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" ... that we, with all those that are departed in the true faith of thy holy name, may have our perfect consummation and bliss, both in body and soul, in thy eternal and everlasting glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. "
The Orthodox churchman's magazine; or, A Treasury of divine and useful knowledge - Page 84
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The Canons of the Holy Apostles: The Greek Text as Orginally Printed in 1540 ...

1675 - 314 pages
...pavimeutum. /"4 Rant to such bodies as shall be here interred, that they with us, and we with them, may have our perfect consummation and bliss both in body and soul in thine everlasting Kingdom. Turn flexis genibus ante sacram Mensam pergit porro. Cl Rant that this place...
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A Confutation of Popery, In III Parts

Thomas Bennet - 1714 - 382 pages
...fhortly to accomplish the Number of thine E/e#, and to haften thy Kingdom ; that tblat we with all thofe that are departed in the true Faith of thy Holy Name, may have ear perfect confummation and Blifs, both in Body and Soul, in thy eternal and everlafting Glory, thro'...
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Dr. Brett's Vindication of Himself, from the Calumnies Thrown Upon Him in ...

Thomas Brett - 1715 - 454 pages
...befeech GOD that he will .(bortly actmplijh the Number of His Elctf, and haften tits Kingdom ; ibat we, WITH ALL THOSE THAT ARE DEPARTED IN THE TRUE FAITH OF HIS HOLY NAME, may have our perfeft Consummation, and Blifr both in. Body find Soul, in H/V Eternal...
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Fifty sermons on several subjects and occasions, Volume 2

Charles Wheatly - 1746 - 500 pages
...Jhortly to accomplijh the Number of thy Eleft, and to haften thy Kingdom ; that •we with all thofe that are departed in the true Faith of thy Holy Name, may have our perfeSl Confummation and Blifs, both in Body and Soul, in thy eternal and everlafting Kingdom^ through...
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Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Mr. William Whiston: Containing Memoirs ...

William Whiston - 1753 - 380 pages
...fhortly to accomplifh the number of thine elect, and to haften thy kingdom : that we, with all thofe that are departed in the true faith of thy holy Name, may have our perfect confummation and blifs, both in body and foul, in thy eternal and everlafting glory, thro' JefusChrift...
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Poems, Volume 4

Charles Churchill - 1765 - 256 pages accomplifh the number of thine elect, and to haften thy kingdom of Glory, that we, with all thofe that are departed in the true faith of thy holy name, may have our perfect confummation and blifs, both in body and foul, in thy eternal and everlafting glory, through Jefus...
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Charles Churchill - 1765 - 246 pages accomplifh the number of thine clect, and to haften thy kingdom of Glory, that we, with all thofe that are departed in the true faith of thy holy name, may have our perfect confummation and blifs, both in body and foul, in thy eternal and everlafting glory, through Jefus...
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An exposition on the Book of common prayer; with notes. [With] A companion ...

1765 - 500 pages
...accomplrfli the number of thine elect, and to hallen thy kingdom ; that we, with all thole that arc departed in the true faith of thy holy Name, may have our perfect confumation and blifs, both in body and foul, in thy eternal and evcrlalling glory, through Jetus Chrift...
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An exposition on the Book of common prayer; with notes. [With] A companion ...

1765 - 506 pages
...accomplish the number of thine cleft, and to haften thy kingdom ; that we, with all thole ihat .arc departed in. the true faith of thy holy Name, may have our perfeft confumation and blifs, both in body and foul, in thy eternal and everlaliing glory, through...
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A Collection of Sermons and Tracts ...: To which are Prefixed ..., Volume 2

John Gill - 1773 - 618 pages
...feems to favour the popiih notion of praying for the dead ; " befeeching— that we, with all thofe that are departed in the true faith of thy holy name, may have our perfeot confummation and blift, both in body and foul," ÖV. XL We * Matt. VUi. 21, 22. Aft viii. 2i...
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