles de Hawaii, signé à la Haye, le 16 octobre 1862*)

His Majesty the King of the Netherlands, on the one part, and His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands, on the other part, desiring by a treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation to secure amicable relations between the two kingdoms, and commercial intercourse between their respective subjets, have to this end named for their plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

His Majesty the King of the Netherlands, jonkheer Paul van der Maesen de Sombreff, His Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Gerardus Henri Betz, His Minister of Finance; and

His Majesty the King of the Hawaian Islands, sir John Bowring, knight bachelor of England, His Minister plenipotentiary and envoy extraordinary,

who, after having examined their full powers and found them in good and true form, have agreed on the following articles.

Art. 1. There shall be a sincere and durable friendship between His Majesty the King of the Netherlands, His heirs and successors and His subjects on the one part, and His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands, His heirs and successors and His subjects on the other part.

Art. 2. The respective subjects of the two High

*) Les ratifications ont été échangées à Londres, le 4 août 1864.

contracting Parties shall be perfectly and in all respects assimilated on their establishment and settlement whether for a longer or shorter time in the States and colonies. of the other Party, on the terms granted to the subjects of the most favoured nation in all which concerns the permission of sojourning, the exercice of legal professions, imposts, taxes, religious worship, the right of going to law, in a word, all the conditions relative to sojourn and establishment.

Art. 3. The produce and manufactured articles of every sort, proceeding from the Kingdom of the Netherlands or from its colonies, imported directly or indirectly, and all goods without distinction of origin, imported from the Netherlands or their colonies into the Hawaiian Islands, shall be admitted on the payment of customs and import duty, equal but not greater and under the same conditions as are imposed on the products and manufactured articles of the most favoured foreign nation in the Hawaiian Islands, as regards commerce and customs.

And reciprocally the products and manufactured articles of every sort, coming from the Hawaiian Islands, imported directly or indirectly, and all merchandise without distinction of origin, imported from the Hawaiian Islands into the Netherlands and their colonies, shall be admitted on the payment of customs and import dnties, equal and not greater and on the same conditions as those to which are subjected the produce and manufactured articles of the most favoured foreign nation in the Netherlands and their colonies, in matters of commerce and customs.

Exception is allowed from this rule, where special favours have been or may hereafter be granted in the Netherland colonies of the East Indies to the Asiatic nations of the Eastern Archipelago for the importation of the products of their soil and their industry and for their exportations, to the same extent and with regard to the same articles, as in the existing treaties between the Netherlands and the other most favoured nations.

Art. 4. No duties of tonnage, harbour, lighthouses, pilotage, quarantine or other similar duties of whatever nature or under whatever denomination, shall be imposed in either country upon the vessels of the other, which shall not be equally imposed in the like cases

on national vessels. And in general as concerns the importation of all goods and articles of whatever description, the Hawaiian flag will be assimilated in the Netherlands and their colonies, and the Netherland flag in the Hawaiian Islands to the flag of the most favoured foreign nation.

Art. 5. Any advantage, which in future either of the High contracting Parties shall grant to another State as regards the establishment or exercise of industry, commerce, custom duties or navigation, shall be granted in the same way and at the same time to the other contracting Party.

Art. 6. The present treaty shall be in vigour for ten years, to date from the day of the exchange of the ratifications.

In case that neither the one nor the other shall have notified twelve months before the expiration of the said period of ten years the intention of terminating its conditions, the treaty shall continue in force until the end of a year, to reckon from the day on which the other contracting Party shall have given notice.

The ratification shall take place by His Majesty the King of the Netherlands and His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands, and the ratification shall be exchanged at the Hague or elsewhere, within the space of eighteen months, or earlier, if may be.

In witness of which the above named plenipotentiaries have signed and affixed hereto their respective seals. Done at the Hague, this sixteenth day of October in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty two. (L. S.) P. van der Maesen de Sombreff. (L. S.) G. H. Betz.

(L. S.) John Bowring.


Traité d'amitié, de commerce et de navigation entre les Pays-Bas et la République de Libéria, signé à Londres, le 20 décembre 1862; suivi d'une déclaration du 4 avril 1863.

His Majesty the King of the Netherlands and His

*) Les ratifications ont été échangées le 3 juin 1864.

Excellency the President of the Republic of Liberia being desirous of concluding a treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation for the purpose of assuring the friendly relations between the two countries, and of establishing and extending their mutual commercial intercourse, have for that purpose appointed plenipotentiaries:

His Majesty the King of the Netherlands, Arnold Adolph baron Bentinck, commander etc., His Majesty's chamberlain, Minister of State and envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland;

and His Excellency the President of the Republic of Liberia, Gerard Ralston, esquire, a citizen of the United States of America, at present residing in Great Britain as consul-general of Liberia;

who having communicated to each other their respective fullpowers, found to be in due and proper form, have agreed upon the following articles.

Art. 1. There shall be perpetual peace and friendship between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Liberia and between the inhabitants of both


Art. 2. There shall be reciprocal liberty of commerce between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Liberia. Netherlands subjects shall be allowed to reside and trade everywhere in the territories of the Republic where other foreigners are admitted; they shall enjoy complete protection for their persons and property.

They shall have the right of buying from and selling to whomsoever they may think fit, without any prejudice or hinderance consequent upon any monopoly or exclusive advantages of buying or selling whatsoever, and without being obliged to employ brokers or other middlemen in their commercial dealings; they shall have the right of possesing personal property of every description, and of freely disposing thereof in accordance with the law of the land; they shall be allowed to take possession of and to transfer all such property, wether devised by will or inherited ab intestato, on the same terms as the native inhabitants, agreeably to the laws of the land and without being subject, in their character of foreigners, to any tax or payment not due by native subjects. They shall moreover enjoy all the rights and

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