PRINTED BY J. BARFIELD, WARDOUR-STREET, SOHO; AND SOLD BY B. J. HOLDSWORTH, ST. PAUL'S-CHURCH-YARD. 1825. THE PREFACE. In conducting to its close another series of our periodical contributions, we would offer, in the language of inspiration, our first acknowledgments to that divine Providence, to whose sacred guidance and fostering care, during its progress, we have been unmeasurably indebted. "Hitherto hath the Lord helped us." Our attention, also, is forcibly directed to the impressive fact, that, man is "not suffered to continue by reason of death." Some, who were the earliest friends and most able coadjutors in this labour of Christian charity, have, in the past year, been called to their heavenly reward, " that they may rest from their labours, and their works do follow them." But, successors, we hope, will not be wanting. Among those whose names appeared on our covers in the commencement of the year, some are but in the morning, and many in the meridian of their days; whose lives, we trust, will long remain a blessing to the church of God, and whose continued communications will enrich our pages, and edify our readers, when our efforts are for ever terminated. The paramount considerations in the management of this work, have been, the interests of truth and the benefit of the Widows; and to those who have cordially co-operated with us in promoting these objects, whether by their talents or their zeal, our warmest thanks are due. At the same time, without claiming for the Baptist Magazine a disputed rank among the periodicals of the day, we cannot resist the conviction, that, if it be allowed to excite the interest to which, on various accounts, it is justly entitled, the sale of its numbers will be considerably increased. In conclusion, we refer to the Prospectus of a New Series, for information as to improvements which are contemplated; and while we respectfully and earnestly invite the influence and assistance of the gifted and the pious, we continue to rely for success on that divine agency, whose "concurring operation is indispensable to the accomplishment of every good work. THE EDITORS., |