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" REAL LIFE IN LONDON : or, the Rambles and Adventures of Bob Tallyho, Esq., and his Cousin, The Hon. Tom Dashall. By an Amateur (Pierce Egan). With 31 Coloured Plates by Alken and Rowlandson, etc. "
Supplement to the Universal Catalogue of Books on Art: Compiled for the Use ... - Page 508
de National Art Library (Great Britain), Great Britain. Department of Science and Art - 1877 - 654 pages
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A Catalogue of Old and Rare Books

Pickering & Chatto - 1895 - 268 pages
...edges, covers at end, by RIVIERE, £7 7s The FIRST FDITION. edited by RS SURTEÏS. 1248 ALKEN (Henry) REAL LIFE IN LONDON, OR THE RAMBLES AND ADVENTURES OF BOB TALLYHO, ESQ., AND HIS COUSIN THE HON. Том DASHALL through the Metropolis, exhibiting a living picture of Fashionable Characters, Manners,...
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English Seamen: Howard, Clifford, Hawkins, Drake, Cavendish

Robert Southey - 1897 - 480 pages
...With numerous Designs on wood. 3s. 6</. net. Also a limited edition on large Japanese paper. 301. net. *REAL LIFE IN LONDON : or, the Rambles and Adventures...Tallyho, Esq., and his Cousin, The Hon. Tom Dashall. By an Amateur (Pierce Egan). With 31 Coloured Plato by Alken and Rowlandson, etc. Tu'O Volumes. 7s....
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The Life, Letters & Writings of John Davenant D.D., 1572-1641, Lord Bishop ...

Morris Joseph Fuller - 1897 - 632 pages
...With numerous Designs on Wood. 4*. 6rf. net. Also a limited edition on large Japanese paper. 501. net. REAL LIFE IN LONDON • or, the Rambles and Adventures...of Bob Tallyho, Esq.. and his Cousin. The Hon. Tom DashaU. By an Amateur (Pierce Egan). With 31 Coloured Plates by Alken and Rowlandson, etc. Ttve 1/olutnes....
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The Life, Letters & Writings of John Davenant D.D., 1572-1641, Lord Bishop ...

Morris Joseph Fuller - 1897 - 632 pages
...numerous Design* on Wood. *.. . 64. net. Also a limited edition on large Japanese paper. 30*. net. REAL LIFE IN LONDON : or, the Rambles and Adventures of Bob Tallyho, Esq., and bis Cousin. The Hon. Tom DashalL By an Amateur (Pierce Hfan). With -;i Coloured PUtes by Alkeo and...
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Annals of Westminster School ...

John Sargeaunt - 1898 - 432 pages
...Tom. By Pierce Egan. With 36 Coloured Plates by L R. and G. C:uikshank. With numerous Designs on Wood. REAL LIFE IN LONDON : or, the Rambles and Adventures...Tallyho, Esq., and his Cousin, The Hon. Tom Dashall. By an Amateur (Pierce Egan). With 31 Coloured Plates by Alken and Rowlandson, etc. Ttvo Volumes. THE...
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A History of Egypt Under Roman Rule

Joseph Grafton Milne - 1898 - 326 pages
...Tom. By Pierce Egan. With 36 Coloured Plates by IR and G. Cruikshank. With numerous Designs on Wood. REAL LIFE IN LONDON : or, the Rambles and Adventures...Tallyho, Esq., and his Cousin, The Hon. Tom Dashall. By an Amateur (Pierce Egan). With 31 Coloured Plates by Alken and Rowlandson, etc. Two Volumes. THE...
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Syria and Egypt: From the Tell El Amarna Letters

William Matthew Flinders Petrie - 1898 - 262 pages
...By Pierce Egan. With 36 Coloured Plates by I> R. and G. Cruikshank. With numerous Designs on Wood. REAL LIFE IN LONDON : or, the Rambles and Adventures...Tallyho, Esq., and his Cousin, The Hon. Tom Dashall. By an Amateur (Pierce Egan). With 31 Coloured Plates by Alken and Rowlandson, etc. Two Volumes. THE...
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University and Social Settlements

Will Reason - 1898 - 260 pages
...With numerous Designs on Wood. 3*. 6d, net. Also a limited edition on large Japanese paper. 30*. net. *REAL LIFE IN LONDON : or, the Rambles and Adventures...Tallyho, Esq., and his Cousin, The Hon. Tom Dashall. By an Amateur (Pierce Egan). With 31 Coloured Plates by Alken and Rowlandson, etc. Two Volumes. 7s....
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Doctrine and Development: University Sermons

Hastings Rashdall - 1898 - 366 pages
...36 Coloured ,Plates by IR and G. CRUIKSHANK. With numerous designs on wood. Fcap. Bva 4s. 6d. net. REAL LIFE IN LONDON, OR THE RAMBLES AND ADVENTURES...TALLYHO, ESQ., AND HIS COUSIN, the Hon. TOM DASHALL. With 31 Coloured Plates by ALKEM and ROWLANDSON, etc. Two Volumes. Fcap. Bvo. oJ. net. Edition. With...
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Religion and Conscience in Ancient Egypt: Lectures Delivered at University ...

William Matthew Flinders Petrie - 1898 - 222 pages
...Tom. By Pierce Egan. With 36 Coloured Plates by IR and G. Cruikshank. With numerous Designs on Wood. REAL LIFE IN LONDON : or, the Rambles and Adventures...Tallyho, Esq., and his Cousin, The Hon. Tom Dashall. By an COLOURED BOOKS — continued. Amateur(Pierce Egan). With 31 Coloured Plates by Atken and Rowlandson,...
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