| New York Public Library - 1919 - 886 pages
...London, 1822. Aquatints. Page 184: Tom and Jerry in trouble after a spree. 248. Real life in London... Embellished and illustrated with a series of coloured prints designed and engraved by Messrs. Heath, Alken. Dighton, Rowlandson, &c. London, 1829-30. 2v. Aquatints. Vol. 1, title-page: Real Life... | |
 | Anderson Galleries, Inc - 1921 - 776 pages
...known to exist, having passed into Mr. Wise's possession from the Gillman family. 165. COLORED PLATES. Real Life in London ; or, the Rambles and Adventures...cousin The Hon. Tom. Dashall, through the Metropolis. Illustrated with 30 fullpage colored plates and engraved titles designed and engraved by Heath, Alken,... | |
 | Anderson Galleries, Inc - 1922 - 1092 pages
...Paddy." Colored plates by Alken and others. 8vo, full sprinkled calf (hinges cracked). London, 1829 38. Real Life in London ; or, The Rambles and Adventures of Bob Tallyho, and his Cousin, the lion. Tom Dashall, through the Metropolis, etc. With numerous colored plates by... | |
 | 1923 - 884 pages
...23, 1823 ed., $n ; Sotheby, July 3o, £2 los. ; Feb. 12, £3 5s. ; Hodgson, April 18, £4.] Egan (P.) Real Life in London, or the Rambles and Adventures...Characters, Manners and Amusements in High and Low Life, original ed., numerous col. plates by H. Alken, T. Rowlandson, R. Dighton, J. Heath and others (inscriptions... | |
 | Maggs Bros - 1817 - 720 pages
...Coloured Plates — continued. Egan (Pierce) — continued. UNCUT COPY, WITH SPECIMEN WRAPPERS. 559 Real Life in London: or, The Rambles and Adventures...Tallyho, Esq., and his cousin, the Hon. Tom Dashall, &c., through the' Metropolis;, exhibiting a living picture of fashionable characters, manners, and... | |
 | Pickering & Chatto - 1924 - 306 pages
...(12 pp.). In this volume CHARLES LAMB makes his first appearance in print. COLOURED ILLUSTRATIONS. 28 Real Life in London ; or, THE RAMBLES AND ADVENTURES...living Picture of Fashionable Characters, Manners, and Amusement of High and Low Life. By an Amateur. Embellished and Illustrated with a Series of Coloured... | |
 | Frank Siltzer - 1925 - 458 pages
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 | 1928 - 1094 pages
...7, $25 ; Ed. 1823 — Anderson Gall., Mar. 28, $55 and $25 ; Sotheby, Aug. 2, £14 ios.] Egan (P.) Real Life in London, or the Rambles and Adventures...Tallyho, Esq. and his cousin, the Hon. Tom Dashall ... by an Amateur, col. plates, a few imprints cut into, 2 vol., hf. cf., Jones &• Co., 1821-2, 8vo.... | |
 | Maggs Bros - 1930 - 448 pages
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