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" Such an improvement of the doctrine of the enmity between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent... "
Historical and Biographical Works: Annals of the reformation. 1824 [v.8-13 ... - Page 469
de John Strype - 1824
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Sermons, and Other Discourses ...

Samuel Lavington - 1815 - 640 pages
...opposition to which the people of God are exposed: it is because the,y will not conform to the world. This enmity between " the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent" broke out in the infancy of time, and Jjas continued ever since; and Christians are not to think it...
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A Series of Discourses on the Leading Doctrines and Duties of ..., Volume 1

Alexander Proudfit - 1815 - 406 pages
...faithful followers of Christ, and conform to the false opinions, or sinful practices of the world. The war between "the seed of the woman, and the seed of the serpent" began in Paradise, and will continue until the consummation of all things, and therefore opposition...
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The History of the Waldenses: Connected with a Sketch of the ..., Volume 2

William Jones - 1816 - 586 pages
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The General Biographical Dictionary, Volume 30

Alexander Chalmers - 1816 - 520 pages
...beginning of Genesis to the end of the Revelation, the rise, progress, and issue, of the enmity and contest between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent, to the final breaking of the serpent's head, to the total and irrecoverable ruin of the monarchies...
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The Works of President Edwards, Volume 6

Jonathan Edwards - 1817 - 566 pages
...excelling others, in being good soldiers of Jesus Christ. Such an improvement of the doctrine of the enmity between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent, and of the necessity of persecution, becoming credible and customary, has a direct tendency to cause...
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A Historical Sketch of the Opinions on the Atonement ...: With Translations ...

James Renwick Willson - 1817 - 372 pages
...particularity of the first promise, made to our fallen ancestors in the garden of Eden; and the contrast between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent; and from its particular fulfilment in his posterity, as in the families of Noah, Abraham, and Israel;...
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The baptist Magazine

1819 - 594 pages
...took place in 1'rance, and even in our own country, are sufficient to convince us, that the original enmity between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent still continues; and that, were the fence of civil law which God has graciously placed around us, i...
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The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce: In Two Books : Also the Judgement of ...

John Milton - 1820 - 482 pages
...not to be, further than in expectation of gaining a soul; when that ceases, we know God hath put an enmity between the seed of the woman, and the seed of the serpent. Neither should we " love them that hate the Lord," as the prophet told Jehosaphat, 2 Chron. xix. And...
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The Evangelical Instructor: Designed for the Use of Schools and Families

1821 - 270 pages
...Christian eommunities. THE PERSECUTION OF THE CHURCH. THE import of that aneient deelaration, I will put enmity between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent, soon appeared. In the early settlement of Christianity, immediate war was waged against the ehureh...
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A guide to the study of history. [With] Tables

Guide - 1821 - 488 pages
...its members become one spirit with him. 1 Cor. vi. 17. Eph. v. 23-32. God promised that he would "put enmity between the seed of the woman, and the seed of the serpent ;" and • we- see the spirit of this enmity operating in Cain, " who was of that wicked one, and slew...
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