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Gemss (G.) Zur Reform der Textkritik des Cornelius Nepos. [On the Cod. Parcensis]. 30 pp. (Progr. Berlin). Genethliacon Gottingense. Miscellanea philologica in honorem seminarii regii philologici Gottingensis scripserunt philologi Gottingenses XXIV. Roy. 8vo. vii, 188 pp. With 3 plates. Halle. Niemeyer, 7 Mk.

Gnesotto (F.) Orazio come uomo. 8vo. 92 pp.


Gumpert (F.) Argumentum satirae Horatianae II. 1 enarratur eiusque loci nonnulli difficiliores accurate explicantur. 32 pp. (Prog. Buxtehude). Harnecker (0.) Adnotationes ad Ciceronis de oratore librum II. 18 pp. (Progr. Friedeberg). Hartel (W. von). Curtius und Kaegi. 8vo. 59 pp. Leipzig. Freytag. 70 Pf.

Helmbold (J.) Das Gastmahl des Nasidienus. Pro-. saische Uebersetzung von Hor. Sat. II. 8 nebst eingehanden Erklärungen. 36 pp. (Progr. Mülhausen).

Hermes (F.) Beiträge zur Erklärung und Kritik des Catull. Zur Lesbiafrage. 24 pp. (Progr. Frankfurt). Inscriptiones Christianae urbis Romae septimo saeculo antiquiores. Ed. A. de Rossi. Vol. II. pars. 1. Folio. lxviii, 586 pp. 6 plates. Rome. Cuggiani. Liesenberg (Fr.) Die Sprache des Amminus Marcellinus. I. 33 pp. (Progr. Blankenburg). Löwe, Lexikalische Studien zu Ovid. 18 pp. (Progr. Strehlen).

Lowy (E.) Griechische Inschriftte te. Für akademische Uebungen ausgewählt. Lex. 8vo. iv, 38 pp. Leipzig. Freytag. 1 Mk.

Macke (R.) Die römischen Eigennamen bei Tacitus.
II. Index. 20 pp. (Progr. Hadersleben).
Mers (A.) Kritik ciniger Textstellen vom poetischen
Standpunkte. Svo. 32 pp. Riga. Bruhm. 60 Pf.
Orsi (P. L' XI volume del Corpus Inscriptionum
latinarum e la sua importanza per la storia della
Romagna. 8vo. 19 pp. Bologna.

Plato. Dialoghi tradotti de R. Bonghi. Vol. IX.

12mo. clxxxxiv, 273 pp. Rome. Bocca. 6 lire 50. Pöppelmann (L.) Bemerkungen zu Dillenburgers

Horazausgabe letzter Hand. II. 14 pp. (Progr. Münstereifel).

Rayet (0.) Études d'Archéologie et d'Art. Réunies et publiées avec une notice biographique sur l'auteur, par S. Reinach. 8vo. xvi, 463 pp. 5 fullpage plates, and 112 cuts. Paris. Didot. 10 fres. Reckzey (A.) Ueber grammatische und rhetorische Stellung des Adjektivums bei den Annalisten, Cato und Sallust. 31 pp. (Progr. Berlin). Rossberg (K.) Materialien zu einem Kommentar über die Orestis Tragoedia des Dracontius. 8vo. 64 pp. (Progr. Hildesheim).

Rouze (C.) Nouvelle grammaire classique de la langue latine. 12mo. Paris. E. Belin. 2 fres. Ruggiero (E.) Dizionario epigrafico di antichita romane. Parts IV-VII. (Adp-Aed). 8vo. Rome. Pasqualucci. Each part 1 lire 50. Schild (R.) Quibus in rebus Sallustius Thucydidem respexerit aut respexisse credatur. 16 pp. (Progr. Nordhausen).

Schlag (H.) Cicero, Verfasser einer grammatischen Schrift. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Wertbestimmung der grammatici latini. 16 pp. (Progr. Siegen). Schröter (G.) Beiträge zur Kritik und Erklärung des Vergils Aeneis III. (8, 556; 9, 556; 11, 172). 4to. 13 pp. (Progr. Neisse).

Schütte (H.) Theorie der Sinnesempfindungen bei Lukrez. 25 pp. (Progr. Danzig).

Schwarz (P.) Tibullus als Schulschriftsteller. 20 pp. (Progr. Salzwedel).

Sturm (I.) Das kaiserliche Stadium auf dem Palatin. With a map. 8vo. 62 pp. Würzburg. Hertz.

1 Mk. 50.

Susemihl (F.) Analectorum Alexandrinorum chronologicorum Particula II. 4to. 29 pp. Berlin. Calvary and Co. 2 Mk. (I. et II. 3 Mk. 60 Pf.) Thucydides. Guerra del Peloponneso tradotto in lingua armena dal padre Abr. Gjarian. 16mo. xi, 679 pp. Venice.

Wallichs. Die Geschichtsschreibung des Tacitus. 32 pp. (Progr. Rendsburg).

Wormstall (J.) Ueber die Chamaver, Brukterer, und Angrivarier. Neue Studien zur Germania des Tacitus. 24 pp. (Progr. Münster).



Note.-In the General Index names of actual contributors, in the Index Locorum references to passages
discussed, are printed in heavy type.


a and et confused in MSS., 244a.

a and of confused in MSS., 245α.

-a, 'half-long' quantity of, 1296.


& becomes -o in Oscan and Umbrian, ib.

a puppi venti, meaning of, 212a.

a stems, decl. of in early Italian, 1296. ff.

Abbott (Ev.), notice of Hdt. Bk. II., translated by
'B. R.,' 250a. f.

Abbott (Ev., and Matheson, P. E.), Demosthenes,
noticed, 207a. f.

Abbott(T. K.), notice of Ceriani's Recensioni dei
LXX., 81b. f.

old-Latin Biblical Texts, Parts I. II., 27b. f.
the same, Part III., 312a. ff.

note on Cic. (Ep. Q. F. I. ii. 13), 119a.

abecedaria, Italic, 1466.

ablatives, double (TOUTŵbe, &c.), 1636.

ablative endings in early Italian, 1306., 131a., 182b.,
2036., 2046., 273b., 274a., 275a., 276b., 277a. b.
Abou-Symbel inscriptions, date of, 146a.

Abrahall (J. H.), note on an epitaph found at
Pholegandrs, 3256.

note on Virgil (Aen. IX. 721), 226a.

ac before g in Cic.? 2106.

accedere with accusative, 27a.

accusative, Aeolic, 198a.

endings of in early Italian, 1306., 1316., 132b.,

203a. f., 204b., 273b., 274a., 275a. b., 276b.,
277a. b.

[blocks in formation]

Adramyttion, Gulf of, 97a.

Aegaeon, as a title of Poseidon, 288a.
Aenesidemus, 111a. b., 1126.

and Philo of Alexandria, 3206.

Aeolic alphabet, 146a.

forms, 1976., 198a.

Aeschylus, Eumenides, ed. Sidgwick, 108f.
MSS. in British Museum, 172a.

Prom. Vinct. ed. Glazebrook, noticed, 78a.f.
See Warr (G. C.), 'Echoes of Hellas.'

Aetolia, federal instincts in, 251a.

rise in political importance of, ib.
ἀγὼν ἐπιτάφιος instituted, 1136.
Alylos, Hesiodic poem, 197a.
Alveías, scansion of, 1016.
akoλove, construction of, 3176.
AKTαível, meaning of, 2916.
Alcmaeonidae, 35a.

ἀλητεία corr. λητεία, 225α. f.

Alexander of Tralles, references to the fish oppòs in,

[blocks in formation]

1 The Index is by H. D. Darbishire, Scholar of St. John's College, Cambridge.


[blocks in formation]

ancestor-worship, 5a.

Anderson (W. C. F.), notice of

Belger's Beitr. z. Kenntniss d. griech. Küppel-
gräber, 57b.

of Blümner's Leben u Sitten d. Griechen, ib.
of Brunn's Beschr. d. Glyptothek u.s.w., 1246.

of Sauer's Die Anfänge d. statuar. Gruppe,
231b. f.

Angerona, in mythology, 3096.
ἀνημιωβολιαία, 2516.

ἀνέκλων corr. ἀνεῖλκον, 2616., 2926.

ἀνέπεσον ταῖς ψυχαῖς = animis refrizerunt, 80α.
avhp, use of, 318a.

anthemion of capitals, 265a.

ἀντίδοσις, 246α.

ἀντίπαις, 1096.

[blocks in formation]

Aristophanes, continued—

Plutus, ed. Blaydes, 317a. ff.

and the gold coinage of Athens, 231a.
Aristotle, cross-references in, 305b. ƒ.

De Animą, II. III., constitution of, 307a.
Physics VII., duplicate version of, 3066.
Politics, ed. Newman, reviewed, 104ff.
constitution of, 307a. f.

'imperfect virtue' in, 1066.

and monarchy, 1076.

on position of women among barbarians,
106b. f.

order of books in, 105a. f.

value of vetus interpretatio, 106a. ƒ.

Shute's history of his writings, 305a. f.

[Aristotle], De Mundo and Nicolaus Damascenus,

Aristoxenus on Greek metre, 221a. f.

on singing and speaking, 221a.

Arnim, H. von, Quellenstudien zu Philo von Alex-
andria, noticed, 320b. f.

ārqu, Egyptian parallel to 8pкos, 4а.

arqui species, 212a.

Artemis, 135b.

artubus, pronunciation of, 282a.

Asclepios, 136a.

Asmus (R), Quaestiones Epicteteae, noticed, 321a.

aspiration, lost in Greek, 162a.

preserved by accent, ib.

assimilation in Cretan, 10a.

Assos, Amer. Arch. Inst. at, 97a. f.
Astarte, 136a.

asynartete verses, 2216.

Ate, in mythology, 1366.

Athenaeus, ed. Kaibel II., noticed, 80a.

Athene, cult and eponyms of, 136b. ƒ.

Athenian empire, administration of, 255a.

'Athenodotus' vases, 234b., 235a.

Athens, archaeology at, 53a., 90b., 88a. ff., 1236.

coinage of, 231a. f.

Atlantis =

Callisto, 180b. f.

ἄτοπον, 176α.

Ατρείδεω corr. 'Ατρείδα', 100α. f.

Attic law, 245a. f.

Attica, alphabet of, 146a.

archaeology in, 1236.

attraction in Latin, 178a.

auctor secundus in Attic law, 247b.
augment of ἐργάζομαι, 2921.

of verbs in eu-, 317b.
omitted in Homer, 1746.

Augustine, S., 'Speculum' of, 82a.
αὐτός corr. ἀστός, 324α.

avoévrηs, meaning of, 207a.

Axos, inscription at, 116.


Bacon's 'Vinum Daemonum,' illustrated, 2266.
Bali, legend of, 322a.

Barnabas, Epist. relation to Didache, 284a., 285a. ff.
Battifol-Hyvernat, Didascalia cccxviii. Patrum Pseud-
epigrapha, noticed, 81a.

Baumeister, Denkmäler d. Klassischen Altertums,
Vols. II. III. noticed, 330a. f.

Baunack (J. and T.), Die Inschrift von Gortyn,
noticed, 9ff.

Belger (G.), Beiträge zur Kentniss d. griech. Kuppel-
gräber, noticed, 57b.

Bell (A. M.), Caesar Bell. Gall. I., noticed, 209b. ƒ.
Bellerophon and Pegasus monument, 1376.
Bent (J. T.), notes from Telmessos, 2346.

on museum at Constantinople, 329a.

Bent (J. T.), continued-

on Sirina, ib.

on towns mentioned by Ptolemaeus, 189a.
Bernard (E. R.) and Prichard, Select Letters of Pliny,
noticed. 214a. f.

Bible, codices of I. Kings, 82a.

Bibliography, 61a. ff., 96a. f., 128a. f., 160a. f.,
191a. f., 240a. f., 270a. ff., 303a. ff., 335a. ff.
Bie (0.), Die Musen in der antiken Kunst, noticed, 188a.
Bigg (C.), notice of von Arnin's Philo von Alex-
andria, 320b. f.

Bion, genitives in, 136.

Birt's articles in Roscher's Myth. Lex., noticed (Ceres,
Dea Dia, Diana, Genius), 311a. f.

Bitschofsky (R.), Krit.-exeget. Studien zu d. scriptores
historiae Augustae, noticed, 2896.

Blass (F.), Die Attische Beredsamkeit, ed. 2, noticed,

Blaydes (F. H. M.), Aristophanis Acharnenses,
noticed, 317b. f.

Aristophanis Plutus, noticed, 317a. f.

Blümner, Leben u. Sitten d. Griechen, noticed, 57b.
Blunt (H. W.), Decline of the Roman Commonwealth,
noticed, 217a. f.

Bologna, Greek Ode for Centenary at, 257ff.

Boor (C. de), Theophylacti Simocattae Historiae,
noticed, 29a. f.

Borgeaud (C.), Le Plébiscite dans l'Antiquité I.,
noticed, 216a. f.

bos, contrary to Latin phonetic law, 2746.

declension of, 274a. f.

βουλεύω = 'resolve' with dependent infin., 786.
BovλUTÓS, note on, 260a. ff., cf. 291a. f.

Bowen (Lord Justice), Virgil in English Verse, re-
viewed, 66ff.

British Museum, acquisitions of, 232a. f., 266a. ƒ.,
297a. f., 329b. f.

archaeology in, 52a., 906., 232a. f., 265b. ff.,
297a. f.

Brochard (V.), Les Sceptiques Grecs, reviewed, 111ff.
Brodribb (W. J.), notice of Plutarch, Nikias, ed.
Holden, 208a. f.

Bruckmann (Fr.) v. Brunn (H.),

Brunn (H.), Beschreibung der Glyptothek König Lud-
wigs I., noticed, 124b. f.

Denkmäler gricch. u. röm. Sculptur, ed. Bruck-
mann, noticed, 188a.

Bücheler (F.) and Zitelmaun (E.), Das Recht von
Gortyn, noticed, 9ff.

Bulgarians in history, 2096,

Burlington Fine Arts Club Exhibition, 189a.

catalogue of do. noticed, 2976.

Burmah, legends of, 322a. b.

Burn (R.), Roman Literature in Relation to Roman

Art, noticed, 296a. ff.

Bury (Jane), note on diepós, 179a. f.

Bury (J. B.), note on Aeschylus (Ag. 555-7), 324a.
on ἐπίτριτος &c., 426.

on Sophocles (Ant. 782-9), 224a.

(commented on, 261b. f.).

on stritauos, 43a. f.

notice of de Boor's Theophylacti Simocattae
Hist., 29a. f.

of Capes' Polybius, 250b. ff.

of Comment. Phil. Gryphisw., 321a.

of Kaibel's Athenaeus, 80a.

of Sotiriadis' Zur Kritik des Johannes von
Antiocha, 208b. ff.

Busolt, Die Griech. Altertümer I. Staats- u. Rechts-
altertümer (in Müller, Handb. vol. vi.), 33ff.
Butcher (8. H.), notice of Abbott-Matheson's
Demosthenes, 207a. f.

notice of Cucuel's Essai sur la Langue et le Style
d'Antiphon, 206b. f.

Butcher (S. H.), on μh with fut. indic., 322b. f.
Byrne (J.), Origin of the Greek, Latin, and Gothic
roots, noticed, 220a. f.

Bywater (I.), notice of Usener's Epicurea, 278a. ff.
Bywater (I.), Priscianus Lydus, reviewed, 17ff.
Byzantine Greek, 209a.

historians, 208b. f.


Caesar, De Bello Gallico I., ed. Bell, noticed, 2096. f.
[Caesar] and Suetonius, 326a.

Calamis, statues of, 134a., 135b.
Callimachus, genitives in, 13a.

Callisto, legends and eponyms of, 180b. f.
Cambodia, legend of, 322a.

Cambridge, classics at, 148a.

Campbell (L.), review of Brochard's Sceptiques
Grecs, 111ff.

notice of Schneidewin-Nauck's Sophocles: Aias,
Philoctetes, 249a. f.

Campbell (L.), Leptodendron Septentrionale, noticed,
321a. f.

Caneus, in mythology, 3096.

Capes (W. W.), Polybius, History of the Achaean
League, noticed, 250b. ff.

Carna, in mythology, 309b.
Carneades, 111b., 112a. b.

Carter (F.), notice of Sidgwick's Vergil, Eclogues,
212a. f.

Case (T.), on the chronology of the Solonian legisla-
tion, 241f.

(commented on, 290a. ff.)
Casina corr. Canisa (?), 226.
Castelforte, archaeology at, 53a.

Catullus, Hermes Beiträge zu., noticed, 1786.
ed. Schmidt, reviewed, 70f.

Cavallari-Holm, Topographia, &c. v. Lupus (B.)
Celebes, custom of, 261b.

Cercops of Miletus, edits Hesiod, 197a.

Ceriani, Le Recensioni dei LXX, &c., noticed, 81b.
Ceres, 311b.

cernua, L. Lat., 99a. b.

ch, in Church Slavic, 2196.
*xáλg, a bronze coin, 80a.
χαραδριός, χαράδριον, 2250.
Charis Auxo, 138b.

Charites, in mythology, 138a. f.

Cheetham (S.), on Bouλutós, 291a. f.

Chester, archaeology at, 53b., 906.

Xwpoypaplan, used by Strabo, 84b.

Christodorus, genitives in, 13a.

Chryse, legend of, 123a. ƒ.

Church (A. J.), notice of Blunt's Causes of the
Decline of Roman Commonwealth, 217a. f.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Cookson (C.), note on provincia, 227b. f.

notice of Wheeler's Analogy, &c., 219b. f.

Corinthian alphabet, 146a.

Cornell University v. Wheeler (B. J.).
Corp. Script. Eccl. Latin, noticed, 19ff.
Crete, archaic inscr. from, 9ff.

Croiset (A. and M.), Hist. de la Littérature Grecque I.,
noticed, 255b. f.

Cron (Chr.), Platonis Apologia u. Kriton, noticed,

Cucuel (C.), Essai sur la Langue d'Antiphon, noticed,
206b. f.

on Plato's Cratylus, noticed, 205b. f.

cults, conservatism of, 287b.

Gruppe on, lff.

Greek, 133ff., 164ff.

Roman, 307ff.

cum, constr. of in Cic., 2106.

Curtius (E.), Griech. Gesch. 18., noticed, 34a. ff.

II. noticed, 254b. f.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

notes on, 262b. f.

parallels from the Didascalia, 81b.

relation of to Hermas' Shepherd and Epistle of
Barnabas, 284a. ff.

and Tatian's Diatessaron, 287a.
theology of, 2836.

titles, and date of, 285b. ƒ.
Wohlenberg on, noticed, 286a. ff.
Didascalia (Battifol's), noticed, 81a. f.
parallels from the Didache, 816.
depós, note on, 179a. f.
digamma, in Homer, 174a.

symbol for in Pamphyl., 195a.
Bina, various kinds of, 246a. b.
dikaσral, number of, 255a.
SikaσThρia, rise of at Athens, ib.

Dimsdale (M. S.), Livy xxi. noticed, 214a.

Dio Cassius and Johannes of Antioch, 209a.

Diogenes Laertius, textual criticism of, 278a. f.
Dionysus, 164ff.

Dioscuri, 166a.

diphthongs, resolution of in Homer, 174a. f.
diurnalis = 'acre,' 261a.

Dius Fidius, 3096.

docimasia, kinds of, 2466.

doğá(w, N.T., Latin equivalents for, $136.

domus, decl. of, 273a., 274a.

Dowdall (L.), on kaßeúdeтe td λoiwóv, 325a.

Dräger (A.), Die Annalen des Tacitus, ed. 5, noticed,


dum, with pres. indic., 213a.

durare, transitive, ib.

δυσφρόνη = δυσφροσύνη, 242α. f.


e-stems, decl. of in early Italian, 1316. ƒƒ.
e, symbol for, at Sicyon, 196a.

early coinage in Greece, 11a., 34b., 35a.

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